from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._vendor import requests from import (url_to_path, unpack_url) from pip.exceptions import (InstallationError, BestVersionAlreadyInstalled, DistributionNotFound, PreviousBuildDirError) from pip.locations import (PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME, build_prefix) from pip.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip.utils import (display_path, rmtree, dist_in_usersite, _make_build_dir, normalize_path) from pip.utils.logging import indent_log from pip.vcs import vcs from pip.wheel import wheel_ext logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Requirements(object): def __init__(self): self._keys = [] self._dict = {} def keys(self): return self._keys def values(self): return [self._dict[key] for key in self._keys] def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._keys def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self._keys: self._keys.append(key) self._dict[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self._dict[key] def __repr__(self): values = ['%s: %s' % (repr(k), repr(self[k])) for k in self.keys()] return 'Requirements({%s})' % ', '.join(values) class RequirementSet(object): def __init__(self, build_dir, src_dir, download_dir, upgrade=False, ignore_installed=False, as_egg=False, target_dir=None, ignore_dependencies=False, force_reinstall=False, use_user_site=False, session=None, pycompile=True, isolated=False, wheel_download_dir=None): if session is None: raise TypeError( "RequirementSet() missing 1 required keyword argument: " "'session'" ) self.build_dir = build_dir self.src_dir = src_dir self.download_dir = download_dir self.upgrade = upgrade self.ignore_installed = ignore_installed self.force_reinstall = force_reinstall self.requirements = Requirements() # Mapping of alias: real_name self.requirement_aliases = {} self.unnamed_requirements = [] self.ignore_dependencies = ignore_dependencies self.successfully_downloaded = [] self.successfully_installed = [] self.reqs_to_cleanup = [] self.as_egg = as_egg self.use_user_site = use_user_site self.target_dir = target_dir # set from --target option self.session = session self.pycompile = pycompile self.isolated = isolated if wheel_download_dir: wheel_download_dir = normalize_path(wheel_download_dir) self.wheel_download_dir = wheel_download_dir def __str__(self): reqs = [req for req in self.requirements.values() if not req.comes_from] reqs.sort(key=lambda req: return ' '.join([str(req.req) for req in reqs]) def add_requirement(self, install_req): if not install_req.match_markers(): logger.debug("Ignore %s: markers %r don't match",, install_req.markers) return name = install_req.as_egg = self.as_egg install_req.use_user_site = self.use_user_site install_req.target_dir = self.target_dir install_req.pycompile = self.pycompile if not name: # url or path requirement w/o an egg fragment self.unnamed_requirements.append(install_req) else: if self.has_requirement(name): raise InstallationError( 'Double requirement given: %s (already in %s, name=%r)' % (install_req, self.get_requirement(name), name)) self.requirements[name] = install_req # FIXME: what about other normalizations? E.g., _ vs. -? if name.lower() != name: self.requirement_aliases[name.lower()] = name def has_requirement(self, project_name): for name in project_name, project_name.lower(): if name in self.requirements or name in self.requirement_aliases: return True return False @property def has_requirements(self): return list(self.requirements.values()) or self.unnamed_requirements @property def is_download(self): if self.download_dir: self.download_dir = os.path.expanduser(self.download_dir) if os.path.exists(self.download_dir): return True else: logger.critical('Could not find download directory') raise InstallationError( "Could not find or access download directory '%s'" % display_path(self.download_dir)) return False def get_requirement(self, project_name): for name in project_name, project_name.lower(): if name in self.requirements: return self.requirements[name] if name in self.requirement_aliases: return self.requirements[self.requirement_aliases[name]] raise KeyError("No project with the name %r" % project_name) def uninstall(self, auto_confirm=False): for req in self.requirements.values(): req.uninstall(auto_confirm=auto_confirm) req.commit_uninstall() def locate_files(self): # FIXME: duplicates code from prepare_files; relevant code should # probably be factored out into a separate method unnamed = list(self.unnamed_requirements) reqs = list(self.requirements.values()) while reqs or unnamed: if unnamed: req_to_install = unnamed.pop(0) else: req_to_install = reqs.pop(0) install_needed = True if not self.ignore_installed and not req_to_install.editable: req_to_install.check_if_exists() if req_to_install.satisfied_by: if self.upgrade: # don't uninstall conflict if user install and # conflict is not user install if not (self.use_user_site and not dist_in_usersite( req_to_install.satisfied_by )): req_to_install.conflicts_with = \ req_to_install.satisfied_by req_to_install.satisfied_by = None else: install_needed = False if req_to_install.satisfied_by: 'Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to ' 'upgrade): %s', req_to_install, ) if req_to_install.editable: if req_to_install.source_dir is None: req_to_install.source_dir = req_to_install.build_location( self.src_dir ) elif install_needed: req_to_install.source_dir = req_to_install.build_location( self.build_dir, ) if (req_to_install.source_dir is not None and not os.path.isdir(req_to_install.source_dir)): raise InstallationError( 'Could not install requirement %s because source folder %s' ' does not exist (perhaps --no-download was used without ' 'first running an equivalent install with --no-install?)' % (req_to_install, req_to_install.source_dir) ) def prepare_files(self, finder): """ Prepare process. Create temp directories, download and/or unpack files. """ from pip.index import Link unnamed = list(self.unnamed_requirements) reqs = list(self.requirements.values()) while reqs or unnamed: if unnamed: req_to_install = unnamed.pop(0) else: req_to_install = reqs.pop(0) install = True best_installed = False not_found = None # ############################################# # # # Search for archive to fulfill requirement # # # ############################################# # if not self.ignore_installed and not req_to_install.editable: req_to_install.check_if_exists() if req_to_install.satisfied_by: if self.upgrade: if not self.force_reinstall and not req_to_install.url: try: url = finder.find_requirement( req_to_install, self.upgrade) except BestVersionAlreadyInstalled: best_installed = True install = False except DistributionNotFound as exc: not_found = exc else: # Avoid the need to call find_requirement again req_to_install.url = url.url if not best_installed: # don't uninstall conflict if user install and # conflict is not user install if not (self.use_user_site and not dist_in_usersite( req_to_install.satisfied_by )): req_to_install.conflicts_with = \ req_to_install.satisfied_by req_to_install.satisfied_by = None else: install = False if req_to_install.satisfied_by: if best_installed: 'Requirement already up-to-date: %s', req_to_install, ) else: 'Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to ' 'upgrade): %s', req_to_install, ) if req_to_install.editable:'Obtaining %s', req_to_install) elif install: if (req_to_install.url and req_to_install.url.lower().startswith('file:')): path = url_to_path(req_to_install.url)'Processing %s', display_path(path)) else:'Collecting %s', req_to_install) with indent_log(): # ################################ # # # vcs update or unpack archive # # # ################################ # is_wheel = False if req_to_install.editable: if req_to_install.source_dir is None: location = req_to_install.build_location(self.src_dir) req_to_install.source_dir = location else: location = req_to_install.source_dir if not os.path.exists(self.build_dir): _make_build_dir(self.build_dir) req_to_install.update_editable(not self.is_download) if self.is_download: req_to_install.run_egg_info() req_to_install.archive(self.download_dir) else: req_to_install.run_egg_info() elif install: # @@ if filesystem packages are not marked # editable in a req, a non deterministic error # occurs when the script attempts to unpack the # build directory # NB: This call can result in the creation of a temporary # build directory location = req_to_install.build_location( self.build_dir, ) unpack = True url = None # If a checkout exists, it's unwise to keep going. version # inconsistencies are logged later, but do not fail the # installation. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, '')): raise PreviousBuildDirError( "pip can't proceed with requirements '%s' due to a" " pre-existing build directory (%s). This is " "likely due to a previous installation that failed" ". pip is being responsible and not assuming it " "can delete this. Please delete it and try again." % (req_to_install, location) ) else: # FIXME: this won't upgrade when there's an existing # package unpacked in `location` if req_to_install.url is None: if not_found: raise not_found url = finder.find_requirement( req_to_install, upgrade=self.upgrade, ) else: # FIXME: should req_to_install.url already be a # link? url = Link(req_to_install.url) assert url if url: try: if ( url.filename.endswith(wheel_ext) and self.wheel_download_dir ): # when doing 'pip wheel` download_dir = self.wheel_download_dir do_download = True else: download_dir = self.download_dir do_download = self.is_download unpack_url( url, location, download_dir, do_download, session=self.session, ) except requests.HTTPError as exc: logger.critical( 'Could not install requirement %s because ' 'of error %s', req_to_install, exc, ) raise InstallationError( 'Could not install requirement %s because ' 'of HTTP error %s for URL %s' % (req_to_install, exc, url) ) else: unpack = False if unpack: is_wheel = url and url.filename.endswith(wheel_ext) if self.is_download: req_to_install.source_dir = location if not is_wheel: # FIXME: req_to_install.run_egg_info() if url and url.scheme in vcs.all_schemes: req_to_install.archive(self.download_dir) elif is_wheel: req_to_install.source_dir = location req_to_install.url = url.url else: req_to_install.source_dir = location req_to_install.run_egg_info() req_to_install.assert_source_matches_version() # req_to_install.req is only avail after unpack for URL # pkgs repeat check_if_exists to uninstall-on-upgrade # (#14) if not self.ignore_installed: req_to_install.check_if_exists() if req_to_install.satisfied_by: if self.upgrade or self.ignore_installed: # don't uninstall conflict if user install and # conflict is not user install if not (self.use_user_site and not dist_in_usersite( req_to_install.satisfied_by)): req_to_install.conflicts_with = \ req_to_install.satisfied_by req_to_install.satisfied_by = None else: 'Requirement already satisfied (use ' '--upgrade to upgrade): %s', req_to_install, ) install = False # ###################### # # # parse dependencies # # # ###################### # if (req_to_install.extras): logger.debug( "Installing extra requirements: %r", ','.join(req_to_install.extras), ) if is_wheel: dist = list( pkg_resources.find_distributions(location) )[0] else: # sdists if req_to_install.satisfied_by: dist = req_to_install.satisfied_by else: dist = req_to_install.get_dist() # FIXME: shouldn't be globally added: if dist.has_metadata('dependency_links.txt'): finder.add_dependency_links( dist.get_metadata_lines('dependency_links.txt') ) if not self.ignore_dependencies: for subreq in dist.requires( req_to_install.extras): if self.has_requirement( subreq.project_name): # FIXME: check for conflict continue subreq = InstallRequirement( str(subreq), req_to_install, isolated=self.isolated, ) reqs.append(subreq) self.add_requirement(subreq) if not self.has_requirement( # 'unnamed' requirements will get added here self.add_requirement(req_to_install) # cleanup tmp src if (self.is_download or req_to_install._temp_build_dir is not None): self.reqs_to_cleanup.append(req_to_install) if install: self.successfully_downloaded.append(req_to_install) def cleanup_files(self): """Clean up files, remove builds.""" logger.debug('Cleaning up...') with indent_log(): for req in self.reqs_to_cleanup: req.remove_temporary_source() if self._pip_has_created_build_dir(): logger.debug('Removing temporary dir %s...', self.build_dir) rmtree(self.build_dir) def _pip_has_created_build_dir(self): return ( self.build_dir == build_prefix and os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.build_dir, PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME) ) ) def install(self, install_options, global_options=(), *args, **kwargs): """ Install everything in this set (after having downloaded and unpacked the packages) """ to_install = [r for r in self.requirements.values()[::-1] if not r.satisfied_by] # DISTRIBUTE TO SETUPTOOLS UPGRADE HACK (1 of 3 parts) # move the distribute-0.7.X wrapper to the end because it does not # install a setuptools package. by moving it to the end, we ensure it's # setuptools dependency is handled first, which will provide the # setuptools package # TODO: take this out later distribute_req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse("distribute>=0.7") for req in to_install: if ( == 'distribute' and req.installed_version is not None and req.installed_version in distribute_req): to_install.remove(req) to_install.append(req) if to_install: 'Installing collected packages: %s', ', '.join([ for req in to_install]), ) with indent_log(): for requirement in to_install: # DISTRIBUTE TO SETUPTOOLS UPGRADE HACK (1 of 3 parts) # when upgrading from distribute-0.6.X to the new merged # setuptools in py2, we need to force setuptools to uninstall # distribute. In py3, which is always using distribute, this # conversion is already happening in distribute's # pkg_resources. It's ok *not* to check if setuptools>=0.7 # because if someone were actually trying to ugrade from # distribute to setuptools 0.6.X, then all this could do is # actually help, although that upgade path was certainly never # "supported" # TODO: remove this later if == 'setuptools': try: # only uninstall distribute<0.7. For >=0.7, setuptools # will also be present, and that's what we need to # uninstall distribute_requirement = \ pkg_resources.Requirement.parse("distribute<0.7") existing_distribute = \ pkg_resources.get_distribution("distribute") if existing_distribute in distribute_requirement: requirement.conflicts_with = existing_distribute except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: # distribute wasn't installed, so nothing to do pass if requirement.conflicts_with: 'Found existing installation: %s', requirement.conflicts_with, ) with indent_log(): requirement.uninstall(auto_confirm=True) try: requirement.install( install_options, global_options, *args, **kwargs ) except: # if install did not succeed, rollback previous uninstall if (requirement.conflicts_with and not requirement.install_succeeded): requirement.rollback_uninstall() raise else: if (requirement.conflicts_with and requirement.install_succeeded): requirement.commit_uninstall() requirement.remove_temporary_source() self.successfully_installed = to_install