from DistributedMinigameAI import * from direct.fsm import ClassicFSM, State from direct.fsm import State import VineGameGlobals class DistributedVineGameAI(DistributedMinigameAI): def __init__(self, air, minigameId): try: self.DistributedVineGameAI_initialized except: self.DistributedVineGameAI_initialized = 1 DistributedMinigameAI.__init__(self, air, minigameId) self.gameFSM = ClassicFSM.ClassicFSM('DistributedVineGameAI', [State.State('inactive', self.enterInactive, self.exitInactive, ['play']), State.State('play', self.enterPlay, self.exitPlay, ['cleanup', 'waitShowScores']), State.State('waitShowScores', self.enterWaitShowScores, self.exitWaitShowScores, ['cleanup']), State.State('cleanup', self.enterCleanup, self.exitCleanup, ['inactive'])], 'inactive', 'inactive') self.toonInfo = {} self.addChildGameFSM(self.gameFSM) self.vineSections = [] self.finishedBonus = {} self.finishedTimeLeft = {} self.totalSpiders = 0 self.calculatedPartialBeans = False def generate(self): self.notify.debug('generate') DistributedMinigameAI.generate(self) def delete(self): self.notify.debug('delete') del self.gameFSM DistributedMinigameAI.delete(self) def _playing(self): if not hasattr(self, 'gameFSM'): return False if self.gameFSM.getCurrentState() == None: return False return self.gameFSM.getCurrentState().getName() == 'play' def setGameReady(self): self.notify.debug('setGameReady') for avId in self.avIdList: self.updateToonInfo(avId, vineIndex=0, vineT=VineGameGlobals.VineStartingT) DistributedMinigameAI.setGameReady(self) self.numTreasures = VineGameGlobals.NumVines - 1 self.numTreasuresTaken = 0 self.takenTable = [0] * self.numTreasures for avId in self.scoreDict.keys(): self.scoreDict[avId] = 0 self.finishedBonus[avId] = 0 self.finishedTimeLeft[avId] = -1 def setGameStart(self, timestamp): self.notify.debug('setGameStart') DistributedMinigameAI.setGameStart(self, timestamp) self.gameFSM.request('play') def setGameAbort(self): self.notify.debug('setGameAbort') if self.gameFSM.getCurrentState(): self.gameFSM.request('cleanup') DistributedMinigameAI.setGameAbort(self) def gameOver(self): self.notify.debug('gameOver') vineReached = [] scoreList = [] finishedList = [] timeLeftList = [] for avId in self.avIdList: vineReached.append(self.toonInfo[avId][0]) scoreList.append(self.scoreDict[avId]) finishedList.append(self.finishedBonus[avId]) timeLeftList.append(self.finishedTimeLeft[avId]) totalBats = len(VineGameGlobals.BatInfo[self.getSafezoneId()]) self.air.writeServerEvent('minigame_vine', self.doId, '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (ToontownGlobals.VineGameId, self.getSafezoneId(), self.avIdList, scoreList, self.vineSections, finishedList, timeLeftList, vineReached, self.totalSpiders, totalBats)) self.gameFSM.request('cleanup') DistributedMinigameAI.gameOver(self) def enterInactive(self): self.notify.debug('enterInactive') def exitInactive(self): pass def enterPlay(self): self.notify.debug('enterPlay') self.vines = [] index = 0 taskMgr.doMethodLater(VineGameGlobals.GameDuration, self.timerExpired, self.taskName('gameTimer')) def exitPlay(self): taskMgr.remove(self.taskName('gameTimer')) for vine in self.vines: vine.requestDelete() def enterCleanup(self): self.notify.debug('enterCleanup') self.gameFSM.request('inactive') def exitCleanup(self): pass def claimTreasure(self, treasureNum): if not self._playing(): return avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if avId not in self.scoreDict: self.notify.warning('PROBLEM: avatar %s called claimTreasure(%s) but he is not in the scoreDict: %s. avIdList is: %s' % (avId, treasureNum, self.scoreDict, self.avIdList)) return if treasureNum < 0 or treasureNum >= self.numTreasures: self.air.writeServerEvent('warning', treasureNum, 'MazeGameAI.claimTreasure treasureNum out of range') return if self.takenTable[treasureNum]: return self.takenTable[treasureNum] = 1 avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() self.sendUpdate('setTreasureGrabbed', [avId, treasureNum]) self.scoreDict[avId] += 1 self.numTreasuresTaken += 1 def timerExpired(self, task): self.notify.debug('timer expired') if not VineGameGlobals.EndlessGame: self.gameFSM.request('waitShowScores') return Task.done def enterWaitShowScores(self): self.notify.debug('enterWaitShowScores') self.awardPartialBeans() taskMgr.doMethodLater(VineGameGlobals.ShowScoresDuration, self.__doneShowingScores, self.taskName('waitShowScores')) def __doneShowingScores(self, task): self.notify.debug('doneShowingScores') self.gameOver() return Task.done def exitWaitShowScores(self): taskMgr.remove(self.taskName('waitShowScores')) def reachedEndVine(self, vineIndex): self.notify.debug('reachedEndVine') return avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() oldVineIndex = self.toonInfo[avId][0] self.updateToonInfo(avId, vineIndex=vineIndex) if not oldVineIndex == vineIndex: self.checkForEndVine(avId) self.checkForEndGame() def setNewVine(self, avId, vineIndex, vineT, facingRight): self.notify.debug('setNewVine') if not self._playing(): return if avId not in self.avIdList: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', avId, 'VineGameAI.setNewVine: invalid avId') return oldVineIndex = self.toonInfo[avId][0] debugStr = 'setNewVine doId=%s avId=%d vineIndex=%s oldVineIndex=%s' % (self.doId, avId, vineIndex, oldVineIndex) self.updateToonInfo(avId, vineIndex=vineIndex, vineT=vineT, facingRight=facingRight) if not oldVineIndex == vineIndex: self.checkForEndVine(avId) self.checkForEndGame() def checkForEndGame(self): allDone = True for avId in self.toonInfo: if not self.toonInfo[avId][0] == VineGameGlobals.NumVines - 1: allDone = False break if allDone: if not VineGameGlobals.EndlessGame: self.awardPartialBeans() self.sendUpdate('allAtEndVine', []) self.gameOver() def checkForEndVine(self, avId): if self.toonInfo[avId][0] == VineGameGlobals.NumVines - 1: curTime = self.getCurrentGameTime() timeLeft = VineGameGlobals.GameDuration - curTime self.notify.debug('curTime =%s timeLeft = %s' % (curTime, timeLeft)) if avId not in self.scoreDict: self.notify.warning('PROBLEM: avatar %s called claimTreasure(%s) but he is not in the scoreDict: %s. avIdList is: %s' % (avId, treasureNum, self.scoreDict, self.avIdList)) return addBonus = int(VineGameGlobals.BaseBonusOnEndVine[self.getSafezoneId()] + VineGameGlobals.BonusPerSecondLeft * timeLeft) self.notify.debug('addBOnus = %d' % addBonus) if addBonus < 0: addBonus = 0 self.finishedBonus[avId] = addBonus timeLeftStr = '%.1f' % timeLeft self.finishedTimeLeft[avId] = timeLeftStr self.scoreDict[avId] += addBonus self.sendUpdate('setScore', [avId, self.scoreDict[avId]]) def updateToonInfo(self, avId, vineIndex = None, vineT = None, posX = None, posZ = None, facingRight = None, climbDir = None, velX = None, velZ = None): newVineIndex = vineIndex newVineT = vineT newPosX = posX newPosZ = posZ newFacingRight = facingRight newClimbDir = climbDir newVelX = velX newVelZ = velZ oldInfo = None if avId in self.toonInfo: oldInfo = self.toonInfo[avId] if vineIndex == None: newVineIndex = oldInfo[0] if vineT == None: newVineT = oldInfo[1] if posX == None: newPosX = oldInfo[2] if posZ == None: newPosZ = oldInfo[3] if facingRight == None: newFacingRight = oldInfo[4] if climbDir == None: newClimbDir = oldInfo[5] if velX == None: newVelX = oldInfo[6] if velZ == None: newVelZ = oldInfo[7] if newVineIndex < -1 or newVineIndex >= VineGameGlobals.NumVines: newVineIndex = 0 if newVineT < 0 or newVineT > 1: pass if not newFacingRight == 0 and not newFacingRight == 1: newFacingRight = 1 if newPosX < -1000 or newPosX > 2000: newPosX = 0 if newPosZ < -100 or newPosZ > 1000: newPosZ = 0 if newVelX < -1000 or newVelX > 1000: newVelX = 0 if newVelZ < -1000 or newVelZ > 1000: newVelZ = 0 newInfo = [newVineIndex, newVineT, newPosX, newPosZ, newFacingRight, newClimbDir, newVelX, newVelZ] self.toonInfo[avId] = newInfo return def setupVineSections(self): szId = self.getSafezoneId() courseWeights = VineGameGlobals.CourseWeights[szId] pool = [[], [], [], [], [], []] for weights in courseWeights: section, chances = weights numSpiders = VineGameGlobals.getNumSpidersInSection(section) pool[numSpiders] += [section] * chances maxSpiders = VineGameGlobals.SpiderLimits[szId] curSpiders = 0 for i in xrange(4): spidersLeft = maxSpiders - curSpiders validChoices = [] for numSpiders in xrange(spidersLeft + 1): validChoices += pool[numSpiders] if not validChoices: self.notify.warning('we ran out of valid choices szId=%s, vineSections=%s' % (szId, self.vineSections)) validChoices += [0] section = random.choice(validChoices) curSpiders += VineGameGlobals.getNumSpidersInSection(section) self.vineSections.append(section) self.totalSpiders = curSpiders self.notify.debug('calc vineSections = %s' % self.vineSections) def getVineSections(self): return self.vineSections def setTrolleyZone(self, trolleyZone): DistributedMinigameAI.setTrolleyZone(self, trolleyZone) self.setupVineSections() def awardPartialBeans(self): if self.calculatedPartialBeans: return self.calculatedPartialBeans = True for avId in self.avIdList: vineIndex = self.toonInfo[avId][0] if not vineIndex == VineGameGlobals.NumVines - 1: partialBeans = int(vineIndex / 5.0) if avId in self.scoreDict: self.scoreDict[avId] += partialBeans self.sendUpdate('setScore', [avId, self.scoreDict[avId]])