import anydbm import base64 from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import * from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM import hashlib import hmac import json from pandac.PandaModules import * import time import urllib2 import os from import * from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals from toontown.makeatoon.NameGenerator import NameGenerator from toontown.toon.ToonDNA import ToonDNA from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.uberdog import NameJudgeBlacklist # Import from PyCrypto only if we are using a database that requires it. This # allows local hosted and developer builds of the game to run without it: accountDBType = simbase.config.GetString('accountdb-type', 'developer') if accountDBType == 'remote': from Crypto.Cipher import AES # Sometimes we'll want to force a specific access level, such as on the # developer server: minAccessLevel = simbase.config.GetInt('min-access-level', 100) accountServerEndpoint = simbase.config.GetString( 'account-server-endpoint', '') accountServerSecret = simbase.config.GetString( 'account-server-secret', '9sj6816aj1hs795j') http = HTTPClient() http.setVerifySsl(0) def executeHttpRequest(url, **extras): request = urllib2.Request('' + url) timestamp = str(int(time.time())) signature = hashlib.sha256(timestamp + accountServerSecret + "h*^ahJGHA017JI&A&*uyhU07") request.add_header('User-Agent', 'TTS-CSM') request.add_header('X-CSM-Timestamp', timestamp) request.add_header('X-CSM-Signature', signature.hexdigest()) for k, v in extras.items(): request.add_header('X-CSM-' + k, v) try: return urllib2.urlopen(request).read() except: return None notify = directNotify.newCategory('ClientServicesManagerUD') def executeHttpRequestAndLog(url, **extras): response = executeHttpRequest(url, extras) if response is None: notify.error('A request to ' + url + ' went wrong.') return None try: data = json.loads(response) except: notify.error('Malformed response from ' + url + '.') return None if 'error' in data: notify.warning('Error from ' + url + ':' + data['error']) return data blacklist = executeHttpRequest('names/blacklist.json') if blacklist: blacklist = json.loads(blacklist) def judgeName(name): if not name: return False if blacklist: for namePart in name.split(' '): namePart = namePart.lower() if len(namePart) < 1: return False for banned in blacklist: if banned in namePart: return False return True # --- ACCOUNT DATABASES --- # These classes make up the available account databases for Toontown Stride. # Databases with login tokens use the PyCrypto module for decrypting them. # DeveloperAccountDB is a special database that accepts a username, and assigns # each user with 700 access automatically upon login. class AccountDB: notify = directNotify.newCategory('AccountDB') def __init__(self, csm): self.csm = csm filename = simbase.config.GetString( 'account-bridge-filename', 'account-bridge.db') filename = os.path.join("dependencies", filename) self.dbm =, 'c') def addNameRequest(self, avId, name): return True def getNameStatus(self, avId): return 'APPROVED' def removeNameRequest(self, avId): pass def lookup(self, username, callback): pass # Inheritors should override this. def storeAccountID(self, userId, accountId, callback): self.dbm[str(userId)] = str(accountId) # anydbm only allows strings. if getattr(self.dbm, 'sync', None): self.dbm.sync() callback(True) else: self.notify.warning('Unable to associate user %s with account %d!' % (userId, accountId)) callback(False) class DeveloperAccountDB(AccountDB): notify = directNotify.newCategory('DeveloperAccountDB') def lookup(self, username, callback): # Let's check if this user's ID is in your account database bridge: if str(username) not in self.dbm: # Nope. Let's associate them with a brand new Account object! We # will assign them with 700 access just because they are a # developer: response = { 'success': True, 'userId': username, 'accountId': 0, 'accessLevel': max(700, minAccessLevel) } else: # We have an account already, let's return what we've got: response = { 'success': True, 'userId': username, 'accountId': int(self.dbm[str(username)]), } callback(response) return response class RemoteAccountDB(AccountDB): notify = directNotify.newCategory('RemoteAccountDB') def addNameRequest(self, avId, name): return executeHttpRequest('names/append', ID=str(avId), Name=name) def getNameStatus(self, avId): #return executeHttpRequest('names/status/?Id=' + str(avId)) return 'APPROVED' # Override temporarily. def removeNameRequest(self, avId): return executeHttpRequest('names/remove', ID=str(avId)) def lookup(self, token, callback): # First, base64 decode the token: try: token = base64.b64decode(token) except TypeError: self.notify.warning('Could not decode the provided token!') response = { 'success': False, 'reason': "Can't decode this token." } callback(response) return response # Ensure this token is a valid size: if (not token) or ((len(token) % 16) != 0): self.notify.warning('Invalid token length!') response = { 'success': False, 'reason': 'Invalid token length.' } callback(response) return response # Next, decrypt the token using AES-128 in CBC mode: accountServerSecret = simbase.config.GetString( 'account-server-secret', '9sj6816aj1hs795j') # Ensure that our secret is the correct size: if len(accountServerSecret) > AES.block_size: self.notify.warning('account-server-secret is too big!') accountServerSecret = accountServerSecret[:AES.block_size] elif len(accountServerSecret) < AES.block_size: self.notify.warning('account-server-secret is too small!') accountServerSecret += '\x80' while len(accountServerSecret) < AES.block_size: accountServerSecret += '\x00' # Take the initialization vector off the front of the token: iv = token[:AES.block_size] # Truncate the token to get our cipher text: cipherText = token[AES.block_size:] # Decrypt! cipher =, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv) try: token = json.loads(cipher.decrypt(cipherText).replace('\x00', '')) if ('timestamp' not in token) or (not isinstance(token['timestamp'], int)): raise ValueError if ('userid' not in token) or (not isinstance(token['userid'], int)): raise ValueError if ('accesslevel' not in token) or (not isinstance(token['accesslevel'], int)): raise ValueError except ValueError, e: print e self.notify.warning('Invalid token.') response = { 'success': False, 'reason': 'Invalid token.' } callback(response) return response # Next, check if this token has expired: expiration = simbase.config.GetInt('account-token-expiration', 1800) tokenDelta = int(time.time()) - token['timestamp'] if tokenDelta > expiration: response = { 'success': False, 'reason': 'This token has expired.' } callback(response) return response # This token is valid. That's all we need to know. Next, let's check if # this user's ID is in your account database bridge: if str(token['userid']) not in self.dbm: # Nope. Let's associate them with a brand new Account object! response = { 'success': True, 'userId': token['userid'], 'accountId': 0, 'accessLevel': max(int(token['accesslevel']), minAccessLevel) } callback(response) return response else: # Yep. Let's return their account ID and access level! response = { 'success': True, 'userId': token['userid'], 'accountId': int(self.dbm[str(token['userid'])]), 'accessLevel': max(int(token['accesslevel']), minAccessLevel) } callback(response) return response # --- FSMs --- class OperationFSM(FSM): TARGET_CONNECTION = False def __init__(self, csm, target): self.csm = csm = target FSM.__init__(self, self.__class__.__name__) def enterKill(self, reason=''): if self.TARGET_CONNECTION: self.csm.killConnection(, reason) else: self.csm.killAccount(, reason) self.demand('Off') def enterOff(self): if self.TARGET_CONNECTION: del self.csm.connection2fsm[] else: del self.csm.account2fsm[] class LoginAccountFSM(OperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('LoginAccountFSM') TARGET_CONNECTION = True def enterStart(self, token): self.token = token self.demand('QueryAccountDB') def enterQueryAccountDB(self): self.csm.accountDB.lookup(self.token, self.__handleLookup) def __handleLookup(self, result): if not result.get('success'): self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('tokenRejected',, self.token) self.demand('Kill', result.get('reason', 'The account server rejected your token.')) return self.userId = result.get('userId', 0) self.accountId = result.get('accountId', 0) self.accessLevel = result.get('accessLevel', 0) if self.accountId: self.demand('RetrieveAccount') else: self.demand('CreateAccount') def enterRetrieveAccount(self): self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.accountId, self.__handleRetrieve) def __handleRetrieve(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD']: self.demand('Kill', 'Your account object was not found in the database!') return self.account = fields self.demand('SetAccount') def enterCreateAccount(self): self.account = { 'ACCOUNT_AV_SET': [0] * 6, 'ESTATE_ID': 0, 'ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL': [], 'CREATED': time.ctime(), 'LAST_LOGIN': time.ctime(), 'ACCOUNT_ID': str(self.userId), 'ACCESS_LEVEL': self.accessLevel } self.csm.air.dbInterface.createObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD'], self.account, self.__handleCreate) def __handleCreate(self, accountId): if self.state != 'CreateAccount': self.notify.warning('Received a create account response outside of the CreateAccount state.') return if not accountId: self.notify.warning('Database failed to construct an account object!') self.demand('Kill', 'Your account object could not be created in the game database.') return self.accountId = accountId self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('accountCreated', accountId) self.demand('StoreAccountID') def enterStoreAccountID(self): self.csm.accountDB.storeAccountID( self.userId, self.accountId, self.__handleStored) def __handleStored(self, success=True): if not success: self.demand('Kill', 'The account server could not save your user ID!') return self.demand('SetAccount') def enterSetAccount(self): # If necessary, update their account information: if self.accessLevel: self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.accountId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD'], {'ACCESS_LEVEL': self.accessLevel}) # If there's anybody on the account, kill them for redundant login: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( self.csm.GetAccountConnectionChannel(self.accountId), self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_EJECT) datagram.addUint16(100) datagram.addString('This account has been logged in from elsewhere.') self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Next, add this connection to the account channel. datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_OPEN_CHANNEL) datagram.addChannel(self.csm.GetAccountConnectionChannel(self.accountId)) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Subscribe to any "staff" channels that the account has access to. access = self.account.get('ADMIN_ACCESS', 0) if access >= 200: # Subscribe to the moderator channel. dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_OPEN_CHANNEL) dg.addChannel(OtpDoGlobals.OTP_MOD_CHANNEL) self.csm.air.send(dg) if access >= 400: # Subscribe to the administrator channel. dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_OPEN_CHANNEL) dg.addChannel(OtpDoGlobals.OTP_ADMIN_CHANNEL) self.csm.air.send(dg) if access >= 500: # Subscribe to the system administrator channel. dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_OPEN_CHANNEL) dg.addChannel(OtpDoGlobals.OTP_SYSADMIN_CHANNEL) self.csm.air.send(dg) # Now set their sender channel to represent their account affiliation: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_SET_CLIENT_ID) # Account ID in high 32 bits, 0 in low (no avatar): datagram.addChannel(self.accountId << 32) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Un-sandbox them! datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader(, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_SET_STATE) datagram.addUint16(2) # ESTABLISHED self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Update the last login timestamp: self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.accountId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD'], {'LAST_LOGIN': time.ctime(), 'ACCOUNT_ID': str(self.userId)}) # We're done. self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('accountLogin',, self.accountId, self.userId) self.csm.sendUpdateToChannel(, 'acceptLogin', [int(time.time())]) self.demand('Off') class CreateAvatarFSM(OperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('CreateAvatarFSM') def enterStart(self, dna, index): # Basic sanity-checking: if index >= 6: self.demand('Kill', 'Invalid index specified!') return if not ToonDNA().isValidNetString(dna): self.demand('Kill', 'Invalid DNA specified!') return self.index = index self.dna = dna # Okay, we're good to go, let's query their account. self.demand('RetrieveAccount') def enterRetrieveAccount(self): self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject( self.csm.air.dbId,, self.__handleRetrieve) def __handleRetrieve(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD']: self.demand('Kill', 'Your account object was not found in the database!') return self.account = fields self.avList = self.account['ACCOUNT_AV_SET'] # Sanitize: self.avList = self.avList[:6] self.avList += [0] * (6-len(self.avList)) # Make sure the index is open: if self.avList[self.index]: self.demand('Kill', 'This avatar slot is already taken by another avatar!') return # Okay, there's space. Let's create the avatar! self.demand('CreateAvatar') def enterCreateAvatar(self): dna = ToonDNA() dna.makeFromNetString(self.dna) colorString = TTLocalizer.NumToColor[dna.headColor] animalType = TTLocalizer.AnimalToSpecies[dna.getAnimal()] name = ' '.join((colorString, animalType)) toonFields = { 'setName': (name,), 'WishNameState': ('OPEN',), 'WishName': ('',), 'setDNAString': (self.dna,), 'setDISLid': (,), } self.csm.air.dbInterface.createObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], toonFields, self.__handleCreate) def __handleCreate(self, avId): if not avId: self.demand('Kill', 'Database failed to create the new avatar object!') return self.avId = avId self.demand('StoreAvatar') def enterStoreAvatar(self): # Associate the avatar with the account... self.avList[self.index] = self.avId self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId,, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD'], {'ACCOUNT_AV_SET': self.avList}, {'ACCOUNT_AV_SET': self.account['ACCOUNT_AV_SET']}, self.__handleStoreAvatar) def __handleStoreAvatar(self, fields): if fields: self.demand('Kill', 'Database failed to associate the new avatar to your account!') return # Otherwise, we're done! self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarCreated', self.avId,, self.dna.encode('hex'), self.index) self.csm.sendUpdateToAccountId(, 'createAvatarResp', [self.avId]) self.demand('Off') class AvatarOperationFSM(OperationFSM): POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'Off' # This needs to be overridden. def enterRetrieveAccount(self): # Query the account: self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject( self.csm.air.dbId,, self.__handleRetrieve) def __handleRetrieve(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD']: self.demand('Kill', 'Your account object was not found in the database!') return self.account = fields self.avList = self.account['ACCOUNT_AV_SET'] # Sanitize: self.avList = self.avList[:6] self.avList += [0] * (6-len(self.avList)) self.demand(self.POST_ACCOUNT_STATE) class GetAvatarsFSM(AvatarOperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('GetAvatarsFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'QueryAvatars' def enterStart(self): self.demand('RetrieveAccount') def enterQueryAvatars(self): self.pendingAvatars = set() self.avatarFields = {} for avId in self.avList: if avId: self.pendingAvatars.add(avId) def response(dclass, fields, avId=avId): if self.state != 'QueryAvatars': return if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']: self.demand('Kill', "One of the account's avatars is invalid!") return self.avatarFields[avId] = fields self.pendingAvatars.remove(avId) if not self.pendingAvatars: self.demand('SendAvatars') self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject( self.csm.air.dbId, avId, response) if not self.pendingAvatars: self.demand('SendAvatars') def enterSendAvatars(self): potentialAvs = [] for avId, fields in self.avatarFields.items(): index = self.avList.index(avId) wishNameState = fields.get('WishNameState', [''])[0] name = fields['setName'][0] nameState = 0 if wishNameState == 'OPEN': nameState = 1 elif wishNameState == 'PENDING': actualNameState = self.csm.accountDB.getNameStatus(avId) self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, avId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'WishNameState': [actualNameState]} ) if actualNameState == 'PENDING': nameState = 2 if actualNameState == 'APPROVED': nameState = 3 name = fields['WishName'][0] elif actualNameState == 'REJECTED': nameState = 4 elif wishNameState == 'APPROVED': nameState = 3 elif wishNameState == 'REJECTED': nameState = 4 potentialAvs.append([avId, name, fields['setDNAString'][0], index, nameState]) self.csm.sendUpdateToAccountId(, 'setAvatars', [potentialAvs]) self.demand('Off') # This inherits from GetAvatarsFSM, because the delete operation ends in a # setAvatars message being sent to the client. class DeleteAvatarFSM(GetAvatarsFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('DeleteAvatarFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'ProcessDelete' def enterStart(self, avId): self.avId = avId GetAvatarsFSM.enterStart(self) def enterProcessDelete(self): if self.avId not in self.avList: self.demand('Kill', 'Tried to delete an avatar not in the account!') return index = self.avList.index(self.avId) self.avList[index] = 0 avsDeleted = list(self.account.get('ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL', [])) avsDeleted.append([self.avId, int(time.time())]) estateId = self.account.get('ESTATE_ID', 0) if estateId != 0: # This assumes that the house already exists, but it shouldn't # be a problem if it doesn't. self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, estateId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedEstateAI'], {'setSlot%dToonId' % index: [0], 'setSlot%dItems' % index: [[]]} ) self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId,, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['AccountUD'], {'ACCOUNT_AV_SET': self.avList, 'ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL': avsDeleted}, {'ACCOUNT_AV_SET': self.account['ACCOUNT_AV_SET'], 'ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL': self.account['ACCOUNT_AV_SET_DEL']}, self.__handleDelete) self.csm.accountDB.removeNameRequest(self.avId) def __handleDelete(self, fields): if fields: self.demand('Kill', 'Database failed to mark the avatar as deleted!') return self.csm.air.friendsManager.clearList(self.avId) self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarDeleted', self.avId, self.demand('QueryAvatars') class SetNameTypedFSM(AvatarOperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('SetNameTypedFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'RetrieveAvatar' def enterStart(self, avId, name): self.avId = avId = name if self.avId: self.demand('RetrieveAccount') return # Hmm, self.avId was 0. Okay, let's just cut to the judging: self.demand('JudgeName') def enterRetrieveAvatar(self): if self.avId and self.avId not in self.avList: self.demand('Kill', 'Tried to name an avatar not in the account!') return self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.__handleAvatar) def __handleAvatar(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']: self.demand('Kill', "One of the account's avatars is invalid!") return if fields['WishNameState'][0] != 'OPEN': self.demand('Kill', 'Avatar is not in a namable state!') return self.demand('JudgeName') def enterJudgeName(self): # Let's see if the name is valid: status = judgeName( if self.avId and status: if self.csm.accountDB.addNameRequest(self.avId, self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'WishNameState': ('PENDING',), 'WishName': (,)}) else: status = False if self.avId: self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarWishname', self.avId, self.csm.sendUpdateToAccountId(, 'setNameTypedResp', [self.avId, status]) self.demand('Off') class SetNamePatternFSM(AvatarOperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('SetNamePatternFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'RetrieveAvatar' def enterStart(self, avId, pattern): self.avId = avId self.pattern = pattern self.demand('RetrieveAccount') def enterRetrieveAvatar(self): if self.avId and self.avId not in self.avList: self.demand('Kill', 'Tried to name an avatar not in the account!') return self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.__handleAvatar) def __handleAvatar(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']: self.demand('Kill', "One of the account's avatars is invalid!") return if fields['WishNameState'][0] != 'OPEN': self.demand('Kill', 'Avatar is not in a namable state!') return self.demand('SetName') def enterSetName(self): # Render the pattern into a string: parts = [] for p, f in self.pattern: part = self.csm.nameGenerator.nameDictionary.get(p, ('', ''))[1] if f: part = part[:1].upper() + part[1:] else: part = part.lower() parts.append(part) parts[2] += parts.pop(3) # Merge 2&3 (the last name) as there should be no space. while '' in parts: parts.remove('') name = ' '.join(parts) self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'WishNameState': ('',), 'WishName': ('',), 'setName': (name,)}) self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarNamed', self.avId, name) self.csm.sendUpdateToAccountId(, 'setNamePatternResp', [self.avId, 1]) self.demand('Off') class AcknowledgeNameFSM(AvatarOperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('AcknowledgeNameFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'GetTargetAvatar' def enterStart(self, avId): self.avId = avId self.demand('RetrieveAccount') def enterGetTargetAvatar(self): # Make sure the target avatar is part of the account: if self.avId not in self.avList: self.demand('Kill', 'Tried to acknowledge name on an avatar not in the account!') return self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.__handleAvatar) def __handleAvatar(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']: self.demand('Kill', "One of the account's avatars is invalid!") return # Process the WishNameState change. wishNameState = fields['WishNameState'][0] wishName = fields['WishName'][0] name = fields['setName'][0] if wishNameState == 'APPROVED': wishNameState = '' name = wishName wishName = '' self.csm.accountDB.removeNameRequest(self.avId) elif wishNameState == 'REJECTED': wishNameState = 'OPEN' wishName = '' self.csm.accountDB.removeNameRequest(self.avId) else: self.demand('Kill', "Tried to acknowledge name on an avatar in %s state!" % wishNameState) return # Push the change back through: self.csm.air.dbInterface.updateObject( self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'WishNameState': (wishNameState,), 'WishName': (wishName,), 'setName': (name,)}, {'WishNameState': fields['WishNameState'], 'WishName': fields['WishName'], 'setName': fields['setName']}) self.csm.sendUpdateToAccountId(, 'acknowledgeAvatarNameResp', []) self.demand('Off') class LoadAvatarFSM(AvatarOperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('LoadAvatarFSM') POST_ACCOUNT_STATE = 'GetTargetAvatar' def enterStart(self, avId): self.avId = avId self.demand('RetrieveAccount') def enterGetTargetAvatar(self): # Make sure the target avatar is part of the account: if self.avId not in self.avList: self.demand('Kill', 'Tried to play an avatar not in the account!') return self.csm.air.dbInterface.queryObject(self.csm.air.dbId, self.avId, self.__handleAvatar) def __handleAvatar(self, dclass, fields): if dclass != self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD']: self.demand('Kill', "One of the account's avatars is invalid!") return self.avatar = fields self.demand('SetAvatar') def enterSetAvatarTask(self, channel, task): # Finally, grant ownership and shut down. datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( self.avId, self.csm.air.ourChannel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_SET_OWNER) datagram.addChannel(<<32 | self.avId) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Tell the GlobalPartyManager as well: self.csm.air.globalPartyMgr.avatarJoined(self.avId) self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarChosen', self.avId, self.demand('Off') return task.done def enterSetAvatar(self): channel = self.csm.GetAccountConnectionChannel( # First, give them a POSTREMOVE to unload the avatar, just in case they # disconnect while we're working. datagramCleanup = PyDatagram() datagramCleanup.addServerHeader( self.avId, channel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_DELETE_RAM) datagramCleanup.addUint32(self.avId) datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_ADD_POST_REMOVE) datagram.addString(datagramCleanup.getMessage()) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Activate the avatar on the DBSS: self.csm.air.sendActivate( self.avId, 0, 0, self.csm.air.dclassesByName['DistributedToonUD'], {'setAdminAccess': [self.account.get('ACCESS_LEVEL', 100)]}) # Next, add them to the avatar channel: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_OPEN_CHANNEL) datagram.addChannel(self.csm.GetPuppetConnectionChannel(self.avId)) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Now set their sender channel to represent their account affiliation: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_SET_CLIENT_ID) datagram.addChannel(<<32 | self.avId) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Eliminate race conditions. taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.2, self.enterSetAvatarTask, 'avatarTask-%s' % self.avId, extraArgs=[channel], appendTask=True) class UnloadAvatarFSM(OperationFSM): notify = directNotify.newCategory('UnloadAvatarFSM') def enterStart(self, avId): self.avId = avId # We don't even need to query the account, we know the avatar is being played! self.demand('UnloadAvatar') def enterUnloadAvatar(self): channel = self.csm.GetAccountConnectionChannel( # Tell TTSFriendsManager somebody is logging off: self.csm.air.friendsManager.toonOffline(self.avId) # Clear off POSTREMOVE: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_CLEAR_POST_REMOVES) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Remove avatar channel: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_CLOSE_CHANNEL) datagram.addChannel(self.csm.GetPuppetConnectionChannel(self.avId)) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Reset sender channel: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( channel, self.csm.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_SET_CLIENT_ID) datagram.addChannel(<<32) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Unload avatar object: datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( self.avId, channel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_DELETE_RAM) datagram.addUint32(self.avId) self.csm.air.send(datagram) # Done! self.csm.air.writeServerEvent('avatarUnload', self.avId) self.demand('Off') # --- CLIENT SERVICES MANAGER UBERDOG --- class ClientServicesManagerUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD): notify = directNotify.newCategory('ClientServicesManagerUD') def announceGenerate(self): DistributedObjectGlobalUD.announceGenerate(self) # These keep track of the connection/account IDs currently undergoing an # operation on the CSM. This is to prevent (hacked) clients from firing up more # than one operation at a time, which could potentially lead to exploitation # of race conditions. self.connection2fsm = {} self.account2fsm = {} # For processing name patterns. self.nameGenerator = NameGenerator() # Temporary HMAC key: self.key = 'c603c5833021ce79f734943f6e662250fd4ecf7432bf85905f71707dc4a9370c6ae15a8716302ead43810e5fba3cf0876bbbfce658e2767b88d916f5d89fd31' # Instantiate our account DB interface: if accountDBType == 'developer': self.accountDB = DeveloperAccountDB(self) elif accountDBType == 'remote': self.accountDB = RemoteAccountDB(self) else: self.notify.error('Invalid accountdb-type: ' + accountDBType) def killConnection(self, connId, reason): datagram = PyDatagram() datagram.addServerHeader( connId, self.air.ourChannel, CLIENTAGENT_EJECT) datagram.addUint16(101) datagram.addString(reason) self.air.send(datagram) def killConnectionFSM(self, connId): fsm = self.connection2fsm.get(connId) if not fsm: self.notify.warning('Tried to kill connection %d for duplicate FSM, but none exists!' % connId) return self.killConnection(connId, 'An operation is already underway: ' + def killAccount(self, accountId, reason): self.killConnection(self.GetAccountConnectionChannel(accountId), reason) def killAccountFSM(self, accountId): fsm = self.account2fsm.get(accountId) if not fsm: self.notify.warning('Tried to kill account %d for duplicate FSM, but none exists!' % accountId) return self.killAccount(accountId, 'An operation is already underway: ' + def runAccountFSM(self, fsmtype, *args): sender = self.air.getAccountIdFromSender() if not sender: self.killAccount(sender, 'Client is not logged in.') if sender in self.account2fsm: self.killAccountFSM(sender) return self.account2fsm[sender] = fsmtype(self, sender) self.account2fsm[sender].request('Start', *args) def login(self, cookie, authKey): self.notify.debug('Received login cookie %r from %d' % (cookie, self.air.getMsgSender())) sender = self.air.getMsgSender() # Time to check this login to see if its authentic digest_maker = digest_maker.update(cookie) serverKey = digest_maker.hexdigest() if serverKey == authKey: # This login is authentic! pass else: # This login is not authentic. self.killConnection(sender, ' ') if sender >> 32: self.killConnection(sender, 'Client is already logged in.') return if sender in self.connection2fsm: self.killConnectionFSM(sender) return self.connection2fsm[sender] = LoginAccountFSM(self, sender) self.connection2fsm[sender].request('Start', cookie) def requestAvatars(self): self.notify.debug('Received avatar list request from %d' % (self.air.getMsgSender())) self.runAccountFSM(GetAvatarsFSM) def createAvatar(self, dna, index): self.runAccountFSM(CreateAvatarFSM, dna, index) def deleteAvatar(self, avId): self.runAccountFSM(DeleteAvatarFSM, avId) def setNameTyped(self, avId, name): self.runAccountFSM(SetNameTypedFSM, avId, name) def setNamePattern(self, avId, p1, f1, p2, f2, p3, f3, p4, f4): self.runAccountFSM(SetNamePatternFSM, avId, [(p1, f1), (p2, f2), (p3, f3), (p4, f4)]) def acknowledgeAvatarName(self, avId): self.runAccountFSM(AcknowledgeNameFSM, avId) def chooseAvatar(self, avId): currentAvId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() accountId = self.air.getAccountIdFromSender() if currentAvId and avId: self.killAccount(accountId, 'A Toon is already chosen!') return elif not currentAvId and not avId: # This isn't really an error, the client is probably just making sure # none of its Toons are active. return if avId: self.runAccountFSM(LoadAvatarFSM, avId) else: self.runAccountFSM(UnloadAvatarFSM, currentAvId)