1412101896 2 2 13 libp3mathutil 4 LL_p 12 panda3d.core 647 774 5 clear 0 4 1423 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > >::clear 0 1 13 0 80 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > >::clear(void); 775 6 output 0 4 1423 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > >::output 0 1 14 0 88 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > >::output(ostream &out) const; 776 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1422 52 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3d >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 68 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3d >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 777 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1421 53 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 1 2 3 0 312 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 778 4 size 0 4 1421 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::size 0 1 4 0 73 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::size(void) const; 779 11 get_element 0 4 1421 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_element 0 1 5 0 94 inline LMatrix3d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 780 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1421 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getitem__ 0 1 6 0 94 inline LMatrix3d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 781 8 get_data 0 4 1421 42 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_data 0 1 7 0 85 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_data(void) const; 782 11 get_subdata 0 4 1421 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_subdata 0 1 8 0 118 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 783 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1421 47 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_ref_count 0 1 9 0 73 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 784 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1421 52 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 10 0 78 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 785 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1421 47 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 11 0 104 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 786 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1421 51 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 12 0 98 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 787 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1421 54 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 63 ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 788 5 clear 0 4 1427 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > >::clear 0 1 27 0 80 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > >::clear(void); 789 6 output 0 4 1427 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > >::output 0 1 28 0 88 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > >::output(ostream &out) const; 790 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1426 52 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3f >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 68 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3f >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 791 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1425 53 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 15 16 17 0 312 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 792 4 size 0 4 1425 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::size 0 1 18 0 73 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::size(void) const; 793 11 get_element 0 4 1425 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_element 0 1 19 0 94 inline LMatrix3f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 794 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1425 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getitem__ 0 1 20 0 94 inline LMatrix3f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 795 8 get_data 0 4 1425 42 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_data 0 1 21 0 85 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_data(void) const; 796 11 get_subdata 0 4 1425 45 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_subdata 0 1 22 0 118 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 797 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1425 47 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_ref_count 0 1 23 0 73 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 798 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1425 52 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 24 0 78 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 799 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1425 47 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 25 0 104 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 800 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1425 51 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 26 0 98 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 801 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1425 54 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 63 ::ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 802 5 clear 0 4 1430 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > >::clear 0 1 41 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > >::clear(void); 803 6 output 0 4 1430 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > >::output 0 1 42 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > >::output(ostream &out) const; 804 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1429 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2d >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2d >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 805 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1428 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 29 30 31 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 806 4 size 0 4 1428 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::size 0 1 32 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::size(void) const; 807 11 get_element 0 4 1428 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_element 0 1 33 0 96 inline LVecBase2d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 808 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1428 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getitem__ 0 1 34 0 96 inline LVecBase2d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 809 8 get_data 0 4 1428 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_data 0 1 35 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_data(void) const; 810 11 get_subdata 0 4 1428 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_subdata 0 1 36 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 811 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1428 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_ref_count 0 1 37 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 812 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1428 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 38 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 813 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1428 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 39 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 814 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1428 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 40 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 815 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1428 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 816 5 clear 0 4 1433 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > >::clear 0 1 55 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > >::clear(void); 817 6 output 0 4 1433 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > >::output 0 1 56 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > >::output(ostream &out) const; 818 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1432 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2f >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2f >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 819 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1431 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 43 44 45 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 820 4 size 0 4 1431 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::size 0 1 46 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::size(void) const; 821 11 get_element 0 4 1431 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_element 0 1 47 0 96 inline LVecBase2f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 822 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1431 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getitem__ 0 1 48 0 96 inline LVecBase2f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 823 8 get_data 0 4 1431 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_data 0 1 49 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_data(void) const; 824 11 get_subdata 0 4 1431 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_subdata 0 1 50 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 825 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1431 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_ref_count 0 1 51 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 826 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1431 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 52 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 827 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1431 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 53 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 828 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1431 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 54 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 829 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1431 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 830 5 clear 0 4 1436 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > >::clear 0 1 69 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > >::clear(void); 831 6 output 0 4 1436 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > >::output 0 1 70 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > >::output(ostream &out) const; 832 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1435 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2i >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2i >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 833 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1434 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 57 58 59 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 834 4 size 0 4 1434 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::size 0 1 60 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::size(void) const; 835 11 get_element 0 4 1434 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_element 0 1 61 0 96 inline LVecBase2i const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 836 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1434 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getitem__ 0 1 62 0 96 inline LVecBase2i const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 837 8 get_data 0 4 1434 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_data 0 1 63 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_data(void) const; 838 11 get_subdata 0 4 1434 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_subdata 0 1 64 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 839 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1434 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_ref_count 0 1 65 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 840 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1434 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 66 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 841 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1434 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 67 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 842 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1434 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 68 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 843 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1434 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 844 5 clear 0 4 1439 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > >::clear 0 1 83 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > >::clear(void); 845 6 output 0 4 1439 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > >::output 0 1 84 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > >::output(ostream &out) const; 846 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1438 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3d >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3d >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 847 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1437 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 71 72 73 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 848 4 size 0 4 1437 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::size 0 1 74 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::size(void) const; 849 11 get_element 0 4 1437 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_element 0 1 75 0 96 inline LVecBase3d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 850 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1437 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getitem__ 0 1 76 0 96 inline LVecBase3d const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 851 8 get_data 0 4 1437 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_data 0 1 77 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_data(void) const; 852 11 get_subdata 0 4 1437 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_subdata 0 1 78 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 853 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1437 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_ref_count 0 1 79 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 854 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1437 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 80 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 855 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1437 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 81 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 856 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1437 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 82 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 857 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1437 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 858 5 clear 0 4 1442 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > >::clear 0 1 97 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > >::clear(void); 859 6 output 0 4 1442 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > >::output 0 1 98 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > >::output(ostream &out) const; 860 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1441 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3f >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3f >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 861 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1440 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 85 86 87 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 862 4 size 0 4 1440 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::size 0 1 88 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::size(void) const; 863 11 get_element 0 4 1440 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_element 0 1 89 0 96 inline LVecBase3f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 864 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1440 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getitem__ 0 1 90 0 96 inline LVecBase3f const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 865 8 get_data 0 4 1440 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_data 0 1 91 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_data(void) const; 866 11 get_subdata 0 4 1440 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_subdata 0 1 92 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 867 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1440 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_ref_count 0 1 93 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 868 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1440 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 94 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 869 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1440 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 95 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 870 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1440 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 96 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 871 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1440 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 872 5 clear 0 4 1445 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > >::clear 0 1 111 0 81 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > >::clear(void); 873 6 output 0 4 1445 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > >::output 0 1 112 0 89 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > >::output(ostream &out) const; 874 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1444 53 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3i >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 69 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3i >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 875 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1443 54 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 99 100 101 0 317 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 876 4 size 0 4 1443 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::size 0 1 102 0 74 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::size(void) const; 877 11 get_element 0 4 1443 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_element 0 1 103 0 96 inline LVecBase3i const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 878 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1443 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getitem__ 0 1 104 0 96 inline LVecBase3i const &::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 879 8 get_data 0 4 1443 43 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_data 0 1 105 0 86 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_data(void) const; 880 11 get_subdata 0 4 1443 46 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_subdata 0 1 106 0 119 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 881 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1443 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_ref_count 0 1 107 0 74 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 882 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1443 53 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 108 0 79 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 883 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1443 48 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 109 0 105 int ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 884 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1443 52 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 110 0 99 void ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 885 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1443 55 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 64 ::ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 886 5 clear 0 4 1448 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > >::clear 0 1 125 0 89 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > >::clear(void); 887 6 output 0 4 1448 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > >::output 0 1 126 0 97 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > >::output(ostream &out) const; 888 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1447 61 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 77 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 889 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1446 62 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 113 114 115 0 357 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 890 4 size 0 4 1446 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::size 0 1 116 0 82 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::size(void) const; 891 11 get_element 0 4 1446 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_element 0 1 117 0 112 inline UnalignedLMatrix4d const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 892 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1446 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getitem__ 0 1 118 0 112 inline UnalignedLMatrix4d const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 893 8 get_data 0 4 1446 51 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_data 0 1 119 0 94 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_data(void) const; 894 11 get_subdata 0 4 1446 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_subdata 0 1 120 0 127 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 895 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1446 56 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_ref_count 0 1 121 0 82 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 896 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1446 61 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 122 0 87 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 897 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1446 56 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 123 0 113 int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 898 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1446 60 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 124 0 107 void ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 899 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1446 63 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 72 ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 900 5 clear 0 4 1451 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > >::clear 0 1 139 0 89 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > >::clear(void); 901 6 output 0 4 1451 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > >::output 0 1 140 0 97 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > >::output(ostream &out) const; 902 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1450 61 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 77 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 903 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1449 62 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 127 128 129 0 357 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 904 4 size 0 4 1449 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::size 0 1 130 0 82 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::size(void) const; 905 11 get_element 0 4 1449 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_element 0 1 131 0 112 inline UnalignedLMatrix4f const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 906 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1449 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getitem__ 0 1 132 0 112 inline UnalignedLMatrix4f const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 907 8 get_data 0 4 1449 51 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_data 0 1 133 0 94 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_data(void) const; 908 11 get_subdata 0 4 1449 54 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_subdata 0 1 134 0 127 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 909 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1449 56 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_ref_count 0 1 135 0 82 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 910 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1449 61 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 136 0 87 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 911 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1449 56 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 137 0 113 int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 912 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1449 60 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 138 0 107 void ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 913 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1449 63 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 72 ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 914 5 clear 0 4 1454 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > >::clear 0 1 153 0 90 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > >::clear(void); 915 6 output 0 4 1454 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > >::output 0 1 154 0 98 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > >::output(ostream &out) const; 916 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1453 62 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 78 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 917 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1452 63 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 141 142 143 0 362 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 918 4 size 0 4 1452 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::size 0 1 144 0 83 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::size(void) const; 919 11 get_element 0 4 1452 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_element 0 1 145 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4d const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 920 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1452 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getitem__ 0 1 146 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4d const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 921 8 get_data 0 4 1452 52 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_data 0 1 147 0 95 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_data(void) const; 922 11 get_subdata 0 4 1452 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_subdata 0 1 148 0 128 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 923 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1452 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_ref_count 0 1 149 0 83 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 924 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1452 62 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 150 0 88 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 925 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1452 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 151 0 114 int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 926 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1452 61 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 152 0 108 void ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 927 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1452 64 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 73 ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 928 5 clear 0 4 1457 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > >::clear 0 1 167 0 90 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > >::clear(void); 929 6 output 0 4 1457 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > >::output 0 1 168 0 98 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > >::output(ostream &out) const; 930 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1456 62 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 78 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 931 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1455 63 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 155 156 157 0 362 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 932 4 size 0 4 1455 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::size 0 1 158 0 83 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::size(void) const; 933 11 get_element 0 4 1455 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_element 0 1 159 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4f const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 934 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1455 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getitem__ 0 1 160 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4f const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 935 8 get_data 0 4 1455 52 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_data 0 1 161 0 95 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_data(void) const; 936 11 get_subdata 0 4 1455 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_subdata 0 1 162 0 128 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 937 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1455 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_ref_count 0 1 163 0 83 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 938 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1455 62 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 164 0 88 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 939 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1455 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 165 0 114 int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 940 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1455 61 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 166 0 108 void ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 941 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1455 64 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 73 ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 942 5 clear 0 4 1460 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > >::clear 0 1 181 0 90 inline void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > >::clear(void); 943 6 output 0 4 1460 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > >::output 0 1 182 0 98 void ::PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > >::output(ostream &out) const; 944 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1459 62 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0 78 inline ::PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~PointerToArrayBase(void); 945 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1458 63 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::ConstPointerToArray 0 3 169 170 171 0 362 inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const ©); inline ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::ConstPointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 946 4 size 0 4 1458 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::size 0 1 172 0 83 inline unsigned int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::size(void) const; 947 11 get_element 0 4 1458 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_element 0 1 173 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4i const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 948 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1458 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getitem__ 0 1 174 0 114 inline UnalignedLVecBase4i const &::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 949 8 get_data 0 4 1458 52 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_data 0 1 175 0 95 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_data(void) const; 950 11 get_subdata 0 4 1458 55 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_subdata 0 1 176 0 128 inline basic_string< char > ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 951 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1458 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_ref_count 0 1 177 0 83 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 952 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1458 62 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 178 0 88 inline int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 953 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1458 57 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 179 0 114 int ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const; 954 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1458 61 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 180 0 108 void ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 955 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1458 64 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0 73 ::ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~ConstPointerToArray(void); 956 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1461 43 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::PointerToArray 0 4 183 184 185 186 0 300 inline ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LMatrix3d const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 957 11 empty_array 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::empty_array 0 2 187 188 0 172 static inline PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LMatrix3d const *)(0))))); 958 4 size 0 4 1461 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::size 0 1 189 0 68 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::size(void) const; 959 9 push_back 0 4 1461 38 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::push_back 0 1 190 0 73 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::push_back(LMatrix3d const &x); 960 8 pop_back 0 4 1461 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::pop_back 0 1 191 0 58 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::pop_back(void); 961 11 get_element 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_element 0 1 192 0 89 inline LMatrix3d const &::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 962 11 set_element 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_element 0 1 193 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_element(unsigned int n, LMatrix3d const &value); 963 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getitem__ 0 1 194 0 89 inline LMatrix3d const &::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 964 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__setitem__ 0 1 195 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LMatrix3d const &value); 965 8 get_data 0 4 1461 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_data 0 1 196 0 80 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_data(void) const; 966 8 set_data 0 4 1461 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_data 0 1 197 0 86 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 967 11 get_subdata 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_subdata 0 1 198 0 113 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 968 11 set_subdata 0 4 1461 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_subdata 0 1 199 0 125 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 969 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1461 42 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_ref_count 0 1 200 0 68 inline int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 970 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1461 47 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 201 0 73 inline int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 971 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1461 42 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 202 0 93 int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 972 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1461 46 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 203 0 93 void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 973 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1461 44 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 53 ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3d >::~PointerToArray(void); 974 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1462 43 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::PointerToArray 0 4 204 205 206 207 0 300 inline ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LMatrix3f const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 975 11 empty_array 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::empty_array 0 2 208 209 0 172 static inline PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LMatrix3f const *)(0))))); 976 4 size 0 4 1462 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::size 0 1 210 0 68 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::size(void) const; 977 9 push_back 0 4 1462 38 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::push_back 0 1 211 0 73 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::push_back(LMatrix3f const &x); 978 8 pop_back 0 4 1462 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::pop_back 0 1 212 0 58 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::pop_back(void); 979 11 get_element 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_element 0 1 213 0 89 inline LMatrix3f const &::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 980 11 set_element 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_element 0 1 214 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_element(unsigned int n, LMatrix3f const &value); 981 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getitem__ 0 1 215 0 89 inline LMatrix3f const &::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 982 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__setitem__ 0 1 216 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LMatrix3f const &value); 983 8 get_data 0 4 1462 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_data 0 1 217 0 80 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_data(void) const; 984 8 set_data 0 4 1462 37 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_data 0 1 218 0 86 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 985 11 get_subdata 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_subdata 0 1 219 0 113 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 986 11 set_subdata 0 4 1462 40 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_subdata 0 1 220 0 125 inline void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 987 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1462 42 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_ref_count 0 1 221 0 68 inline int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 988 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1462 47 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 222 0 73 inline int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 989 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1462 42 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 223 0 93 int ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 990 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1462 46 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 224 0 93 void ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 991 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1462 44 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 53 ::PointerToArray< LMatrix3f >::~PointerToArray(void); 992 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1463 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::PointerToArray 0 4 225 226 227 228 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2d const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 993 11 empty_array 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::empty_array 0 2 229 230 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2d const *)(0))))); 994 4 size 0 4 1463 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::size 0 1 231 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::size(void) const; 995 9 push_back 0 4 1463 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::push_back 0 1 232 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::push_back(LVecBase2d const &x); 996 8 pop_back 0 4 1463 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::pop_back 0 1 233 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::pop_back(void); 997 11 get_element 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_element 0 1 234 0 91 inline LVecBase2d const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 998 11 set_element 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_element 0 1 235 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase2d const &value); 999 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getitem__ 0 1 236 0 91 inline LVecBase2d const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1000 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__setitem__ 0 1 237 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase2d const &value); 1001 8 get_data 0 4 1463 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_data 0 1 238 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_data(void) const; 1002 8 set_data 0 4 1463 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_data 0 1 239 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1003 11 get_subdata 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_subdata 0 1 240 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1004 11 set_subdata 0 4 1463 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_subdata 0 1 241 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1005 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1463 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_ref_count 0 1 242 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1006 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1463 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 243 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1007 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1463 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 244 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1008 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1463 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 245 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1009 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1463 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2d >::~PointerToArray(void); 1010 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1464 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::PointerToArray 0 4 246 247 248 249 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2f const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1011 11 empty_array 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::empty_array 0 2 250 251 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2f const *)(0))))); 1012 4 size 0 4 1464 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::size 0 1 252 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::size(void) const; 1013 9 push_back 0 4 1464 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::push_back 0 1 253 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::push_back(LVecBase2f const &x); 1014 8 pop_back 0 4 1464 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::pop_back 0 1 254 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::pop_back(void); 1015 11 get_element 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_element 0 1 255 0 91 inline LVecBase2f const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1016 11 set_element 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_element 0 1 256 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase2f const &value); 1017 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getitem__ 0 1 257 0 91 inline LVecBase2f const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1018 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__setitem__ 0 1 258 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase2f const &value); 1019 8 get_data 0 4 1464 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_data 0 1 259 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_data(void) const; 1020 8 set_data 0 4 1464 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_data 0 1 260 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1021 11 get_subdata 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_subdata 0 1 261 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1022 11 set_subdata 0 4 1464 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_subdata 0 1 262 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1023 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1464 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_ref_count 0 1 263 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1024 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1464 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 264 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1025 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1464 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 265 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1026 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1464 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 266 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1027 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1464 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2f >::~PointerToArray(void); 1028 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1465 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::PointerToArray 0 4 267 268 269 270 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2i const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1029 11 empty_array 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::empty_array 0 2 271 272 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase2i const *)(0))))); 1030 4 size 0 4 1465 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::size 0 1 273 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::size(void) const; 1031 9 push_back 0 4 1465 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::push_back 0 1 274 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::push_back(LVecBase2i const &x); 1032 8 pop_back 0 4 1465 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::pop_back 0 1 275 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::pop_back(void); 1033 11 get_element 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_element 0 1 276 0 91 inline LVecBase2i const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1034 11 set_element 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_element 0 1 277 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase2i const &value); 1035 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getitem__ 0 1 278 0 91 inline LVecBase2i const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1036 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__setitem__ 0 1 279 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase2i const &value); 1037 8 get_data 0 4 1465 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_data 0 1 280 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_data(void) const; 1038 8 set_data 0 4 1465 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_data 0 1 281 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1039 11 get_subdata 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_subdata 0 1 282 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1040 11 set_subdata 0 4 1465 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_subdata 0 1 283 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1041 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1465 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_ref_count 0 1 284 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1042 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1465 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 285 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1043 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1465 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 286 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1044 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1465 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 287 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1045 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1465 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase2i >::~PointerToArray(void); 1046 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1466 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::PointerToArray 0 4 288 289 290 291 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3d const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1047 11 empty_array 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::empty_array 0 2 292 293 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3d const *)(0))))); 1048 4 size 0 4 1466 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::size 0 1 294 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::size(void) const; 1049 9 push_back 0 4 1466 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::push_back 0 1 295 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::push_back(LVecBase3d const &x); 1050 8 pop_back 0 4 1466 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::pop_back 0 1 296 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::pop_back(void); 1051 11 get_element 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_element 0 1 297 0 91 inline LVecBase3d const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1052 11 set_element 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_element 0 1 298 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase3d const &value); 1053 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getitem__ 0 1 299 0 91 inline LVecBase3d const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1054 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__setitem__ 0 1 300 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase3d const &value); 1055 8 get_data 0 4 1466 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_data 0 1 301 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_data(void) const; 1056 8 set_data 0 4 1466 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_data 0 1 302 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1057 11 get_subdata 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_subdata 0 1 303 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1058 11 set_subdata 0 4 1466 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_subdata 0 1 304 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1059 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1466 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_ref_count 0 1 305 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1060 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1466 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 306 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1061 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1466 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 307 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1062 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1466 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 308 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1063 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1466 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3d >::~PointerToArray(void); 1064 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1467 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::PointerToArray 0 4 309 310 311 312 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3f const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1065 11 empty_array 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::empty_array 0 2 313 314 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3f const *)(0))))); 1066 4 size 0 4 1467 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::size 0 1 315 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::size(void) const; 1067 9 push_back 0 4 1467 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::push_back 0 1 316 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::push_back(LVecBase3f const &x); 1068 8 pop_back 0 4 1467 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::pop_back 0 1 317 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::pop_back(void); 1069 11 get_element 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_element 0 1 318 0 91 inline LVecBase3f const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1070 11 set_element 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_element 0 1 319 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase3f const &value); 1071 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getitem__ 0 1 320 0 91 inline LVecBase3f const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1072 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__setitem__ 0 1 321 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase3f const &value); 1073 8 get_data 0 4 1467 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_data 0 1 322 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_data(void) const; 1074 8 set_data 0 4 1467 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_data 0 1 323 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1075 11 get_subdata 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_subdata 0 1 324 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1076 11 set_subdata 0 4 1467 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_subdata 0 1 325 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1077 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1467 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_ref_count 0 1 326 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1078 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1467 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 327 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1079 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1467 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 328 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1080 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1467 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 329 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1081 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1467 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3f >::~PointerToArray(void); 1082 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1468 44 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::PointerToArray 0 4 330 331 332 333 0 305 inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3i const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const ©); ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1083 11 empty_array 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::empty_array 0 2 334 335 0 175 static inline PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((LVecBase3i const *)(0))))); 1084 4 size 0 4 1468 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::size 0 1 336 0 69 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::size(void) const; 1085 9 push_back 0 4 1468 39 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::push_back 0 1 337 0 75 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::push_back(LVecBase3i const &x); 1086 8 pop_back 0 4 1468 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::pop_back 0 1 338 0 59 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::pop_back(void); 1087 11 get_element 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_element 0 1 339 0 91 inline LVecBase3i const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1088 11 set_element 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_element 0 1 340 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_element(unsigned int n, LVecBase3i const &value); 1089 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getitem__ 0 1 341 0 91 inline LVecBase3i const &::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1090 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__setitem__ 0 1 342 0 97 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, LVecBase3i const &value); 1091 8 get_data 0 4 1468 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_data 0 1 343 0 81 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_data(void) const; 1092 8 set_data 0 4 1468 38 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_data 0 1 344 0 87 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1093 11 get_subdata 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_subdata 0 1 345 0 114 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1094 11 set_subdata 0 4 1468 41 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_subdata 0 1 346 0 126 inline void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1095 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1468 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_ref_count 0 1 347 0 69 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1096 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1468 48 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 348 0 74 inline int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1097 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1468 43 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 349 0 94 int ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1098 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1468 47 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 350 0 94 void ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1099 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1468 45 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 54 ::PointerToArray< LVecBase3i >::~PointerToArray(void); 1100 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1469 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::PointerToArray 0 4 351 352 353 354 0 345 inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLMatrix4d const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const ©); ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1101 11 empty_array 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::empty_array 0 2 355 356 0 199 static inline PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLMatrix4d const *)(0))))); 1102 4 size 0 4 1469 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::size 0 1 357 0 77 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::size(void) const; 1103 9 push_back 0 4 1469 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::push_back 0 1 358 0 91 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::push_back(UnalignedLMatrix4d const &x); 1104 8 pop_back 0 4 1469 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::pop_back 0 1 359 0 67 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::pop_back(void); 1105 11 get_element 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_element 0 1 360 0 107 inline UnalignedLMatrix4d const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1106 11 set_element 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_element 0 1 361 0 113 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_element(unsigned int n, UnalignedLMatrix4d const &value); 1107 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getitem__ 0 1 362 0 107 inline UnalignedLMatrix4d const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1108 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__setitem__ 0 1 363 0 113 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, UnalignedLMatrix4d const &value); 1109 8 get_data 0 4 1469 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_data 0 1 364 0 89 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_data(void) const; 1110 8 set_data 0 4 1469 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_data 0 1 365 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1111 11 get_subdata 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_subdata 0 1 366 0 122 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1112 11 set_subdata 0 4 1469 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_subdata 0 1 367 0 134 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1113 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1469 51 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_ref_count 0 1 368 0 77 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1114 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1469 56 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 369 0 82 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1115 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1469 51 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 370 0 102 int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1116 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1469 55 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 371 0 102 void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1117 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1469 53 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 62 ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d >::~PointerToArray(void); 1118 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1470 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::PointerToArray 0 4 372 373 374 375 0 345 inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLMatrix4f const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const ©); ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1119 11 empty_array 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::empty_array 0 2 376 377 0 199 static inline PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLMatrix4f const *)(0))))); 1120 4 size 0 4 1470 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::size 0 1 378 0 77 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::size(void) const; 1121 9 push_back 0 4 1470 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::push_back 0 1 379 0 91 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::push_back(UnalignedLMatrix4f const &x); 1122 8 pop_back 0 4 1470 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::pop_back 0 1 380 0 67 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::pop_back(void); 1123 11 get_element 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_element 0 1 381 0 107 inline UnalignedLMatrix4f const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1124 11 set_element 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_element 0 1 382 0 113 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_element(unsigned int n, UnalignedLMatrix4f const &value); 1125 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getitem__ 0 1 383 0 107 inline UnalignedLMatrix4f const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1126 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__setitem__ 0 1 384 0 113 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, UnalignedLMatrix4f const &value); 1127 8 get_data 0 4 1470 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_data 0 1 385 0 89 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_data(void) const; 1128 8 set_data 0 4 1470 46 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_data 0 1 386 0 95 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1129 11 get_subdata 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_subdata 0 1 387 0 122 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1130 11 set_subdata 0 4 1470 49 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_subdata 0 1 388 0 134 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1131 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1470 51 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_ref_count 0 1 389 0 77 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1132 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1470 56 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 390 0 82 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1133 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1470 51 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 391 0 102 int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1134 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1470 55 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 392 0 102 void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1135 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1470 53 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 62 ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f >::~PointerToArray(void); 1136 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1471 53 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::PointerToArray 0 4 393 394 395 396 0 350 inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4d const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const ©); ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1137 11 empty_array 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::empty_array 0 2 397 398 0 202 static inline PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4d const *)(0))))); 1138 4 size 0 4 1471 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::size 0 1 399 0 78 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::size(void) const; 1139 9 push_back 0 4 1471 48 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::push_back 0 1 400 0 93 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::push_back(UnalignedLVecBase4d const &x); 1140 8 pop_back 0 4 1471 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::pop_back 0 1 401 0 68 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::pop_back(void); 1141 11 get_element 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_element 0 1 402 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4d const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1142 11 set_element 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_element 0 1 403 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_element(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4d const &value); 1143 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getitem__ 0 1 404 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4d const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1144 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__setitem__ 0 1 405 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4d const &value); 1145 8 get_data 0 4 1471 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_data 0 1 406 0 90 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_data(void) const; 1146 8 set_data 0 4 1471 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_data 0 1 407 0 96 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1147 11 get_subdata 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_subdata 0 1 408 0 123 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1148 11 set_subdata 0 4 1471 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_subdata 0 1 409 0 135 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1149 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1471 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_ref_count 0 1 410 0 78 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1150 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1471 57 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 411 0 83 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1151 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1471 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 412 0 103 int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1152 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1471 56 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 413 0 103 void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1153 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1471 54 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 63 ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d >::~PointerToArray(void); 1154 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1472 53 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::PointerToArray 0 4 414 415 416 417 0 350 inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4f const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const ©); ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1155 11 empty_array 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::empty_array 0 2 418 419 0 202 static inline PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4f const *)(0))))); 1156 4 size 0 4 1472 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::size 0 1 420 0 78 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::size(void) const; 1157 9 push_back 0 4 1472 48 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::push_back 0 1 421 0 93 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::push_back(UnalignedLVecBase4f const &x); 1158 8 pop_back 0 4 1472 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::pop_back 0 1 422 0 68 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::pop_back(void); 1159 11 get_element 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_element 0 1 423 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4f const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1160 11 set_element 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_element 0 1 424 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_element(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4f const &value); 1161 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getitem__ 0 1 425 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4f const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1162 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__setitem__ 0 1 426 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4f const &value); 1163 8 get_data 0 4 1472 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_data 0 1 427 0 90 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_data(void) const; 1164 8 set_data 0 4 1472 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_data 0 1 428 0 96 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1165 11 get_subdata 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_subdata 0 1 429 0 123 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1166 11 set_subdata 0 4 1472 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_subdata 0 1 430 0 135 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1167 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1472 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_ref_count 0 1 431 0 78 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1168 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1472 57 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 432 0 83 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1169 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1472 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 433 0 103 int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1170 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1472 56 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 434 0 103 void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1171 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1472 54 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 63 ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f >::~PointerToArray(void); 1172 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1473 53 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::PointerToArray 0 4 435 436 437 438 0 350 inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4i const *)(0))))); inline ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const ©); ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source); 1173 11 empty_array 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::empty_array 0 2 439 440 0 202 static inline PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::empty_array(unsigned int n, TypeHandle type_handle = ((_get_type_handle((UnalignedLVecBase4i const *)(0))))); 1174 4 size 0 4 1473 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::size 0 1 441 0 78 inline unsigned int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::size(void) const; 1175 9 push_back 0 4 1473 48 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::push_back 0 1 442 0 93 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::push_back(UnalignedLVecBase4i const &x); 1176 8 pop_back 0 4 1473 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::pop_back 0 1 443 0 68 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::pop_back(void); 1177 11 get_element 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_element 0 1 444 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4i const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_element(unsigned int n) const; 1178 11 set_element 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_element 0 1 445 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_element(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4i const &value); 1179 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getitem__ 0 1 446 0 109 inline UnalignedLVecBase4i const &::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getitem__(unsigned int n) const; 1180 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__setitem__ 0 1 447 0 115 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__setitem__(unsigned int n, UnalignedLVecBase4i const &value); 1181 8 get_data 0 4 1473 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_data 0 1 448 0 90 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_data(void) const; 1182 8 set_data 0 4 1473 47 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_data 0 1 449 0 96 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_data(basic_string< char > const &data); 1183 11 get_subdata 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_subdata 0 1 450 0 123 inline basic_string< char > ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count) const; 1184 11 set_subdata 0 4 1473 50 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_subdata 0 1 451 0 135 inline void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::set_subdata(unsigned int n, unsigned int count, basic_string< char > const &data); 1185 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1473 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_ref_count 0 1 452 0 78 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_ref_count(void) const; 1186 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1473 57 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 453 0 83 inline int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::get_node_ref_count(void) const; 1187 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1473 52 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 454 0 103 int ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags); 1188 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1473 56 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 455 0 103 void ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const; 1189 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1473 54 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0 63 ::PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i >::~PointerToArray(void); 1190 9 make_copy 0 6 1474 25 BoundingVolume::make_copy 0 1 456 0 66 virtual BoundingVolume *BoundingVolume::make_copy(void) const = 0; 1191 8 is_empty 0 4 1474 24 BoundingVolume::is_empty 0 1 457 525 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::is_empty // Access: Published // Description: Any kind of volume might be empty. This is a // degenerate volume that contains no points; it's not // the same as, for instance, a sphere with radius zero, // since that contains one point (the center). It // intersects with no other volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline bool BoundingVolume::is_empty(void) const; 1192 11 is_infinite 0 4 1474 27 BoundingVolume::is_infinite 0 1 458 905 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::is_infinite // Access: Published // Description: The other side of the empty coin is an infinite // volume. This is a degenerate state of a normally // finite volume that contains all points. (Note that // some kinds of infinite bounding volumes, like binary // separating planes, do not contain all points and thus // correctly return is_infinite() == false, even though // they are technically infinite. This is a special // case of the word 'infinite' meaning the volume covers // all points in space.) // // It completely intersects with all other volumes // except empty volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline bool BoundingVolume::is_infinite(void) const; 1193 12 set_infinite 0 4 1474 28 BoundingVolume::set_infinite 0 1 459 383 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::set_infinite // Access: Published // Description: Marks the volume as infinite, even if it is normally // finite. You can think of this as an infinite // extend_by() operation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 inline void BoundingVolume::set_infinite(void); 1194 9 extend_by 0 4 1474 25 BoundingVolume::extend_by 0 1 460 303 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Published // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 65 inline bool BoundingVolume::extend_by(BoundingVolume const *vol); 1195 6 around 0 4 1474 22 BoundingVolume::around 0 0 573 // It might be nice to make these template member functions so we // could have true STL-style first/last iterators, but that's // impossible for virtual functions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::around // Access: Published // Description: Resets the volume to enclose only the volumes // indicated. Returns true if successful, false if the // volume doesn't know how to do that or can't do that. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 87 bool BoundingVolume::around(BoundingVolume const **first, BoundingVolume const **last); 1196 8 contains 0 4 1474 24 BoundingVolume::contains 0 1 461 372 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::contains // Access: Published // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 69 inline int BoundingVolume::contains(BoundingVolume const *vol) const; 1197 6 output 0 6 1474 22 BoundingVolume::output 0 1 462 0 60 virtual void BoundingVolume::output(ostream &out) const = 0; 1198 5 write 0 6 1474 21 BoundingVolume::write 0 2 463 464 220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 79 virtual void BoundingVolume::write(ostream &out, int indent_level = (0)) const; 1199 14 get_class_type 0 4 1474 30 BoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 465 0 55 static TypeHandle BoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1200 15 ~BoundingVolume 0 4 1474 31 BoundingVolume::~BoundingVolume 0 0 0 38 BoundingVolume::~BoundingVolume(void); 1201 9 extend_by 0 4 1478 34 GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by 0 2 466 467 619 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Public // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Public // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 154 inline bool GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by(GeometricBoundingVolume const *vol); inline bool GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by(LPoint3f const &point); 1202 6 around 0 4 1478 31 GeometricBoundingVolume::around 0 1 468 769 // It might be nice to make these template member functions so we // could have true STL-style first/last iterators, but that's // impossible for virtual functions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::around // Access: Public // Description: Resets the volume to enclose only the volumes // indicated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::around // Access: Public // Description: Resets the volume to enclose only the points // indicated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 211 inline bool GeometricBoundingVolume::around(GeometricBoundingVolume const **first, GeometricBoundingVolume const **last); inline bool GeometricBoundingVolume::around(LPoint3f const *first, LPoint3f const *last); 1203 8 contains 0 4 1478 33 GeometricBoundingVolume::contains 0 3 469 470 471 1143 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated line segment. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 252 inline int GeometricBoundingVolume::contains(GeometricBoundingVolume const *vol) const; inline int GeometricBoundingVolume::contains(LPoint3f const &point) const; inline int GeometricBoundingVolume::contains(LPoint3f const &a, LPoint3f const &b) const; 1204 17 get_approx_center 0 6 1478 42 GeometricBoundingVolume::get_approx_center 0 1 472 0 76 virtual LPoint3f GeometricBoundingVolume::get_approx_center(void) const = 0; 1205 5 xform 0 6 1478 30 GeometricBoundingVolume::xform 0 1 473 0 70 virtual void GeometricBoundingVolume::xform(LMatrix4f const &mat) = 0; 1206 14 get_class_type 0 4 1478 39 GeometricBoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 474 0 64 static TypeHandle GeometricBoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1207 24 ~GeometricBoundingVolume 0 4 1478 49 GeometricBoundingVolume::~GeometricBoundingVolume 0 0 0 56 GeometricBoundingVolume::~GeometricBoundingVolume(void); 1208 7 get_min 0 6 1479 29 FiniteBoundingVolume::get_min 0 1 475 0 63 virtual LPoint3f FiniteBoundingVolume::get_min(void) const = 0; 1209 7 get_max 0 6 1479 29 FiniteBoundingVolume::get_max 0 1 476 0 63 virtual LPoint3f FiniteBoundingVolume::get_max(void) const = 0; 1210 10 get_volume 0 6 1479 32 FiniteBoundingVolume::get_volume 0 1 477 238 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: FiniteBoundingVolume::get_volume // Access: Public, Virtual // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 virtual float FiniteBoundingVolume::get_volume(void) const; 1211 14 get_class_type 0 4 1479 36 FiniteBoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 478 0 61 static TypeHandle FiniteBoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1212 21 ~FiniteBoundingVolume 0 4 1479 43 FiniteBoundingVolume::~FiniteBoundingVolume 0 0 0 50 FiniteBoundingVolume::~FiniteBoundingVolume(void); 1213 10 LParabolaf 0 4 1480 22 LParabolaf::LParabolaf 0 3 479 480 481 1375 // Filename: parabola_src.I // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a meaningless degenerate parabola. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a parabola given the three points of the // parametric equation: the acceleration, initial // velocity, and start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 185 inline LParabolaf::LParabolaf(void); inline LParabolaf::LParabolaf(LVecBase3f const &a, LVecBase3f const &b, LVecBase3f const &c); inline LParabolaf::LParabolaf(LParabolaf const ©); 1214 10 operator = 0 4 1480 22 LParabolaf::operator = 0 1 482 235 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline void LParabolaf::operator =(LParabolaf const ©); 1215 11 ~LParabolaf 0 4 1480 23 LParabolaf::~LParabolaf 0 0 221 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Destructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 inline LParabolaf::~LParabolaf(void); 1216 5 xform 0 4 1480 17 LParabolaf::xform 0 1 483 754 // Filename: parabola_src.cxx // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the parabola by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 45 void LParabolaf::xform(LMatrix4f const &mat); 1217 5 get_a 0 4 1480 17 LParabolaf::get_a 0 1 484 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the acceleration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3f const &LParabolaf::get_a(void) const; 1218 5 get_b 0 4 1480 17 LParabolaf::get_b 0 1 485 318 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the initial velocity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3f const &LParabolaf::get_b(void) const; 1219 5 get_c 0 4 1480 17 LParabolaf::get_c 0 1 486 312 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_c // Access: Published // Description: Returns the third point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3f const &LParabolaf::get_c(void) const; 1220 10 calc_point 0 4 1480 22 LParabolaf::calc_point 0 1 487 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::calc_point // Access: Published // Description: Computes the point on the parabola at time t. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 inline LPoint3f LParabolaf::calc_point(float t) const; 1221 6 output 0 4 1480 18 LParabolaf::output 0 1 488 216 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 44 void LParabolaf::output(ostream &out) const; 1222 5 write 0 4 1480 17 LParabolaf::write 0 2 489 490 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 void LParabolaf::write(ostream &out, int indent_level = (0)) const; 1223 20 write_datagram_fixed 0 4 1480 32 LParabolaf::write_datagram_fixed 0 1 491 643 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using add_float32() // or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in // the parabola, regardless of the setting of // Datagram::set_stdfloat_double(). This is appropriate // when you want to write a fixed-width value to the // datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam // file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 void LParabolaf::write_datagram_fixed(Datagram &destination) const; 1224 19 read_datagram_fixed 0 4 1480 31 LParabolaf::read_datagram_fixed 0 1 492 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_float32() // or get_float64(). See write_datagram_fixed(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 void LParabolaf::read_datagram_fixed(DatagramIterator &source); 1225 14 write_datagram 0 4 1480 26 LParabolaf::write_datagram 0 1 493 463 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using // add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to // write the vector using the standard width setting, // especially when you are writing a bam file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 61 void LParabolaf::write_datagram(Datagram &destination) const; 1226 13 read_datagram 0 4 1480 25 LParabolaf::read_datagram 0 1 494 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_stdfloat(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 57 void LParabolaf::read_datagram(DatagramIterator &source); 1227 10 LParabolad 0 4 1481 22 LParabolad::LParabolad 0 3 495 496 497 2752 // Filename: parabola_src.I // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a meaningless degenerate parabola. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a parabola given the three points of the // parametric equation: the acceleration, initial // velocity, and start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: parabola_src.I // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a meaningless degenerate parabola. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a parabola given the three points of the // parametric equation: the acceleration, initial // velocity, and start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 185 inline LParabolad::LParabolad(void); inline LParabolad::LParabolad(LVecBase3d const &a, LVecBase3d const &b, LVecBase3d const &c); inline LParabolad::LParabolad(LParabolad const ©); 1228 10 operator = 0 4 1481 22 LParabolad::operator = 0 1 498 472 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline void LParabolad::operator =(LParabolad const ©); 1229 11 ~LParabolad 0 4 1481 23 LParabolad::~LParabolad 0 0 444 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Destructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Destructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 inline LParabolad::~LParabolad(void); 1230 5 xform 0 4 1481 17 LParabolad::xform 0 1 499 754 // Filename: parabola_src.cxx // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the parabola by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 45 void LParabolad::xform(LMatrix4d const &mat); 1231 5 get_a 0 4 1481 17 LParabolad::get_a 0 1 500 628 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the acceleration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the acceleration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3d const &LParabolad::get_a(void) const; 1232 5 get_b 0 4 1481 17 LParabolad::get_b 0 1 501 638 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the initial velocity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the initial velocity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3d const &LParabolad::get_b(void) const; 1233 5 get_c 0 4 1481 17 LParabolad::get_c 0 1 502 626 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_c // Access: Published // Description: Returns the third point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_c // Access: Published // Description: Returns the third point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LVecBase3d const &LParabolad::get_c(void) const; 1234 10 calc_point 0 4 1481 22 LParabolad::calc_point 0 1 503 534 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::calc_point // Access: Published // Description: Computes the point on the parabola at time t. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::calc_point // Access: Published // Description: Computes the point on the parabola at time t. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LPoint3d LParabolad::calc_point(double t) const; 1235 6 output 0 4 1481 18 LParabolad::output 0 1 504 216 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 44 void LParabolad::output(ostream &out) const; 1236 5 write 0 4 1481 17 LParabolad::write 0 2 505 506 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 void LParabolad::write(ostream &out, int indent_level = (0)) const; 1237 20 write_datagram_fixed 0 4 1481 32 LParabolad::write_datagram_fixed 0 1 507 643 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using add_float32() // or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in // the parabola, regardless of the setting of // Datagram::set_stdfloat_double(). This is appropriate // when you want to write a fixed-width value to the // datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam // file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 67 void LParabolad::write_datagram_fixed(Datagram &destination) const; 1238 19 read_datagram_fixed 0 4 1481 31 LParabolad::read_datagram_fixed 0 1 508 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_float32() // or get_float64(). See write_datagram_fixed(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 void LParabolad::read_datagram_fixed(DatagramIterator &source); 1239 14 write_datagram 0 4 1481 26 LParabolad::write_datagram 0 1 509 463 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using // add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to // write the vector using the standard width setting, // especially when you are writing a bam file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 61 void LParabolad::write_datagram(Datagram &destination) const; 1240 13 read_datagram 0 4 1481 25 LParabolad::read_datagram 0 1 510 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_stdfloat(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 57 void LParabolad::read_datagram(DatagramIterator &source); 1241 7 LPlanef 0 4 1482 16 LPlanef::LPlanef 0 5 511 512 513 514 515 2153 // Filename: plane_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a default plane. This plane happens to // intersect the origin, perpendicular to the Z axis. // It's not clear how useful a default plane is. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given three counter-clockwise // points, as seen from the front of the plane (that is, // viewed from the end of the normal vector, looking // down). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given a surface normal vector and // a point within the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given the four terms of the plane // equation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 295 inline LPlanef::LPlanef(void); inline LPlanef::LPlanef(LVecBase4f const ©); inline LPlanef::LPlanef(LPoint3f const &a, LPoint3f const &b, LPoint3f const &c); inline LPlanef::LPlanef(LVector3f const &normal, LPoint3f const &point); inline LPlanef::LPlanef(float a, float b, float c, float d); 1242 10 operator * 0 4 1482 19 LPlanef::operator * 0 2 516 517 546 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix3 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 127 inline LPlanef LPlanef::operator *(LMatrix3f const &mat) const; inline LPlanef LPlanef::operator *(LMatrix4f const &mat) const; 1243 11 operator *= 0 4 1482 20 LPlanef::operator *= 0 1 518 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator *= LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline void LPlanef::operator *=(LMatrix4f const &mat); 1244 5 xform 0 4 1482 14 LPlanef::xform 0 1 519 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline void LPlanef::xform(LMatrix4f const &mat); 1245 10 operator - 0 68 1482 19 LPlanef::operator - 0 1 520 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Unary - // Access: Published // Description: Returns the same plane facing the opposite direction. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 inline LPlanef LPlanef::operator -(void) const; 1246 18 get_reflection_mat 0 4 1482 27 LPlanef::get_reflection_mat 0 1 521 854 // Filename: plane_src.cxx // Created by: drose (03Apr01) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_reflection_mat // Access: Published // Description: This computes a transform matrix that reflects the // universe to the other side of the plane, as in a // mirror. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 50 LMatrix4f LPlanef::get_reflection_mat(void) const; 1247 10 get_normal 0 4 1482 19 LPlanef::get_normal 0 1 522 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_normal // Access: Published // Description: Returns the surface normal of the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline LVector3f LPlanef::get_normal(void) const; 1248 9 get_point 0 4 1482 18 LPlanef::get_point 0 1 523 382 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns an arbitrary point in the plane. This can be // used along with the normal returned by get_normal() // to reconstruct the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 40 LPoint3f LPlanef::get_point(void) const; 1249 13 dist_to_plane 0 4 1482 22 LPlanef::dist_to_plane 0 1 524 612 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::dist_to_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the straight-line shortest distance from the // point to the plane. The returned value is positive // if the point is in front of the plane (on the side // with the normal), or negative in the point is behind // the plane (on the opposite side from the normal). // It's zero if the point is exactly in the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 65 inline float LPlanef::dist_to_plane(LPoint3f const &point) const; 1250 7 project 0 4 1482 16 LPlanef::project 0 1 525 307 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::project // Access: Published // Description: Returns the point within the plane nearest to the // indicated point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 62 inline LPoint3f LPlanef::project(LPoint3f const &point) const; 1251 4 flip 0 4 1482 13 LPlanef::flip 0 1 526 329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::flip // Access: Published // Description: Convenience method that flips the plane in-place. // This is done by simply flipping the normal vector. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 32 inline void LPlanef::flip(void); 1252 15 intersects_line 0 4 1482 24 LPlanef::intersects_line 0 1 527 1628 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the plane intersects the infinite // line passing through points p1 and p2, false if the // line is parallel. The points p1 and p2 are used only // to define the Euclidean line; they have no other // bearing on the intersection test. If true, sets // intersection_point to the point of intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: This flavor of intersects_line() returns a bit more // information about the nature of the intersecting // point. The line is defined via the parametric // equation from + t * delta for all real values of t. // // If there is no intersection with the plane, the // function returns false and leaves t undefined. If // there is an intersection with the plane, the function // returns true and sets t to the parametric value that // defines the point of intersection. That is, t == 0.0f // implies that the intersection occurred exactly at // point from, and t == 1.0f implies at point from + // delta, with other values of t accordingly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 213 inline bool LPlanef::intersects_line(LPoint3f &intersection_point, LPoint3f const &p1, LPoint3f const &p2) const; inline bool LPlanef::intersects_line(float &t, LPoint3f const &from, LVector3f const &delta) const; 1253 16 intersects_plane 0 4 1482 25 LPlanef::intersects_plane 0 1 528 589 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the two planes intersect, false if // they do not. If they do intersect, then from and // delta are filled in with the parametric // representation of the line of intersection: that is, // from is a point on that line, and delta is a vector // showing the direction of the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 93 bool LPlanef::intersects_plane(LPoint3f &from, LVector3f &delta, LPlanef const &other) const; 1254 19 intersects_parabola 0 4 1482 28 LPlanef::intersects_parabola 0 0 771 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_parabola // Access: Published // Description: Determines whether and where the indicated parabola // intersects with the plane. // // If there is no intersection with the plane, the // function returns false and leaves t1 and t2 // undefined. If there is an intersection with the // plane, the function returns true and sets t1 and t2 // to the parametric value that defines the two points // of intersection. If the parabola is exactly tangent // to the plane, then t1 == t2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 90 bool LPlanef::intersects_parabola(float &t1, float &t2, LParabolaf const ¶bola) const; 1255 6 output 0 4 1482 15 LPlanef::output 0 1 529 213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 41 void LPlanef::output(ostream &out) const; 1256 5 write 0 4 1482 14 LPlanef::write 0 2 530 531 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 64 void LPlanef::write(ostream &out, int indent_level = (0)) const; 1257 8 ~LPlanef 0 4 1482 17 LPlanef::~LPlanef 0 0 0 24 LPlanef::~LPlanef(void); 1258 7 LPlaned 0 4 1484 16 LPlaned::LPlaned 0 5 532 533 534 535 536 4308 // Filename: plane_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a default plane. This plane happens to // intersect the origin, perpendicular to the Z axis. // It's not clear how useful a default plane is. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given three counter-clockwise // points, as seen from the front of the plane (that is, // viewed from the end of the normal vector, looking // down). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given a surface normal vector and // a point within the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given the four terms of the plane // equation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: plane_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a default plane. This plane happens to // intersect the origin, perpendicular to the Z axis. // It's not clear how useful a default plane is. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given three counter-clockwise // points, as seen from the front of the plane (that is, // viewed from the end of the normal vector, looking // down). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given a surface normal vector and // a point within the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given the four terms of the plane // equation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 299 inline LPlaned::LPlaned(void); inline LPlaned::LPlaned(LVecBase4d const ©); inline LPlaned::LPlaned(LPoint3d const &a, LPoint3d const &b, LPoint3d const &c); inline LPlaned::LPlaned(LVector3d const &normal, LPoint3d const &point); inline LPlaned::LPlaned(double a, double b, double c, double d); 1259 10 operator * 0 4 1484 19 LPlaned::operator * 0 2 537 538 1094 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix3 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix3 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 127 inline LPlaned LPlaned::operator *(LMatrix3d const &mat) const; inline LPlaned LPlaned::operator *(LMatrix4d const &mat) const; 1260 11 operator *= 0 4 1484 20 LPlaned::operator *= 0 1 539 548 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator *= LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator *= LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline void LPlaned::operator *=(LMatrix4d const &mat); 1261 5 xform 0 4 1484 14 LPlaned::xform 0 1 540 518 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline void LPlaned::xform(LMatrix4d const &mat); 1262 10 operator - 0 68 1484 19 LPlaned::operator - 0 1 541 538 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Unary - // Access: Published // Description: Returns the same plane facing the opposite direction. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Unary - // Access: Published // Description: Returns the same plane facing the opposite direction. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 inline LPlaned LPlaned::operator -(void) const; 1263 18 get_reflection_mat 0 4 1484 27 LPlaned::get_reflection_mat 0 1 542 854 // Filename: plane_src.cxx // Created by: drose (03Apr01) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_reflection_mat // Access: Published // Description: This computes a transform matrix that reflects the // universe to the other side of the plane, as in a // mirror. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 50 LMatrix4d LPlaned::get_reflection_mat(void) const; 1264 10 get_normal 0 4 1484 19 LPlaned::get_normal 0 1 543 518 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_normal // Access: Published // Description: Returns the surface normal of the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_normal // Access: Published // Description: Returns the surface normal of the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline LVector3d LPlaned::get_normal(void) const; 1265 9 get_point 0 4 1484 18 LPlaned::get_point 0 1 544 382 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns an arbitrary point in the plane. This can be // used along with the normal returned by get_normal() // to reconstruct the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 40 LPoint3d LPlaned::get_point(void) const; 1266 13 dist_to_plane 0 4 1484 22 LPlaned::dist_to_plane 0 1 545 1226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::dist_to_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the straight-line shortest distance from the // point to the plane. The returned value is positive // if the point is in front of the plane (on the side // with the normal), or negative in the point is behind // the plane (on the opposite side from the normal). // It's zero if the point is exactly in the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::dist_to_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the straight-line shortest distance from the // point to the plane. The returned value is positive // if the point is in front of the plane (on the side // with the normal), or negative in the point is behind // the plane (on the opposite side from the normal). // It's zero if the point is exactly in the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 66 inline double LPlaned::dist_to_plane(LPoint3d const &point) const; 1267 7 project 0 4 1484 16 LPlaned::project 0 1 546 616 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::project // Access: Published // Description: Returns the point within the plane nearest to the // indicated point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::project // Access: Published // Description: Returns the point within the plane nearest to the // indicated point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 62 inline LPoint3d LPlaned::project(LPoint3d const &point) const; 1268 4 flip 0 4 1484 13 LPlaned::flip 0 1 547 660 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::flip // Access: Published // Description: Convenience method that flips the plane in-place. // This is done by simply flipping the normal vector. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::flip // Access: Published // Description: Convenience method that flips the plane in-place. // This is done by simply flipping the normal vector. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 32 inline void LPlaned::flip(void); 1269 15 intersects_line 0 4 1484 24 LPlaned::intersects_line 0 1 548 3258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the plane intersects the infinite // line passing through points p1 and p2, false if the // line is parallel. The points p1 and p2 are used only // to define the Euclidean line; they have no other // bearing on the intersection test. If true, sets // intersection_point to the point of intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: This flavor of intersects_line() returns a bit more // information about the nature of the intersecting // point. The line is defined via the parametric // equation from + t * delta for all real values of t. // // If there is no intersection with the plane, the // function returns false and leaves t undefined. If // there is an intersection with the plane, the function // returns true and sets t to the parametric value that // defines the point of intersection. That is, t == 0.0f // implies that the intersection occurred exactly at // point from, and t == 1.0f implies at point from + // delta, with other values of t accordingly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the plane intersects the infinite // line passing through points p1 and p2, false if the // line is parallel. The points p1 and p2 are used only // to define the Euclidean line; they have no other // bearing on the intersection test. If true, sets // intersection_point to the point of intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: This flavor of intersects_line() returns a bit more // information about the nature of the intersecting // point. The line is defined via the parametric // equation from + t * delta for all real values of t. // // If there is no intersection with the plane, the // function returns false and leaves t undefined. If // there is an intersection with the plane, the function // returns true and sets t to the parametric value that // defines the point of intersection. That is, t == 0.0f // implies that the intersection occurred exactly at // point from, and t == 1.0f implies at point from + // delta, with other values of t accordingly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 214 inline bool LPlaned::intersects_line(LPoint3d &intersection_point, LPoint3d const &p1, LPoint3d const &p2) const; inline bool LPlaned::intersects_line(double &t, LPoint3d const &from, LVector3d const &delta) const; 1270 16 intersects_plane 0 4 1484 25 LPlaned::intersects_plane 0 1 549 589 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the two planes intersect, false if // they do not. If they do intersect, then from and // delta are filled in with the parametric // representation of the line of intersection: that is, // from is a point on that line, and delta is a vector // showing the direction of the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 93 bool LPlaned::intersects_plane(LPoint3d &from, LVector3d &delta, LPlaned const &other) const; 1271 19 intersects_parabola 0 4 1484 28 LPlaned::intersects_parabola 0 0 771 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_parabola // Access: Published // Description: Determines whether and where the indicated parabola // intersects with the plane. // // If there is no intersection with the plane, the // function returns false and leaves t1 and t2 // undefined. If there is an intersection with the // plane, the function returns true and sets t1 and t2 // to the parametric value that defines the two points // of intersection. If the parabola is exactly tangent // to the plane, then t1 == t2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 92 bool LPlaned::intersects_parabola(double &t1, double &t2, LParabolad const ¶bola) const; 1272 6 output 0 4 1484 15 LPlaned::output 0 1 550 213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 41 void LPlaned::output(ostream &out) const; 1273 5 write 0 4 1484 14 LPlaned::write 0 2 551 552 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 64 void LPlaned::write(ostream &out, int indent_level = (0)) const; 1274 8 ~LPlaned 0 4 1484 17 LPlaned::~LPlaned 0 0 0 24 LPlaned::~LPlaned(void); 1275 11 BoundingBox 0 4 1486 24 BoundingBox::BoundingBox 0 2 553 554 1001 // Filename: boundingBox.I // Created by: drose (31May07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty box object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a specific box object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 113 inline BoundingBox::BoundingBox(void); inline BoundingBox::BoundingBox(LPoint3f const &min, LPoint3f const &max); 1276 12 operator new 0 4 1486 25 BoundingBox::operator new 0 1 555 0 128 inline void *BoundingBox::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *BoundingBox::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1277 15 operator delete 0 4 1486 28 BoundingBox::operator delete 0 0 0 110 inline void BoundingBox::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void BoundingBox::operator delete(void *, void *); 1278 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1486 25 BoundingBox::validate_ptr 0 0 0 62 static inline bool BoundingBox::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1279 14 get_num_points 0 4 1486 27 BoundingBox::get_num_points 0 1 556 284 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_num_points // Access: Published // Description: Returns 8: the number of vertices of a rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 inline int BoundingBox::get_num_points(void) const; 1280 9 get_point 0 4 1486 22 BoundingBox::get_point 0 1 557 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex of the rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline LPoint3f BoundingBox::get_point(int n) const; 1281 14 get_num_planes 0 4 1486 27 BoundingBox::get_num_planes 0 1 558 281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_num_planes // Access: Published // Description: Returns 6: the number of faces of a rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 inline int BoundingBox::get_num_planes(void) const; 1282 9 get_plane 0 4 1486 22 BoundingBox::get_plane 0 1 559 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth face of the rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 51 inline LPlanef BoundingBox::get_plane(int n) const; 1283 14 get_class_type 0 4 1486 27 BoundingBox::get_class_type 0 1 560 0 52 static TypeHandle BoundingBox::get_class_type(void); 1284 12 ~BoundingBox 0 4 1486 25 BoundingBox::~BoundingBox 0 0 0 32 BoundingBox::~BoundingBox(void); 1285 9 LFrustumf 0 4 1487 20 LFrustumf::LFrustumf 0 1 561 686 // Filename: frustum_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Constructor // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34 inline LFrustumf::LFrustumf(void); 1286 13 make_ortho_2D 0 4 1487 24 LFrustumf::make_ortho_2D 0 2 562 563 500 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 117 inline void LFrustumf::make_ortho_2D(void); inline void LFrustumf::make_ortho_2D(float l, float r, float t, float b); 1287 10 make_ortho 0 4 1487 21 LFrustumf::make_ortho 0 2 564 565 450 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 155 inline void LFrustumf::make_ortho(float fnear, float ffar); inline void LFrustumf::make_ortho(float fnear, float ffar, float l, float r, float t, float b); 1288 21 make_perspective_hfov 0 4 1487 32 LFrustumf::make_perspective_hfov 0 1 566 578 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_perspective // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluPerspective (Aspect = width/height, // Yfov in degrees) // aspect // +------------+ // | | // 1 | | yfov // | | // +------------+ // // -------+------ // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \|/ // W yfov // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 96 inline void LFrustumf::make_perspective_hfov(float xfov, float aspect, float fnear, float ffar); 1289 21 make_perspective_vfov 0 4 1487 32 LFrustumf::make_perspective_vfov 0 1 567 0 96 inline void LFrustumf::make_perspective_vfov(float yfov, float aspect, float fnear, float ffar); 1290 16 make_perspective 0 4 1487 27 LFrustumf::make_perspective 0 1 568 0 89 inline void LFrustumf::make_perspective(float xfov, float yfov, float fnear, float ffar); 1291 22 get_perspective_params 0 4 1487 33 LFrustumf::get_perspective_params 0 0 424 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 228 inline void LFrustumf::get_perspective_params(float &yfov, float &aspect, float &fnear, float &ffar) const; inline void LFrustumf::get_perspective_params(float &xfov, float &yfov, float &aspect, float &fnear, float &ffar) const; 1292 10 ~LFrustumf 0 4 1487 21 LFrustumf::~LFrustumf 0 0 0 28 LFrustumf::~LFrustumf(void); 1293 9 LFrustumd 0 4 1488 20 LFrustumd::LFrustumd 0 1 569 1374 // Filename: frustum_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Constructor // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filename: frustum_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Constructor // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34 inline LFrustumd::LFrustumd(void); 1294 13 make_ortho_2D 0 4 1488 24 LFrustumd::make_ortho_2D 0 2 570 571 1002 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 121 inline void LFrustumd::make_ortho_2D(void); inline void LFrustumd::make_ortho_2D(double l, double r, double t, double b); 1295 10 make_ortho 0 4 1488 21 LFrustumd::make_ortho 0 2 572 573 902 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 163 inline void LFrustumd::make_ortho(double fnear, double ffar); inline void LFrustumd::make_ortho(double fnear, double ffar, double l, double r, double t, double b); 1296 21 make_perspective_hfov 0 4 1488 32 LFrustumd::make_perspective_hfov 0 1 574 1158 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_perspective // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluPerspective (Aspect = width/height, // Yfov in degrees) // aspect // +------------+ // | | // 1 | | yfov // | | // +------------+ // // -------+------ // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \|/ // W yfov // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_perspective // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluPerspective (Aspect = width/height, // Yfov in degrees) // aspect // +------------+ // | | // 1 | | yfov // | | // +------------+ // // -------+------ // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \|/ // W yfov // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 100 inline void LFrustumd::make_perspective_hfov(double xfov, double aspect, double fnear, double ffar); 1297 21 make_perspective_vfov 0 4 1488 32 LFrustumd::make_perspective_vfov 0 1 575 0 100 inline void LFrustumd::make_perspective_vfov(double yfov, double aspect, double fnear, double ffar); 1298 16 make_perspective 0 4 1488 27 LFrustumd::make_perspective 0 1 576 0 93 inline void LFrustumd::make_perspective(double xfov, double yfov, double fnear, double ffar); 1299 22 get_perspective_params 0 4 1488 33 LFrustumd::get_perspective_params 0 0 850 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: get_perspective_params // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 237 inline void LFrustumd::get_perspective_params(double &yfov, double &aspect, double &fnear, double &ffar) const; inline void LFrustumd::get_perspective_params(double &xfov, double &yfov, double &aspect, double &fnear, double &ffar) const; 1300 10 ~LFrustumd 0 4 1488 21 LFrustumd::~LFrustumd 0 0 0 28 LFrustumd::~LFrustumd(void); 1301 18 BoundingHexahedron 0 4 1489 38 BoundingHexahedron::BoundingHexahedron 0 3 577 578 579 1188 // Filename: boundingHexahedron.I // Created by: drose (03Oct99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 324 BoundingHexahedron::BoundingHexahedron(LFrustumf const &frustum, bool is_ortho, CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); BoundingHexahedron::BoundingHexahedron(LPoint3f const &fll, LPoint3f const &flr, LPoint3f const &fur, LPoint3f const &ful, LPoint3f const &nll, LPoint3f const &nlr, LPoint3f const &nur, LPoint3f const &nul); 1302 14 get_num_points 0 4 1489 34 BoundingHexahedron::get_num_points 0 1 580 284 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_num_points // Access: Published // Description: Returns 8: the number of vertices of a hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 58 inline int BoundingHexahedron::get_num_points(void) const; 1303 9 get_point 0 4 1489 29 BoundingHexahedron::get_point 0 1 581 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex of the hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline LPoint3f BoundingHexahedron::get_point(int n) const; 1304 14 get_num_planes 0 4 1489 34 BoundingHexahedron::get_num_planes 0 1 582 281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_num_planes // Access: Published // Description: Returns 6: the number of faces of a hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 58 inline int BoundingHexahedron::get_num_planes(void) const; 1305 9 get_plane 0 4 1489 29 BoundingHexahedron::get_plane 0 1 583 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth face of the hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 58 inline LPlanef BoundingHexahedron::get_plane(int n) const; 1306 14 get_class_type 0 4 1489 34 BoundingHexahedron::get_class_type 0 1 584 0 59 static TypeHandle BoundingHexahedron::get_class_type(void); 1307 19 ~BoundingHexahedron 0 4 1489 39 BoundingHexahedron::~BoundingHexahedron 0 0 0 46 BoundingHexahedron::~BoundingHexahedron(void); 1308 12 BoundingLine 0 4 1490 26 BoundingLine::BoundingLine 0 1 585 937 // Filename: boundingLine.I // Created by: drose (04Jul00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 72 inline BoundingLine::BoundingLine(LPoint3f const &a, LPoint3f const &b); 1309 12 operator new 0 4 1490 26 BoundingLine::operator new 0 1 586 0 130 inline void *BoundingLine::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *BoundingLine::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1310 15 operator delete 0 4 1490 29 BoundingLine::operator delete 0 0 0 112 inline void BoundingLine::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void BoundingLine::operator delete(void *, void *); 1311 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1490 26 BoundingLine::validate_ptr 0 0 0 63 static inline bool BoundingLine::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1312 11 get_point_a 0 4 1490 25 BoundingLine::get_point_a 0 1 587 271 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::get_point_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point that defines the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 61 inline LPoint3f const &BoundingLine::get_point_a(void) const; 1313 11 get_point_b 0 4 1490 25 BoundingLine::get_point_b 0 1 588 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::get_point_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point that defines the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 inline LPoint3f BoundingLine::get_point_b(void) const; 1314 14 get_class_type 0 4 1490 28 BoundingLine::get_class_type 0 1 589 0 53 static TypeHandle BoundingLine::get_class_type(void); 1315 13 ~BoundingLine 0 4 1490 27 BoundingLine::~BoundingLine 0 0 0 34 BoundingLine::~BoundingLine(void); 1316 13 BoundingPlane 0 4 1491 28 BoundingPlane::BoundingPlane 0 2 590 591 1022 // Filename: boundingPlane.I // Created by: drose (19Aug05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty "plane" that has no // intersections. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 101 inline BoundingPlane::BoundingPlane(void); inline BoundingPlane::BoundingPlane(LPlanef const &plane); 1317 12 operator new 0 4 1491 27 BoundingPlane::operator new 0 1 592 0 132 inline void *BoundingPlane::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *BoundingPlane::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1318 15 operator delete 0 4 1491 30 BoundingPlane::operator delete 0 0 0 114 inline void BoundingPlane::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void BoundingPlane::operator delete(void *, void *); 1319 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1491 27 BoundingPlane::validate_ptr 0 0 0 64 static inline bool BoundingPlane::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1320 9 get_plane 0 4 1491 24 BoundingPlane::get_plane 0 1 593 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline LPlanef const &BoundingPlane::get_plane(void) const; 1321 14 get_class_type 0 4 1491 29 BoundingPlane::get_class_type 0 1 594 0 54 static TypeHandle BoundingPlane::get_class_type(void); 1322 14 ~BoundingPlane 0 4 1491 29 BoundingPlane::~BoundingPlane 0 0 0 36 BoundingPlane::~BoundingPlane(void); 1323 14 BoundingSphere 0 4 1492 30 BoundingSphere::BoundingSphere 0 2 595 596 1002 // Filename: boundingSphere.I // Created by: drose (02Oct99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty sphere. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a specific sphere. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 121 inline BoundingSphere::BoundingSphere(void); inline BoundingSphere::BoundingSphere(LPoint3f const ¢er, float radius); 1324 12 operator new 0 4 1492 28 BoundingSphere::operator new 0 1 597 0 134 inline void *BoundingSphere::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *BoundingSphere::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1325 15 operator delete 0 4 1492 31 BoundingSphere::operator delete 0 0 0 116 inline void BoundingSphere::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void BoundingSphere::operator delete(void *, void *); 1326 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1492 28 BoundingSphere::validate_ptr 0 0 0 65 static inline bool BoundingSphere::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1327 10 get_center 0 4 1492 26 BoundingSphere::get_center 0 1 598 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::get_center // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline LPoint3f BoundingSphere::get_center(void) const; 1328 10 get_radius 0 4 1492 26 BoundingSphere::get_radius 0 1 599 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::get_radius // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline float BoundingSphere::get_radius(void) const; 1329 14 get_class_type 0 4 1492 30 BoundingSphere::get_class_type 0 1 600 0 55 static TypeHandle BoundingSphere::get_class_type(void); 1330 15 ~BoundingSphere 0 4 1492 31 BoundingSphere::~BoundingSphere 0 0 0 38 BoundingSphere::~BoundingSphere(void); 1331 26 IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 4 1493 54 IntersectionBoundingVolume::IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 1 601 1017 // Filename: intersectionBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (08Feb12) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::Copy Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 68 inline IntersectionBoundingVolume::IntersectionBoundingVolume(void); 1332 12 operator new 0 4 1493 40 IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator new 0 1 602 0 158 inline void *IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1333 15 operator delete 0 4 1493 43 IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator delete 0 0 0 140 inline void IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void IntersectionBoundingVolume::operator delete(void *, void *); 1334 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1493 40 IntersectionBoundingVolume::validate_ptr 0 0 0 77 static inline bool IntersectionBoundingVolume::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1335 18 get_num_components 0 4 1493 46 IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_num_components 0 1 603 299 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_num_components // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of components in the intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 70 inline int IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_num_components(void) const; 1336 13 get_component 0 4 1493 41 IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_component 0 1 604 287 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_component // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth component in the intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 93 inline GeometricBoundingVolume const *IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_component(int n) const; 1337 16 clear_components 0 4 1493 44 IntersectionBoundingVolume::clear_components 0 1 605 283 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::clear_components // Access: Published // Description: Removes all components from the volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 56 void IntersectionBoundingVolume::clear_components(void); 1338 13 add_component 0 4 1493 41 IntersectionBoundingVolume::add_component 0 1 606 693 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::add_component // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new component to the volume. This does not // necessarily increase the total number of components // by one, and you may or may not be able to find this // component in the volume by a subsequent call to // get_component(); certain optimizations may prevent // the component from being added, or have other // unexpected effects on the total set of components. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 89 void IntersectionBoundingVolume::add_component(GeometricBoundingVolume const *component); 1339 14 get_class_type 0 4 1493 42 IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 607 0 67 static TypeHandle IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1340 27 ~IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 4 1493 55 IntersectionBoundingVolume::~IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 0 0 62 IntersectionBoundingVolume::~IntersectionBoundingVolume(void); 1341 8 heads_up 0 1 0 8 heads_up 0 24 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 1390 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1255 void heads_up(LMatrix3f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LMatrix3f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void heads_up(LMatrix4f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LMatrix4f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void heads_up(LQuaternionf &quat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LQuaternionf &quat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); void heads_up(LMatrix3d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LMatrix3d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void heads_up(LMatrix4d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LMatrix4d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void heads_up(LQuaterniond &quat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void heads_up(LQuaterniond &quat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); 1342 7 look_at 0 1 0 7 look_at 0 24 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 1390 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1243 void look_at(LMatrix3f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LMatrix3f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void look_at(LMatrix4f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LMatrix4f &mat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void look_at(LQuaternionf &quat, LVector3f const &fwd, LVector3f const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LQuaternionf &quat, LVector3f const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); void look_at(LMatrix3d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LMatrix3d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void look_at(LMatrix4d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LMatrix4d &mat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); inline void look_at(LQuaterniond &quat, LVector3d const &fwd, LVector3d const &up = ((up())), CoordinateSystem cs = (CS_default)); inline void look_at(LQuaterniond &quat, LVector3d const &fwd, CoordinateSystem cs); 1343 8 Mersenne 0 4 1494 18 Mersenne::Mersenne 0 1 608 35 /* initializes mt[N] with a seed */ 43 Mersenne::Mersenne(unsigned long int seed); 1344 10 get_uint31 0 4 1494 20 Mersenne::get_uint31 0 1 609 58 /* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval */ 45 unsigned long int Mersenne::get_uint31(void); 1345 9 ~Mersenne 0 4 1494 19 Mersenne::~Mersenne 0 0 0 26 Mersenne::~Mersenne(void); 1346 18 OmniBoundingVolume 0 4 1495 38 OmniBoundingVolume::OmniBoundingVolume 0 1 610 721 // Filename: omniBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (22Jun00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: OmniBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline OmniBoundingVolume::OmniBoundingVolume(void); 1347 14 get_class_type 0 4 1495 34 OmniBoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 611 0 59 static TypeHandle OmniBoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1348 19 ~OmniBoundingVolume 0 4 1495 39 OmniBoundingVolume::~OmniBoundingVolume 0 0 0 46 OmniBoundingVolume::~OmniBoundingVolume(void); 1349 19 UnionBoundingVolume 0 4 1496 40 UnionBoundingVolume::UnionBoundingVolume 0 1 612 989 // Filename: unionBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (08Feb12) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::Copy Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 inline UnionBoundingVolume::UnionBoundingVolume(void); 1350 12 operator new 0 4 1496 33 UnionBoundingVolume::operator new 0 1 613 0 144 inline void *UnionBoundingVolume::operator new(unsigned int size); inline void *UnionBoundingVolume::operator new(unsigned int size, void *ptr); 1351 15 operator delete 0 4 1496 36 UnionBoundingVolume::operator delete 0 0 0 126 inline void UnionBoundingVolume::operator delete(void *ptr); inline void UnionBoundingVolume::operator delete(void *, void *); 1352 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1496 33 UnionBoundingVolume::validate_ptr 0 0 0 70 static inline bool UnionBoundingVolume::validate_ptr(void const *ptr); 1353 18 get_num_components 0 4 1496 39 UnionBoundingVolume::get_num_components 0 1 614 285 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::get_num_components // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of components in the union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 inline int UnionBoundingVolume::get_num_components(void) const; 1354 13 get_component 0 4 1496 34 UnionBoundingVolume::get_component 0 1 615 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::get_component // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth component in the union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 86 inline GeometricBoundingVolume const *UnionBoundingVolume::get_component(int n) const; 1355 16 clear_components 0 4 1496 37 UnionBoundingVolume::clear_components 0 1 616 276 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::clear_components // Access: Published // Description: Removes all components from the volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 void UnionBoundingVolume::clear_components(void); 1356 13 add_component 0 4 1496 34 UnionBoundingVolume::add_component 0 1 617 686 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::add_component // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new component to the volume. This does not // necessarily increase the total number of components // by one, and you may or may not be able to find this // component in the volume by a subsequent call to // get_component(); certain optimizations may prevent // the component from being added, or have other // unexpected effects on the total set of components. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 82 void UnionBoundingVolume::add_component(GeometricBoundingVolume const *component); 1357 19 filter_intersection 0 4 1496 40 UnionBoundingVolume::filter_intersection 0 1 618 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::filter_intersection // Access: Published // Description: Removes from the union any components that have no // intersection with the indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 76 void UnionBoundingVolume::filter_intersection(BoundingVolume const *volume); 1358 14 get_class_type 0 4 1496 35 UnionBoundingVolume::get_class_type 0 1 619 0 60 static TypeHandle UnionBoundingVolume::get_class_type(void); 1359 20 ~UnionBoundingVolume 0 4 1496 41 UnionBoundingVolume::~UnionBoundingVolume 0 0 0 48 UnionBoundingVolume::~UnionBoundingVolume(void); 1360 10 Randomizer 0 4 1497 22 Randomizer::Randomizer 0 3 620 621 622 1044 // Filename: randomizer.I // Created by: drose (18Jan07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Copy Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 115 inline Randomizer::Randomizer(unsigned long int seed = (0)); inline Randomizer::Randomizer(Randomizer const ©); 1361 10 operator = 0 4 1497 22 Randomizer::operator = 0 1 623 233 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline void Randomizer::operator =(Randomizer const ©); 1362 10 random_int 0 4 1497 22 Randomizer::random_int 0 1 624 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_int // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random integer in the range [0, range). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 45 inline int Randomizer::random_int(int range); 1363 11 random_real 0 4 1497 23 Randomizer::random_real 0 1 625 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_real // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random double in the range [0, range). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline double Randomizer::random_real(double range); 1364 16 random_real_unit 0 4 1497 28 Randomizer::random_real_unit 0 1 626 274 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_real_unit // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random double in the range [-0.5, 0.5). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 inline double Randomizer::random_real_unit(void); 1365 13 get_next_seed 0 4 1497 25 Randomizer::get_next_seed 0 1 627 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::get_next_seed // Access: Public, Static // Description: Returns a random seed value for the next global // Randomizer object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 64 static inline unsigned long int Randomizer::get_next_seed(void); 1366 8 get_seed 0 4 1497 20 Randomizer::get_seed 0 1 628 363 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::get_seed // Access: Public // Description: Returns a unique seed value based on the seed value // passed to this Randomizer object (and on its current // state). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 52 inline unsigned long int Randomizer::get_seed(void); 1367 11 ~Randomizer 0 4 1497 23 Randomizer::~Randomizer 0 0 0 30 Randomizer::~Randomizer(void); 1368 8 get_seed 0 4 1498 21 PerlinNoise::get_seed 0 1 629 368 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise::get_seed // Access: Published // Description: Returns a unique seed value based on the seed value // passed to this PerlinNoise object (and on its current // state). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 53 inline unsigned long int PerlinNoise::get_seed(void); 1369 12 ~PerlinNoise 0 4 1498 25 PerlinNoise::~PerlinNoise 0 0 0 32 PerlinNoise::~PerlinNoise(void); 1370 12 PerlinNoise2 0 4 1499 26 PerlinNoise2::PerlinNoise2 0 5 630 631 632 633 634 1633 // Filename: perlinNoise2.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. Uses a default scale (noise frequency), // table size, and seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 212 inline PerlinNoise2::PerlinNoise2(void); inline PerlinNoise2::PerlinNoise2(double sx, double sy, int table_size = (256), unsigned long int seed = (0)); inline PerlinNoise2::PerlinNoise2(PerlinNoise2 const ©); 1371 10 operator = 0 4 1499 24 PerlinNoise2::operator = 0 1 635 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 inline void PerlinNoise2::operator =(PerlinNoise2 const ©); 1372 9 set_scale 0 4 1499 23 PerlinNoise2::set_scale 0 4 636 637 638 639 1070 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 233 inline void PerlinNoise2::set_scale(double scale); inline void PerlinNoise2::set_scale(double sx, double sy); inline void PerlinNoise2::set_scale(LVecBase2f const &scale); inline void PerlinNoise2::set_scale(LVecBase2d const &scale); 1373 5 noise 0 4 1499 19 PerlinNoise2::noise 0 3 640 641 642 802 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 184 inline double PerlinNoise2::noise(double x, double y) const; inline float PerlinNoise2::noise(LVecBase2f const &value) const; double PerlinNoise2::noise(LVecBase2d const &value) const; 1374 11 operator () 0 4 1499 25 PerlinNoise2::operator () 0 3 643 644 645 802 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 209 inline double PerlinNoise2::operator ()(double x, double y) const; inline float PerlinNoise2::operator ()(LVecBase2f const &value) const; inline double PerlinNoise2::operator ()(LVecBase2d const &value) const; 1375 13 ~PerlinNoise2 0 4 1499 27 PerlinNoise2::~PerlinNoise2 0 0 0 34 PerlinNoise2::~PerlinNoise2(void); 1376 12 PerlinNoise3 0 4 1500 26 PerlinNoise3::PerlinNoise3 0 5 646 647 648 649 650 1633 // Filename: perlinNoise3.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. Uses a default scale (noise frequency), // table size, and seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 223 inline PerlinNoise3::PerlinNoise3(void); inline PerlinNoise3::PerlinNoise3(double sx, double sy, double sz, int table_size = (256), unsigned long int seed = (0)); inline PerlinNoise3::PerlinNoise3(PerlinNoise3 const ©); 1377 10 operator = 0 4 1500 24 PerlinNoise3::operator = 0 1 651 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 63 inline void PerlinNoise3::operator =(PerlinNoise3 const ©); 1378 9 set_scale 0 4 1500 23 PerlinNoise3::set_scale 0 4 652 653 654 655 1070 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 244 inline void PerlinNoise3::set_scale(double scale); inline void PerlinNoise3::set_scale(double sx, double sy, double sz); inline void PerlinNoise3::set_scale(LVecBase3f const &scale); inline void PerlinNoise3::set_scale(LVecBase3d const &scale); 1379 5 noise 0 4 1500 19 PerlinNoise3::noise 0 3 656 657 658 802 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 194 inline double PerlinNoise3::noise(double x, double y, double z) const; inline float PerlinNoise3::noise(LVecBase3f const &value) const; double PerlinNoise3::noise(LVecBase3d const &value) const; 1380 11 operator () 0 4 1500 25 PerlinNoise3::operator () 0 3 659 660 661 808 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 219 inline double PerlinNoise3::operator ()(double x, double y, double z) const; inline float PerlinNoise3::operator ()(LVecBase3f const &value) const; inline double PerlinNoise3::operator ()(LVecBase3d const &value) const; 1381 13 ~PerlinNoise3 0 4 1500 27 PerlinNoise3::~PerlinNoise3 0 0 0 34 PerlinNoise3::~PerlinNoise3(void); 1382 9 rotate_to 0 1 0 9 rotate_to 0 4 770 771 772 773 0 287 void rotate_to(LMatrix3f &mat, LVector3f const &a, LVector3f const &b); void rotate_to(LMatrix3d &mat, LVector3d const &a, LVector3d const &b); void rotate_to(LMatrix4f &mat, LVector3f const &a, LVector3f const &b); void rotate_to(LMatrix4d &mat, LVector3d const &a, LVector3d const &b); 1383 19 StackedPerlinNoise2 0 4 1501 40 StackedPerlinNoise2::StackedPerlinNoise2 0 8 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 1865 // Filename: stackedPerlinNoise2.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a StackedPerlinNoise2 object with no levels. // You should call add_level() to add each level by // hand. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise2 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 322 inline StackedPerlinNoise2::StackedPerlinNoise2(void); StackedPerlinNoise2::StackedPerlinNoise2(double sx, double sy, int num_levels = (2), double scale_factor = (4), double amp_scale = (0.5), int table_size = (256), unsigned long int seed = (0)); StackedPerlinNoise2::StackedPerlinNoise2(StackedPerlinNoise2 const ©); 1384 10 operator = 0 4 1501 31 StackedPerlinNoise2::operator = 0 1 670 376 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise2 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 70 void StackedPerlinNoise2::operator =(StackedPerlinNoise2 const ©); 1385 9 add_level 0 4 1501 30 StackedPerlinNoise2::add_level 0 2 671 672 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise2 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 81 void StackedPerlinNoise2::add_level(PerlinNoise2 const &level, double amp = (1)); 1386 5 clear 0 4 1501 26 StackedPerlinNoise2::clear 0 1 673 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all levels from the stack. You must call // add_level() again to restore them. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38 void StackedPerlinNoise2::clear(void); 1387 5 noise 0 4 1501 26 StackedPerlinNoise2::noise 0 3 674 675 676 823 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 187 inline double StackedPerlinNoise2::noise(double x, double y); inline float StackedPerlinNoise2::noise(LVecBase2f const &value); double StackedPerlinNoise2::noise(LVecBase2d const &value); 1388 11 operator () 0 4 1501 32 StackedPerlinNoise2::operator () 0 3 677 678 679 829 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 212 inline double StackedPerlinNoise2::operator ()(double x, double y); inline float StackedPerlinNoise2::operator ()(LVecBase2f const &value); inline double StackedPerlinNoise2::operator ()(LVecBase2d const &value); 1389 20 ~StackedPerlinNoise2 0 4 1501 41 StackedPerlinNoise2::~StackedPerlinNoise2 0 0 0 48 StackedPerlinNoise2::~StackedPerlinNoise2(void); 1390 19 StackedPerlinNoise3 0 4 1502 40 StackedPerlinNoise3::StackedPerlinNoise3 0 8 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 1865 // Filename: stackedPerlinNoise3.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a StackedPerlinNoise3 object with no levels. // You should call add_level() to add each level by // hand. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise3 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 333 inline StackedPerlinNoise3::StackedPerlinNoise3(void); StackedPerlinNoise3::StackedPerlinNoise3(double sx, double sy, double sz, int num_levels = (3), double scale_factor = (4), double amp_scale = (0.5), int table_size = (256), unsigned long int seed = (0)); StackedPerlinNoise3::StackedPerlinNoise3(StackedPerlinNoise3 const ©); 1391 10 operator = 0 4 1502 31 StackedPerlinNoise3::operator = 0 1 688 376 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise3 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 70 void StackedPerlinNoise3::operator =(StackedPerlinNoise3 const ©); 1392 9 add_level 0 4 1502 30 StackedPerlinNoise3::add_level 0 2 689 690 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise3 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 81 void StackedPerlinNoise3::add_level(PerlinNoise3 const &level, double amp = (1)); 1393 5 clear 0 4 1502 26 StackedPerlinNoise3::clear 0 1 691 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all levels from the stack. You must call // add_level() again to restore them. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38 void StackedPerlinNoise3::clear(void); 1394 5 noise 0 4 1502 26 StackedPerlinNoise3::noise 0 3 692 693 694 823 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 197 inline double StackedPerlinNoise3::noise(double x, double y, double z); inline float StackedPerlinNoise3::noise(LVecBase3f const &value); double StackedPerlinNoise3::noise(LVecBase3d const &value); 1395 11 operator () 0 4 1502 32 StackedPerlinNoise3::operator () 0 3 695 696 697 829 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 222 inline double StackedPerlinNoise3::operator ()(double x, double y, double z); inline float StackedPerlinNoise3::operator ()(LVecBase3f const &value); inline double StackedPerlinNoise3::operator ()(LVecBase3d const &value); 1396 20 ~StackedPerlinNoise3 0 4 1502 41 StackedPerlinNoise3::~StackedPerlinNoise3 0 0 0 48 StackedPerlinNoise3::~StackedPerlinNoise3(void); 1397 12 Triangulator 0 4 1503 26 Triangulator::Triangulator 0 1 698 225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 33 Triangulator::Triangulator(void); 1398 5 clear 0 4 1503 19 Triangulator::clear 0 1 699 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from // the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 31 void Triangulator::clear(void); 1399 10 add_vertex 0 4 1503 24 Triangulator::add_vertex 0 2 700 701 1114 // Filename: triangulator.I // Created by: drose (18Jan07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 109 int Triangulator::add_vertex(LPoint2d const &point); inline int Triangulator::add_vertex(double x, double y); 1400 16 get_num_vertices 0 4 1503 30 Triangulator::get_num_vertices 0 1 702 545 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_num_vertices // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of vertices in the pool. Note // that the Triangulator might append new vertices, in // addition to those added by the user, if any of the // polygon is self-intersecting, or if any of the holes // intersect some part of the polygon edges. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 inline int Triangulator::get_num_vertices(void) const; 1401 10 get_vertex 0 4 1503 24 Triangulator::get_vertex 0 1 703 247 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 61 inline LPoint2d const &Triangulator::get_vertex(int n) const; 1402 13 clear_polygon 0 4 1503 27 Triangulator::clear_polygon 0 1 704 342 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::clear_polygon // Access: Published // Description: Removes the current polygon definition (and its set // of holes), but does not clear the vertex pool. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 39 void Triangulator::clear_polygon(void); 1403 18 add_polygon_vertex 0 4 1503 32 Triangulator::add_polygon_vertex 0 1 705 645 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_polygon_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds the next consecutive vertex of the polygon. // This vertex should index into the vertex pool // established by repeated calls to add_vertex(). // // The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or // counterclockwise order. Vertices should not be // repeated. In particular, do not repeat the first // vertex at the end. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 49 void Triangulator::add_polygon_vertex(int index); 1404 15 is_left_winding 0 4 1503 29 Triangulator::is_left_winding 0 1 706 394 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::is_left_winding // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the polygon vertices are listed in // counterclockwise order, or false if they appear to be // listed in clockwise order. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 54 inline bool Triangulator::is_left_winding(void) const; 1405 10 begin_hole 0 4 1503 24 Triangulator::begin_hole 0 1 707 308 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::begin_hole // Access: Published // Description: Finishes the previous hole, if any, and prepares to // add a new hole. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 36 void Triangulator::begin_hole(void); 1406 15 add_hole_vertex 0 4 1503 29 Triangulator::add_hole_vertex 0 1 708 571 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_hole_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds the next consecutive vertex of the current hole. // This vertex should index into the vertex pool // established by repeated calls to add_vertex(). // // The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or // counterclockwise order. Vertices should not be // repeated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 46 void Triangulator::add_hole_vertex(int index); 1407 11 triangulate 0 4 1503 25 Triangulator::triangulate 0 1 709 439 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::triangulate // Access: Published // Description: Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon. // After this call, you may retrieve the new triangles // one at a time by iterating through // get_triangle_v0/1/2(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 37 void Triangulator::triangulate(void); 1408 17 get_num_triangles 0 4 1503 31 Triangulator::get_num_triangles 0 1 710 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_num_triangles // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of triangles generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 48 int Triangulator::get_num_triangles(void) const; 1409 15 get_triangle_v0 0 4 1503 29 Triangulator::get_triangle_v0 0 1 711 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v0 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 0 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 int Triangulator::get_triangle_v0(int n) const; 1410 15 get_triangle_v1 0 4 1503 29 Triangulator::get_triangle_v1 0 1 712 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v1 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 1 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 int Triangulator::get_triangle_v1(int n) const; 1411 15 get_triangle_v2 0 4 1503 29 Triangulator::get_triangle_v2 0 1 713 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v2 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 2 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 47 int Triangulator::get_triangle_v2(int n) const; 1412 13 ~Triangulator 0 4 1503 27 Triangulator::~Triangulator 0 0 0 34 Triangulator::~Triangulator(void); 1413 13 Triangulator3 0 4 1504 28 Triangulator3::Triangulator3 0 1 714 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 35 Triangulator3::Triangulator3(void); 1414 5 clear 0 4 1504 20 Triangulator3::clear 0 1 715 338 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from // the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 32 void Triangulator3::clear(void); 1415 10 add_vertex 0 4 1504 25 Triangulator3::add_vertex 0 2 716 717 1117 // Filename: triangulator3.I // Created by: drose (03Jan13) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 121 int Triangulator3::add_vertex(LPoint3d const &point); inline int Triangulator3::add_vertex(double x, double y, double z); 1416 16 get_num_vertices 0 4 1504 31 Triangulator3::get_num_vertices 0 1 718 546 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_num_vertices // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of vertices in the pool. Note // that the Triangulator might append new vertices, in // addition to those added by the user, if any of the // polygon is self-intersecting, or if any of the holes // intersect some part of the polygon edges. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 55 inline int Triangulator3::get_num_vertices(void) const; 1417 10 get_vertex 0 4 1504 25 Triangulator3::get_vertex 0 1 719 248 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 62 inline LPoint3d const &Triangulator3::get_vertex(int n) const; 1418 11 triangulate 0 4 1504 26 Triangulator3::triangulate 0 1 720 440 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::triangulate // Access: Published // Description: Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon. // After this call, you may retrieve the new triangles // one at a time by iterating through // get_triangle_v0/1/2(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 38 void Triangulator3::triangulate(void); 1419 9 get_plane 0 4 1504 24 Triangulator3::get_plane 0 1 721 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the plane of the polygon. This is only // available after calling triangulate(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 59 inline LPlaned const &Triangulator3::get_plane(void) const; 1420 14 ~Triangulator3 0 4 1504 29 Triangulator3::~Triangulator3 0 0 0 36 Triangulator3::~Triangulator3(void); 773 1 14 Dtool_LL_p8UqP 0 7 8 1507 787 14 Dtool_LL_p8UqP 0 1 4 copy 1 1505 2 14 Dtool_LL_pBbKJ 0 7 8 1507 787 14 Dtool_LL_pBbKJ 0 1 4 copy 1 1508 3 14 Dtool_LL_pkmAP 0 7 8 1507 787 14 Dtool_LL_pkmAP 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 4 14 Dtool_LL_pLoYb 0 6 9 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pLoYb 0 1 4 this 3 1505 5 14 Dtool_LL_pdtz1 0 6 10 1513 0 14 Dtool_LL_pdtz1 0 2 4 this 3 1505 1 n 1 1512 6 14 Dtool_LL_pyBEt 0 6 11 1513 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyBEt 0 2 4 this 3 1505 1 n 1 1512 7 14 Dtool_LL_p4SAf 0 6 12 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p4SAf 0 1 4 this 3 1505 8 14 Dtool_LL_pIPQw 0 6 13 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIPQw 0 3 4 this 3 1505 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 9 14 Dtool_LL_py8mi 0 6 14 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_py8mi 0 1 4 this 3 1505 10 14 Dtool_LL_pVkxg 0 6 15 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVkxg 0 1 4 this 3 1505 11 14 Dtool_LL_pQFDq 0 6 16 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQFDq 0 4 4 this 3 1505 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 12 14 Dtool_LL_phMem 0 4 17 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_phMem 0 3 4 this 3 1505 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 13 14 Dtool_LL_pPOpe 0 4 5 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPOpe 0 1 4 this 3 1521 14 14 Dtool_LL_pEcA1 0 4 6 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEcA1 0 2 4 this 3 1522 3 out 1 1524 15 14 Dtool_LL_prVxk 0 7 25 1528 801 14 Dtool_LL_prVxk 0 1 4 copy 1 1526 16 14 Dtool_LL_ppaza 0 7 25 1528 801 14 Dtool_LL_ppaza 0 1 4 copy 1 1529 17 14 Dtool_LL_pnmHd 0 7 25 1528 801 14 Dtool_LL_pnmHd 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 18 14 Dtool_LL_pKofp 0 6 26 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pKofp 0 1 4 this 3 1526 19 14 Dtool_LL_pft6D 0 6 27 1531 0 14 Dtool_LL_pft6D 0 2 4 this 3 1526 1 n 1 1512 20 14 Dtool_LL_p1BL7 0 6 28 1531 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1BL7 0 2 4 this 3 1526 1 n 1 1512 21 14 Dtool_LL_p_SHt 0 6 29 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_SHt 0 1 4 this 3 1526 22 14 Dtool_LL_pJPZ_ 0 6 30 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJPZ_ 0 3 4 this 3 1526 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 23 14 Dtool_LL_px8tw 0 6 31 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_px8tw 0 1 4 this 3 1526 24 14 Dtool_LL_pUk4u 0 6 32 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pUk4u 0 1 4 this 3 1526 25 14 Dtool_LL_pTFK4 0 6 33 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTFK4 0 4 4 this 3 1526 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 26 14 Dtool_LL_piMl0 0 4 34 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_piMl0 0 3 4 this 3 1526 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 27 14 Dtool_LL_pPF3f 0 4 22 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPF3f 0 1 4 this 3 1534 28 14 Dtool_LL_pEXO2 0 4 23 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEXO2 0 2 4 this 3 1535 3 out 1 1524 29 14 Dtool_LL_p6k38 0 7 42 1539 815 14 Dtool_LL_p6k38 0 1 4 copy 1 1537 30 14 Dtool_LL_pn6GJ 0 7 42 1539 815 14 Dtool_LL_pn6GJ 0 1 4 copy 1 1540 31 14 Dtool_LL_pjKdf 0 7 42 1539 815 14 Dtool_LL_pjKdf 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 32 14 Dtool_LL_pGRVp 0 6 43 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGRVp 0 1 4 this 3 1537 33 14 Dtool_LL_pcDC4 0 6 44 1542 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcDC4 0 2 4 this 3 1537 1 n 1 1512 34 14 Dtool_LL_pCq1g 0 6 45 1542 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCq1g 0 2 4 this 3 1537 1 n 1 1512 35 14 Dtool_LL_pIjLd 0 6 46 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIjLd 0 1 4 this 3 1537 36 14 Dtool_LL_pa_qG 0 6 47 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pa_qG 0 3 4 this 3 1537 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 37 14 Dtool_LL_pzjgQ 0 6 48 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzjgQ 0 1 4 this 3 1537 38 14 Dtool_LL_pCwxW 0 6 49 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCwxW 0 1 4 this 3 1537 39 14 Dtool_LL_pQ0OC 0 6 50 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQ0OC 0 4 4 this 3 1537 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 40 14 Dtool_LL_pbnUP 0 4 51 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbnUP 0 3 4 this 3 1537 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 41 14 Dtool_LL_pnoEy 0 4 39 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnoEy 0 1 4 this 3 1545 42 14 Dtool_LL_p6Pu_ 0 4 40 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6Pu_ 0 2 4 this 3 1546 3 out 1 1524 43 14 Dtool_LL_piMrA 0 7 59 1550 829 14 Dtool_LL_piMrA 0 1 4 copy 1 1548 44 14 Dtool_LL_p2OwM 0 7 59 1550 829 14 Dtool_LL_p2OwM 0 1 4 copy 1 1551 45 14 Dtool_LL_pKK9i 0 7 59 1550 829 14 Dtool_LL_pKK9i 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 46 14 Dtool_LL_phR1s 0 6 60 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_phR1s 0 1 4 this 3 1548 47 14 Dtool_LL_pFCi7 0 6 61 1553 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFCi7 0 2 4 this 3 1548 1 n 1 1512 48 14 Dtool_LL_p5qVk 0 6 62 1553 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5qVk 0 2 4 this 3 1548 1 n 1 1512 49 14 Dtool_LL_pvjrg 0 6 63 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pvjrg 0 1 4 this 3 1548 50 14 Dtool_LL_pz9KK 0 6 64 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pz9KK 0 3 4 this 3 1548 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 51 14 Dtool_LL_pUjAU 0 6 65 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pUjAU 0 1 4 this 3 1548 52 14 Dtool_LL_plwRa 0 6 66 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_plwRa 0 1 4 this 3 1548 53 14 Dtool_LL_pr1uF 0 6 67 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pr1uF 0 4 4 this 3 1548 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 54 14 Dtool_LL_pAm0S 0 4 68 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pAm0S 0 3 4 this 3 1548 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 55 14 Dtool_LL_pkIIZ 0 4 56 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkIIZ 0 1 4 this 3 1556 56 14 Dtool_LL_p5vzm 0 4 57 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5vzm 0 2 4 this 3 1557 3 out 1 1524 57 14 Dtool_LL_pw_Ym 0 7 76 1561 843 14 Dtool_LL_pw_Ym 0 1 4 copy 1 1559 58 14 Dtool_LL_p4mOy 0 7 76 1561 843 14 Dtool_LL_p4mOy 0 1 4 copy 1 1562 59 14 Dtool_LL_pNLNI 0 7 76 1561 843 14 Dtool_LL_pNLNI 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 60 14 Dtool_LL_pkWFS 0 6 77 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkWFS 0 1 4 this 3 1559 61 14 Dtool_LL_p_Cyg 0 6 78 1564 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_Cyg 0 2 4 this 3 1559 1 n 1 1512 62 14 Dtool_LL_p8rlJ 0 6 79 1564 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8rlJ 0 2 4 this 3 1559 1 n 1 1512 63 14 Dtool_LL_pqi7F 0 6 80 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pqi7F 0 1 4 this 3 1559 64 14 Dtool_LL_p98av 0 6 81 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p98av 0 3 4 this 3 1559 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 65 14 Dtool_LL_pSiQ5 0 6 82 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pSiQ5 0 1 4 this 3 1559 66 14 Dtool_LL_pjzh_ 0 6 83 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjzh_ 0 1 4 this 3 1559 67 14 Dtool_LL_pxy_q 0 6 84 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxy_q 0 4 4 this 3 1559 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 68 14 Dtool_LL_p6mE4 0 4 85 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6mE4 0 3 4 this 3 1559 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 69 14 Dtool_LL_plYtT 0 4 73 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_plYtT 0 1 4 this 3 1567 70 14 Dtool_LL_p4_Wh 0 4 74 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p4_Wh 0 2 4 this 3 1568 3 out 1 1524 71 14 Dtool_LL_pZ47T 0 7 93 1572 857 14 Dtool_LL_pZ47T 0 1 4 copy 1 1570 72 14 Dtool_LL_p0kKo 0 7 93 1572 857 14 Dtool_LL_p0kKo 0 1 4 copy 1 1573 73 14 Dtool_LL_psqhG 0 7 93 1572 857 14 Dtool_LL_psqhG 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 74 14 Dtool_LL_pHxZQ 0 6 94 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHxZQ 0 1 4 this 3 1570 75 14 Dtool_LL_pfjFf 0 6 95 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfjFf 0 2 4 this 3 1570 1 n 1 1512 76 14 Dtool_LL_pDK4H 0 6 96 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDK4H 0 2 4 this 3 1570 1 n 1 1512 77 14 Dtool_LL_pJDPE 0 6 97 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJDPE 0 1 4 this 3 1570 78 14 Dtool_LL_paeut 0 6 98 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_paeut 0 3 4 this 3 1570 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 79 14 Dtool_LL_pzDj3 0 6 99 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzDj3 0 1 4 this 3 1570 80 14 Dtool_LL_pCQ09 0 6 100 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCQ09 0 1 4 this 3 1570 81 14 Dtool_LL_pQUSp 0 6 101 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQUSp 0 4 4 this 3 1570 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 82 14 Dtool_LL_pbHX2 0 4 102 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbHX2 0 3 4 this 3 1570 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 83 14 Dtool_LL_pHkry 0 4 90 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHkry 0 1 4 this 3 1578 84 14 Dtool_LL_pZTXA 0 4 91 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZTXA 0 2 4 this 3 1579 3 out 1 1524 85 14 Dtool_LL_pAfuX 0 7 110 1583 871 14 Dtool_LL_pAfuX 0 1 4 copy 1 1581 86 14 Dtool_LL_pHUzr 0 7 110 1583 871 14 Dtool_LL_pHUzr 0 1 4 copy 1 1584 87 14 Dtool_LL_pLqBK 0 7 110 1583 871 14 Dtool_LL_pLqBK 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 88 14 Dtool_LL_pux5T 0 6 111 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pux5T 0 1 4 this 3 1581 89 14 Dtool_LL_pEili 0 6 112 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEili 0 2 4 this 3 1581 1 n 1 1512 90 14 Dtool_LL_p6KYL 0 6 113 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6KYL 0 2 4 this 3 1581 1 n 1 1512 91 14 Dtool_LL_pgDvH 0 6 114 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgDvH 0 1 4 this 3 1581 92 14 Dtool_LL_pzdOx 0 6 115 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzdOx 0 3 4 this 3 1581 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 93 14 Dtool_LL_pUDD7 0 6 116 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pUDD7 0 1 4 this 3 1581 94 14 Dtool_LL_pqQUB 0 6 117 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pqQUB 0 1 4 this 3 1581 95 14 Dtool_LL_prVys 0 6 118 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_prVys 0 4 4 this 3 1581 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 96 14 Dtool_LL_pAG35 0 4 119 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pAG35 0 3 4 this 3 1581 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 97 14 Dtool_LL_pEEvZ 0 4 107 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEEvZ 0 1 4 this 3 1589 98 14 Dtool_LL_pZzYn 0 4 108 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZzYn 0 2 4 this 3 1590 3 out 1 1524 99 14 Dtool_LL_pWrc9 0 7 127 1594 885 14 Dtool_LL_pWrc9 0 1 4 copy 1 1592 100 14 Dtool_LL_p28SR 0 7 127 1594 885 14 Dtool_LL_p28SR 0 1 4 copy 1 1595 101 14 Dtool_LL_pNrRv 0 7 127 1594 885 14 Dtool_LL_pNrRv 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 102 14 Dtool_LL_pk2J5 0 6 128 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pk2J5 0 1 4 this 3 1592 103 14 Dtool_LL_pBh1H 0 6 129 1597 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBh1H 0 2 4 this 3 1592 1 n 1 1512 104 14 Dtool_LL_p8Low 0 6 130 1597 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8Low 0 2 4 this 3 1592 1 n 1 1512 105 14 Dtool_LL_pqC_s 0 6 131 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pqC_s 0 1 4 this 3 1592 106 14 Dtool_LL_p8ceW 0 6 132 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8ceW 0 3 4 this 3 1592 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 107 14 Dtool_LL_pRCTg 0 6 133 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pRCTg 0 1 4 this 3 1592 108 14 Dtool_LL_pgTkm 0 6 134 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgTkm 0 1 4 this 3 1592 109 14 Dtool_LL_p2SCS 0 6 135 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2SCS 0 4 4 this 3 1592 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 110 14 Dtool_LL_p9GHf 0 4 136 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p9GHf 0 3 4 this 3 1592 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 111 14 Dtool_LL_pFUUU 0 4 124 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFUUU 0 1 4 this 3 1600 112 14 Dtool_LL_pYD_h 0 4 125 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pYD_h 0 2 4 this 3 1601 3 out 1 1524 113 14 Dtool_LL_pIjZj 0 7 144 1605 899 14 Dtool_LL_pIjZj 0 1 4 copy 1 1603 114 14 Dtool_LL_p0fsj 0 7 144 1605 899 14 Dtool_LL_p0fsj 0 1 4 copy 1 1606 115 14 Dtool_LL_pPdmd 0 7 144 1605 899 14 Dtool_LL_pPdmd 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 116 14 Dtool_LL_p45Pf 0 6 145 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_p45Pf 0 1 4 this 3 1603 117 14 Dtool_LL_pp7fi 0 6 146 1608 0 14 Dtool_LL_pp7fi 0 2 4 this 3 1603 1 n 1 1512 118 14 Dtool_LL_pXMaR 0 6 147 1608 0 14 Dtool_LL_pXMaR 0 2 4 this 3 1603 1 n 1 1512 119 14 Dtool_LL_poMr_ 0 6 148 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_poMr_ 0 1 4 this 3 1603 120 14 Dtool_LL_pPquB 0 6 149 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPquB 0 3 4 this 3 1603 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 121 14 Dtool_LL_pCJFo 0 6 150 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCJFo 0 1 4 this 3 1603 122 14 Dtool_LL_psO2H 0 6 151 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_psO2H 0 1 4 this 3 1603 123 14 Dtool_LL_pu9_o 0 6 152 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pu9_o 0 4 4 this 3 1603 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 124 14 Dtool_LL_p9Mho 0 4 153 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p9Mho 0 3 4 this 3 1603 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 125 14 Dtool_LL_pYk24 0 4 141 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pYk24 0 1 4 this 3 1611 126 14 Dtool_LL_pIEmL 0 4 142 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIEmL 0 2 4 this 3 1612 3 out 1 1524 127 14 Dtool_LL_pL7R7 0 7 161 1616 913 14 Dtool_LL_pL7R7 0 1 4 copy 1 1614 128 14 Dtool_LL_p13gU 0 7 161 1616 913 14 Dtool_LL_p13gU 0 1 4 copy 1 1617 129 14 Dtool_LL_pPVXn 0 7 161 1616 913 14 Dtool_LL_pPVXn 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 130 14 Dtool_LL_p4xAp 0 6 162 1512 0 14 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1627 927 14 Dtool_LL_pBa_J 0 1 4 copy 1 1628 143 14 Dtool_LL_pBhQh 0 7 178 1627 927 14 Dtool_LL_pBhQh 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 144 14 Dtool_LL_p6gkS 0 6 179 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6gkS 0 1 4 this 3 1625 145 14 Dtool_LL_pQ6W8 0 6 180 1630 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQ6W8 0 2 4 this 3 1625 1 n 1 1512 146 14 Dtool_LL_pZ7dZ 0 6 181 1630 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZ7dZ 0 2 4 this 3 1625 1 n 1 1512 147 14 Dtool_LL_pV8Dh 0 6 182 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pV8Dh 0 1 4 this 3 1625 148 14 Dtool_LL_pksLm 0 6 183 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pksLm 0 3 4 this 3 1625 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 149 14 Dtool_LL_prjbv 0 6 184 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_prjbv 0 1 4 this 3 1625 150 14 Dtool_LL_pIPMo 0 6 185 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIPMo 0 1 4 this 3 1625 151 14 Dtool_LL_pp8kN 0 6 186 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pp8kN 0 4 4 this 3 1625 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 152 14 Dtool_LL_pPFO_ 0 4 187 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPFO_ 0 3 4 this 3 1625 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 153 14 Dtool_LL_pG_a7 0 4 175 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pG_a7 0 1 4 this 3 1633 154 14 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Dtool_LL_pJDVA 0 2 4 this 3 1529 1 n 1 1512 214 14 Dtool_LL_pc6__ 0 4 249 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pc6__ 0 3 4 this 3 1661 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1531 215 14 Dtool_LL_pb_87 0 6 250 1531 0 14 Dtool_LL_pb_87 0 2 4 this 3 1529 1 n 1 1512 216 14 Dtool_LL_pnU_G 0 4 251 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnU_G 0 3 4 this 3 1661 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1531 217 14 Dtool_LL_p_N90 0 6 252 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_N90 0 1 4 this 3 1529 218 14 Dtool_LL_pzCeh 0 4 253 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzCeh 0 2 4 this 3 1661 4 data 1 1516 219 14 Dtool_LL_pLnj9 0 6 254 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pLnj9 0 3 4 this 3 1529 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 220 14 Dtool_LL_pmA7x 0 4 255 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmA7x 0 4 4 this 3 1661 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 221 14 Dtool_LL_pn7wW 0 6 256 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pn7wW 0 1 4 this 3 1529 222 14 Dtool_LL_pI21V 0 6 257 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pI21V 0 1 4 this 3 1529 223 14 Dtool_LL_pNw7b 0 6 258 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pNw7b 0 4 4 this 3 1661 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 224 14 Dtool_LL_pj2qY 0 4 259 1520 0 14 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3 4 this 3 1562 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 283 14 Dtool_LL_pZlDF 0 4 312 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZlDF 0 4 4 this 3 1664 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 284 14 Dtool_LL_pChCb 0 6 313 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pChCb 0 1 4 this 3 1562 285 14 Dtool_LL_pVXK_ 0 6 314 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVXK_ 0 1 4 this 3 1562 286 14 Dtool_LL_p21AD 0 6 315 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p21AD 0 4 4 this 3 1664 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 287 14 Dtool_LL_pmaaa 0 4 316 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmaaa 0 3 4 this 3 1562 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 288 14 Dtool_LL_pxLk_ 0 7 319 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_pxLk_ 0 1 4 copy 1 1573 289 14 Dtool_LL_ppFJG 0 7 319 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_ppFJG 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 290 14 Dtool_LL_pe5Kt 0 7 319 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_pe5Kt 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 291 14 Dtool_LL_pFPI8 0 7 319 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_pFPI8 0 0 292 14 Dtool_LL_pAqK1 0 7 320 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_pAqK1 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 293 14 Dtool_LL_pIW1E 0 7 320 1665 1063 14 Dtool_LL_pIW1E 0 1 1 n 1 1512 294 14 Dtool_LL_pWBpG 0 6 321 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pWBpG 0 1 4 this 3 1573 295 14 Dtool_LL_paxgj 0 4 322 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_paxgj 0 2 4 this 3 1665 1 x 1 1575 296 14 Dtool_LL_p8_BO 0 4 323 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8_BO 0 1 4 this 3 1665 297 14 Dtool_LL_pnn9t 0 6 324 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnn9t 0 2 4 this 3 1573 1 n 1 1512 298 14 Dtool_LL_pyo_m 0 4 325 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyo_m 0 3 4 this 3 1665 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1575 299 14 Dtool_LL_p4dXi 0 6 326 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_p4dXi 0 2 4 this 3 1573 1 n 1 1512 300 14 Dtool_LL_p9rTH 0 4 327 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p9rTH 0 3 4 this 3 1665 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1575 301 14 Dtool_LL_pengA 0 6 328 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pengA 0 1 4 this 3 1573 302 14 Dtool_LL_pU7xS 0 4 329 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pU7xS 0 2 4 this 3 1665 4 data 1 1516 303 14 Dtool_LL_p2cPV 0 6 330 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2cPV 0 3 4 this 3 1573 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 304 14 Dtool_LL_pKUMk 0 4 331 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pKUMk 0 4 4 this 3 1665 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 305 14 Dtool_LL_pVSM6 0 6 332 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVSM6 0 1 4 this 3 1573 306 14 Dtool_LL_pFkUd 0 6 333 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFkUd 0 1 4 this 3 1573 307 14 Dtool_LL_pHCJi 0 6 334 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHCJi 0 4 4 this 3 1665 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 308 14 Dtool_LL_p3Jk5 0 4 335 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3Jk5 0 3 4 this 3 1573 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 309 14 Dtool_LL_pPnWg 0 7 338 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_pPnWg 0 1 4 copy 1 1584 310 14 Dtool_LL_p8F5n 0 7 338 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_p8F5n 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 311 14 Dtool_LL_pq_6O 0 7 338 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_pq_6O 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 312 14 Dtool_LL_pRP4d 0 7 338 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_pRP4d 0 0 313 14 Dtool_LL_psr6W 0 7 339 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_psr6W 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 314 14 Dtool_LL_pnVlm 0 7 339 1666 1081 14 Dtool_LL_pnVlm 0 1 1 n 1 1512 315 14 Dtool_LL_plCZo 0 6 340 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_plCZo 0 1 4 this 3 1584 316 14 Dtool_LL_phxAn 0 4 341 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_phxAn 0 2 4 this 3 1666 1 x 1 1586 317 14 Dtool_LL_pB_xv 0 4 342 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pB_xv 0 1 4 this 3 1666 318 14 Dtool_LL_pLntP 0 6 343 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pLntP 0 2 4 this 3 1584 1 n 1 1512 319 14 Dtool_LL_pB2vI 0 4 344 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pB2vI 0 3 4 this 3 1666 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1586 320 14 Dtool_LL_pMdHE 0 6 345 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pMdHE 0 2 4 this 3 1584 1 n 1 1512 321 14 Dtool_LL_pX5Cp 0 4 346 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pX5Cp 0 3 4 this 3 1666 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1586 322 14 Dtool_LL_pznQi 0 6 347 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pznQi 0 1 4 this 3 1584 323 14 Dtool_LL_p77h0 0 4 348 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p77h0 0 2 4 this 3 1666 4 data 1 1516 324 14 Dtool_LL_pjc_2 0 6 349 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjc_2 0 3 4 this 3 1584 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 325 14 Dtool_LL_pmV8F 0 4 350 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmV8F 0 4 4 this 3 1666 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 326 14 Dtool_LL_phS8b 0 6 351 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_phS8b 0 1 4 this 3 1584 327 14 Dtool_LL_pwnE_ 0 6 352 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pwnE_ 0 1 4 this 3 1584 328 14 Dtool_LL_pTC5D 0 6 353 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTC5D 0 4 4 this 3 1666 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 329 14 Dtool_LL_pbJUb 0 4 354 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbJUb 0 3 4 this 3 1584 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 330 14 Dtool_LL_pdzCz 0 7 357 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_pdzCz 0 1 4 copy 1 1595 331 14 Dtool_LL_pZFh6 0 7 357 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_pZFh6 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 332 14 Dtool_LL_pJ_ih 0 7 357 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_pJ_ih 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 333 14 Dtool_LL_pyPgw 0 7 357 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_pyPgw 0 0 334 14 Dtool_LL_pTrip 0 7 358 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_pTrip 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 335 14 Dtool_LL_p4VN5 0 7 358 1667 1099 14 Dtool_LL_p4VN5 0 1 1 n 1 1512 336 14 Dtool_LL_pGCB7 0 6 359 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGCB7 0 1 4 this 3 1595 337 14 Dtool_LL_p8wQM 0 4 360 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8wQM 0 2 4 this 3 1667 1 x 1 1597 338 14 Dtool_LL_pv_ZC 0 4 361 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pv_ZC 0 1 4 this 3 1667 339 14 Dtool_LL_p2mVi 0 6 362 1597 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2mVi 0 2 4 this 3 1595 1 n 1 1512 340 14 Dtool_LL_posZ7 0 4 363 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_posZ7 0 3 4 this 3 1667 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1597 341 14 Dtool_LL_ppcvW 0 6 364 1597 0 14 Dtool_LL_ppcvW 0 2 4 this 3 1595 1 n 1 1512 342 14 Dtool_LL_p2ltb 0 4 365 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2ltb 0 3 4 this 3 1667 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1597 343 14 Dtool_LL_pJq50 0 6 366 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJq50 0 1 4 this 3 1595 344 14 Dtool_LL_pF6JH 0 4 367 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pF6JH 0 2 4 this 3 1667 4 data 1 1516 345 14 Dtool_LL_pFcnJ 0 6 368 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFcnJ 0 3 4 this 3 1595 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 346 14 Dtool_LL_pZVkY 0 4 369 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZVkY 0 4 4 this 3 1667 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 347 14 Dtool_LL_pCRku 0 6 370 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCRku 0 1 4 this 3 1595 348 14 Dtool_LL_pSnsR 0 6 371 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pSnsR 0 1 4 this 3 1595 349 14 Dtool_LL_p2FhW 0 6 372 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2FhW 0 4 4 this 3 1667 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 350 14 Dtool_LL_pmK8t 0 4 373 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmK8t 0 3 4 this 3 1595 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 351 14 Dtool_LL_p457Z 0 7 376 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_p457Z 0 1 4 copy 1 1606 352 14 Dtool_LL_p0LdI 0 7 376 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_p0LdI 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 353 14 Dtool_LL_pOf6R 0 7 376 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_pOf6R 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 354 14 Dtool_LL_p6Cf6 0 7 376 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_p6Cf6 0 0 355 14 Dtool_LL_pOyIK 0 7 377 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_pOyIK 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 356 14 Dtool_LL_p4r_c 0 7 377 1668 1117 14 Dtool_LL_p4r_c 0 1 1 n 1 1512 357 14 Dtool_LL_pGoCu 0 6 378 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGoCu 0 1 4 this 3 1606 358 14 Dtool_LL_p3j_h 0 4 379 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3j_h 0 2 4 this 3 1668 1 x 1 1608 359 14 Dtool_LL_p5m0V 0 4 380 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5m0V 0 1 4 this 3 1668 360 14 Dtool_LL_pIOmv 0 6 381 1608 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIOmv 0 2 4 this 3 1606 1 n 1 1512 361 14 Dtool_LL_pzc56 0 4 382 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzc56 0 3 4 this 3 1668 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1608 362 14 Dtool_LL_pVWEn 0 6 383 1608 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVWEn 0 2 4 this 3 1606 1 n 1 1512 363 14 Dtool_LL_p7RxL 0 4 384 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p7RxL 0 3 4 this 3 1668 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1608 364 14 Dtool_LL_pyCPe 0 6 385 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyCPe 0 1 4 this 3 1606 365 14 Dtool_LL_pYKyj 0 4 386 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pYKyj 0 2 4 this 3 1668 4 data 1 1516 366 14 Dtool_LL_pyaOf 0 6 387 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyaOf 0 3 4 this 3 1606 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 367 14 Dtool_LL_pPeuN 0 4 388 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPeuN 0 4 4 this 3 1668 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 368 14 Dtool_LL_pvZcS 0 6 389 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pvZcS 0 1 4 this 3 1606 369 14 Dtool_LL_prlTC 0 6 390 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_prlTC 0 1 4 this 3 1606 370 14 Dtool_LL_pk1DD 0 6 391 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pk1DD 0 4 4 this 3 1668 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 371 14 Dtool_LL_puenS 0 4 392 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_puenS 0 3 4 this 3 1606 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 372 14 Dtool_LL_p4Nlo 0 7 395 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_p4Nlo 0 1 4 copy 1 1617 373 14 Dtool_LL_p0vWN 0 7 395 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_p0vWN 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 374 14 Dtool_LL_pOzyW 0 7 395 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_pOzyW 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 375 14 Dtool_LL_p6mY_ 0 7 395 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_p6mY_ 0 0 376 14 Dtool_LL_pOOBP 0 7 396 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_pOOBP 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 377 14 Dtool_LL_p4X3h 0 7 396 1669 1135 14 Dtool_LL_p4X3h 0 1 1 n 1 1512 378 14 Dtool_LL_pGM6y 0 6 397 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGM6y 0 1 4 this 3 1617 379 14 Dtool_LL_p8N5m 0 4 398 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8N5m 0 2 4 this 3 1669 1 x 1 1619 380 14 Dtool_LL_p5asa 0 4 399 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5asa 0 1 4 this 3 1669 381 14 Dtool_LL_pIie0 0 6 400 1619 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIie0 0 2 4 this 3 1617 1 n 1 1512 382 14 Dtool_LL_pykqE 0 4 401 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pykqE 0 3 4 this 3 1669 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1619 383 14 Dtool_LL_pVq9r 0 6 402 1619 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVq9r 0 2 4 this 3 1617 1 n 1 1512 384 14 Dtool_LL_p7ZiV 0 4 403 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p7ZiV 0 3 4 this 3 1669 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1619 385 14 Dtool_LL_py_Ij 0 6 404 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_py_Ij 0 1 4 this 3 1617 386 14 Dtool_LL_pY2qo 0 4 405 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pY2qo 0 2 4 this 3 1669 4 data 1 1516 387 14 Dtool_LL_py2Gk 0 6 406 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_py2Gk 0 3 4 this 3 1617 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 388 14 Dtool_LL_pP6mS 0 4 407 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pP6mS 0 4 4 this 3 1669 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 389 14 Dtool_LL_pv9UX 0 6 408 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pv9UX 0 1 4 this 3 1617 390 14 Dtool_LL_prZMH 0 6 409 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_prZMH 0 1 4 this 3 1617 391 14 Dtool_LL_pkZ7H 0 6 410 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkZ7H 0 4 4 this 3 1669 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 392 14 Dtool_LL_puifX 0 4 411 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_puifX 0 3 4 this 3 1617 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 393 14 Dtool_LL_pWYux 0 7 414 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pWYux 0 1 4 copy 1 1628 394 14 Dtool_LL_pacm3 0 7 414 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pacm3 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 395 14 Dtool_LL_pmafk 0 7 414 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pmafk 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 396 14 Dtool_LL_pIfZ2 0 7 414 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pIfZ2 0 0 397 14 Dtool_LL_pyhft 0 7 415 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pyhft 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 398 14 Dtool_LL_pL6dH 0 7 415 1670 1153 14 Dtool_LL_pL6dH 0 1 1 n 1 1512 399 14 Dtool_LL_pouvn 0 6 416 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pouvn 0 1 4 this 3 1628 400 14 Dtool_LL_pkzRx 0 4 417 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkzRx 0 2 4 this 3 1670 1 x 1 1630 401 14 Dtool_LL_pY_qg 0 4 418 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pY_qg 0 1 4 this 3 1670 402 14 Dtool_LL_pF1lc 0 6 419 1630 0 14 Dtool_LL_pF1lc 0 2 4 this 3 1628 1 n 1 1512 403 14 Dtool_LL_pDiPw 0 4 420 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDiPw 0 3 4 this 3 1670 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1630 404 14 Dtool_LL_pk0HL 0 6 421 1630 0 14 Dtool_LL_pk0HL 0 2 4 this 3 1628 1 n 1 1512 405 14 Dtool_LL_ph9QM 0 4 422 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_ph9QM 0 3 4 this 3 1670 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1630 406 14 Dtool_LL_pd49u 0 6 423 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pd49u 0 1 4 this 3 1628 407 14 Dtool_LL_pmWMh 0 4 424 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmWMh 0 2 4 this 3 1670 4 data 1 1516 408 14 Dtool_LL_p_5dR 0 6 425 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_5dR 0 3 4 this 3 1628 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 409 14 Dtool_LL_pWBSj 0 4 426 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pWBSj 0 4 4 this 3 1670 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 410 14 Dtool_LL_ppiI2 0 6 427 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_ppiI2 0 1 4 this 3 1628 411 14 Dtool_LL_p_Tgy 0 6 428 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_Tgy 0 1 4 this 3 1628 412 14 Dtool_LL_pUGDL 0 6 429 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pUGDL 0 4 4 this 3 1670 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 413 14 Dtool_LL_ptp_9 0 4 430 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_ptp_9 0 3 4 this 3 1628 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 414 14 Dtool_LL_p3n8b 0 7 433 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_p3n8b 0 1 4 copy 1 1639 415 14 Dtool_LL_pZc0T 0 7 433 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_pZc0T 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 416 14 Dtool_LL_platA 0 7 433 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_platA 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 417 14 Dtool_LL_pLfnS 0 7 433 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_pLfnS 0 0 418 14 Dtool_LL_p1htJ 0 7 434 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_p1htJ 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 419 14 Dtool_LL_pV6rj 0 7 434 1671 1171 14 Dtool_LL_pV6rj 0 1 1 n 1 1512 420 14 Dtool_LL_pru9D 0 6 435 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pru9D 0 1 4 this 3 1639 421 14 Dtool_LL_pnDAh 0 4 436 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnDAh 0 2 4 this 3 1671 1 x 1 1641 422 14 Dtool_LL_pW_48 0 4 437 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pW_48 0 1 4 this 3 1671 423 14 Dtool_LL_pH1z4 0 6 438 1641 0 14 Dtool_LL_pH1z4 0 2 4 this 3 1639 1 n 1 1512 424 14 Dtool_LL_pQtdT 0 4 439 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQtdT 0 3 4 this 3 1671 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1641 425 14 Dtool_LL_pq0Vn 0 6 440 1641 0 14 Dtool_LL_pq0Vn 0 2 4 this 3 1639 1 n 1 1512 426 14 Dtool_LL_px_ev 0 4 441 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_px_ev 0 3 4 this 3 1671 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1641 427 14 Dtool_LL_pA4LL 0 6 442 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pA4LL 0 1 4 this 3 1639 428 14 Dtool_LL_pkWa9 0 4 443 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkWa9 0 2 4 this 3 1671 4 data 1 1516 429 14 Dtool_LL_p55rt 0 6 444 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_p55rt 0 3 4 this 3 1639 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 430 14 Dtool_LL_pQBg_ 0 4 445 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQBg_ 0 4 4 this 3 1671 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 431 14 Dtool_LL_psiWS 0 6 446 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_psiWS 0 1 4 this 3 1639 432 14 Dtool_LL_phTuO 0 6 447 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_phTuO 0 1 4 this 3 1639 433 14 Dtool_LL_pqGRn 0 6 448 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pqGRn 0 4 4 this 3 1671 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 434 14 Dtool_LL_popNa 0 4 449 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_popNa 0 3 4 this 3 1639 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 435 14 Dtool_LL_pFiRb 0 7 452 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pFiRb 0 1 4 copy 1 1650 436 14 Dtool_LL_pccJ_ 0 7 452 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pccJ_ 0 2 4 self 1 1510 6 source 1 1510 437 14 Dtool_LL_pgaCr 0 7 452 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pgaCr 0 1 11 type_handle 1 1659 438 14 Dtool_LL_pOf88 0 7 452 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pOf88 0 0 439 14 Dtool_LL_pohC0 0 7 453 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pohC0 0 2 1 n 1 1512 11 type_handle 1 1659 440 14 Dtool_LL_pR6AO 0 7 453 1672 1189 14 Dtool_LL_pR6AO 0 1 1 n 1 1512 441 14 Dtool_LL_pmuQu 0 6 454 1512 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmuQu 0 1 4 this 3 1650 442 14 Dtool_LL_p7roo 0 4 455 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p7roo 0 2 4 this 3 1672 1 x 1 1652 443 14 Dtool_LL_pS_Nn 0 4 456 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pS_Nn 0 1 4 this 3 1672 444 14 Dtool_LL_pD1Gj 0 6 457 1652 0 14 Dtool_LL_pD1Gj 0 2 4 this 3 1650 1 n 1 1512 445 14 Dtool_LL_pZvQI 0 4 458 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZvQI 0 3 4 this 3 1672 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1652 446 14 Dtool_LL_pu0qR 0 6 459 1652 0 14 Dtool_LL_pu0qR 0 2 4 this 3 1650 1 n 1 1512 447 14 Dtool_LL_p44Tk 0 4 460 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p44Tk 0 3 4 this 3 1672 1 n 1 1512 5 value 1 1652 448 14 Dtool_LL_pH4g1 0 6 461 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pH4g1 0 1 4 this 3 1650 449 14 Dtool_LL_pgWvn 0 4 462 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgWvn 0 2 4 this 3 1672 4 data 1 1516 450 14 Dtool_LL_pl5AY 0 6 463 1516 0 14 Dtool_LL_pl5AY 0 3 4 this 3 1650 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 451 14 Dtool_LL_psG1p 0 4 464 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_psG1p 0 4 4 this 3 1672 1 n 1 1512 5 count 1 1512 4 data 1 1516 452 14 Dtool_LL_pzir8 0 6 465 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzir8 0 1 4 this 3 1650 453 14 Dtool_LL_pkTD5 0 6 466 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkTD5 0 1 4 this 3 1650 454 14 Dtool_LL_puGmR 0 6 467 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_puGmR 0 4 4 this 3 1672 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 5 flags 1 1517 455 14 Dtool_LL_p0piE 0 4 468 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p0piE 0 3 4 this 3 1650 4 self 1 1510 4 view 1 1518 456 14 Dtool_LL_pi4zP 0 7 472 1675 1200 14 Dtool_LL_pi4zP 0 1 4 this 3 1673 457 14 Dtool_LL_pVfqL 0 6 473 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVfqL 525 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::is_empty // Access: Published // Description: Any kind of volume might be empty. This is a // degenerate volume that contains no points; it's not // the same as, for instance, a sphere with radius zero, // since that contains one point (the center). It // intersects with no other volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1673 458 14 Dtool_LL_pFsFC 0 6 474 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFsFC 905 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::is_infinite // Access: Published // Description: The other side of the empty coin is an infinite // volume. This is a degenerate state of a normally // finite volume that contains all points. (Note that // some kinds of infinite bounding volumes, like binary // separating planes, do not contain all points and thus // correctly return is_infinite() == false, even though // they are technically infinite. This is a special // case of the word 'infinite' meaning the volume covers // all points in space.) // // It completely intersects with all other volumes // except empty volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1673 459 14 Dtool_LL_pD2hm 0 4 475 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pD2hm 383 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::set_infinite // Access: Published // Description: Marks the volume as infinite, even if it is normally // finite. You can think of this as an infinite // extend_by() operation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1675 460 14 Dtool_LL_pARix 0 6 476 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pARix 303 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Published // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1675 3 vol 1 1673 461 14 Dtool_LL_pdpPR 0 6 479 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pdpPR 372 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::contains // Access: Published // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1673 3 vol 1 1673 462 14 Dtool_LL_pQbvQ 0 4 480 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQbvQ 0 2 4 this 3 1673 3 out 1 1524 463 14 Dtool_LL_pJz6_ 0 4 481 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJz6_ 220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1673 3 out 1 1524 12 indent_level 1 1517 464 14 Dtool_LL_pZ2qR 0 4 481 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZ2qR 220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingVolume::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1673 3 out 1 1524 465 14 Dtool_LL_prfVo 0 7 483 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_prfVo 0 0 466 14 Dtool_LL_pzZa3 0 6 486 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzZa3 309 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Public // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1677 3 vol 1 1678 467 14 Dtool_LL_p5ZtT 0 6 486 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5ZtT 308 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::extend_by // Access: Public // Description: Increases the size of the volume to include the given // point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1677 5 point 1 1680 468 14 Dtool_LL_pdv6k 0 6 487 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pdv6k 300 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::around // Access: Public // Description: Resets the volume to enclose only the points // indicated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1677 5 first 1 1680 4 last 1 1680 469 14 Dtool_LL_pB8A3 0 6 488 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pB8A3 378 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1678 3 vol 1 1678 470 14 Dtool_LL_pEncR 0 6 488 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEncR 377 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1678 5 point 1 1680 471 14 Dtool_LL_p0SwX 0 6 488 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p0SwX 384 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: GeometricBoundingVolume::contains // Access: Public // Description: Returns the appropriate set of IntersectionFlags to // indicate the amount of intersection with the // indicated line segment. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1678 1 a 1 1680 1 b 1 1680 472 14 Dtool_LL_pGh7m 0 7 489 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGh7m 0 1 4 this 3 1678 473 14 Dtool_LL_pIb98 0 4 490 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIb98 0 2 4 this 3 1677 3 mat 1 1684 474 14 Dtool_LL_pB1fo 0 7 491 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pB1fo 0 0 475 14 Dtool_LL_phQ34 0 7 494 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_phQ34 0 1 4 this 3 1687 476 14 Dtool_LL_paM3J 0 7 495 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_paM3J 0 1 4 this 3 1687 477 14 Dtool_LL_p6P0K 0 6 496 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6P0K 238 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: FiniteBoundingVolume::get_volume // Access: Public, Virtual // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1687 478 14 Dtool_LL_pITxA 0 7 497 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pITxA 0 0 479 14 Dtool_LL_poFk1 0 7 500 1690 1215 14 Dtool_LL_poFk1 763 // Filename: parabola_src.I // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a meaningless degenerate parabola. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 480 14 Dtool_LL_pGkWK 0 7 500 1690 1215 14 Dtool_LL_pGkWK 227 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1691 481 14 Dtool_LL_p3msS 0 7 500 1690 1215 14 Dtool_LL_p3msS 381 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a parabola given the three points of the // parametric equation: the acceleration, initial // velocity, and start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 1 a 1 1586 1 b 1 1586 1 c 1 1586 482 14 Dtool_LL_pEaDA 0 6 501 1690 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEaDA 235 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1690 4 copy 1 1691 483 14 Dtool_LL_phT0m 0 4 503 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_phT0m 754 // Filename: parabola_src.cxx // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the parabola by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1690 3 mat 1 1684 484 14 Dtool_LL_pbQJP 0 6 504 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbQJP 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the acceleration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1691 485 14 Dtool_LL_pbMBU 0 6 505 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbMBU 318 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the initial velocity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1691 486 14 Dtool_LL_pbo6Y 0 6 506 1586 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbo6Y 312 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_c // Access: Published // Description: Returns the third point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1691 487 14 Dtool_LL_peihv 0 7 507 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_peihv 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::calc_point // Access: Published // Description: Computes the point on the parabola at time t. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1691 1 t 1 1689 488 14 Dtool_LL_pD9H1 0 4 508 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pD9H1 216 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1691 3 out 1 1524 489 14 Dtool_LL_pH6YY 0 4 509 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pH6YY 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1691 3 out 1 1524 12 indent_level 1 1517 490 14 Dtool_LL_pcjiE 0 4 509 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcjiE 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1691 3 out 1 1524 491 14 Dtool_LL_pfMsi 0 4 510 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfMsi 643 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using add_float32() // or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in // the parabola, regardless of the setting of // Datagram::set_stdfloat_double(). This is appropriate // when you want to write a fixed-width value to the // datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam // file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1691 11 destination 1 1693 492 14 Dtool_LL_pfdOf 0 4 511 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfdOf 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_float32() // or get_float64(). See write_datagram_fixed(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1690 6 source 1 1695 493 14 Dtool_LL_p5xmf 0 4 512 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5xmf 463 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using // add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to // write the vector using the standard width setting, // especially when you are writing a bam file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1691 11 destination 1 1693 494 14 Dtool_LL_p5pnx 0 4 513 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5pnx 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_stdfloat(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1690 6 source 1 1695 495 14 Dtool_LL_pK6Cy 0 7 515 1697 1229 14 Dtool_LL_pK6Cy 763 // Filename: parabola_src.I // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a meaningless degenerate parabola. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 496 14 Dtool_LL_pNAVD 0 7 515 1697 1229 14 Dtool_LL_pNAVD 227 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1698 497 14 Dtool_LL_pHAjH 0 7 515 1697 1229 14 Dtool_LL_pHAjH 381 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a parabola given the three points of the // parametric equation: the acceleration, initial // velocity, and start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 1 a 1 1575 1 b 1 1575 1 c 1 1575 498 14 Dtool_LL_pL2jM 0 6 516 1697 0 14 Dtool_LL_pL2jM 235 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1697 4 copy 1 1698 499 14 Dtool_LL_pE2xP 0 4 518 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pE2xP 754 // Filename: parabola_src.cxx // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the parabola by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1697 3 mat 1 1700 500 14 Dtool_LL_pF8Jf 0 6 519 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pF8Jf 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the acceleration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1698 501 14 Dtool_LL_pFgBk 0 6 520 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFgBk 318 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the initial velocity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1698 502 14 Dtool_LL_pFE6o 0 6 521 1575 0 14 Dtool_LL_pFE6o 312 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::get_c // Access: Published // Description: Returns the third point of the parabola's parametric // equation: the start point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1698 503 14 Dtool_LL_phQkC 0 7 522 1705 0 14 Dtool_LL_phQkC 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::calc_point // Access: Published // Description: Computes the point on the parabola at time t. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1698 1 t 1 1704 504 14 Dtool_LL_pipHF 0 4 523 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pipHF 216 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1698 3 out 1 1524 505 14 Dtool_LL_p68Zo 0 4 524 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p68Zo 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1698 3 out 1 1524 12 indent_level 1 1517 506 14 Dtool_LL_p5diU 0 4 524 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5diU 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1698 3 out 1 1524 507 14 Dtool_LL_pBYsy 0 4 525 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBYsy 643 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using add_float32() // or add_float64(), depending on the type of floats in // the parabola, regardless of the setting of // Datagram::set_stdfloat_double(). This is appropriate // when you want to write a fixed-width value to the // datagram, especially when you are not writing a bam // file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1698 11 destination 1 1693 508 14 Dtool_LL_p9JOv 0 4 526 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p9JOv 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram_fixed // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_float32() // or get_float64(). See write_datagram_fixed(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1697 6 source 1 1695 509 14 Dtool_LL_pbsmv 0 4 527 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbsmv 463 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::write_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Writes the parabola to the Datagram using // add_stdfloat(). This is appropriate when you want to // write the vector using the standard width setting, // especially when you are writing a bam file. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1698 11 destination 1 1693 510 14 Dtool_LL_pY9nB 0 4 528 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pY9nB 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LParabola::read_datagram // Access: Public // Description: Reads the parabola from the Datagram using get_stdfloat(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1697 6 source 1 1695 511 14 Dtool_LL_p8HBL 0 7 531 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_p8HBL 881 // Filename: plane_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a default plane. This plane happens to // intersect the origin, perpendicular to the Z axis. // It's not clear how useful a default plane is. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 512 14 Dtool_LL_poS5k 0 7 531 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_poS5k 429 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given three counter-clockwise // points, as seen from the front of the plane (that is, // viewed from the end of the normal vector, looking // down). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 1 a 1 1680 1 b 1 1680 1 c 1 1680 513 14 Dtool_LL_pkFDu 0 7 531 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pkFDu 223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1707 514 14 Dtool_LL_pKn6W 0 7 531 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pKn6W 314 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given a surface normal vector and // a point within the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 6 normal 1 1709 5 point 1 1680 515 14 Dtool_LL_p_VoQ 0 7 531 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_p_VoQ 298 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given the four terms of the plane // equation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 1 a 1 1689 1 b 1 1689 1 c 1 1689 1 d 1 1689 516 14 Dtool_LL_pmVHz 0 7 532 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pmVHz 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix3 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 3 mat 1 1531 517 14 Dtool_LL_pwV_j 0 7 532 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pwV_j 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 3 mat 1 1684 518 14 Dtool_LL_palO9 0 6 533 1706 0 14 Dtool_LL_palO9 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator *= LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1706 3 mat 1 1684 519 14 Dtool_LL_pXLe5 0 4 534 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pXLe5 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1706 3 mat 1 1684 520 14 Dtool_LL_p9crq 0 7 535 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_p9crq 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Unary - // Access: Published // Description: Returns the same plane facing the opposite direction. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1712 521 14 Dtool_LL_p18X3 0 7 536 1714 0 14 Dtool_LL_p18X3 854 // Filename: plane_src.cxx // Created by: drose (03Apr01) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_reflection_mat // Access: Published // Description: This computes a transform matrix that reflects the // universe to the other side of the plane, as in a // mirror. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1712 522 14 Dtool_LL_pnRGL 0 7 537 1715 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnRGL 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_normal // Access: Published // Description: Returns the surface normal of the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1712 523 14 Dtool_LL_pnb87 0 7 538 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnb87 382 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns an arbitrary point in the plane. This can be // used along with the normal returned by get_normal() // to reconstruct the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1712 524 14 Dtool_LL_pDsvK 0 6 539 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDsvK 612 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::dist_to_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the straight-line shortest distance from the // point to the plane. The returned value is positive // if the point is in front of the plane (on the side // with the normal), or negative in the point is behind // the plane (on the opposite side from the normal). // It's zero if the point is exactly in the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 5 point 1 1680 525 14 Dtool_LL_pqGnr 0 7 540 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pqGnr 307 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::project // Access: Published // Description: Returns the point within the plane nearest to the // indicated point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 5 point 1 1680 526 14 Dtool_LL_py_b8 0 4 541 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_py_b8 329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::flip // Access: Published // Description: Convenience method that flips the plane in-place. // This is done by simply flipping the normal vector. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1706 527 14 Dtool_LL_p2XGL 0 6 542 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2XGL 610 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the plane intersects the infinite // line passing through points p1 and p2, false if the // line is parallel. The points p1 and p2 are used only // to define the Euclidean line; they have no other // bearing on the intersection test. If true, sets // intersection_point to the point of intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1712 18 intersection_point 1 1683 2 p1 1 1680 2 p2 1 1680 528 14 Dtool_LL_p4dcr 0 6 543 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_p4dcr 589 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the two planes intersect, false if // they do not. If they do intersect, then from and // delta are filled in with the parametric // representation of the line of intersection: that is, // from is a point on that line, and delta is a vector // showing the direction of the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1712 4 from 1 1683 5 delta 1 1715 5 other 1 1712 529 14 Dtool_LL_p6d8d 0 4 545 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6d8d 213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 3 out 1 1524 530 14 Dtool_LL_pvP_l 0 4 546 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pvP_l 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1712 3 out 1 1524 12 indent_level 1 1517 531 14 Dtool_LL_pHDHy 0 4 546 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHDHy 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1712 3 out 1 1524 532 14 Dtool_LL_psXRI 0 7 550 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_psXRI 881 // Filename: plane_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a default plane. This plane happens to // intersect the origin, perpendicular to the Z axis. // It's not clear how useful a default plane is. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 533 14 Dtool_LL_pySWh 0 7 550 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_pySWh 429 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given three counter-clockwise // points, as seen from the front of the plane (that is, // viewed from the end of the normal vector, looking // down). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 1 a 1 1717 1 b 1 1717 1 c 1 1717 534 14 Dtool_LL_p01QE 0 7 550 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_p01QE 223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1719 535 14 Dtool_LL_pa0EO 0 7 550 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_pa0EO 314 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given a surface normal vector and // a point within the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 6 normal 1 1721 5 point 1 1717 536 14 Dtool_LL_pc0U2 0 7 550 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_pc0U2 298 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a plane given the four terms of the plane // equation. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 1 a 1 1704 1 b 1 1704 1 c 1 1704 1 d 1 1704 537 14 Dtool_LL_pMPq4 0 7 551 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_pMPq4 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix3 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 3 mat 1 1513 538 14 Dtool_LL_pGPip 0 7 551 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_pGPip 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator * LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 3 mat 1 1700 539 14 Dtool_LL_pmvt6 0 6 552 1716 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmvt6 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Operator *= LMatrix4 // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1716 3 mat 1 1700 540 14 Dtool_LL_pfeCb 0 4 553 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfeCb 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::xform // Access: Published // Description: Transforms the plane by the indicated matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1716 3 mat 1 1700 541 14 Dtool_LL_p9uOo 0 7 554 1716 1274 14 Dtool_LL_p9uOo 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::Unary - // Access: Published // Description: Returns the same plane facing the opposite direction. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1724 542 14 Dtool_LL_p1q70 0 7 555 1726 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1q70 854 // Filename: plane_src.cxx // Created by: drose (03Apr01) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_reflection_mat // Access: Published // Description: This computes a transform matrix that reflects the // universe to the other side of the plane, as in a // mirror. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1724 543 14 Dtool_LL_pnDqI 0 7 556 1727 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnDqI 258 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_normal // Access: Published // Description: Returns the surface normal of the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1724 544 14 Dtool_LL_pnJg5 0 7 557 1705 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnJg5 382 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns an arbitrary point in the plane. This can be // used along with the normal returned by get_normal() // to reconstruct the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1724 545 14 Dtool_LL_pDA3F 0 6 558 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDA3F 612 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::dist_to_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the straight-line shortest distance from the // point to the plane. The returned value is positive // if the point is in front of the plane (on the side // with the normal), or negative in the point is behind // the plane (on the opposite side from the normal). // It's zero if the point is exactly in the plane. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 5 point 1 1717 546 14 Dtool_LL_p4sJp 0 7 559 1705 0 14 Dtool_LL_p4sJp 307 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::project // Access: Published // Description: Returns the point within the plane nearest to the // indicated point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 5 point 1 1717 547 14 Dtool_LL_pyM_5 0 4 560 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyM_5 329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::flip // Access: Published // Description: Convenience method that flips the plane in-place. // This is done by simply flipping the normal vector. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1716 548 14 Dtool_LL_p53GC 0 6 561 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_p53GC 610 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_line // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the plane intersects the infinite // line passing through points p1 and p2, false if the // line is parallel. The points p1 and p2 are used only // to define the Euclidean line; they have no other // bearing on the intersection test. If true, sets // intersection_point to the point of intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1724 18 intersection_point 1 1705 2 p1 1 1717 2 p2 1 1717 549 14 Dtool_LL_pymJY 0 6 562 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pymJY 589 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::intersects_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the two planes intersect, false if // they do not. If they do intersect, then from and // delta are filled in with the parametric // representation of the line of intersection: that is, // from is a point on that line, and delta is a vector // showing the direction of the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1724 4 from 1 1705 5 delta 1 1727 5 other 1 1724 550 14 Dtool_LL_p6Tgb 0 4 564 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6Tgb 213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::output // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 3 out 1 1524 551 14 Dtool_LL_pvBij 0 4 565 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pvBij 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1724 3 out 1 1524 12 indent_level 1 1517 552 14 Dtool_LL_pHRrv 0 4 565 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHRrv 212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: LPlane::write // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1724 3 out 1 1524 553 14 Dtool_LL_pC_T2 0 7 568 1728 1284 14 Dtool_LL_pC_T2 742 // Filename: boundingBox.I // Created by: drose (31May07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty box object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 554 14 Dtool_LL_pUDkp 0 7 568 1728 1284 14 Dtool_LL_pUDkp 257 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a specific box object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 3 min 1 1680 3 max 1 1680 555 14 Dtool_LL_p3R23 0 4 569 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3R23 0 2 4 this 3 1728 4 size 1 1512 556 14 Dtool_LL_pCqx3 0 6 572 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCqx3 284 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_num_points // Access: Published // Description: Returns 8: the number of vertices of a rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1729 557 14 Dtool_LL_poi08 0 7 573 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_poi08 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex of the rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1729 1 n 1 1517 558 14 Dtool_LL_pyaSV 0 6 574 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyaSV 281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_num_planes // Access: Published // Description: Returns 6: the number of faces of a rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1729 559 14 Dtool_LL_pjuTV 0 7 575 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pjuTV 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingBox::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth face of the rectangular solid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1729 1 n 1 1517 560 14 Dtool_LL_pAHSK 0 7 576 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pAHSK 0 0 561 14 Dtool_LL_pnyr_ 0 7 579 1731 1292 14 Dtool_LL_pnyr_ 686 // Filename: frustum_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Constructor // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 562 14 Dtool_LL_paWHx 0 4 580 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_paWHx 249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1731 563 14 Dtool_LL_p5EUb 0 4 580 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5EUb 249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 4 this 3 1731 1 l 1 1689 1 r 1 1689 1 t 1 1689 1 b 1 1689 564 14 Dtool_LL_pQfBG 0 4 581 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQfBG 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1731 5 fnear 1 1689 4 ffar 1 1689 565 14 Dtool_LL_pR5m5 0 4 581 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pR5m5 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 4 this 3 1731 5 fnear 1 1689 4 ffar 1 1689 1 l 1 1689 1 r 1 1689 1 t 1 1689 1 b 1 1689 566 14 Dtool_LL_pnUSt 0 4 582 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pnUSt 578 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_perspective // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluPerspective (Aspect = width/height, // Yfov in degrees) // aspect // +------------+ // | | // 1 | | yfov // | | // +------------+ // // -------+------ // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \|/ // W yfov // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 4 this 3 1731 4 xfov 1 1689 6 aspect 1 1689 5 fnear 1 1689 4 ffar 1 1689 567 14 Dtool_LL_pxcU1 0 4 583 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxcU1 0 5 4 this 3 1731 4 yfov 1 1689 6 aspect 1 1689 5 fnear 1 1689 4 ffar 1 1689 568 14 Dtool_LL_pH1Ii 0 4 584 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pH1Ii 0 5 4 this 3 1731 4 xfov 1 1689 4 yfov 1 1689 5 fnear 1 1689 4 ffar 1 1689 569 14 Dtool_LL_p8tL7 0 7 588 1732 1300 14 Dtool_LL_p8tL7 686 // Filename: frustum_src.I // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Constructor // Access: // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 570 14 Dtool_LL_pzWnt 0 4 589 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzWnt 249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1732 571 14 Dtool_LL_pm4tc 0 4 589 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pm4tc 249 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Sets up a two-dimensional orthographic frustum //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 4 this 3 1732 1 l 1 1704 1 r 1 1704 1 t 1 1704 1 b 1 1704 572 14 Dtool_LL_pOWs2 0 4 590 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pOWs2 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1732 5 fnear 1 1704 4 ffar 1 1704 573 14 Dtool_LL_pylfV 0 4 590 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pylfV 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_ortho_2D // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluOrtho //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 4 this 3 1732 5 fnear 1 1704 4 ffar 1 1704 1 l 1 1704 1 r 1 1704 1 t 1 1704 1 b 1 1704 574 14 Dtool_LL_prCzZ 0 4 591 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_prCzZ 578 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: make_perspective // Access: // Description: Behaves like gluPerspective (Aspect = width/height, // Yfov in degrees) // aspect // +------------+ // | | // 1 | | yfov // | | // +------------+ // // -------+------ // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \ | / // \|/ // W yfov // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 4 this 3 1732 4 xfov 1 1704 6 aspect 1 1704 5 fnear 1 1704 4 ffar 1 1704 575 14 Dtool_LL_pxe0h 0 4 592 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxe0h 0 5 4 this 3 1732 4 yfov 1 1704 6 aspect 1 1704 5 fnear 1 1704 4 ffar 1 1704 576 14 Dtool_LL_pUNoW 0 4 593 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pUNoW 0 5 4 this 3 1732 4 xfov 1 1704 4 yfov 1 1704 5 fnear 1 1704 4 ffar 1 1704 577 14 Dtool_LL_pXsrR 0 7 597 1736 1307 14 Dtool_LL_pXsrR 231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 7 frustum 1 1733 8 is_ortho 1 1676 2 cs 1 1735 578 14 Dtool_LL_pG6CF 0 7 597 1736 1307 14 Dtool_LL_pG6CF 231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 7 frustum 1 1733 8 is_ortho 1 1676 579 14 Dtool_LL_praJQ 0 7 597 1736 1307 14 Dtool_LL_praJQ 231 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 3 fll 1 1680 3 flr 1 1680 3 fur 1 1680 3 ful 1 1680 3 nll 1 1680 3 nlr 1 1680 3 nur 1 1680 3 nul 1 1680 580 14 Dtool_LL_pjxzO 0 6 598 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjxzO 284 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_num_points // Access: Published // Description: Returns 8: the number of vertices of a hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1737 581 14 Dtool_LL_pI7ir 0 7 599 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pI7ir 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_point // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex of the hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1737 1 n 1 1517 582 14 Dtool_LL_pcorK 0 6 600 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcorK 281 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_num_planes // Access: Published // Description: Returns 6: the number of faces of a hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1737 583 14 Dtool_LL_pSYfp 0 7 601 1706 1257 14 Dtool_LL_pSYfp 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingHexahedron::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth face of the hexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1737 1 n 1 1517 584 14 Dtool_LL_p6Mjt 0 7 602 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6Mjt 0 0 585 14 Dtool_LL_pAR_R 0 7 605 1739 1315 14 Dtool_LL_pAR_R 225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 1 a 1 1680 1 b 1 1680 586 14 Dtool_LL_ptKOi 0 4 606 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_ptKOi 0 2 4 this 3 1739 4 size 1 1512 587 14 Dtool_LL_pRIF_ 0 6 609 1680 0 14 Dtool_LL_pRIF_ 271 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::get_point_a // Access: Published // Description: Returns the first point that defines the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1740 588 14 Dtool_LL_pI2G_ 0 7 610 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pI2G_ 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingLine::get_point_b // Access: Published // Description: Returns the second point that defines the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1740 589 14 Dtool_LL_pmcUv 0 7 611 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmcUv 0 0 590 14 Dtool_LL_pwCTi 0 7 614 1742 1322 14 Dtool_LL_pwCTi 794 // Filename: boundingPlane.I // Created by: drose (19Aug05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty "plane" that has no // intersections. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 591 14 Dtool_LL_pjRVc 0 7 614 1742 1322 14 Dtool_LL_pjRVc 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 5 plane 1 1712 592 14 Dtool_LL_p7Vwa 0 4 615 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p7Vwa 0 2 4 this 3 1742 4 size 1 1512 593 14 Dtool_LL_pMOJy 0 6 618 1712 0 14 Dtool_LL_pMOJy 224 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingPlane::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1743 594 14 Dtool_LL_pPW_8 0 7 619 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPW_8 0 0 595 14 Dtool_LL_pqeoF 0 7 622 1745 1330 14 Dtool_LL_pqeoF 744 // Filename: boundingSphere.I // Created by: drose (02Oct99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty sphere. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 596 14 Dtool_LL_pX3ZH 0 7 622 1745 1330 14 Dtool_LL_pX3ZH 256 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs a specific sphere. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 6 center 1 1680 6 radius 1 1689 597 14 Dtool_LL_pXC2T 0 4 623 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pXC2T 0 2 4 this 3 1745 4 size 1 1512 598 14 Dtool_LL_pzKph 0 7 626 1683 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzKph 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::get_center // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1746 599 14 Dtool_LL_pyYsx 0 6 627 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyYsx 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: BoundingSphere::get_radius // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1746 600 14 Dtool_LL_pwySa 0 7 628 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pwySa 0 0 601 14 Dtool_LL_paiLm 0 7 631 1748 1340 14 Dtool_LL_paiLm 774 // Filename: intersectionBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (08Feb12) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 602 14 Dtool_LL_pHGaj 0 4 632 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHGaj 0 2 4 this 3 1748 4 size 1 1512 603 14 Dtool_LL_pxGye 0 6 635 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxGye 299 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_num_components // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of components in the intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1749 604 14 Dtool_LL_pmAog 0 7 636 1678 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmAog 287 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::get_component // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth component in the intersection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1749 1 n 1 1517 605 14 Dtool_LL_pCAAK 0 4 637 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pCAAK 283 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::clear_components // Access: Published // Description: Removes all components from the volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1748 606 14 Dtool_LL_p_v4Q 0 4 638 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_v4Q 693 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: IntersectionBoundingVolume::add_component // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new component to the volume. This does not // necessarily increase the total number of components // by one, and you may or may not be able to find this // component in the volume by a subsequent call to // get_component(); certain optimizations may prevent // the component from being added, or have other // unexpected effects on the total set of components. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1748 9 component 1 1678 607 14 Dtool_LL_pfzt2 0 7 639 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfzt2 0 0 608 14 Dtool_LL_pllv3 0 7 644 1752 1345 14 Dtool_LL_pllv3 35 /* initializes mt[N] with a seed */ 1 4 seed 1 1751 609 14 Dtool_LL_pBSDv 0 6 645 1751 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBSDv 58 /* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval */ 1 4 this 3 1752 610 14 Dtool_LL_pRdBj 0 7 648 1753 1348 14 Dtool_LL_pRdBj 721 // Filename: omniBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (22Jun00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: OmniBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 611 14 Dtool_LL_pbPVO 0 7 649 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbPVO 0 0 612 14 Dtool_LL_pQPnm 0 7 652 1754 1359 14 Dtool_LL_pQPnm 753 // Filename: unionBoundingVolume.I // Created by: drose (08Feb12) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Constructs an empty union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 613 14 Dtool_LL_piBQE 0 4 653 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_piBQE 0 2 4 this 3 1754 4 size 1 1512 614 14 Dtool_LL_pjE8H 0 6 656 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjE8H 285 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::get_num_components // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of components in the union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1755 615 14 Dtool_LL_pSxAQ 0 7 657 1678 0 14 Dtool_LL_pSxAQ 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::get_component // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth component in the union. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1755 1 n 1 1517 616 14 Dtool_LL_pWCpg 0 4 658 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pWCpg 276 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::clear_components // Access: Published // Description: Removes all components from the volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1754 617 14 Dtool_LL_pTdHH 0 4 659 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTdHH 686 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::add_component // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new component to the volume. This does not // necessarily increase the total number of components // by one, and you may or may not be able to find this // component in the volume by a subsequent call to // get_component(); certain optimizations may prevent // the component from being added, or have other // unexpected effects on the total set of components. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1754 9 component 1 1678 618 14 Dtool_LL_pWSy_ 0 4 660 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pWSy_ 347 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: UnionBoundingVolume::filter_intersection // Access: Published // Description: Removes from the union any components that have no // intersection with the indicated volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1754 6 volume 1 1673 619 14 Dtool_LL_pkuIR 0 7 661 1659 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkuIR 0 0 620 14 Dtool_LL_pOl4j 0 7 664 1759 1367 14 Dtool_LL_pOl4j 225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Copy Constructor // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1757 621 14 Dtool_LL_p_45c 0 7 664 1759 1367 14 Dtool_LL_p_45c 817 // Filename: randomizer.I // Created by: drose (18Jan07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 seed 1 1751 622 14 Dtool_LL_pYb6h 0 7 664 1759 1367 14 Dtool_LL_pYb6h 817 // Filename: randomizer.I // Created by: drose (18Jan07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Constructor // Access: Public // Description: If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 623 14 Dtool_LL_pMMRU 0 6 665 1759 0 14 Dtool_LL_pMMRU 233 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Public // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1759 4 copy 1 1757 624 14 Dtool_LL_puMD_ 0 6 666 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_puMD_ 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_int // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random integer in the range [0, range). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1759 5 range 1 1517 625 14 Dtool_LL_pbxNX 0 6 667 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbxNX 268 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_real // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random double in the range [0, range). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1759 5 range 1 1704 626 14 Dtool_LL_pod85 0 6 668 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pod85 274 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::random_real_unit // Access: Public // Description: Returns a random double in the range [-0.5, 0.5). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1759 627 14 Dtool_LL_ps5Z3 0 6 669 1751 0 14 Dtool_LL_ps5Z3 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::get_next_seed // Access: Public, Static // Description: Returns a random seed value for the next global // Randomizer object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 628 14 Dtool_LL_p3bLi 0 6 670 1751 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3bLi 363 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Randomizer::get_seed // Access: Public // Description: Returns a unique seed value based on the seed value // passed to this Randomizer object (and on its current // state). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1759 629 14 Dtool_LL_pB_ig 0 6 673 1751 0 14 Dtool_LL_pB_ig 368 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise::get_seed // Access: Published // Description: Returns a unique seed value based on the seed value // passed to this PerlinNoise object (and on its current // state). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1760 630 14 Dtool_LL_pv6cm 0 7 676 1761 1375 14 Dtool_LL_pv6cm 872 // Filename: perlinNoise2.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. Uses a default scale (noise frequency), // table size, and seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 631 14 Dtool_LL_psfkp 0 7 676 1761 1375 14 Dtool_LL_psfkp 329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1762 632 14 Dtool_LL_pGeIA 0 7 676 1761 1375 14 Dtool_LL_pGeIA 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 4 seed 1 1751 633 14 Dtool_LL_p9P5z 0 7 676 1761 1375 14 Dtool_LL_p9P5z 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 634 14 Dtool_LL_pCOIG 0 7 676 1761 1375 14 Dtool_LL_pCOIG 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 635 14 Dtool_LL_pM_IZ 0 6 677 1761 0 14 Dtool_LL_pM_IZ 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1761 4 copy 1 1762 636 14 Dtool_LL_pg7Cf 0 4 678 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pg7Cf 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1761 5 scale 1 1542 637 14 Dtool_LL_pGuCP 0 4 678 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGuCP 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1761 5 scale 1 1553 638 14 Dtool_LL_pBSzQ 0 4 678 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBSzQ 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1761 5 scale 1 1704 639 14 Dtool_LL_pgNGr 0 4 678 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgNGr 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1761 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 640 14 Dtool_LL_p5PlC 0 6 679 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5PlC 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1762 5 value 1 1542 641 14 Dtool_LL_pdIqC 0 6 679 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pdIqC 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1762 5 value 1 1553 642 14 Dtool_LL_pPCI3 0 6 679 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPCI3 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1762 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 643 14 Dtool_LL_pJm1a 0 6 680 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJm1a 264 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1762 5 value 1 1542 644 14 Dtool_LL_pJCuf 0 6 680 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pJCuf 264 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1762 5 value 1 1553 645 14 Dtool_LL_pEAH_ 0 6 680 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pEAH_ 270 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise2::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the two inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1762 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 646 14 Dtool_LL_pPLfp 0 7 683 1764 1381 14 Dtool_LL_pPLfp 872 // Filename: perlinNoise3.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. Uses a default scale (noise frequency), // table size, and seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 647 14 Dtool_LL_pukoc 0 7 683 1764 1381 14 Dtool_LL_pukoc 329 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1765 648 14 Dtool_LL_p58i2 0 7 683 1764 1381 14 Dtool_LL_p58i2 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 4 seed 1 1751 649 14 Dtool_LL_pXjDy 0 7 683 1764 1381 14 Dtool_LL_pXjDy 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 650 14 Dtool_LL_pBU40 0 7 683 1764 1381 14 Dtool_LL_pBU40 428 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Randomizes the tables to make a unique noise // function. // // If seed is nonzero, it is used to define the tables; // if it is zero a random seed is generated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 651 14 Dtool_LL_pNxrp 0 6 684 1764 0 14 Dtool_LL_pNxrp 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Makes an exact copy of the existing PerlinNoise // object, including its random seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1764 4 copy 1 1765 652 14 Dtool_LL_p0JOD 0 4 685 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p0JOD 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1764 5 scale 1 1575 653 14 Dtool_LL_prdOz 0 4 685 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_prdOz 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1764 5 scale 1 1586 654 14 Dtool_LL_pBcPT 0 4 685 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBcPT 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1764 5 scale 1 1704 655 14 Dtool_LL_pTM4f 0 4 685 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTM4f 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::set_scale // Access: Published // Description: Changes the scale (frequency) of the noise. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1764 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 656 14 Dtool_LL_pxYBh 0 6 686 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxYBh 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1765 5 value 1 1575 657 14 Dtool_LL_pVTGh 0 6 686 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVTGh 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1765 5 value 1 1586 658 14 Dtool_LL_psWEW 0 6 686 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_psWEW 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1765 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 1 z 1 1704 659 14 Dtool_LL_p18Wd 0 6 687 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p18Wd 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1765 5 value 1 1575 660 14 Dtool_LL_p1YPi 0 6 687 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1YPi 266 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1765 5 value 1 1586 661 14 Dtool_LL_p_joi 0 6 687 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_joi 272 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: PerlinNoise3::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1765 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 1 z 1 1704 662 14 Dtool_LL_pATvG 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_pATvG 876 // Filename: stackedPerlinNoise2.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a StackedPerlinNoise2 object with no levels. // You should call add_level() to add each level by // hand. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 663 14 Dtool_LL_pOBoG 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_pOBoG 368 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise2 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1768 664 14 Dtool_LL_pJSRe 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_pJSRe 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 4 seed 1 1751 665 14 Dtool_LL_p1q92 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_p1q92 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 666 14 Dtool_LL_ppveW 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_ppveW 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 667 14 Dtool_LL_pJ86_ 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_pJ86_ 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 668 14 Dtool_LL_p9SEq 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_p9SEq 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 669 14 Dtool_LL_p8Mpe 0 7 691 1767 1389 14 Dtool_LL_p8Mpe 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise2 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 670 14 Dtool_LL_puaKK 0 6 692 1767 0 14 Dtool_LL_puaKK 376 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise2 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 4 copy 1 1768 671 14 Dtool_LL_pjEp3 0 4 693 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjEp3 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise2 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1767 5 level 1 1762 3 amp 1 1704 672 14 Dtool_LL_p_n9S 0 4 693 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_n9S 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise2 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 5 level 1 1762 673 14 Dtool_LL_pc8sO 0 4 694 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pc8sO 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all levels from the stack. You must call // add_level() again to restore them. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1767 674 14 Dtool_LL_pZyC_ 0 6 695 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pZyC_ 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 5 value 1 1542 675 14 Dtool_LL_pcyQb 0 6 695 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcyQb 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 5 value 1 1553 676 14 Dtool_LL_p1thz 0 6 695 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1thz 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1767 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 677 14 Dtool_LL_pgny9 0 6 696 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgny9 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 5 value 1 1542 678 14 Dtool_LL_pHqyL 0 6 696 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHqyL 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1767 5 value 1 1553 679 14 Dtool_LL_p0TSf 0 6 696 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p0TSf 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise2::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1767 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 680 14 Dtool_LL_p_B5N 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_p_B5N 876 // Filename: stackedPerlinNoise3.I // Created by: drose (05Oct05) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Default Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates a StackedPerlinNoise3 object with no levels. // You should call add_level() to add each level by // hand. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 681 14 Dtool_LL_pkcOQ 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pkcOQ 368 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Copy Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise3 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 copy 1 1771 682 14 Dtool_LL_pqAFA 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pqAFA 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 4 seed 1 1751 683 14 Dtool_LL_pJa_5 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pJa_5 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 10 table_size 1 1517 684 14 Dtool_LL_pbcHj 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pbcHj 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 9 amp_scale 1 1704 685 14 Dtool_LL_pD8iG 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pD8iG 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 12 scale_factor 1 1704 686 14 Dtool_LL_pfg_v 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pfg_v 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 10 num_levels 1 1517 687 14 Dtool_LL_pV0sw 0 7 699 1770 1396 14 Dtool_LL_pV0sw 617 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: Creates num_levels nested PerlinNoise3 objects. Each // stacked Perlin object will have a scale of 1 / // scale_factor times the previous object (so that it is // higher-frequency, if scale_factor > 1), and an // amplitude of amp_scale times the previous object (so // that it is less important, if amp_scale < 1). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 2 sx 1 1704 2 sy 1 1704 2 sz 1 1704 688 14 Dtool_LL_p8rsk 0 6 700 1770 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8rsk 376 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::Copy Assignment Operator // Access: Published // Description: Creates an exact duplicate of the existing // StackedPerlinNoise3 object, including the random // seed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 4 copy 1 1771 689 14 Dtool_LL_pOHpF 0 4 701 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pOHpF 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise3 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1770 5 level 1 1765 3 amp 1 1704 690 14 Dtool_LL_pbp9g 0 4 701 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbp9g 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::add_level // Access: Published // Description: Adds an arbitrary PerlinNoise3 object, and an // associated amplitude, to the stack. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 5 level 1 1765 691 14 Dtool_LL_pu9sV 0 4 702 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pu9sV 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all levels from the stack. You must call // add_level() again to restore them. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1770 692 14 Dtool_LL_pIjeI 0 6 703 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pIjeI 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 5 value 1 1575 693 14 Dtool_LL_pKjsk 0 6 703 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_pKjsk 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 5 value 1 1586 694 14 Dtool_LL_p9XOm 0 6 703 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_p9XOm 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1770 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 1 z 1 1704 695 14 Dtool_LL_pTpAh 0 6 704 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTpAh 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 5 value 1 1575 696 14 Dtool_LL_p3rAv 0 6 704 1689 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3rAv 273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::noise // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1770 5 value 1 1586 697 14 Dtool_LL_przlU 0 6 704 1704 0 14 Dtool_LL_przlU 279 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: StackedPerlinNoise3::operator () // Access: Published // Description: Returns the noise function of the three inputs. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1770 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 1 z 1 1704 698 14 Dtool_LL_pFBK1 0 7 707 1773 1412 14 Dtool_LL_pFBK1 225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 699 14 Dtool_LL_pVJYT 0 4 708 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pVJYT 337 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from // the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1773 700 14 Dtool_LL_pgPrY 0 6 709 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pgPrY 312 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1773 5 point 1 1774 701 14 Dtool_LL_p7U2X 0 6 709 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p7U2X 800 // Filename: triangulator.I // Created by: drose (18Jan07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 4 this 3 1773 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 702 14 Dtool_LL_pihH8 0 6 710 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pihH8 545 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_num_vertices // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of vertices in the pool. Note // that the Triangulator might append new vertices, in // addition to those added by the user, if any of the // polygon is self-intersecting, or if any of the holes // intersect some part of the polygon edges. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1777 703 14 Dtool_LL_pcI6X 0 6 711 1774 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcI6X 247 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1777 1 n 1 1517 704 14 Dtool_LL_pyAY7 0 4 712 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyAY7 342 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::clear_polygon // Access: Published // Description: Removes the current polygon definition (and its set // of holes), but does not clear the vertex pool. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1773 705 14 Dtool_LL_plJzv 0 4 713 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_plJzv 645 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_polygon_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds the next consecutive vertex of the polygon. // This vertex should index into the vertex pool // established by repeated calls to add_vertex(). // // The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or // counterclockwise order. Vertices should not be // repeated. In particular, do not repeat the first // vertex at the end. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1773 5 index 1 1517 706 14 Dtool_LL_pyuMa 0 6 714 1676 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyuMa 394 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::is_left_winding // Access: Published // Description: Returns true if the polygon vertices are listed in // counterclockwise order, or false if they appear to be // listed in clockwise order. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1777 707 14 Dtool_LL_pcIaQ 0 4 715 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pcIaQ 308 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::begin_hole // Access: Published // Description: Finishes the previous hole, if any, and prepares to // add a new hole. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1773 708 14 Dtool_LL_pK0o5 0 4 716 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pK0o5 571 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::add_hole_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds the next consecutive vertex of the current hole. // This vertex should index into the vertex pool // established by repeated calls to add_vertex(). // // The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or // counterclockwise order. Vertices should not be // repeated. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1773 5 index 1 1517 709 14 Dtool_LL_pDWnH 0 4 717 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDWnH 439 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::triangulate // Access: Published // Description: Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon. // After this call, you may retrieve the new triangles // one at a time by iterating through // get_triangle_v0/1/2(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1773 710 14 Dtool_LL_pH7LS 0 6 718 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pH7LS 328 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_num_triangles // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of triangles generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1777 711 14 Dtool_LL_p6J8i 0 6 719 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6J8i 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v0 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 0 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1777 1 n 1 1517 712 14 Dtool_LL_pyO8_ 0 6 720 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyO8_ 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v1 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 1 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1777 1 n 1 1517 713 14 Dtool_LL_prD8a 0 6 721 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_prD8a 454 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator::get_triangle_v2 // Access: Published // Description: Returns vertex 2 of the nth triangle generated by the // previous call to triangulate(). // // This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by // repeated calls to add_vertex(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1777 1 n 1 1517 714 14 Dtool_LL_poJgk 0 7 724 1779 1420 14 Dtool_LL_poJgk 226 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::Constructor // Access: Published // Description: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 715 14 Dtool_LL_pHOzr 0 4 725 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHOzr 338 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::clear // Access: Published // Description: Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from // the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1779 716 14 Dtool_LL_pfch4 0 6 726 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pfch4 313 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1779 5 point 1 1717 717 14 Dtool_LL_pkHDm 0 6 726 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pkHDm 802 // Filename: triangulator3.I // Created by: drose (03Jan13) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::add_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the // vertex index number. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 4 this 3 1779 1 x 1 1704 1 y 1 1704 1 z 1 1704 718 14 Dtool_LL_pYK_E 0 6 727 1517 0 14 Dtool_LL_pYK_E 546 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_num_vertices // Access: Published // Description: Returns the number of vertices in the pool. Note // that the Triangulator might append new vertices, in // addition to those added by the user, if any of the // polygon is self-intersecting, or if any of the holes // intersect some part of the polygon edges. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1780 719 14 Dtool_LL_pD8o_ 0 6 728 1717 0 14 Dtool_LL_pD8o_ 248 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_vertex // Access: Published // Description: Returns the nth vertex. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 4 this 3 1780 1 n 1 1517 720 14 Dtool_LL_pBq6z 0 4 729 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pBq6z 440 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::triangulate // Access: Published // Description: Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon. // After this call, you may retrieve the new triangles // one at a time by iterating through // get_triangle_v0/1/2(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1779 721 14 Dtool_LL_pDce5 0 6 730 1724 0 14 Dtool_LL_pDce5 327 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: Triangulator3::get_plane // Access: Published // Description: Returns the plane of the polygon. This is only // available after calling triangulate(). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 4 this 3 1780 722 14 Dtool_LL_pyYd4 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pyYd4 0 3 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 723 14 Dtool_LL_pmjSo 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmjSo 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 724 14 Dtool_LL_pv5m2 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pv5m2 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 725 14 Dtool_LL_pTJmh 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTJmh 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 726 14 Dtool_LL_p5qVz 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5qVz 0 3 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 727 14 Dtool_LL_pstmb 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pstmb 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 728 14 Dtool_LL_p5P9p 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5P9p 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 729 14 Dtool_LL_pucec 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pucec 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: heads_up // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The up vector will be rotated to z-up first, // then the forward vector will be rotated as nearly to // y-forward as possible. This will only have a // different effect from look_at() if the forward and up // vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 730 14 Dtool_LL_py0V9 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_py0V9 0 3 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 731 14 Dtool_LL_pm_Kt 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pm_Kt 0 4 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 732 14 Dtool_LL_pvdh7 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pvdh7 0 3 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 733 14 Dtool_LL_pTtem 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTtem 0 2 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 734 14 Dtool_LL_p5GM4 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5GM4 0 3 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 735 14 Dtool_LL_psJfg 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_psJfg 0 4 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 736 14 Dtool_LL_p5j1u 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p5j1u 0 3 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 737 14 Dtool_LL_puwWh 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_puwWh 0 2 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 738 14 Dtool_LL_pTxQm 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTxQm 0 3 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 739 14 Dtool_LL_pd9Wi 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pd9Wi 0 4 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 740 14 Dtool_LL_piZq8 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_piZq8 0 3 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 741 14 Dtool_LL_p3Jjx 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p3Jjx 0 2 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 742 14 Dtool_LL_pRh3W 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pRh3W 0 3 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 743 14 Dtool_LL_pjnkT 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pjnkT 0 4 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 744 14 Dtool_LL_pHl5t 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pHl5t 0 3 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 745 14 Dtool_LL_p1YKi 0 4 641 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1YKi 0 2 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 746 14 Dtool_LL_p2iJ6 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p2iJ6 0 3 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 747 14 Dtool_LL_pe3n7 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pe3n7 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 748 14 Dtool_LL_pYQHg 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pYQHg 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 749 14 Dtool_LL_phTgt 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_phTgt 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 3 mat 1 1782 3 fwd 1 1721 750 14 Dtool_LL_pTR_D 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pTR_D 0 3 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 751 14 Dtool_LL_pzsOP 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pzsOP 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 4 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 752 14 Dtool_LL_p04uz 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p04uz 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 753 14 Dtool_LL_pNDW3 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pNDW3 694 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function: look_at // Description: Given two vectors defining a forward direction and an // up vector, constructs the matrix that rotates things // from the defined coordinate system to y-forward and // z-up. The forward vector will be rotated to // y-forward first, then the up vector will be rotated // as nearly to z-up as possible. This will only have a // different effect from heads_up() if the forward and // up vectors are not perpendicular. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 3 mat 1 1783 3 fwd 1 1709 754 14 Dtool_LL_p_RT6 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_RT6 0 3 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 755 14 Dtool_LL_pWkx7 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pWkx7 0 4 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 756 14 Dtool_LL_pQhRg 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pQhRg 0 3 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 757 14 Dtool_LL_ppCqt 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_ppCqt 0 2 3 mat 1 1726 3 fwd 1 1721 758 14 Dtool_LL_pbAJE 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pbAJE 0 3 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 759 14 Dtool_LL_pLcXP 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pLcXP 0 4 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 760 14 Dtool_LL_pMJ3z 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pMJ3z 0 3 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 761 14 Dtool_LL_p1yf3 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p1yf3 0 2 3 mat 1 1714 3 fwd 1 1709 762 14 Dtool_LL_pdgkh 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pdgkh 0 3 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 763 14 Dtool_LL_pq4at 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pq4at 0 4 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 2 cs 1 1735 764 14 Dtool_LL_p6OSa 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6OSa 0 3 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 2 up 1 1721 765 14 Dtool_LL_pmF_T 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pmF_T 0 2 4 quat 1 1784 3 fwd 1 1721 766 14 Dtool_LL_pPvHl 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pPvHl 0 3 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 767 14 Dtool_LL_p_f8w 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_f8w 0 4 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 2 cs 1 1735 768 14 Dtool_LL_pxh1d 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxh1d 0 3 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 2 up 1 1709 769 14 Dtool_LL_pGIgX 0 4 642 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pGIgX 0 2 4 quat 1 1786 3 fwd 1 1709 770 14 Dtool_LL_p8zF6 0 4 689 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p8zF6 0 3 3 mat 1 1782 1 a 1 1721 1 b 1 1721 771 14 Dtool_LL_p6uMk 0 4 689 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p6uMk 0 3 3 mat 1 1783 1 a 1 1709 1 b 1 1709 772 14 Dtool_LL_pxzTW 0 4 689 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_pxzTW 0 3 3 mat 1 1726 1 a 1 1721 1 b 1 1721 773 14 Dtool_LL_p_uaA 0 4 689 1520 0 14 Dtool_LL_p_uaA 0 3 3 mat 1 1714 1 a 1 1709 1 b 1 1709 367 1421 14 CPTA_LMatrix3d 0 141313 32 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > 32 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > 0 0 0 1 777 787 0 9 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 0 0 1 0 1422 0 0 0 0 0 1422 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3d > 0 26625 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3d > 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3d > 0 0 0 0 776 0 0 0 0 1 0 1423 0 0 0 0 0 1423 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > 0 43009 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 774 775 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1424 13 PointerToVoid 0 2049 13 PointerToVoid 13 PointerToVoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 635 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : PointerToVoid // Description : This is the non-template part of the base class for // PointerTo and ConstPointerTo. It is necessary so we // can keep a pointer to a non-template class within the // ReferenceCount object, to implement weak reference // pointers--we need to have something to clean up when // the ReferenceCount object destructs. // // This is the base class for PointerToBase. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1425 14 CPTA_LMatrix3f 0 141313 32 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > 32 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > 0 0 0 1 791 801 0 9 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 0 0 1 0 1426 0 0 0 0 0 1426 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3f > 0 26625 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3f > 31 PointerToArrayBase< LMatrix3f > 0 0 0 0 790 0 0 0 0 1 0 1427 0 0 0 0 0 1427 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > 0 43009 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > 52 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 788 789 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1428 15 CPTA_LVecBase2d 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > 0 0 0 1 805 815 0 9 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 0 0 1 0 1429 0 0 0 0 0 1429 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2d > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2d > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2d > 0 0 0 0 804 0 0 0 0 1 0 1430 0 0 0 0 0 1430 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 802 803 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1431 15 CPTA_LVecBase2f 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 0 0 0 1 819 829 0 9 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 0 0 1 0 1432 0 0 0 0 0 1432 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2f > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2f > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2f > 0 0 0 0 818 0 0 0 0 1 0 1433 0 0 0 0 0 1433 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 816 817 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1434 15 CPTA_LVecBase2i 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > 0 0 0 1 833 843 0 9 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 0 0 1 0 1435 0 0 0 0 0 1435 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2i > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2i > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase2i > 0 0 0 0 832 0 0 0 0 1 0 1436 0 0 0 0 0 1436 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 830 831 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1437 15 CPTA_LVecBase3d 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > 0 0 0 1 847 857 0 9 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 0 0 1 0 1438 0 0 0 0 0 1438 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3d > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3d > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3d > 0 0 0 0 846 0 0 0 0 1 0 1439 0 0 0 0 0 1439 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 844 845 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1440 15 CPTA_LVecBase3f 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > 0 0 0 1 861 871 0 9 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 0 0 1 0 1441 0 0 0 0 0 1441 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3f > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3f > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3f > 0 0 0 0 860 0 0 0 0 1 0 1442 0 0 0 0 0 1442 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 858 859 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1443 15 CPTA_LVecBase3i 0 141313 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > 33 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > 0 0 0 1 875 885 0 9 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 0 0 1 0 1444 0 0 0 0 0 1444 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3i > 0 26625 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3i > 32 PointerToArrayBase< LVecBase3i > 0 0 0 0 874 0 0 0 0 1 0 1445 0 0 0 0 0 1445 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > 0 43009 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > 53 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 872 873 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1446 14 CPTA_LMatrix4d 0 141313 41 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 41 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 0 0 0 1 889 899 0 9 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 0 0 1 0 1447 0 0 0 0 0 1447 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 0 26625 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 0 0 0 0 888 0 0 0 0 1 0 1448 0 0 0 0 0 1448 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > 0 43009 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 886 887 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1449 14 CPTA_LMatrix4f 0 141313 41 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 41 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 0 0 1 903 913 0 9 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 0 0 1 0 1450 0 0 0 0 0 1450 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 26625 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 40 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 0 0 0 902 0 0 0 0 1 0 1451 0 0 0 0 0 1451 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > 0 43009 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 900 901 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1452 15 CPTA_LVecBase4d 0 141313 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 0 0 0 1 917 927 0 9 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 0 0 1 0 1453 0 0 0 0 0 1453 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 0 26625 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 0 0 0 0 916 0 0 0 0 1 0 1454 0 0 0 0 0 1454 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > 0 43009 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 914 915 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1455 15 CPTA_LVecBase4f 0 141313 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 0 0 0 1 931 941 0 9 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 0 0 1 0 1456 0 0 0 0 0 1456 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 0 26625 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 0 0 0 0 930 0 0 0 0 1 0 1457 0 0 0 0 0 1457 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > 0 43009 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 928 929 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1458 15 CPTA_LVecBase4i 0 141313 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 42 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 0 0 0 1 945 955 0 9 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 0 0 1 0 1459 0 0 0 0 0 1459 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 0 26625 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 41 PointerToArrayBase< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 0 0 0 0 944 0 0 0 0 1 0 1460 0 0 0 0 0 1460 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > 0 43009 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > 62 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 942 943 0 0 1 0 1424 0 0 0 0 0 1461 13 PTA_LMatrix3d 0 141313 27 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > 27 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > 0 0 0 1 956 973 0 16 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 0 0 1 0 1422 0 0 0 0 0 1462 13 PTA_LMatrix3f 0 141313 27 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > 27 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > 0 0 0 1 974 991 0 16 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 0 0 1 0 1426 0 0 0 0 0 1463 14 PTA_LVecBase2d 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > 0 0 0 1 992 1009 0 16 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 0 0 1 0 1429 0 0 0 0 0 1464 14 PTA_LVecBase2f 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 0 0 0 1 1010 1027 0 16 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 0 0 1 0 1432 0 0 0 0 0 1465 14 PTA_LVecBase2i 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > 0 0 0 1 1028 1045 0 16 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 0 0 1 0 1435 0 0 0 0 0 1466 14 PTA_LVecBase3d 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > 0 0 0 1 1046 1063 0 16 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 0 0 1 0 1438 0 0 0 0 0 1467 14 PTA_LVecBase3f 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > 0 0 0 1 1064 1081 0 16 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 0 0 1 0 1441 0 0 0 0 0 1468 14 PTA_LVecBase3i 0 141313 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > 0 0 0 1 1082 1099 0 16 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 0 0 1 0 1444 0 0 0 0 0 1469 13 PTA_LMatrix4d 0 141313 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > 0 0 0 1 1100 1117 0 16 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 0 0 1 0 1447 0 0 0 0 0 1470 13 PTA_LMatrix4f 0 141313 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 0 0 1 1118 1135 0 16 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 0 0 1 0 1450 0 0 0 0 0 1471 14 PTA_LVecBase4d 0 141313 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > 0 0 0 1 1136 1153 0 16 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 0 0 1 0 1453 0 0 0 0 0 1472 14 PTA_LVecBase4f 0 141313 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > 0 0 0 1 1154 1171 0 16 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 0 0 1 0 1456 0 0 0 0 0 1473 14 PTA_LVecBase4i 0 141313 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 37 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > 0 0 0 1 1172 1189 0 16 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 0 0 1 0 1459 0 0 0 0 0 1474 14 BoundingVolume 0 141313 14 BoundingVolume 14 BoundingVolume 0 0 0 0 1200 0 10 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 0 0 1 0 1475 0 0 0 2 1476 1477 596 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingVolume // Description : This is an abstract class for any volume in any sense // which can be said to define the locality of reference // of a node in a graph, along with all of its // descendants. It is not necessarily a geometric // volume (although see GeometricBoundingVolume); this // is simply an abstract interface for bounds of any // sort. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1475 19 TypedReferenceCount 0 2049 19 TypedReferenceCount 19 TypedReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 710 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : TypedReferenceCount // Description : A base class for things which need to inherit from // both TypedObject and from ReferenceCount. It's // convenient to define this intermediate base class // instead of multiply inheriting from the two classes // each time they are needed, so that we can sensibly // pass around pointers to things which are both // TypedObjects and ReferenceCounters. // // See also TypedObject for detailed instructions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1476 17 IntersectionFlags 0 794624 33 BoundingVolume::IntersectionFlags 33 BoundingVolume::IntersectionFlags 1474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 18 IF_no_intersection 34 BoundingVolume::IF_no_intersection 0 11 IF_possible 27 BoundingVolume::IF_possible 1 7 IF_some 23 BoundingVolume::IF_some 2 6 IF_all 22 BoundingVolume::IF_all 4 18 IF_dont_understand 34 BoundingVolume::IF_dont_understand 8 0 77 // The contains() functions return the union of one or more of these // bits. 1477 10 BoundsType 0 794624 26 BoundingVolume::BoundsType 26 BoundingVolume::BoundsType 1474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 10 BT_default 26 BoundingVolume::BT_default 0 7 BT_best 23 BoundingVolume::BT_best 1 9 BT_sphere 25 BoundingVolume::BT_sphere 2 6 BT_box 22 BoundingVolume::BT_box 3 0 80 // This enum is used to control the automatic generation of bounding // volumes. 1478 23 GeometricBoundingVolume 0 141313 23 GeometricBoundingVolume 23 GeometricBoundingVolume 0 0 0 0 1207 0 6 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 0 0 1 0 1474 0 0 0 0 380 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : GeometricBoundingVolume // Description : This is another abstract class, for a general class // of bounding volumes that actually enclose points in // 3-d space, such as BSP's and bounding spheres. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1479 20 FiniteBoundingVolume 0 141313 20 FiniteBoundingVolume 20 FiniteBoundingVolume 0 0 0 0 1212 0 4 1208 1209 1210 1211 0 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 378 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : FiniteBoundingVolume // Description : A special kind of GeometricBoundingVolume that is // known to be finite. It is possible to query this // kind of volume for its minimum and maximum extents. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1480 10 LParabolaf 0 26625 10 LParabolaf 10 LParabolaf 0 0 0 1 1213 1215 0 12 1214 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 0 0 0 0 0 921 // Filename: parabola_src.h // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LParabola // Description : An abstract mathematical description of a parabola, // particularly useful for describing arcs of // projectiles. // // The parabolic equation, given parametrically here, is // P = At^2 + Bt + C. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1481 10 LParabolad 0 26625 10 LParabolad 10 LParabolad 0 0 0 1 1227 1229 0 12 1228 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 0 0 0 0 0 921 // Filename: parabola_src.h // Created by: drose (10Oct07) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LParabola // Description : An abstract mathematical description of a parabola, // particularly useful for describing arcs of // projectiles. // // The parabolic equation, given parametrically here, is // P = At^2 + Bt + C. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1482 7 LPlanef 0 141313 7 LPlanef 7 LPlanef 0 0 0 1 1241 1257 0 15 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 0 0 1 0 1483 0 0 0 0 786 // Filename: plane_src.h // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LPlane // Description : An abstract mathematical description of a plane. A // plane is defined by the equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1483 10 LVecBase4f 0 2049 10 LVecBase4f 10 LVecBase4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase4 // Description : This is the base class for all three-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1484 7 LPlaned 0 141313 7 LPlaned 7 LPlaned 0 0 0 1 1258 1274 0 15 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 0 0 1 0 1485 0 0 0 0 786 // Filename: plane_src.h // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LPlane // Description : An abstract mathematical description of a plane. A // plane is defined by the equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1485 10 LVecBase4d 0 2049 10 LVecBase4d 10 LVecBase4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase4 // Description : This is the base class for all three-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1486 11 BoundingBox 0 141313 11 BoundingBox 11 BoundingBox 0 0 0 1 1275 1284 0 8 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 2 1788 1789 0 1 0 1479 0 0 0 0 416 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingBox // Description : An axis-aligned bounding box; that is, a minimum and // maximum coordinate triple. // // This box is always axis-aligned. If you need a more // general bounding box, try BoundingHexahedron. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1487 9 LFrustumf 0 141313 9 LFrustumf 9 LFrustumf 0 0 0 1 1285 1292 0 6 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 0 0 0 0 0 666 // Filename: frustum_src.h // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LFrustum // Description : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1488 9 LFrustumd 0 141313 9 LFrustumd 9 LFrustumd 0 0 0 1 1293 1300 0 6 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 0 0 0 0 0 666 // Filename: frustum_src.h // Created by: mike (09Jan97) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LFrustum // Description : //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1489 18 BoundingHexahedron 0 141313 18 BoundingHexahedron 18 BoundingHexahedron 0 0 0 1 1301 1307 0 5 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 2 1790 1791 0 1 0 1479 0 0 0 0 556 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingHexahedron // Description : This defines a bounding convex hexahedron. It is // typically used to represent a frustum, but may // represent any enclosing convex hexahedron, including // simple boxes. However, if all you want is an // axis-aligned bounding box, you may be better off with // the simpler BoundingBox class. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1490 12 BoundingLine 0 141313 12 BoundingLine 12 BoundingLine 0 0 0 1 1308 1315 0 6 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 0 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 584 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingLine // Description : This funny bounding volume is an infinite line with // no thickness and extending to infinity in both // directions. // // Note that it *always* extends in both directions, // despite the fact that you specify two points to the // constructor. These are not endpoints, they are two // arbitrary points on the line. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1491 13 BoundingPlane 0 141313 13 BoundingPlane 13 BoundingPlane 0 0 0 1 1316 1322 0 5 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 0 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 482 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingPlane // Description : This funny bounding volume is an infinite plane that // divides space into two regions: the part behind the // normal, which is "inside" the bounding volume, and // the part in front of the normal, which is "outside" // the bounding volume. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1492 14 BoundingSphere 0 141313 14 BoundingSphere 14 BoundingSphere 0 0 0 1 1323 1330 0 6 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 0 0 1 0 1479 0 0 0 0 354 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : BoundingSphere // Description : This defines a bounding sphere, consisting of a // center and a radius. It is always a sphere, and // never an ellipsoid or other quadric. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1493 26 IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 141313 26 IntersectionBoundingVolume 26 IntersectionBoundingVolume 0 0 0 1 1331 1340 0 8 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1 1792 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 479 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : IntersectionBoundingVolume // Description : This special bounding volume is the intersection of all of // its constituent bounding volumes. // // A point is defined to be within an // IntersectionBoundingVolume if it is within all of its // component bounding volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1494 8 Mersenne 0 141313 8 Mersenne 8 Mersenne 0 0 0 1 1343 1345 0 1 1344 0 0 0 0 0 0 1495 18 OmniBoundingVolume 0 141313 18 OmniBoundingVolume 18 OmniBoundingVolume 0 0 0 1 1346 1348 0 1 1347 0 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 282 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : OmniBoundingVolume // Description : This is a special kind of GeometricBoundingVolume // that fills all of space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1496 19 UnionBoundingVolume 0 141313 19 UnionBoundingVolume 19 UnionBoundingVolume 0 0 0 1 1349 1359 0 9 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1 1793 0 1 0 1478 0 0 0 0 469 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnionBoundingVolume // Description : This special bounding volume is the union of all of // its constituent bounding volumes. // // A point is defined to be within a UnionBoundingVolume // if it is within any one or more of its component // bounding volumes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1497 10 Randomizer 0 141313 10 Randomizer 10 Randomizer 0 0 0 1 1360 1367 0 6 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 0 0 0 0 0 222 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : Randomizer // Description : A handy class to return random numbers. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1498 11 PerlinNoise 0 141313 11 PerlinNoise 11 PerlinNoise 0 0 0 0 1369 0 1 1368 0 0 0 0 0 401 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : PerlinNoise // Description : This is the base class for PerlinNoise2 and // PerlinNoise3, different dimensions of Perlin noise // implementation. The base class just collects the // common functionality. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1499 12 PerlinNoise2 0 141313 12 PerlinNoise2 12 PerlinNoise2 0 0 0 1 1370 1375 0 4 1371 1372 1373 1374 0 0 1 0 1498 0 0 0 0 405 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : PerlinNoise2 // Description : This class provides an implementation of Perlin noise // for 2 variables. This code is loosely based on the // reference implementation at // http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/ . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1500 12 PerlinNoise3 0 141313 12 PerlinNoise3 12 PerlinNoise3 0 0 0 1 1376 1381 0 4 1377 1378 1379 1380 0 0 1 0 1498 0 0 0 0 405 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : PerlinNoise3 // Description : This class provides an implementation of Perlin noise // for 3 variables. This code is loosely based on the // reference implementation at // http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/ . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1501 19 StackedPerlinNoise2 0 141313 19 StackedPerlinNoise2 19 StackedPerlinNoise2 0 0 0 1 1383 1389 0 5 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 0 0 0 0 0 359 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : StackedPerlinNoise2 // Description : Implements a multi-layer PerlinNoise, with one or // more high-frequency noise functions added to a // lower-frequency base noise function. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1502 19 StackedPerlinNoise3 0 141313 19 StackedPerlinNoise3 19 StackedPerlinNoise3 0 0 0 1 1390 1396 0 5 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 0 0 0 0 0 359 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : StackedPerlinNoise3 // Description : Implements a multi-layer PerlinNoise, with one or // more high-frequency noise functions added to a // lower-frequency base noise function. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1503 12 Triangulator 0 141313 12 Triangulator 12 Triangulator 0 0 0 1 1397 1412 0 14 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1 1794 0 0 0 0 677 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : Triangulator // Description : This class can triangulate a convex or concave // polygon, even one with holes. It is adapted from an // algorithm published as: // // Narkhede A. and Manocha D., Fast polygon // triangulation algorithm based on Seidel's Algorithm, // UNC-CH, 1994. // // http://www.cs.unc.edu/~dm/CODE/GEM/chapter.html // // It works strictly on 2-d points. See Triangulator3 // for 3-d points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1504 13 Triangulator3 0 141313 13 Triangulator3 13 Triangulator3 0 0 0 1 1413 1420 0 6 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1 1795 0 1 0 1503 0 0 0 0 497 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : Triangulator3 // Description : This is an extension of Triangulator to handle // polygons with three-dimensional points. It assumes // all of the points lie in a single plane, and // internally projects the supplied points into 2-D for // passing to the underlying Triangulator object. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1505 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 0 8576 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 0 0 1506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1506 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 0 8832 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 0 0 1421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1507 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 0 8576 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 0 0 1421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1508 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 0 8576 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const * 0 0 1509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1509 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 0 8832 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > const 0 0 1461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1510 10 PyObject * 0 8576 10 PyObject * 10 PyObject * 0 0 1511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1511 8 PyObject 0 2048 8 PyObject 8 PyObject 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1512 12 unsigned int 0 8198 12 unsigned int 12 unsigned int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1513 17 LMatrix3d const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix3d const * 17 LMatrix3d const * 0 0 1514 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1514 15 LMatrix3d const 0 8832 15 LMatrix3d const 15 LMatrix3d const 0 0 1515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1515 9 LMatrix3d 0 2048 9 LMatrix3d 9 LMatrix3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1796 1797 1798 1799 0 0 0 0 462 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LMatrix3 // Description : This is a 3-by-3 transform matrix. It typically will // represent either a rotation-and-scale (no // translation) matrix in 3-d, or a full affine matrix // (rotation, scale, translation) in 2-d, e.g. for a // texture matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1516 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1517 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1518 11 Py_buffer * 0 8576 11 Py_buffer * 11 Py_buffer * 0 0 1519 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1519 9 Py_buffer 0 1024 9 Py_buffer 9 Py_buffer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1520 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1521 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > * 0 8576 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > * 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > * 0 0 1423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1522 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const * 0 8576 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const * 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const * 0 0 1523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1523 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const 0 8832 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3d > > const 0 0 1423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1524 9 ostream * 0 8576 9 ostream * 9 ostream * 0 0 1525 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1525 7 ostream 0 2048 7 ostream 7 ostream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1526 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 0 8576 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 40 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 0 0 1527 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1527 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 0 8832 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 38 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 0 0 1425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1528 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 0 8576 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 34 ConstPointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 0 0 1425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1529 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 0 8576 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 35 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const * 0 0 1530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1530 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 0 8832 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 33 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > const 0 0 1462 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1531 17 LMatrix3f const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix3f const * 17 LMatrix3f const * 0 0 1532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1532 15 LMatrix3f const 0 8832 15 LMatrix3f const 15 LMatrix3f const 0 0 1533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1533 9 LMatrix3f 0 2048 9 LMatrix3f 9 LMatrix3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1800 1801 1802 1803 0 0 0 0 462 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LMatrix3 // Description : This is a 3-by-3 transform matrix. It typically will // represent either a rotation-and-scale (no // translation) matrix in 3-d, or a full affine matrix // (rotation, scale, translation) in 2-d, e.g. for a // texture matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1534 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > * 0 8576 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > * 54 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > * 0 0 1427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1535 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const * 0 8576 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const * 60 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const * 0 0 1536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1536 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const 0 8832 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const 58 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LMatrix3f > > const 0 0 1427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1537 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 0 0 1538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1538 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 0 0 1428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1539 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 0 0 1428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1540 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const * 0 0 1541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1541 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > const 0 0 1463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1542 18 LVecBase2d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2d const * 18 LVecBase2d const * 0 0 1543 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1543 16 LVecBase2d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2d const 16 LVecBase2d const 0 0 1544 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1544 10 LVecBase2d 0 2048 10 LVecBase2d 10 LVecBase2d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 752 // Filename: lvecBase2_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase2 // Description : This is the base class for all two-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1545 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > * 0 0 1430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1546 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const * 0 0 1547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1547 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2d > > const 0 0 1430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1548 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 0 0 1549 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1549 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 0 0 1431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1550 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 0 0 1431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1551 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const * 0 0 1552 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1552 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > const 0 0 1464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1553 18 LVecBase2f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2f const * 18 LVecBase2f const * 0 0 1554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1554 16 LVecBase2f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2f const 16 LVecBase2f const 0 0 1555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1555 10 LVecBase2f 0 2048 10 LVecBase2f 10 LVecBase2f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 752 // Filename: lvecBase2_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase2 // Description : This is the base class for all two-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1556 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > * 0 0 1433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1557 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const * 0 0 1558 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1558 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2f > > const 0 0 1433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1559 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 0 0 1560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1560 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 0 0 1434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1561 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 0 0 1434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1562 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const * 0 0 1563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1563 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > const 0 0 1465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1564 18 LVecBase2i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2i const * 18 LVecBase2i const * 0 0 1565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1565 16 LVecBase2i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2i const 16 LVecBase2i const 0 0 1566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1566 10 LVecBase2i 0 2048 10 LVecBase2i 10 LVecBase2i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 752 // Filename: lvecBase2_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase2 // Description : This is the base class for all two-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1567 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > * 0 0 1436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1568 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const * 0 0 1569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1569 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase2i > > const 0 0 1436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1570 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 0 0 1571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1571 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 0 0 1437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1572 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 0 0 1437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1573 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const * 0 0 1574 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1574 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > const 0 0 1466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1575 18 LVecBase3d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3d const * 18 LVecBase3d const * 0 0 1576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1576 16 LVecBase3d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3d const 16 LVecBase3d const 0 0 1577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1577 10 LVecBase3d 0 2048 10 LVecBase3d 10 LVecBase3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 // Filename: lvecBase3_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase3 // Description : This is the base class for all three-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1578 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > * 0 0 1439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1579 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const * 0 0 1580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1580 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3d > > const 0 0 1439 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1581 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 0 0 1582 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1582 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 0 0 1440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1583 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 0 0 1440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1584 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const * 0 0 1585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1585 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > const 0 0 1467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1586 18 LVecBase3f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3f const * 18 LVecBase3f const * 0 0 1587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1587 16 LVecBase3f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3f const 16 LVecBase3f const 0 0 1588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1588 10 LVecBase3f 0 2048 10 LVecBase3f 10 LVecBase3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 // Filename: lvecBase3_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase3 // Description : This is the base class for all three-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1589 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > * 0 0 1442 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1590 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const * 0 0 1591 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1591 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3f > > const 0 0 1442 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1592 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 0 8576 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 41 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 0 0 1593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1593 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 0 8832 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 39 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 0 0 1443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1594 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 0 8576 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 35 ConstPointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 0 0 1443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1595 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 0 8576 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 36 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const * 0 0 1596 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1596 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 0 8832 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 34 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > const 0 0 1468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1597 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3i const * 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 0 1598 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1598 16 LVecBase3i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3i const 16 LVecBase3i const 0 0 1599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1599 10 LVecBase3i 0 2048 10 LVecBase3i 10 LVecBase3i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 // Filename: lvecBase3_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVecBase3 // Description : This is the base class for all three-component // vectors and points. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1600 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > * 0 8576 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > * 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > * 0 0 1445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1601 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const * 0 8576 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const * 61 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const * 0 0 1602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1602 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const 0 8832 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const 59 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< LVecBase3i > > const 0 0 1445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1603 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 0 8576 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 0 0 1604 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1604 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 0 8832 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 0 0 1446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1605 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 0 8576 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 0 0 1446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1606 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 0 8576 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const * 0 0 1607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1607 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 0 8832 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > const 0 0 1469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1608 26 UnalignedLMatrix4d const * 0 8576 26 UnalignedLMatrix4d const * 26 UnalignedLMatrix4d const * 0 0 1609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1609 24 UnalignedLMatrix4d const 0 8832 24 UnalignedLMatrix4d const 24 UnalignedLMatrix4d const 0 0 1610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1610 18 UnalignedLMatrix4d 0 2048 18 UnalignedLMatrix4d 18 UnalignedLMatrix4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 671 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnalignedLMatrix4 // Description : This is an "unaligned" LMatrix4. It has no // functionality other than to store numbers, and it // will pack them in as tightly as possible, avoiding // any SSE2 alignment requirements shared by the primary // LMatrix4 class. // // Use it only when you need to pack numbers tightly // without respect to alignment, and then copy it to a // proper LMatrix4 to get actual use from it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1611 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > * 0 8576 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > * 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > * 0 0 1448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1612 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const * 0 8576 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const * 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const * 0 0 1613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1613 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const 0 8832 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4d > > const 0 0 1448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1614 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 0 8576 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 49 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 0 0 1615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1615 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 0 8832 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 47 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 0 0 1449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1616 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 0 8576 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 43 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 0 0 1449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1617 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 0 8576 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 44 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const * 0 0 1618 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1618 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 0 8832 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 42 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > const 0 0 1470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1619 26 UnalignedLMatrix4f const * 0 8576 26 UnalignedLMatrix4f const * 26 UnalignedLMatrix4f const * 0 0 1620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1620 24 UnalignedLMatrix4f const 0 8832 24 UnalignedLMatrix4f const 24 UnalignedLMatrix4f const 0 0 1621 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1621 18 UnalignedLMatrix4f 0 2048 18 UnalignedLMatrix4f 18 UnalignedLMatrix4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 671 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnalignedLMatrix4 // Description : This is an "unaligned" LMatrix4. It has no // functionality other than to store numbers, and it // will pack them in as tightly as possible, avoiding // any SSE2 alignment requirements shared by the primary // LMatrix4 class. // // Use it only when you need to pack numbers tightly // without respect to alignment, and then copy it to a // proper LMatrix4 to get actual use from it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1622 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > * 0 8576 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > * 63 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > * 0 0 1451 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1623 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const * 0 8576 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const * 69 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const * 0 0 1624 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1624 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const 0 8832 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const 67 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLMatrix4f > > const 0 0 1451 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1625 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 0 8576 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 0 0 1626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1626 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 0 8832 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 0 0 1452 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1627 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 0 8576 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 0 0 1452 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1628 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 0 8576 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const * 0 0 1629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1629 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 0 8832 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > const 0 0 1471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1630 27 UnalignedLVecBase4d const * 0 8576 27 UnalignedLVecBase4d const * 27 UnalignedLVecBase4d const * 0 0 1631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1631 25 UnalignedLVecBase4d const 0 8832 25 UnalignedLVecBase4d const 25 UnalignedLVecBase4d const 0 0 1632 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1632 19 UnalignedLVecBase4d 0 2048 19 UnalignedLVecBase4d 19 UnalignedLVecBase4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnalignedLVecBase4 // Description : This is an "unaligned" LVecBase4. It has no // functionality other than to store numbers, and it // will pack them in as tightly as possible, avoiding // any SSE2 alignment requirements shared by the primary // LVecBase4 class. // // Use it only when you need to pack numbers tightly // without respect to alignment, and then copy it to a // proper LVecBase4 to get actual use from it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1633 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > * 0 8576 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > * 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > * 0 0 1454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1634 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const * 0 8576 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const * 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const * 0 0 1635 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1635 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const 0 8832 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4d > > const 0 0 1454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1636 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 0 8576 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 0 0 1637 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1637 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 0 8832 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 0 0 1455 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1638 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 0 8576 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 0 0 1455 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1639 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 0 8576 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const * 0 0 1640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1640 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 0 8832 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > const 0 0 1472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1641 27 UnalignedLVecBase4f const * 0 8576 27 UnalignedLVecBase4f const * 27 UnalignedLVecBase4f const * 0 0 1642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1642 25 UnalignedLVecBase4f const 0 8832 25 UnalignedLVecBase4f const 25 UnalignedLVecBase4f const 0 0 1643 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1643 19 UnalignedLVecBase4f 0 2048 19 UnalignedLVecBase4f 19 UnalignedLVecBase4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnalignedLVecBase4 // Description : This is an "unaligned" LVecBase4. It has no // functionality other than to store numbers, and it // will pack them in as tightly as possible, avoiding // any SSE2 alignment requirements shared by the primary // LVecBase4 class. // // Use it only when you need to pack numbers tightly // without respect to alignment, and then copy it to a // proper LVecBase4 to get actual use from it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1644 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > * 0 8576 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > * 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > * 0 0 1457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1645 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const * 0 8576 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const * 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const * 0 0 1646 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1646 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const 0 8832 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4f > > const 0 0 1457 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1647 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 0 8576 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 50 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 0 0 1648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1648 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 0 8832 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 48 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 0 0 1458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1649 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 0 8576 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 44 ConstPointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 0 0 1458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1650 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 0 8576 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 45 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const * 0 0 1651 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1651 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 0 8832 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 43 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > const 0 0 1473 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1652 27 UnalignedLVecBase4i const * 0 8576 27 UnalignedLVecBase4i const * 27 UnalignedLVecBase4i const * 0 0 1653 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1653 25 UnalignedLVecBase4i const 0 8832 25 UnalignedLVecBase4i const 25 UnalignedLVecBase4i const 0 0 1654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1654 19 UnalignedLVecBase4i 0 2048 19 UnalignedLVecBase4i 19 UnalignedLVecBase4i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : UnalignedLVecBase4 // Description : This is an "unaligned" LVecBase4. It has no // functionality other than to store numbers, and it // will pack them in as tightly as possible, avoiding // any SSE2 alignment requirements shared by the primary // LVecBase4 class. // // Use it only when you need to pack numbers tightly // without respect to alignment, and then copy it to a // proper LVecBase4 to get actual use from it. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1655 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > * 0 8576 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > * 64 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > * 0 0 1460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1656 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const * 0 8576 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const * 70 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const * 0 0 1657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1657 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const 0 8832 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const 68 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< UnalignedLVecBase4i > > const 0 0 1460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1658 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 0 8576 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3d > * 0 0 1461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1659 12 TypeHandle * 0 8576 12 TypeHandle * 12 TypeHandle * 0 0 1660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1660 10 TypeHandle 0 2048 10 TypeHandle 10 TypeHandle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1098 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : TypeHandle // Description : TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate // C++ class types. Any C++ classes that inherit from // some base class, and must be differentiated at run // time, should store a static TypeHandle object that // can be queried through a static member function // named get_class_type(). Most of the time, it is also // desirable to inherit from TypedObject, which provides // some virtual functions to return the TypeHandle for a // particular instance. // // At its essence, a TypeHandle is simply a unique // identifier that is assigned by the TypeRegistry. The // TypeRegistry stores a tree of TypeHandles, so that // ancestry of a particular type may be queried, and the // type name may be retrieved for run-time display. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1661 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 0 8576 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 29 PointerToArray< LMatrix3f > * 0 0 1462 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1662 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2d > * 0 0 1463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1663 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > * 0 0 1464 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1664 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase2i > * 0 0 1465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1665 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3d > * 0 0 1466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1666 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3f > * 0 0 1467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1667 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 0 8576 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 30 PointerToArray< LVecBase3i > * 0 0 1468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1668 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 0 8576 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4d > * 0 0 1469 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1669 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 0 8576 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 38 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > * 0 0 1470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1670 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 0 8576 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4d > * 0 0 1471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1671 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 0 8576 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4f > * 0 0 1472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1672 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 0 8576 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 39 PointerToArray< UnalignedLVecBase4i > * 0 0 1473 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1673 22 BoundingVolume const * 0 8576 22 BoundingVolume const * 22 BoundingVolume const * 0 0 1674 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1674 20 BoundingVolume const 0 8832 20 BoundingVolume const 20 BoundingVolume const 0 0 1474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1675 16 BoundingVolume * 0 8576 16 BoundingVolume * 16 BoundingVolume * 0 0 1474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1676 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1677 25 GeometricBoundingVolume * 0 8576 25 GeometricBoundingVolume * 25 GeometricBoundingVolume * 0 0 1478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1678 31 GeometricBoundingVolume const * 0 8576 31 GeometricBoundingVolume const * 31 GeometricBoundingVolume const * 0 0 1679 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1679 29 GeometricBoundingVolume const 0 8832 29 GeometricBoundingVolume const 29 GeometricBoundingVolume const 0 0 1478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1680 16 LPoint3f const * 0 8576 16 LPoint3f const * 16 LPoint3f const * 0 0 1681 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1681 14 LPoint3f const 0 8832 14 LPoint3f const 14 LPoint3f const 0 0 1682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1682 8 LPoint3f 0 2048 8 LPoint3f 8 LPoint3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1083 // Filename: lpoint3_src.h // Created by: drose (25Sep99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LPoint3 // Description : This is a three-component point in space (as opposed // to a three-component vector, which represents a // direction and a distance). Some of the methods are // slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in // particular, subtraction of two points yields a // vector, while addition of a vector and a point yields // a point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1683 10 LPoint3f * 0 8576 10 LPoint3f * 10 LPoint3f * 0 0 1682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1684 17 LMatrix4f const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix4f const * 17 LMatrix4f const * 0 0 1685 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1685 15 LMatrix4f const 0 8832 15 LMatrix4f const 15 LMatrix4f const 0 0 1686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1686 9 LMatrix4f 0 2048 9 LMatrix4f 9 LMatrix4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1804 1805 1806 0 0 0 0 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LMatrix4 // Description : This is a 4-by-4 transform matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1687 28 FiniteBoundingVolume const * 0 8576 28 FiniteBoundingVolume const * 28 FiniteBoundingVolume const * 0 0 1688 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1688 26 FiniteBoundingVolume const 0 8832 26 FiniteBoundingVolume const 26 FiniteBoundingVolume const 0 0 1479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1689 5 float 0 8194 5 float 5 float 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1690 12 LParabolaf * 0 8576 12 LParabolaf * 12 LParabolaf * 0 0 1480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1691 18 LParabolaf const * 0 8576 18 LParabolaf const * 18 LParabolaf const * 0 0 1692 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1692 16 LParabolaf const 0 8832 16 LParabolaf const 16 LParabolaf const 0 0 1480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1693 10 Datagram * 0 8576 10 Datagram * 10 Datagram * 0 0 1694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1694 8 Datagram 0 2048 8 Datagram 8 Datagram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : Datagram // Description : An ordered list of data elements, formatted in memory // for transmission over a socket or writing to a data // file. // // Data elements should be added one at a time, in // order, to the Datagram. The nature and contents of // the data elements are totally up to the user. When a // Datagram has been transmitted and received, its data // elements may be extracted using a DatagramIterator; // it is up to the caller to know the correct type of // each data element in order. // // A Datagram is itself headerless; it is simply a // collection of data elements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1695 18 DatagramIterator * 0 8576 18 DatagramIterator * 18 DatagramIterator * 0 0 1696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1696 16 DatagramIterator 0 2048 16 DatagramIterator 16 DatagramIterator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 438 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : DatagramIterator // Description : A class to retrieve the individual data elements // previously stored in a Datagram. Elements may be // retrieved one at a time; it is up to the caller to // know the correct type and order of each element. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1697 12 LParabolad * 0 8576 12 LParabolad * 12 LParabolad * 0 0 1481 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1698 18 LParabolad const * 0 8576 18 LParabolad const * 18 LParabolad const * 0 0 1699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1699 16 LParabolad const 0 8832 16 LParabolad const 16 LParabolad const 0 0 1481 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1700 17 LMatrix4d const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix4d const * 17 LMatrix4d const * 0 0 1701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1701 15 LMatrix4d const 0 8832 15 LMatrix4d const 15 LMatrix4d const 0 0 1702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1702 9 LMatrix4d 0 2048 9 LMatrix4d 9 LMatrix4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1807 1808 1809 0 0 0 0 215 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LMatrix4 // Description : This is a 4-by-4 transform matrix. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1703 8 LPoint3d 0 2048 8 LPoint3d 8 LPoint3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1083 // Filename: lpoint3_src.h // Created by: drose (25Sep99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LPoint3 // Description : This is a three-component point in space (as opposed // to a three-component vector, which represents a // direction and a distance). Some of the methods are // slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in // particular, subtraction of two points yields a // vector, while addition of a vector and a point yields // a point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1704 6 double 0 8194 6 double 6 double 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1705 10 LPoint3d * 0 8576 10 LPoint3d * 10 LPoint3d * 0 0 1703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1706 9 LPlanef * 0 8576 9 LPlanef * 9 LPlanef * 0 0 1482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1707 18 LVecBase4f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4f const * 18 LVecBase4f const * 0 0 1708 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1708 16 LVecBase4f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4f const 16 LVecBase4f const 0 0 1483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1709 17 LVector3f const * 0 8576 17 LVector3f const * 17 LVector3f const * 0 0 1710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1710 15 LVector3f const 0 8832 15 LVector3f const 15 LVector3f const 0 0 1711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1711 9 LVector3f 0 2048 9 LVector3f 9 LVector3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1086 // Filename: lvector3_src.h // Created by: drose (24Sep99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVector3 // Description : This is a three-component vector distance (as opposed // to a three-component point, which represents a // particular point in space). Some of the methods are // slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in // particular, subtraction of two points yields a // vector, while addition of a vector and a point yields // a point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1712 15 LPlanef const * 0 8576 15 LPlanef const * 15 LPlanef const * 0 0 1713 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1713 13 LPlanef const 0 8832 13 LPlanef const 13 LPlanef const 0 0 1482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1714 11 LMatrix4f * 0 8576 11 LMatrix4f * 11 LMatrix4f * 0 0 1686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1715 11 LVector3f * 0 8576 11 LVector3f * 11 LVector3f * 0 0 1711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1716 9 LPlaned * 0 8576 9 LPlaned * 9 LPlaned * 0 0 1484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1717 16 LPoint3d const * 0 8576 16 LPoint3d const * 16 LPoint3d const * 0 0 1718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1718 14 LPoint3d const 0 8832 14 LPoint3d const 14 LPoint3d const 0 0 1703 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1719 18 LVecBase4d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4d const * 18 LVecBase4d const * 0 0 1720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1720 16 LVecBase4d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4d const 16 LVecBase4d const 0 0 1485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1721 17 LVector3d const * 0 8576 17 LVector3d const * 17 LVector3d const * 0 0 1722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1722 15 LVector3d const 0 8832 15 LVector3d const 15 LVector3d const 0 0 1723 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1723 9 LVector3d 0 2048 9 LVector3d 9 LVector3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1086 // Filename: lvector3_src.h // Created by: drose (24Sep99) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LVector3 // Description : This is a three-component vector distance (as opposed // to a three-component point, which represents a // particular point in space). Some of the methods are // slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in // particular, subtraction of two points yields a // vector, while addition of a vector and a point yields // a point. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1724 15 LPlaned const * 0 8576 15 LPlaned const * 15 LPlaned const * 0 0 1725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1725 13 LPlaned const 0 8832 13 LPlaned const 13 LPlaned const 0 0 1484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1726 11 LMatrix4d * 0 8576 11 LMatrix4d * 11 LMatrix4d * 0 0 1702 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1727 11 LVector3d * 0 8576 11 LVector3d * 11 LVector3d * 0 0 1723 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1728 13 BoundingBox * 0 8576 13 BoundingBox * 13 BoundingBox * 0 0 1486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1729 19 BoundingBox const * 0 8576 19 BoundingBox const * 19 BoundingBox const * 0 0 1730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1730 17 BoundingBox const 0 8832 17 BoundingBox const 17 BoundingBox const 0 0 1486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1731 11 LFrustumf * 0 8576 11 LFrustumf * 11 LFrustumf * 0 0 1487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1732 11 LFrustumd * 0 8576 11 LFrustumd * 11 LFrustumd * 0 0 1488 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1733 17 LFrustumf const * 0 8576 17 LFrustumf const * 17 LFrustumf const * 0 0 1734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1734 15 LFrustumf const 0 8832 15 LFrustumf const 15 LFrustumf const 0 0 1487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1735 16 CoordinateSystem 0 532480 16 CoordinateSystem 16 CoordinateSystem 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 CS_default 10 CS_default 0 12 CS_zup_right 12 CS_zup_right 1 12 CS_yup_right 12 CS_yup_right 2 11 CS_zup_left 11 CS_zup_left 3 11 CS_yup_left 11 CS_yup_left 4 10 CS_invalid 10 CS_invalid 5 0 0 1736 20 BoundingHexahedron * 0 8576 20 BoundingHexahedron * 20 BoundingHexahedron * 0 0 1489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1737 26 BoundingHexahedron const * 0 8576 26 BoundingHexahedron const * 26 BoundingHexahedron const * 0 0 1738 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1738 24 BoundingHexahedron const 0 8832 24 BoundingHexahedron const 24 BoundingHexahedron const 0 0 1489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1739 14 BoundingLine * 0 8576 14 BoundingLine * 14 BoundingLine * 0 0 1490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1740 20 BoundingLine const * 0 8576 20 BoundingLine const * 20 BoundingLine const * 0 0 1741 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1741 18 BoundingLine const 0 8832 18 BoundingLine const 18 BoundingLine const 0 0 1490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1742 15 BoundingPlane * 0 8576 15 BoundingPlane * 15 BoundingPlane * 0 0 1491 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1743 21 BoundingPlane const * 0 8576 21 BoundingPlane const * 21 BoundingPlane const * 0 0 1744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1744 19 BoundingPlane const 0 8832 19 BoundingPlane const 19 BoundingPlane const 0 0 1491 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1745 16 BoundingSphere * 0 8576 16 BoundingSphere * 16 BoundingSphere * 0 0 1492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1746 22 BoundingSphere const * 0 8576 22 BoundingSphere const * 22 BoundingSphere const * 0 0 1747 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1747 20 BoundingSphere const 0 8832 20 BoundingSphere const 20 BoundingSphere const 0 0 1492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1748 28 IntersectionBoundingVolume * 0 8576 28 IntersectionBoundingVolume * 28 IntersectionBoundingVolume * 0 0 1493 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1749 34 IntersectionBoundingVolume const * 0 8576 34 IntersectionBoundingVolume const * 34 IntersectionBoundingVolume const * 0 0 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1750 32 IntersectionBoundingVolume const 0 8832 32 IntersectionBoundingVolume const 32 IntersectionBoundingVolume const 0 0 1493 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1751 17 unsigned long int 0 8214 17 unsigned long int 17 unsigned long int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1752 10 Mersenne * 0 8576 10 Mersenne * 10 Mersenne * 0 0 1494 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1753 20 OmniBoundingVolume * 0 8576 20 OmniBoundingVolume * 20 OmniBoundingVolume * 0 0 1495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1754 21 UnionBoundingVolume * 0 8576 21 UnionBoundingVolume * 21 UnionBoundingVolume * 0 0 1496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1755 27 UnionBoundingVolume const * 0 8576 27 UnionBoundingVolume const * 27 UnionBoundingVolume const * 0 0 1756 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1756 25 UnionBoundingVolume const 0 8832 25 UnionBoundingVolume const 25 UnionBoundingVolume const 0 0 1496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1757 18 Randomizer const * 0 8576 18 Randomizer const * 18 Randomizer const * 0 0 1758 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1758 16 Randomizer const 0 8832 16 Randomizer const 16 Randomizer const 0 0 1497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1759 12 Randomizer * 0 8576 12 Randomizer * 12 Randomizer * 0 0 1497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1760 13 PerlinNoise * 0 8576 13 PerlinNoise * 13 PerlinNoise * 0 0 1498 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1761 14 PerlinNoise2 * 0 8576 14 PerlinNoise2 * 14 PerlinNoise2 * 0 0 1499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1762 20 PerlinNoise2 const * 0 8576 20 PerlinNoise2 const * 20 PerlinNoise2 const * 0 0 1763 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1763 18 PerlinNoise2 const 0 8832 18 PerlinNoise2 const 18 PerlinNoise2 const 0 0 1499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1764 14 PerlinNoise3 * 0 8576 14 PerlinNoise3 * 14 PerlinNoise3 * 0 0 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1765 20 PerlinNoise3 const * 0 8576 20 PerlinNoise3 const * 20 PerlinNoise3 const * 0 0 1766 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1766 18 PerlinNoise3 const 0 8832 18 PerlinNoise3 const 18 PerlinNoise3 const 0 0 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1767 21 StackedPerlinNoise2 * 0 8576 21 StackedPerlinNoise2 * 21 StackedPerlinNoise2 * 0 0 1501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1768 27 StackedPerlinNoise2 const * 0 8576 27 StackedPerlinNoise2 const * 27 StackedPerlinNoise2 const * 0 0 1769 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1769 25 StackedPerlinNoise2 const 0 8832 25 StackedPerlinNoise2 const 25 StackedPerlinNoise2 const 0 0 1501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1770 21 StackedPerlinNoise3 * 0 8576 21 StackedPerlinNoise3 * 21 StackedPerlinNoise3 * 0 0 1502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1771 27 StackedPerlinNoise3 const * 0 8576 27 StackedPerlinNoise3 const * 27 StackedPerlinNoise3 const * 0 0 1772 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1772 25 StackedPerlinNoise3 const 0 8832 25 StackedPerlinNoise3 const 25 StackedPerlinNoise3 const 0 0 1502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1773 14 Triangulator * 0 8576 14 Triangulator * 14 Triangulator * 0 0 1503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1774 16 LPoint2d const * 0 8576 16 LPoint2d const * 16 LPoint2d const * 0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1775 14 LPoint2d const 0 8832 14 LPoint2d const 14 LPoint2d const 0 0 1776 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1776 8 LPoint2d 0 2048 8 LPoint2d 8 LPoint2d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 706 // Filename: lpoint2_src.h // Created by: drose (08Mar00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : LPoint2 // Description : This is a two-component point in space. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1777 20 Triangulator const * 0 8576 20 Triangulator const * 20 Triangulator const * 0 0 1778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1778 18 Triangulator const 0 8832 18 Triangulator const 18 Triangulator const 0 0 1503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1779 15 Triangulator3 * 0 8576 15 Triangulator3 * 15 Triangulator3 * 0 0 1504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1780 21 Triangulator3 const * 0 8576 21 Triangulator3 const * 21 Triangulator3 const * 0 0 1781 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1781 19 Triangulator3 const 0 8832 19 Triangulator3 const 19 Triangulator3 const 0 0 1504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1782 11 LMatrix3d * 0 8576 11 LMatrix3d * 11 LMatrix3d * 0 0 1515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1783 11 LMatrix3f * 0 8576 11 LMatrix3f * 11 LMatrix3f * 0 0 1533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1784 14 LQuaterniond * 0 8576 14 LQuaterniond * 14 LQuaterniond * 0 0 1785 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1785 12 LQuaterniond 0 2048 12 LQuaterniond 12 LQuaterniond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719 // Filename: lquaternion_src.h // Created by: frang (06Jun00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : FLOATNAME(LQuaternion) // Description : This is the base quaternion class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1786 14 LQuaternionf * 0 8576 14 LQuaternionf * 14 LQuaternionf * 0 0 1787 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1787 12 LQuaternionf 0 2048 12 LQuaternionf 12 LQuaternionf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719 // Filename: lquaternion_src.h // Created by: frang (06Jun00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : FLOATNAME(LQuaternion) // Description : This is the base quaternion class //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 0 22 1788 0 0 567 10 get_points 14 get_num_points 9 get_point 1789 0 0 567 10 get_planes 14 get_num_planes 9 get_plane 1790 0 0 596 10 get_points 14 get_num_points 9 get_point 1791 0 0 596 10 get_planes 14 get_num_planes 9 get_plane 1792 0 0 630 14 get_components 18 get_num_components 13 get_component 1793 0 0 651 14 get_components 18 get_num_components 13 get_component 1794 0 0 706 12 get_vertices 16 get_num_vertices 10 get_vertex 1795 0 0 723 12 get_vertices 16 get_num_vertices 10 get_vertex 1796 0 0 747 8 get_rows 4 size 7 get_row 1797 0 0 747 8 get_cols 4 size 7 get_col 1798 0 0 747 9 get_col2s 4 size 8 get_col2 1799 0 0 747 9 get_row2s 4 size 8 get_row2 1800 0 0 779 8 get_rows 4 size 7 get_row 1801 0 0 779 8 get_cols 4 size 7 get_col 1802 0 0 779 9 get_col2s 4 size 8 get_col2 1803 0 0 779 9 get_row2s 4 size 8 get_row2 1804 0 0 1386 8 get_rows 4 size 7 get_row 1805 0 0 1386 8 get_cols 4 size 7 get_col 1806 0 0 1386 9 get_row3s 4 size 8 get_row3 1807 0 0 1428 8 get_rows 4 size 7 get_row 1808 0 0 1428 8 get_cols 4 size 7 get_col 1809 0 0 1428 9 get_row3s 4 size 8 get_row3