import copy from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from direct.showbase import AppRunnerGlobal from direct.showbase import DirectObject from direct.showbase import PythonUtil import os from pandac.PandaModules import * import re import sys import token import tokenize import BlinkingArrows from otp.speedchat import SpeedChatGlobals from import DistributedBlackCatMgr from import * from toontown.suit import Suit from toontown.suit import SuitDNA from toontown.toon import ToonHeadFrame from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.toonbase import ToontownBattleGlobals notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('QuestParser') lineDict = {} globalVarDict = {} curId = None FLOAT = re.compile(r'[+-]?\d+[.]\d*([e][+-]\d+)?') def init(): globalVarDict.update({'render': render, 'camera': camera, 'hidden': hidden, 'aspect2d': aspect2d, 'localToon': base.localAvatar, 'laffMeter': base.localAvatar.laffMeter, 'inventory': base.localAvatar.inventory, 'bFriendsList': base.localAvatar.bFriendsList, 'book':, 'bookPrevArrow':, 'bookNextArrow':, 'bookOpenButton':, 'bookCloseButton':, 'chatNormalButton': base.localAvatar.chatMgr.normalButton, 'chatScButton': base.localAvatar.chatMgr.scButton, 'arrows': BlinkingArrows.BlinkingArrows()}) def clear(): globalVarDict.clear() def readFile(filename): global curId scriptFile = StreamReader(vfs.openReadFile(filename, 1), 1) def readline(): return scriptFile.readline().replace('\r', '') gen = tokenize.generate_tokens(readline) line = getLineOfTokens(gen) while line is not None: if line == []: line = getLineOfTokens(gen) continue if line[0] == 'ID': parseId(line) elif curId is None: notify.error('Every script must begin with an ID') else: lineDict[curId].append(line) line = getLineOfTokens(gen) return def getLineOfTokens(gen): tokens = [] nextNeg = 0 try: token = except StopIteration: return None if token[0] == tokenize.ENDMARKER: return None while token[0] != tokenize.NEWLINE and token[0] != tokenize.NL: if token[0] == tokenize.COMMENT: pass elif token[0] == tokenize.OP and token[1] == '-': nextNeg = 1 elif token[0] == tokenize.NUMBER: if re.match(FLOAT, token[1]): number = float(token[1]) else: number = int(token[1]) if nextNeg: tokens.append(-number) nextNeg = 0 else: tokens.append(number) elif token[0] == tokenize.STRING: tokens.append(eval(token[1])) elif token[0] == tokenize.NAME: tokens.append(token[1]) else: notify.warning('Ignored token type: %s on line: %s' % (tokenize.tok_name[token[0]], token[2][0])) try: token = except StopIteration: break return tokens def parseId(line): global curId curId = line[1] notify.debug('Setting current scriptId to: %s' % curId) if questDefined(curId): notify.error('Already defined scriptId: %s' % curId) else: lineDict[curId] = [] def questDefined(scriptId): return scriptId in lineDict class NPCMoviePlayer(DirectObject.DirectObject): def __init__(self, scriptId, toon, npc): DirectObject.DirectObject.__init__(self) self.scriptId = scriptId self.toon = toon self.isLocalToon = self.toon == base.localAvatar self.npc = npc self.privateVarDict = {} self.toonHeads = {} self.uniqueId = 'scriptMovie_' + str(self.scriptId) + '_' + str(toon.getDoId()) + '_' + str(npc.getDoId()) self.setVar('toon', self.toon) self.setVar('npc', self.npc) self.chapterDict = {} self.timeoutTrack = None self.currentTrack = None return def getVar(self, varName): if varName in self.privateVarDict: return self.privateVarDict[varName] elif varName in globalVarDict: return globalVarDict[varName] elif varName.find('tomDialogue') > -1 or varName.find('harryDialogue') > -1: notify.warning('%s getting referenced. Tutorial Ack: %d Place: %s' % (varName, base.localAvatar.tutorialAck, return None else: notify.error('Variable not defined: %s' % varName) return None def delVar(self, varName): if varName in self.privateVarDict: del self.privateVarDict[varName] elif varName in globalVarDict: del globalVarDict[varName] else: notify.warning('Variable not defined: %s' % varName) def setVar(self, varName, var): self.privateVarDict[varName] = var def cleanup(self): if self.currentTrack: self.currentTrack.pause() self.currentTrack = None self.ignoreAll() taskMgr.remove(self.uniqueId) for toonHeadFrame in self.toonHeads.values(): toonHeadFrame.destroy() del self.toonHeads del self.privateVarDict del self.chapterDict del self.toon del self.npc del self.timeoutTrack return def timeout(self, fFinish = 0): if self.timeoutTrack: if fFinish: self.timeoutTrack.finish() else: self.timeoutTrack.start() def finishMovie(self): self.npc.finishMovie(self.toon, self.isLocalToon, 0.0) def playNextChapter(self, eventName, timeStamp = 0.0): trackList = self.chapterDict[eventName] if trackList: self.currentTrack = trackList.pop(0) self.currentTrack.start() else: notify.debug('Movie ended waiting for an event (%s)' % eventName) def play(self): lineNum = 0 self.currentEvent = 'start' lines = lineDict.get(self.scriptId) if lines is None: notify.error('No movie defined for scriptId: %s' % self.scriptId) chapterList = [] timeoutList = [] for line in lines: lineNum += 1 command = line[0] if command == 'UPON_TIMEOUT': uponTimeout = 1 iList = timeoutList line = line[1:] command = line[0] else: uponTimeout = 0 iList = chapterList if command == 'CALL': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CALL not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') iList.append(self.parseCall(line)) continue elif command == 'DEBUG': iList.append(self.parseDebug(line)) continue elif command == 'WAIT': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('WAIT not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') iList.append(self.parseWait(line)) continue elif command == 'CHAT': iList.append(self.parseChat(line)) continue elif command == 'CLEAR_CHAT': iList.append(self.parseClearChat(line)) continue elif command == 'FINISH_QUEST_MOVIE': chapterList.append(Func(self.finishMovie)) continue elif command == 'CHAT_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('CHAT_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseChatConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('LOCAL_CHAT_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseLocalChatConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_PERSIST': iList.append(self.parseLocalChatPersist(line)) continue elif command == 'LOCAL_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('LOCAL_CHAT_TO_CONFIRM not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) nextEvent = avatar.uniqueName('doneChatPage') iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parseLocalChatToConfirm(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent continue if self.isLocalToon: if command == 'LOAD': self.parseLoad(line) elif command == 'LOAD_SFX': self.parseLoadSfx(line) elif command == 'LOAD_SUIT': self.parseLoadSuit(line) elif command == 'SET': self.parseSet(line) elif command == 'LOCK_LOCALTOON': iList.append(self.parseLockLocalToon(line)) elif command == 'FREE_LOCALTOON': iList.append(self.parseFreeLocalToon(line)) elif command == 'REPARENTTO': iList.append(self.parseReparent(line)) elif command == 'WRTREPARENTTO': iList.append(self.parseWrtReparent(line)) elif command == 'SHOW': iList.append(self.parseShow(line)) elif command == 'HIDE': iList.append(self.parseHide(line)) elif command == 'POS': iList.append(self.parsePos(line)) elif command == 'HPR': iList.append(self.parseHpr(line)) elif command == 'SCALE': iList.append(self.parseScale(line)) elif command == 'POSHPRSCALE': iList.append(self.parsePosHprScale(line)) elif command == 'COLOR': iList.append(self.parseColor(line)) elif command == 'COLOR_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseColorScale(line)) elif command == 'ADD_LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseAddLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_LAFFMETER': iList.append(self.parseObscureLaffMeter(line)) elif command == 'ARROWS_ON': iList.append(self.parseArrowsOn(line)) elif command == 'ARROWS_OFF': iList.append(self.parseArrowsOff(line)) elif command == 'START_THROB': iList.append(self.parseStartThrob(line)) elif command == 'STOP_THROB': iList.append(self.parseStopThrob(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_FRIENDS_LIST': iList.append(self.parseShowFriendsList(line)) elif command == 'HIDE_FRIENDS_LIST': iList.append(self.parseHideFriendsList(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseShowBook(line)) elif command == 'HIDE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseHideBook(line)) elif command == 'ENABLE_CLOSE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseEnableCloseBook(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_BOOK': iList.append(self.parseObscureBook(line)) elif command == 'OBSCURE_CHAT': iList.append(self.parseObscureChat(line)) elif command == 'ADD_INVENTORY': iList.append(self.parseAddInventory(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY': iList.append(self.parseSetInventory(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY_YPOS': iList.append(self.parseSetInventoryYPos(line)) elif command == 'SET_INVENTORY_DETAIL': iList.append(self.parseSetInventoryDetail(line)) elif command == 'PLAY_SFX': iList.append(self.parsePlaySfx(line)) elif command == 'STOP_SFX': iList.append(self.parseStopSfx(line)) elif command == 'PLAY_ANIM': iList.append(self.parsePlayAnim(line)) elif command == 'LOOP_ANIM': iList.append(self.parseLoopAnim(line)) elif command == 'LERP_POS': iList.append(self.parseLerpPos(line)) elif command == 'LERP_HPR': iList.append(self.parseLerpHpr(line)) elif command == 'LERP_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpScale(line)) elif command == 'LERP_POSHPRSCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpPosHprScale(line)) elif command == 'LERP_COLOR': iList.append(self.parseLerpColor(line)) elif command == 'LERP_COLOR_SCALE': iList.append(self.parseLerpColorScale(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_WRITE_ON': iList.append(self.parseDepthWriteOn(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_WRITE_OFF': iList.append(self.parseDepthWriteOff(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_TEST_ON': iList.append(self.parseDepthTestOn(line)) elif command == 'DEPTH_TEST_OFF': iList.append(self.parseDepthTestOff(line)) elif command == 'SET_BIN': iList.append(self.parseSetBin(line)) elif command == 'CLEAR_BIN': iList.append(self.parseClearBin(line)) elif command == 'TOON_HEAD': iList.append(self.parseToonHead(line)) elif command == 'SEND_EVENT': iList.append(self.parseSendEvent(line)) elif command == 'FUNCTION': iList.append(self.parseFunction(line)) elif command == 'BLACK_CAT_LISTEN': iList.append(self.parseBlackCatListen(line)) elif command == 'SHOW_PREVIEW': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('SHOW_PREVIEW not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') nextEvent = 'donePreview' iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, self.playNextChapter, [nextEvent])) iList.append(self.parsePreview(line)) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent elif command == 'WAIT_EVENT': if uponTimeout: self.notify.error('WAIT_EVENT not allowed in an UPON_TIMEOUT') nextEvent = self.parseWaitEvent(line) def proceed(self = self, nextEvent = nextEvent): self.playNextChapter(nextEvent) def handleEvent(*args): proceed = args[0] proceed() iList.append(Func(self.acceptOnce, nextEvent, handleEvent, [proceed])) self.closePreviousChapter(iList) chapterList = [] self.currentEvent = nextEvent else: notify.warning('Unknown command token: %s for scriptId: %s on line: %s' % (command, self.scriptId, lineNum)) self.closePreviousChapter(chapterList) if timeoutList: self.timeoutTrack = Sequence(*timeoutList) self.playNextChapter('start') return def closePreviousChapter(self, iList): trackList = self.chapterDict.setdefault(self.currentEvent, []) trackList.append(Sequence(*iList)) def parseLoad(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, varName, modelPath = line node = loader.loadModel(modelPath.replace('"', '')) elif len(line) == 4: token, varName, modelPath, subNodeName = line node = loader.loadModel(modelPath.replace('"', '')).find('**/' + subNodeName) else: notify.error('invalid parseLoad command') self.setVar(varName, node) def parseLoadSfx(self, line): token, varName, fileName = line sfx = base.loadSfx(fileName) self.setVar(varName, sfx) def parseLoadSuit(self, line): token, name, suitType = line suit = Suit.Suit() dna = SuitDNA.SuitDNA() dna.newSuit(suitType) suit.setDNA(dna) self.setVar(name, suit) def parseSet(self, line): token, varName, value = line self.setVar(varName, value) def parseCall(self, line): token, scriptId = line nmp = NPCMoviePlayer(scriptId, self.toon, self.npc) return Func( def parseLockLocalToon(self, line): return Sequence(Func(self.toon.detachCamera), Func(self.toon.collisionsOff), Func(self.toon.disableAvatarControls), Func(self.toon.stopTrackAnimToSpeed), Func(self.toon.stopUpdateSmartCamera)) def parseFreeLocalToon(self, line): return Sequence(Func(self.toon.attachCamera), Func(self.toon.startTrackAnimToSpeed), Func(self.toon.collisionsOn), Func(self.toon.enableAvatarControls), Func(self.toon.startUpdateSmartCamera)) def parseDebug(self, line): token, str = line return Func(notify.debug, str) def parseReparent(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName = line subNodeName = None elif len(line) == 4: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName, subNodeName = line childNode = self.getVar(childNodeName) if subNodeName: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName).find(subNodeName) else: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName) return ParentInterval(childNode, parentNode) def parseWrtReparent(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName = line subNodeName = None elif len(line) == 4: token, childNodeName, parentNodeName, subNodeName = line childNode = self.getVar(childNodeName) if subNodeName: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName).find(subNodeName) else: parentNode = self.getVar(parentNodeName) return WrtParentInterval(childNode, parentNode) def parseShow(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func( def parseHide(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.hide) def parsePos(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setPos, x, y, z) def parseHpr(self, line): token, nodeName, h, p, r = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setHpr, h, p, r) def parseScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setScale, x, y, z) def parsePosHprScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setPosHprScale, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz) def parseColor(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setColor, r, g, b, a) def parseColorScale(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Func(node.setColorScale, r, g, b, a) def parseWait(self, line): token, waitTime = line return Wait(waitTime) def parseChat(self, line): toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) chatFlags = CFSpeech | CFTimeout quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) if extraChatFlags: chatFlags |= extraChatFlags if len(dialogueList) > 0: dialogue = dialogueList[0] else: dialogue = None return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, chatString, chatFlags, dialogue) def parseClearChat(self, line): toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatFlags = CFSpeech | CFTimeout return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, '', chatFlags) def parseExtraChatArgs(self, args): quitButton = 0 extraChatFlags = None dialogueList = [] for arg in args: if type(arg) == type(0): quitButton = arg elif type(arg) == type(''): if len(arg) > 2 and arg[:2] == 'CF': extraChatFlags = eval(arg) else: dialogueList.append(self.getVar(arg)) else: pass #notify.error('invalid argument type') return (quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseChatConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) toonId = self.toon.getDoId() avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) return Func(avatar.setPageChat, toonId, 0, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseLocalChatConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parseLocalChatPersist(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarName = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[2]) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[3:]) if len(dialogueList) > 0: dialogue = dialogueList[0] else: dialogue = None return Func(avatar.setChatAbsolute, chatString, CFSpeech, dialogue) def parseLocalChatToConfirm(self, line): lineLength = len(line) avatarKey = line[1] avatar = self.getVar(avatarKey) toAvatarKey = line[2] toAvatar = self.getVar(toAvatarKey) localizerAvatarName = toAvatar.getName().capitalize() toAvatarName = eval('TTLocalizer.' + localizerAvatarName) chatString = eval('TTLocalizer.' + line[3]) chatString = chatString.replace('%s', toAvatarName) quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList = self.parseExtraChatArgs(line[4:]) return Func(avatar.setLocalPageChat, chatString, quitButton, extraChatFlags, dialogueList) def parsePlaySfx(self, line): if len(line) == 2: token, sfxName = line looping = 0 elif len(line) == 3: token, sfxName, looping = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') sfx = self.getVar(sfxName) return Func(base.playSfx, sfx, looping) def parseStopSfx(self, line): token, sfxName = line sfx = self.getVar(sfxName) return Func(sfx.stop) def parsePlayAnim(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, actorName, animName = line playRate = 1.0 elif len(line) == 4: token, actorName, animName, playRate = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') actor = self.getVar(actorName) return Sequence(Func(actor.setPlayRate, playRate, animName), Func(, animName)) def parseLoopAnim(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, actorName, animName = line playRate = 1.0 elif len(line) == 4: token, actorName, animName, playRate = line else: notify.error('invalid number of arguments') actor = self.getVar(actorName) return Sequence(Func(actor.setPlayRate, playRate, animName), Func(actor.loop, animName)) def parseLerpPos(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpPosInterval(node, t, Point3(x, y, z), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpHpr(self, line): token, nodeName, h, p, r, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpHprInterval(node, t, VBase3(h, p, r), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpScaleInterval(node, t, VBase3(x, y, z), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpPosHprScale(self, line): token, nodeName, x, y, z, h, p, r, sx, sy, sz, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpPosHprScaleInterval(node, t, VBase3(x, y, z), VBase3(h, p, r), VBase3(sx, sy, sz), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpColor(self, line): token, nodeName, sr, sg, sb, sa, er, eg, eb, ea, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpColorInterval(node, t, VBase4(er, eg, eb, ea), startColorScale=VBase4(sr, sg, sb, sa), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseLerpColorScale(self, line): token, nodeName, sr, sg, sb, sa, er, eg, eb, ea, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t, VBase4(er, eg, eb, ea), startColorScale=VBase4(sr, sg, sb, sa), blendType='easeInOut'), duration=0.0) def parseDepthWriteOn(self, line): token, nodeName, depthWrite = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setDepthWrite, depthWrite)) def parseDepthWriteOff(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearDepthWrite)) def parseDepthTestOn(self, line): token, nodeName, depthTest = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setDepthTest, depthTest)) def parseDepthTestOff(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearDepthTest)) def parseSetBin(self, line): if len(line) == 3: token, nodeName, binName = line sortOrder = 0 else: token, nodeName, binName, sortOrder = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.setBin, binName, sortOrder)) def parseClearBin(self, line): token, nodeName = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) return Sequence(Func(node.clearBin)) def parseWaitEvent(self, line): token, eventName = line return eventName def parseSendEvent(self, line): token, eventName = line return Func(messenger.send, eventName) def parseFunction(self, line): token, objectName, functionName = line object = self.getVar(objectName) cfunc = compile('object' + '.' + functionName, '', 'eval') return Func(eval(cfunc)) def parseAddLaffMeter(self, line): token, maxHpDelta = line newMaxHp = maxHpDelta + self.toon.getMaxHp() newHp = newMaxHp laffMeter = self.getVar('laffMeter') return Func(laffMeter.adjustFace, newHp, newMaxHp) def parseLaffMeter(self, line): token, newHp, newMaxHp = line laffMeter = self.getVar('laffMeter') return Func(laffMeter.adjustFace, newHp, newMaxHp) def parseObscureLaffMeter(self, line): token, val = line return Func(self.toon.laffMeter.obscure, val) def parseAddInventory(self, line): token, track, level, number = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') countSound = base.loadSfx('phase_3.5/audio/sfx/tick_counter.ogg') return Sequence(Func(base.playSfx, countSound), Func(inventory.buttonBoing, track, level), Func(inventory.addItems, track, level, number), Func(inventory.updateGUI, track, level)) def parseSetInventory(self, line): token, track, level, number = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') return Sequence(Func(inventory.setItem, track, level, number), Func(inventory.updateGUI, track, level)) def parseSetInventoryYPos(self, line): token, track, level, yPos = line inventory = self.getVar('inventory') button = inventory.buttons[track][level].stateNodePath[0] text = button.find('**/+TextNode') return Sequence(Func(text.setY, yPos)) def parseSetInventoryDetail(self, line): if len(line) == 2: token, val = line elif len(line) == 4: token, val, track, level = line else: notify.error('invalid line for parseSetInventoryDetail: %s' % line) inventory = self.getVar('inventory') if val == -1: return Func(inventory.noDetail) elif val == 0: return Func(inventory.hideDetail) elif val == 1: return Func(inventory.showDetail, track, level) else: notify.error('invalid inventory detail level: %s' % val) def parseShowFriendsList(self, line): from toontown.friends import FriendsListPanel return Func(FriendsListPanel.showFriendsListTutorial) def parseHideFriendsList(self, line): from toontown.friends import FriendsListPanel return Func(FriendsListPanel.hideFriendsListTutorial) def parseShowBook(self, line): return Sequence(Func(, self.toon.mapPage), Func(, Func( def parseEnableCloseBook(self, line): return Sequence(Func( def parseHideBook(self, line): return Func( def parseObscureBook(self, line): token, val = line return Func(, val) def parseObscureChat(self, line): token, val0, val1 = line return Func(self.toon.chatMgr.obscure, val0, val1) def parseArrowsOn(self, line): arrows = self.getVar('arrows') token, x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2 = line return Func(arrows.arrowsOn, x1, y1, h1, x2, y2, h2) def parseArrowsOff(self, line): arrows = self.getVar('arrows') return Func(arrows.arrowsOff) def parseStartThrob(self, line): token, nodeName, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, a2, t = line node = self.getVar(nodeName) startCScale = Point4(r, g, b, a) destCScale = Point4(r2, g2, b2, a2) self.throbIval = Sequence(LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t / 2.0, destCScale, startColorScale=startCScale, blendType='easeInOut'), LerpColorScaleInterval(node, t / 2.0, startCScale, startColorScale=destCScale, blendType='easeInOut')) return Func(self.throbIval.loop) def parseStopThrob(self, line): return Func(self.throbIval.finish) def parseToonHead(self, line): if len(line) == 5: token, toonName, x, z, toggle = line scale = 1.0 else: token, toonName, x, z, toggle, scale = line toon = self.getVar(toonName) toonId = toon.getDoId() toonHeadFrame = self.toonHeads.get(toonId) if not toonHeadFrame: toonHeadFrame = ToonHeadFrame.ToonHeadFrame(toon) toonHeadFrame.tag1Node toonHeadFrame.hide() self.toonHeads[toonId] = toonHeadFrame self.setVar('%sToonHead' % toonName, toonHeadFrame) if toggle: return Sequence(Func(toonHeadFrame.setPos, x, 0, z), Func(toonHeadFrame.setScale, scale), Func( else: return Func(toonHeadFrame.hide) def parseToonHeadScale(self, line): token, toonName, scale = line toon = self.getVar(toonName) toonId = toon.getDoId() toonHeadFrame = self.toonHeads.get(toonId) return Func(toonHeadFrame.setScale, scale) def parseBlackCatListen(self, line): token, enable = line if enable: def phraseSaid(phraseId): toontastic = 315 if phraseId == toontastic: messenger.send('DistributedBlackCatMgr-activate') def enableBlackCatListen(): self.acceptOnce(SpeedChatGlobals.SCStaticTextMsgEvent, phraseSaid) return Func(enableBlackCatListen) else: def disableBlackCatListen(): self.ignore(SpeedChatGlobals.SCStaticTextMsgEvent) return Func(disableBlackCatListen) def parsePreview(self, line): self.oldTrackAccess = None def grabCurTrackAccess(): self.oldTrackAccess = copy.deepcopy(base.localAvatar.getTrackAccess()) def restoreTrackAccess(): base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess(self.oldTrackAccess) minGagLevel = ToontownBattleGlobals.MIN_LEVEL_INDEX + 1 maxGagLevel = ToontownBattleGlobals.MAX_LEVEL_INDEX + 1 curGagLevel = minGagLevel def updateGagLevel(t, curGagLevel = curGagLevel): newGagLevel = int(round(t)) if newGagLevel == curGagLevel: return curGagLevel = newGagLevel access = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in xrange(len(self.oldTrackAccess)): access[i] = curGagLevel if self.oldTrackAccess[i] > 0 else 0 base.localAvatar.setTrackAccess(access) return Sequence(Func(grabCurTrackAccess), LerpFunctionInterval(updateGagLevel, fromData=1, toData=7, duration=0.3), WaitInterval(3.5), LerpFunctionInterval(updateGagLevel, fromData=7, toData=1, duration=0.3), Func(restoreTrackAccess), Func(messenger.send, 'donePreview')) searchPath = DSearchPath() if __debug__: searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('../resources/phase_3/etc')) searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('resources/phase_3/etc')) searchPath.appendDirectory(Filename('/phase_3/etc')) scriptFile = Filename('QuestScripts.txt') found = vfs.resolveFilename(scriptFile, searchPath) if not found: notify.error('Could not find QuestScripts.txt file') readFile(scriptFile)