"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = ['Transitions'] from pandac.PandaModules import * from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from direct.task import Task from direct.interval.LerpInterval import LerpColorScaleInterval, LerpColorInterval, LerpScaleInterval, LerpPosInterval from direct.interval.MetaInterval import Sequence, Parallel from direct.interval.FunctionInterval import Func class Transitions: # These may be reassigned before the fade or iris transitions are # actually invoked to change the models that will be used. IrisModelName = "models/misc/iris" FadeModelName = "models/misc/fade" def __init__(self, loader, model=None, scale=3.0, pos=Vec3(0, 0, 0)): self.transitionIval = None self.letterboxIval = None self.iris = None self.fade = None self.letterbox = None self.fadeModel = model self.imagePos = pos if model: self.alphaOff = Vec4(1, 1, 1, 0) self.alphaOn = Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1) model.setTransparency(1) self.lerpFunc = LerpColorScaleInterval else: self.alphaOff = Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0) self.alphaOn = Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1) self.lerpFunc = LerpColorInterval self.irisTaskName = "irisTask" self.fadeTaskName = "fadeTask" self.letterboxTaskName = "letterboxTask" def __del__(self): if self.fadeModel: self.fadeModel.removeNode() self.fadeModel = None ################################################## # Fade ################################################## # We can set a custom model for the fade before using it for the first time def setFadeModel(self, model, scale=1.0): self.fadeModel = model # We have to change some default parameters for a custom fadeModel self.alphaOn = Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1) # Reload fade if its already been created if self.fade: del self.fade self.fade = None self.loadFade() def loadFade(self): if not self.fadeModel: self.fadeModel = loader.loadModel(self.FadeModelName) if self.fade == None: # We create a DirectFrame for the fade polygon, instead of # simply loading the polygon model and using it directly, # so that it will also obscure mouse events for objects # positioned behind it. self.fade = DirectFrame( parent = hidden, guiId = 'fade', relief = None, image = self.fadeModel, image_scale = (4, 2, 2), state = DGG.NORMAL, ) self.fade.setBin('unsorted', 0) self.fade.setColor(0,0,0,0) def getFadeInIval(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Returns an interval without starting it. This is particularly useful in cutscenes, so when the cutsceneIval is escaped out of we can finish the fade immediately """ #self.noTransitions() masad: this creates a one frame pop, is it necessary? self.loadFade() transitionIval = Sequence(Func(self.fade.reparentTo, aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX), Func(self.fade.showThrough), # in case aspect2d is hidden for some reason self.lerpFunc(self.fade, t, self.alphaOff, # self.alphaOn, ), Func(self.fade.detachNode), name = self.fadeTaskName, ) if finishIval: transitionIval.append(finishIval) return transitionIval def getFadeOutIval(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Create a sequence that lerps the color out, then parents the fade to hidden """ self.noTransitions() self.loadFade() transitionIval = Sequence(Func(self.fade.reparentTo,aspect2d,FADE_SORT_INDEX), Func(self.fade.showThrough), # in case aspect2d is hidden for some reason self.lerpFunc(self.fade, t, self.alphaOn, # self.alphaOff, ), name = self.fadeTaskName, ) if finishIval: transitionIval.append(finishIval) return transitionIval def fadeIn(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Play a fade in transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the color from black to transparent. When the color lerp is finished, it parents the fade polygon to hidden. """ gsg = base.win.getGsg() if gsg: # If we're about to fade in from black, go ahead and # preload all the textures etc. base.graphicsEngine.renderFrame() render.prepareScene(gsg) render2d.prepareScene(gsg) if (t == 0): # Fade in immediately with no lerp #print "transitiosn: fadeIn 0.0" self.noTransitions() self.loadFade() self.fade.detachNode() else: # Create a sequence that lerps the color out, then # parents the fade to hidden self.transitionIval = self.getFadeInIval(t, finishIval) self.transitionIval.start() def fadeOut(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Play a fade out transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the color from transparent to full black. When the color lerp is finished, it leaves the fade polygon covering the aspect2d plane until you fadeIn or call noFade. lerp """ if (t == 0): # Fade out immediately with no lerp self.noTransitions() self.loadFade() self.fade.reparentTo(aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX) self.fade.setColor(self.alphaOn) elif base.config.GetBool('no-loading-screen',0): if finishIval: self.transitionIval = finishIval self.transitionIval.start() else: # Create a sequence that lerps the color out, then # parents the fade to hidden self.transitionIval = self.getFadeOutIval(t,finishIval) self.transitionIval.start() def fadeOutActive(self): return self.fade and self.fade.getColor()[3] > 0 def fadeScreen(self, alpha=0.5): """ Put a semitransparent screen over the camera plane to darken out the world. Useful for drawing attention to a dialog box for instance """ #print "transitiosn: fadeScreen" self.noTransitions() self.loadFade() self.fade.reparentTo(aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX) self.fade.setColor(self.alphaOn[0], self.alphaOn[1], self.alphaOn[2], alpha) def fadeScreenColor(self, color): """ Put a semitransparent screen over the camera plane to darken out the world. Useful for drawing attention to a dialog box for instance """ #print "transitiosn: fadeScreenColor" self.noTransitions() self.loadFade() self.fade.reparentTo(aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX) self.fade.setColor(color) def noFade(self): """ Removes any current fade tasks and parents the fade polygon away """ #print "transitiosn: noFade" if self.transitionIval: self.transitionIval.pause() self.transitionIval = None if self.fade: # Make sure to reset the color, since fadeOutActive() is looking at it self.fade.setColor(self.alphaOff) self.fade.detachNode() def setFadeColor(self, r, g, b): self.alphaOn.set(r, g, b, 1) self.alphaOff.set(r, g, b, 0) ################################################## # Iris ################################################## def loadIris(self): if self.iris == None: self.iris = loader.loadModel(self.IrisModelName) self.iris.setPos(0, 0, 0) def irisIn(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Play an iris in transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the scale of the iris polygon up so it looks like we iris in. When the scale lerp is finished, it parents the iris polygon to hidden. """ self.noTransitions() self.loadIris() if (t == 0): self.iris.detachNode() else: self.iris.reparentTo(aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX) self.transitionIval = Sequence(LerpScaleInterval(self.iris, t, scale = 0.18, startScale = 0.01), Func(self.iris.detachNode), name = self.irisTaskName, ) if finishIval: self.transitionIval.append(finishIval) self.transitionIval.start() def irisOut(self, t=0.5, finishIval=None): """ Play an iris out transition over t seconds. Places a polygon on the aspect2d plane then lerps the scale of the iris down so it looks like we iris out. When the scale lerp is finished, it leaves the iris polygon covering the aspect2d plane until you irisIn or call noIris. """ self.noTransitions() self.loadIris() self.loadFade() # we need this to cover up the hole. if (t == 0): self.iris.detachNode() self.fadeOut(0) else: self.iris.reparentTo(aspect2d, FADE_SORT_INDEX) self.transitionIval = Sequence(LerpScaleInterval(self.iris, t, scale = 0.01, startScale = 0.18), Func(self.iris.detachNode), # Use the fade to cover up the hole that the iris would leave Func(self.fadeOut, 0), name = self.irisTaskName, ) if finishIval: self.transitionIval.append(finishIval) self.transitionIval.start() def noIris(self): """ Removes any current iris tasks and parents the iris polygon away """ if self.transitionIval: self.transitionIval.pause() self.transitionIval = None if self.iris != None: self.iris.detachNode() # Actually we need to remove the fade too, # because the iris effect uses it. self.noFade() def noTransitions(self): """ This call should immediately remove any and all transitions running """ self.noFade() self.noIris() # Letterbox is not really a transition, it is a screen overlay # self.noLetterbox() ################################################## # Letterbox ################################################## def loadLetterbox(self): if not self.letterbox: # We create a DirectFrame for the fade polygon, instead of # simply loading the polygon model and using it directly, # so that it will also obscure mouse events for objects # positioned behind it. self.letterbox = NodePath("letterbox") # Allow fade in and out of the bars self.letterbox.setTransparency(1) # Allow DirectLabels to be parented to the letterbox sensibly self.letterbox.setBin('unsorted', 0) # Allow a custom look to the letterbox graphic. # TODO: This model isn't available everywhere. We should # pass it in as a parameter. button = loader.loadModel('models/gui/toplevel_gui', okMissing = True) barImage = None if button: barImage = button.find('**/generic_button') self.letterboxTop = DirectFrame( parent = self.letterbox, guiId = 'letterboxTop', relief = DGG.FLAT, state = DGG.NORMAL, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 1), borderWidth = (0, 0), frameSize = (-1, 1, 0, 0.2), pos = (0, 0, 0.8), image = barImage, image_scale = (2.25,1,.5), image_pos = (0,0,.1), image_color = (0.3,0.3,0.3,1), sortOrder = 0, ) self.letterboxBottom = DirectFrame( parent = self.letterbox, guiId = 'letterboxBottom', relief = DGG.FLAT, state = DGG.NORMAL, frameColor = (0, 0, 0, 1), borderWidth = (0, 0), frameSize = (-1, 1, 0, 0.2), pos = (0, 0, -1), image = barImage, image_scale = (2.25,1,.5), image_pos = (0,0,.1), image_color = (0.3,0.3,0.3,1), sortOrder = 0, ) # masad: always place these at the bottom of render self.letterboxTop.setBin('sorted',0) self.letterboxBottom.setBin('sorted',0) self.letterbox.reparentTo(render2d, -1) self.letterboxOff(0) def noLetterbox(self): """ Removes any current letterbox tasks and parents the letterbox polygon away """ if self.letterboxIval: self.letterboxIval.pause() self.letterboxIval = None if self.letterbox: self.letterbox.stash() def letterboxOn(self, t=0.25, finishIval=None): """ Move black bars in over t seconds. """ self.noLetterbox() self.loadLetterbox() self.letterbox.unstash() if (t == 0): self.letterboxBottom.setPos(0, 0, -1) self.letterboxTop.setPos(0, 0, 0.8) else: self.letterboxIval = Sequence(Parallel( LerpPosInterval(self.letterboxBottom, t, pos = Vec3(0, 0, -1), #startPos = Vec3(0, 0, -1.2), ), LerpPosInterval(self.letterboxTop, t, pos = Vec3(0, 0, 0.8), # startPos = Vec3(0, 0, 1), ), ), name = self.letterboxTaskName, ) if finishIval: self.letterboxIval.append(finishIval) self.letterboxIval.start() def letterboxOff(self, t=0.25, finishIval=None): """ Move black bars away over t seconds. """ self.noLetterbox() self.loadLetterbox() self.letterbox.unstash() if (t == 0): self.letterbox.stash() else: self.letterboxIval = Sequence(Parallel( LerpPosInterval(self.letterboxBottom, t, pos = Vec3(0, 0, -1.2), # startPos = Vec3(0, 0, -1), ), LerpPosInterval(self.letterboxTop, t, pos = Vec3(0, 0, 1), # startPos = Vec3(0, 0, 0.8), ), ), Func(self.letterbox.stash), Func(messenger.send,'letterboxOff'), name = self.letterboxTaskName, ) if finishIval: self.letterboxIval.append(finishIval) self.letterboxIval.start()