PBPTonscreenText = 0.2 RPdirectFrame = (1.75, 1, 0.75) RPtrackLabels = 0.05 RPmeritBarLabels = 0.165 RPskipScale = 0.2 RPskipPos = (0, -.28) RPmeritLabelPosX = 0.55 RPmeritBarsPosX = 0.825 BBbattleInputTimeout = 20.0 FCPtextFrame = 0.08 DHQInamePath = 0.9 DHQInamePathPos = (-4, 0, 0) DHQIscorePathPos = (-4.6, 0, 0) DHQItrophyStarPos = (-6.6, 0, 0.3) EexitButton = 0.8 CCIPexitButton = 0.06 CIPnameLabel = 1 CIPwordwrapOffset = 0 CIPtypeLabel = 0.075 CIPbuyButton = (0.06, 0.05) CSgiftTogglePos = (0.855, -0.13) CSgiftToggle = 0.08 CSbackCatalogButton = 0.065 NametagReverse = False TTCISCspeedChat = 0.055 TTCISCtopLevelOverlap = 0.0 TCMnormalButton = 0.06 TCMscButtonPos = (0.204, 0, -0.072) TCMscButton = 0.06 TCMwhisperFrame = 0.06 TCMwhisperButton = 0.05 TCMwhisperScButton = 0.05 TCMunpaidChatWarningWordwrap = 18 TCMunpaidChatWarning = 0.055 TCMunpaidChatWarningPos = (0.0, 0.3) TCMpayButton = 0.06 TCMpayButtonPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.13) TCMopenChatWarning = 0.06 TCMactivateChatGui = 0.05 TCMsecretChatActivated = 0.06 TCMdirectButtonTextPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.28) LCHQLfdText = 0.1 SCHQLfdTypeText = 0.075 SCHQLdgText = 0.1 DMEEsignText = 2 BCHQLsignText = 1.12 DGGGquitButton = 0.045 DGGGhowToButton = 0.045 DGGGscoreLabel = 0.075 FPvaluePos = (0, 0, -0.35) FPvalue = 0.05 FPinfo = 0.055 FSGUIdirectFrame = 0.06 FSGUIcancelButton = 0.06 FSGUIokButton = 0.06 GTenterPage2Wordwrap = 13.5 GTenterPage4Wordwrap = 16.5 BCGjpText = 0.04 BCGjpTextWordwrap = 10.5 BCGnextGame = 1.71 FSGUIokButton = 0.06 FSGUIcancelButton = 0.06 FPnewEntry = 0.08 FPnewRecord = 0.08 GPgenus = 0.045 FLPnewFriend = 0.045 FLPsecrets = 0.045 FLPsecretsPos = (0.152, 0.0, 0.14) FLPtitle = 0.04 FIbStop = 0.05 FIdirectFrame = 0.06 FIbCancelPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.1) FIbStopTextPos = (0.075, -0.015) FIbStopPos = (-0.2, 0.0, 0.05) FIbYesPos = (-0.15, 0.0, -0.1) FIdirectFrameWordwrap = 14 FIdirectFramePos = (0, 0.2) DGHaimInstructions = 0.1 DGHteeInstructions = 0.1 GSBexitCourseBPos = (0.15, -.01) GSBtitleLabel = 0.07 EHpopupInfo = 0.08 HtitleText = 0.16 ACplayThisToon = 0.12 ACmakeAToon = 0.12 ACsubscribersOnly = 0.115 ACdeleteWithPasswordFrame = 0.06 ACstatusText = 1.0 ACtitle = 0.15 ACquitButton = 0.1 AClogoutButton = 0.1 ACquitButtonPos = (0, -0.035) MASPscoreText = 0.1 MASPnameText = 0.055 MRPgameTitleText = 0.11 MRgameTitleTextPos = (-0.046, 0.2, 0.092) MRPplayButton = 0.055 MRPinstructionsText = 0.07 MRPinstructionsTextWordwrap = 26.5 MRPinstructionsTextPos = (-0.115, 0.05, 0) CRPgameTitleText = 0.088 CRPgameTitleTextPos = (-0.046, 0.2, 0.13) MPMpowerText = 0.07 MPMtooSlow = 0.07 MPMtooFast = 0.07 MPMgaugeA = 0.35 MPMgaugeTargetTop = 0.35 MPMgaugeTargetBot = 0.35 PstatusLabel = 0.08 PBstatusLabel = 0.08 DPGpointsFrame = 0.7 DPGflipsFrame = 0.7 DTGvoteButton = 0.07 DTGuseLabel = 0.1 DTGvotesPeriodLabel = 0.1 DTGvotesToGoLabel = 0.1 DTGupLabel = 0.125 DTGdownLabel = 0.125 DTGremainingVotesFrame = 0.7 CStoonFrame = 0.0575 NSmaxNameWidth = 8.0 NSdirectScrolleList = 0.1 NSmakeLabel = 0.1 NSmakeCheckBox = 0.8 NSnameEntry = 0.08 NStypeANameButton = 0.06 NStypeANameButtonPos = (0, -0.02) NSnameResult = (0.09, 0.084, 0.084) NSnameLabel = 0.1 NStypeNotification = 0.08 NScolorPrecede = True MATenterGenderShop = 0.18 MATenterBodyShop = 0.18 MATenterColorShop = 0.18 MATenterClothesShop = 0.16 MATenterNameShop = 0.15 MATclothesGUIshirt_scale = 0.06 MATclothesGUIshirt_posL = 0.01 MATclothesGUIshirt_posR = -0.014 MATguiCancelButton = 0.08 MATguiNextButton = 0.08 SBshuffleBtn = 0.08 IVwhenTextLabel = 0.06 IVactivityTextLabel = 0.06 PPelementDescription = 0.06 PPelementTitleLabel = 0.07 PPelementBuyButton = 0.055 PPtitleScale = 0.1 PPpbulicDescriptionLabel = 0.065 PPprivateDescriptionLabel = 0.065 PPpublicButton = 0.05 PPprivateButton = 0.05 PPcostLabel = 0.065 PPpartyGroundsLabel = 1.0 PPinstructionLabel = 0.07 PPelementPriceNode = 0.065 DPtimerTextLabel = 1.1 DPtimerMinute = 1.1 DPtimerColon = 1.1 DPtimerSecond = 1.1 DPtimerMinutePos = (-1.2, 0.0, 0.0) DPtimerColonPos = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) DPtimerSecondPos = (1.2, 0.0, 0.0) PPGpartyStartButton = 0.065 PPGinstructionsLabel = 0.065 PPGtoonsLabel = 0.06 PPGactivitiesLabel = 0.06 PPGminLeftLabel = 0.06 JGcurrentlyPlayingLabel = 0.07 JGsongNameLabel = 0.13 JGaddSongButton = 0.1 JGnumItemsVisible = 9 JGlistItem = 1.0 PAPfeedButton = 0.5 PAPcallButton = 0.5 PAPownerButton = 0.35 PAPscratchButton = 0.5 PAPstateLabel = 0.4 PAPstateLabelPos = (0.7, 0, 3.5) PAPstateLabelWordwrap = 7.5 PDPtrickText = 0.17 PDPlaff = 0.17 PDPlaffPos = (0.0, -0.05) PGUItextScale = 1 PGUIchooserTitle = 0.1 PGUIwordwrap = 14 PGUIdescLabel = 0.9 PGUIreturnConfirm = 0.07 PGUIokButton = 0.6 PGUIsubmitButton = 0.8 PGUIokButtonPos = (-0.21, 1.05) PGUIcancelButtonPos = (-3.3, 2.95) PGUIcharLength = 1 PTtitle = 0.13 PTenterPage1Pos = (0.15, 0.13) PTenterPage2Pos = (-0.27, 0.16) PTenterPage3Pos = (0.15, 0.13) QPauxText = 0.04 QPtextScale = 0.045 QPtextWordwrap = 15.6 QPinfoZ = -0.0625 DLBbuildTitleRow = 0.4 DRenterWaiting = 0.2 DRrollScale = 0.5 KSGtextSizeBig = 0.088 KSGtextSizeSmall = 0.055 KSGaccDescriptionWordwrap = 11 REPlargeLabel = 0.08 REPsmallLabel = 0.04 REPtextPosX = -0.6 RGUIphotoFinish = 0.25 RGUIplaceLabelNumPos = (0.15, 0, 0.05) RGUIplaceLabelStrPos = (0.31, 0.0, 0.22) DRAIwaitingForJoin = 90 PimgLabel = 1.0 GZSZLsignText = 1.5 EPtitleLabel = 0.12 EPhostTab = 0.07 EPinvitedTab = 0.07 EPcalendarTab = 0.07 EPhostingCancelButton = 0.04 EPhostingDateLabel = 0.05 EPpartyGoButton = 0.045 EPpublicPrivateLabel = 0.05 EPpublicButton = 0.5 EPprivateButton = 0.5 EPinvitePartyGoButton = 0.045 EPdecorationItemLabel = 0.055 EPactivityItemLabel = 0.055 EPcreateListAndLabel = 0.055 FPtankTab = 0.07 FPcollectionTab = 0.07 FPtrophyTab = 0.07 DSDintroText = 0.06 DSDintroTextWordwrap = 25 DSDwindowedButtonPos = (0.0961, 0, -0.221) DSDfullscreenButtonPos = (0.097, 0, -0.311) DSDcancel = 0.06 DSDcancelPos = (0, -0.02) DPtab = 0.1 DPdeptLabel = 0.17 DPcogName = 0.093 TPstartFrame = 0.12 TPendFrame = 0.12 SBpageTab = 0.75 OPoptionsTab = 0.07 OPCodesInstructionPanelTextPos = (0, -0.01) OPCodesInstructionPanelTextWordWrap = 6 OPCodesResultPanelTextPos = (0, 0.35) OPCodesResultPanelTextScale = 0.06 OPCodesResultPanelTextWordWrap = 9 OPCodesInputTextScale = 0.8 OPCodesSubmitTextScale = 0.07 OPCodesSubmitTextPos = (0, -0.02) MPsafeZoneButton = 0.055 MPgoHomeButton = 0.055 MPhoodLabel = 0.06 MPhoodLabelWordwrap = 14 KPkartTab = 0.07 KPdeleteButton = 0.06 KProtateButton = 0.035 GPbasketTab = 0.07 GPcollectionTab = 0.07 GPtrophyTab = 0.07 GPspecialsTab = 0.07 GPrecordsTab = 0.07 GPrecordsTabPos = (0.92, 0, 0.1) GPtrophyTab = 0.07 GPtrophyTabTextPos = (0.03, 0.0, 0.0) GPtrophyTabPos = (0.92, 0, -0.3) APBdialog = 0.06 APBdirectLabelPosY = 0 TAPwhisperButton = 0.06 TAPsecretsButton = 0.045 TAPgroupFrame = 0.05 TAPgroupButton = 0.055 TADPbCancel = 0.05 TADPbCancelPos = (-0.865, 0.0, -0.78) TADPtrackLabel = 0.066 TADtrackLabelPosZ = 0.08 GPdestFrame = 0.05 GPdestScrollList = 0.05 GPgoButton = 0.06 INtrackNameLabels = 0.05 INclickToAttack = 1.0 INpassButton = 0.05 INrunButton = 0.05 INdetailNameLabel = 1.0 INfireButton = 0.05 NPCFimgLabel = 1.0 PIPsecretsButton = 0.045 PIPwisperButton = 0.06 PIPdetailButton = 0.05 TLStip = 0.18 TPdialogWordwrap = 22 TPdialog = 0.05 TPpanel = 0.08 TPpanelPos = (0.0, -0.7) TPbrowserPosZ = -0.45 TPbuttonTextList = 0.05 TPhaveFun = 0.1 TPjoinUs = 0.1 TBSOSPSPenter = 0.1 TexitButton = 0.8 #Some languages need to change the word order SellbotFactoryPosPart1 = (0, -0.25) SellbotFactoryScalePart1 = 0.075 SellbotFactoryPosPart2 = (0, -0.34) SellbotFactoryScalePart2 = 0.12