import direct from pandac.PandaModules import HttpRequest from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr from direct.task import Task from LandingPage import LandingPage from direct.showbase import ElementTree as ET notify = directNotify.newCategory('WebRequestDispatcher') class WebRequest(object): """ Pointer to a single web request (maps to an open HTTP socket). An instance of this class maps to a single client waiting for a response. connection is an instance of libdirect.HttpRequest """ def __init__(self,connection): self.connection = connection def getURI(self): return self.connection.GetRequestURL() def getRequestType(self): return self.connection.GetRequestType() def dictFromGET(self): result = {} for pair in self.connection.GetRequestOptionString().split('&'): arg = pair.split('=',1) if len(arg) > 1: result[arg[0]] = arg[1] return result def respondHTTP(self,status,body): status = str(status) msg = u"HTTP/1.0 %s\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n%s" % (status,body) self.connection.SendThisResponse(encodedUtf8(msg)) def respond(self,body): self.respondHTTP("200 OK",body) def respondXML(self,body): msg = u"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/xml\r\n\r\n%s" % body self.connection.SendThisResponse(encodedUtf8(msg)) def respondCustom(self,contentType,body): msg = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: %s" % contentType if contentType in ["text/css",]: msg += "\nCache-Control: max-age=313977290\nExpires: Tue, 02 May 2017 04:08:44 GMT\n" msg += "\r\n\r\n%s" % (body) self.connection.SendThisResponse(msg) def timeout(self): resp = "<html><body>Error 504: Request timed out</body></html>\r\n" self.respondHTTP("504 Gateway Timeout",resp) def getSourceAddress(self): return self.connection.GetSourceAddress() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SkinningReplyTo: def __init__(self, replyTo, dispatcher, uri, doSkin): self._replyTo = replyTo self._dispatcher = dispatcher self._uri = uri self._doSkin = doSkin self._headTag = ET.Element('head') self._bodyTag = ET.Element('body') def respondHTTP(self,status,body): if self._doSkin: body = body, self._uri, headTag=self._headTag, bodyTag=self._bodyTag) self._replyTo.respondHTTP(status, body) def respond(self, response): self.respondHTTP("200 OK", response) # provides access to head and body tags of landing page def getHeadTag(self): return self._headTag def getBodyTag(self): return self._bodyTag def __getattr__(self, attrName): if attrName in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[attrName] if hasattr(self.__class__, attrName): return getattr(self.__class__, attrName) # pass-through to replyTo object which this object is a proxy to return getattr(self._replyTo, attrName) class WebRequestDispatcher(object): """ Request dispatcher for HTTP requests. Contains registration and dispatching functionality. Single-state class--multiple instances share all data. This is because we're wrapping a singleton webserver. How to use: w = WebRequestDispatcher() w.listenOnPort(8888) def test(replyTo,**kw): print 'test got called with these options: %s' % str(kw) replyTo.respond('<html><body>Thank you for the yummy arguments: %s' % str(kw)) w.registerGETHandler('test',test) while 1: w.poll() Browse to http://localhost:8888/test?foo=bar and see the result! """ _shared_state = {} listenPort = None uriToHandler = {} requestTimeout = 10.0 notify = notify def __new__(self, *a, **kw): obj = object.__new__(self, *a, **kw) obj.__dict__ = self._shared_state return obj def __init__(self, wantLandingPage = True): self.enableLandingPage(wantLandingPage) def listenOnPort(self,listenPort): """ Start the web server listening if it isn't already. Singleton server, so ignore multiple listen requests. """ if self.listenPort is None: self.listenPort = listenPort HttpRequest.HttpManagerInitialize(listenPort)"Listening on port %d" % listenPort) else: self.notify.warning("Already listening on port %d. Ignoring request to listen on port %d." % (self.listenPort,listenPort)) def invalidURI(self,replyTo,**kw): resp = "<html><body>Error 404</body></html>\r\n" replyTo.respondHTTP("404 Not Found",resp) self.notify.warning("%s - %s - 404" % (replyTo.getSourceAddress(),replyTo.getURI())) # access to head and body tags of landing page # only for 'returnsResponse' mode def getHeadTag(self): return self._headTag def getBodyTag(self): return self._bodyTag def handleGET(self,req): """ Parse and dispatch a single GET request. Expects to receive a WebRequest object. """ assert req.getRequestType() == "GET" self.landingPage.incrementQuickStat("Pages Served") uri = req.getURI() args = req.dictFromGET() callable,returnsResponse,autoSkin = self.uriToHandler.get(uri, [self.invalidURI,False,False]) if callable != self.invalidURI:"%s - %s - %s - 200" % (req.getSourceAddress(), uri, args)) if returnsResponse: result = apply(callable,(),args) if autoSkin: self._headTag = ET.Element('head') self._bodyTag = ET.Element('body') req.respond(,uri, headTag=self._headTag, bodyTag=self._bodyTag)) del self._bodyTag del self._headTag else: req.respond(result) else: args["replyTo"] = SkinningReplyTo(req, self, uri, autoSkin) apply(callable,(),args) def poll(self): """ Pump the web server, handle any incoming requests. This function should be called regularly, about 2-4 calls/sec for current applications is a good number. """ request = HttpRequest.HttpManagerGetARequest() while request is not None: wreq = WebRequest(request) if wreq.getRequestType() == "GET": self.handleGET(wreq) else: self.notify.warning("Ignoring a non-GET request from %s: %s" % (request.GetSourceAddress(),request.GetRawRequest())) self.invalidURI(wreq) request = HttpRequest.HttpManagerGetARequest() def registerGETHandler(self,uri,handler,returnsResponse=False, autoSkin=False): """ Call this function to register a handler function to be called in response to a query to the given URI. GET options are translated into **kw arguments. Handler function should accept **kw in order to handle arbitrary queries. If returnsResponse is False, the request is left open after handler returns--handler or tasks it creates are responsible for fulfilling the query now or in the future. Argument replyTo (a WebRequest) is guaranteed to be passed to the handler, and replyTo.respond must be called with an HTML response string to fulfill the query and close the socket. If returnsResponse is True, WebRequestDispatcher expects the handler to return its response string, and we will route the response and close the socket ourselves. No replyTo argument is provided to the handler in this case. """ if uri[0] != "/": uri = "/" + uri if self.uriToHandler.get(uri,None) is None:"Registered handler %s for URI %s." % (handler,uri)) self.uriToHandler[uri] = [handler, returnsResponse, autoSkin] else: self.notify.warning("Attempting to register a duplicate handler for URI %s. Ignoring." % uri) def unregisterGETHandler(self,uri): if uri[0] != "/": uri = "/" + uri self.uriToHandler.pop(uri,None) # -- Poll task wrappers -- def pollHTTPTask(self,task): self.poll() return Task.again def startCheckingIncomingHTTP(self, interval=0.3): taskMgr.remove('pollHTTPTask') taskMgr.doMethodLater(interval,self.pollHTTPTask,'pollHTTPTask') def stopCheckingIncomingHTTP(self): taskMgr.remove('pollHTTPTask') # -- Landing page convenience functions -- def enableLandingPage(self, enable): if enable: if "landingPage" not in self.__dict__: self.landingPage = LandingPage() self.registerGETHandler("/", self._main, returnsResponse = True, autoSkin = True) self.registerGETHandler("/services", self._services, returnsResponse = True, autoSkin = True) self.registerGETHandler("/default.css", self._stylesheet) self.registerGETHandler("/favicon.ico", self._favicon) self.landingPage.addTab("Main", "/") self.landingPage.addTab("Services", "/services") else: self.landingPage = None self.unregisterGETHandler("/") self.unregisterGETHandler("/services") def _main(self): return self.landingPage.getMainPage() def _services(self): return self.landingPage.getServicesPage(self.uriToHandler) def _stylesheet(self,**kw): replyTo = kw.get("replyTo",None) assert replyTo is not None body = self.landingPage.getStyleSheet() replyTo.respondCustom("text/css",body) def _favicon(self,**kw): replyTo = kw.get("replyTo",None) assert replyTo is not None body = self.landingPage.getFavIcon() replyTo.respondCustom("image/x-icon",body)