""" EntryScale Class: Scale with a label, and a linked and validated entry """ __all__ = ['EntryScale', 'EntryScaleGroup'] from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import * from Tkinter import * import string, Pmw import tkColorChooser from tkSimpleDialog import * """ Change Min/Max buttons to labels, add highlight binding """ class EntryScale(Pmw.MegaWidget): "Scale with linked and validated entry" def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Define the megawidget options. optiondefs = ( ('state', None, None), ('value', 0.0, Pmw.INITOPT), ('resolution', 0.001, None), ('command', None, None), ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), ('callbackData', [], None), ('min', 0.0, self._updateValidate), ('max', 100.0, self._updateValidate), ('text', 'EntryScale', self._updateLabelText), ('numDigits', 2, self._setSigDigits), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialise superclass Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Initialize some class variables self.value = self['value'] self.entryFormat = '%.2f' self.fScaleCommand = 0 # Create the components. # Setup up container interior = self.interior() interior.configure(relief = GROOVE, borderwidth = 2) # Create a label and an entry self.labelFrame = self.createcomponent('frame', (), None, Frame, interior) # Create an entry field to display and validate the entryScale's value self.entryValue = StringVar() self.entryValue.set(self['value']) self.entry = self.createcomponent('entryField', # Access widget's entry using "entry" (('entry', 'entryField_entry'),), None, Pmw.EntryField, self.labelFrame, entry_width = 10, validate = { 'validator': 'real', 'min': self['min'], 'max': self['max'], 'minstrict': 0, 'maxstrict': 0}, entry_justify = 'right', entry_textvar = self.entryValue, command = self._entryCommand) self.entry.pack(side='left', padx = 4) # Create the EntryScale's label self.label = self.createcomponent('label', (), None, Label, self.labelFrame, text = self['text'], width = 12, anchor = 'center', font = "Arial 12 bold") self.label.pack(side='left', expand = 1, fill = 'x') self.label.bind('<Button-3>', self.askForLabel) # Now pack the frame self.labelFrame.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') # Create a label and an entry self.minMaxFrame = self.createcomponent('mmFrame', (), None, Frame, interior) # Create the EntryScale's min max labels self.minLabel = self.createcomponent('minLabel', (), None, Label, self.minMaxFrame, text = repr(self['min']), relief = FLAT, width = 5, anchor = W, font = "Arial 8") self.minLabel.pack(side='left', fill = 'x') self.minLabel.bind('<Button-3>', self.askForMin) # Create the scale component. self.scale = self.createcomponent('scale', (), None, Scale, self.minMaxFrame, command = self._scaleCommand, orient = 'horizontal', length = 150, from_ = self['min'], to = self['max'], resolution = self['resolution'], showvalue = 0) self.scale.pack(side = 'left', expand = 1, fill = 'x') # Set scale to the middle of its range self.scale.set(self['value']) self.scale.bind('<Button-1>', self.__onPress) self.scale.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.__onRelease) self.scale.bind('<Button-3>', self.askForResolution) self.maxLabel = self.createcomponent('maxLabel', (), None, Label, self.minMaxFrame, text = repr(self['max']), relief = FLAT, width = 5, anchor = E, font = "Arial 8") self.maxLabel.bind('<Button-3>', self.askForMax) self.maxLabel.pack(side='left', fill = 'x') self.minMaxFrame.pack(expand = 1, fill = 'both') # Check keywords and initialise options based on input values. self.initialiseoptions(EntryScale) def label(self): return self.label def scale(self): return self.scale def entry(self): return self.entry def askForLabel(self, event = None): newLabel = askstring(title = self['text'], prompt = 'New label:', initialvalue = repr(self['text']), parent = self.interior()) if newLabel: self['text'] = newLabel def askForMin(self, event = None): newMin = askfloat(title = self['text'], prompt = 'New min val:', initialvalue = repr(self['min']), parent = self.interior()) if newMin: self.setMin(newMin) def setMin(self, newMin): self['min'] = newMin self.scale['from_'] = newMin self.minLabel['text'] = newMin self.entry.checkentry() def askForMax(self, event = None): newMax = askfloat(title = self['text'], parent = self.interior(), initialvalue = self['max'], prompt = 'New max val:') if newMax: self.setMax(newMax) def setMax(self, newMax): self['max'] = newMax self.scale['to'] = newMax self.maxLabel['text'] = newMax self.entry.checkentry() def askForResolution(self, event = None): newResolution = askfloat(title = self['text'], parent = self.interior(), initialvalue = self['resolution'], prompt = 'New resolution:') if newResolution: self.setResolution(newResolution) def setResolution(self, newResolution): self['resolution'] = newResolution self.scale['resolution'] = newResolution self.entry.checkentry() def _updateLabelText(self): self.label['text'] = self['text'] def _updateValidate(self): self.configure(entryField_validate = { 'validator': 'real', 'min': self['min'], 'max': self['max'], 'minstrict': 0, 'maxstrict': 0}) self.minLabel['text'] = self['min'] self.scale['from_'] = self['min'] self.scale['to'] = self['max'] self.maxLabel['text'] = self['max'] def _scaleCommand(self, strVal): if not self.fScaleCommand: return # convert scale val to float self.set(string.atof(strVal)) """ # Update entry to reflect formatted value self.entryValue.set(self.entryFormat % self.value) self.entry.checkentry() if self['command']: self['command'](self.value) """ def _entryCommand(self, event = None): try: val = string.atof(self.entryValue.get()) apply(self.onReturn, self['callbackData']) self.set(val) apply(self.onReturnRelease, self['callbackData']) except ValueError: pass def _setSigDigits(self): sd = self['numDigits'] self.entryFormat = '%.' + '%d' % sd + 'f' # And reset value to reflect change self.entryValue.set(self.entryFormat % self.value) def get(self): return self.value def set(self, newVal, fCommand = 1): # Clamp value if self['min'] is not None: if newVal < self['min']: newVal = self['min'] if self['max'] is not None: if newVal > self['max']: newVal = self['max'] # Round by resolution if self['resolution'] is not None: newVal = round(newVal / self['resolution']) * self['resolution'] # Record updated value self.value = newVal # Update scale's position self.scale.set(newVal) # Update entry to reflect formatted value self.entryValue.set(self.entryFormat % self.value) self.entry.checkentry() # execute command if fCommand and (self['command'] is not None): self['command'](newVal) def onReturn(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on <Return> in entry """ pass def onReturnRelease(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on <Return> release in entry """ pass def __onPress(self, event): # First execute onpress callback if self['preCallback']: apply(self['preCallback'], self['callbackData']) # Now enable slider command self.fScaleCommand = 1 def onPress(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button press """ pass def __onRelease(self, event): # Now disable slider command self.fScaleCommand = 0 # First execute onpress callback if self['postCallback']: apply(self['postCallback'], self['callbackData']) def onRelease(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button release """ pass class EntryScaleGroup(Pmw.MegaToplevel): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Default group size DEFAULT_DIM = 1 # Default value depends on *actual* group size, test for user input DEFAULT_VALUE = [0.0] * kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM) DEFAULT_LABELS = ['v[%d]' % x for x in range(kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM))] #define the megawidget options INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('dim', DEFAULT_DIM, INITOPT), ('side', TOP, INITOPT), ('title', 'Group', None), # A tuple of initial values, one for each entryScale ('value', DEFAULT_VALUE, INITOPT), # The command to be executed any time one of the entryScales is updated ('command', None, None), ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), # A tuple of labels, one for each entryScale ('labels', DEFAULT_LABELS, self._updateLabels), # Destroy or withdraw ('fDestroy', 0, INITOPT) ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the toplevel widget Pmw.MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components interior = self.interior() # Get a copy of the initial value (making sure its a list) self._value = list(self['value']) # The Menu Bar self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon() menubar = self.createcomponent('menubar', (), None, Pmw.MenuBar, (interior,), balloon = self.balloon) menubar.pack(fill=X) # EntryScaleGroup Menu menubar.addmenu('EntryScale Group', 'EntryScale Group Operations') menubar.addmenuitem( 'EntryScale Group', 'command', 'Reset the EntryScale Group panel', label = 'Reset', command = lambda s = self: s.reset()) if self['fDestroy']: dismissCommand = self.destroy else: dismissCommand = self.withdraw menubar.addmenuitem( 'EntryScale Group', 'command', 'Dismiss EntryScale Group panel', label = 'Dismiss', command = dismissCommand) menubar.addmenu('Help', 'EntryScale Group Help Operations') self.toggleBalloonVar = IntVar() self.toggleBalloonVar.set(0) menubar.addmenuitem('Help', 'checkbutton', 'Toggle balloon help', label = 'Balloon Help', variable = self.toggleBalloonVar, command = self.toggleBalloon) self.entryScaleList = [] for index in range(self['dim']): # Add a group alias so you can configure the entryScales via: # fg.configure(Valuator_XXX = YYY) f = self.createcomponent( 'entryScale%d' % index, (), 'Valuator', EntryScale, (interior,), value = self._value[index], text = self['labels'][index]) # Do this separately so command doesn't get executed during construction f['command'] = lambda val, s=self, i=index: s._entryScaleSetAt(i, val) f['callbackData'] = [self] # Callbacks f.onReturn = self.__onReturn f.onReturnRelease = self.__onReturnRelease f['preCallback'] = self.__onPress f['postCallback'] = self.__onRelease f.pack(side = self['side'], expand = 1, fill = X) self.entryScaleList.append(f) # Make sure entryScales are initialized self.set(self['value']) # Make sure input variables processed self.initialiseoptions(EntryScaleGroup) def _updateLabels(self): if self['labels']: for index in range(self['dim']): self.entryScaleList[index]['text'] = self['labels'][index] def toggleBalloon(self): if self.toggleBalloonVar.get(): self.balloon.configure(state = 'balloon') else: self.balloon.configure(state = 'none') def get(self): return self._value def getAt(self, index): return self._value[index] # This is the command is used to set the groups value def set(self, value, fCommand = 1): for i in range(self['dim']): self._value[i] = value[i] # Update entryScale, but don't execute its command self.entryScaleList[i].set(value[i], 0) if fCommand and (self['command'] is not None): self['command'](self._value) def setAt(self, index, value): # Update entryScale and execute its command self.entryScaleList[index].set(value) # This is the command used by the entryScale def _entryScaleSetAt(self, index, value): self._value[index] = value if self['command']: self['command'](self._value) def reset(self): self.set(self['value']) def __onReturn(self, esg): # Execute onReturn callback apply(self.onReturn, esg.get()) def onReturn(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button press """ pass def __onReturnRelease(self, esg): # Execute onReturnRelease callback apply(self.onReturnRelease, esg.get()) def onReturnRelease(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button press """ pass def __onPress(self, esg): # Execute onPress callback if self['preCallback']: apply(self['preCallback'], esg.get()) def onPress(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button press """ pass def __onRelease(self, esg): # Execute onRelease callback if self['postCallback']: apply(self['postCallback'], esg.get()) def onRelease(self, *args): """ User redefinable callback executed on button release """ pass def rgbPanel(nodePath, callback = None): def setNodePathColor(color, np = nodePath, cb = callback): np.setColor(color[0]/255.0, color[1]/255.0, color[2]/255.0, color[3]/255.0) # Execute callback to pass along color info if cb: cb(color) # Check init color if nodePath.hasColor(): initColor = nodePath.getColor() * 255.0 else: initColor = Vec4(255) # Create entry scale group esg = EntryScaleGroup(title = 'RGBA Panel: ' + nodePath.getName(), dim = 4, labels = ['R','G','B','A'], value = [int(initColor[0]), int(initColor[1]), int(initColor[2]), int(initColor[3])], Valuator_max = 255, Valuator_resolution = 1, # Destroy not withdraw panel on dismiss fDestroy = 1, command = setNodePathColor) # Update menu button esg.component('menubar').component('EntryScale Group-button')['text'] = ( 'RGBA Panel') # Update menu menu = esg.component('menubar').component('EntryScale Group-menu') # Some helper functions # Clear color menu.insert_command(index = 1, label = 'Clear Color', command = lambda np = nodePath: np.clearColor()) # Set Clear Transparency menu.insert_command(index = 2, label = 'Set Transparency', command = lambda np = nodePath: np.setTransparency(1)) menu.insert_command( index = 3, label = 'Clear Transparency', command = lambda np = nodePath: np.clearTransparency()) # System color picker def popupColorPicker(esg = esg): # Can pass in current color with: color = (255, 0, 0) color = tkColorChooser.askcolor( parent = esg.interior(), # Initialize it to current color initialcolor = tuple(esg.get()[:3]))[0] if color: esg.set((color[0], color[1], color[2], esg.getAt(3))) menu.insert_command(index = 4, label = 'Popup Color Picker', command = popupColorPicker) def printToLog(nodePath=nodePath): c=nodePath.getColor() print "Vec4(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"%(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]) menu.insert_command(index = 5, label = 'Print to log', command = printToLog) # Set callback def onRelease(r, g, b, a, nodePath = nodePath): messenger.send('RGBPanel_setColor', [nodePath, r, g, b, a]) esg['postCallback'] = onRelease return esg ## SAMPLE CODE if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialise Tkinter and Pmw. root = Toplevel() root.title('Pmw EntryScale demonstration') # Dummy command def printVal(val): print val # Create and pack a EntryScale megawidget. mega1 = EntryScale(root, command = printVal) mega1.pack(side = 'left', expand = 1, fill = 'x') """ # These are things you can set/configure # Starting value for entryScale mega1['value'] = 123.456 mega1['text'] = 'Drive delta X' mega1['min'] = 0.0 mega1['max'] = 1000.0 mega1['resolution'] = 1.0 # To change the color of the label: mega1.label['foreground'] = 'Red' # Max change/update, default is 100 # To have really fine control, for example # mega1['maxVelocity'] = 0.1 # Number of digits to the right of the decimal point, default = 2 # mega1['numDigits'] = 5 """ # To create a entryScale group to set an RGBA value: group1 = EntryScaleGroup(root, dim = 4, title = 'Simple RGBA Panel', labels = ('R', 'G', 'B', 'A'), Valuator_min = 0.0, Valuator_max = 255.0, Valuator_resolution = 1.0, command = printVal) # Uncomment this if you aren't running in IDLE #root.mainloop()