from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import *
import random
GlobalEntities = {1000: {'type': 'levelMgr',
        'name': 'LevelMgr',
        'comment': '',
        'parentEntId': 0,
        'cogLevel': 0,
        'farPlaneDistance': 1500,
        'modelFilename': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_Zone03a',
        'wantDoors': 1},
 0: {'type': 'zone',
     'name': 'UberZone',
     'comment': '',
     'parentEntId': 0,
     'scale': 1,
     'description': '',
     'visibility': []},
 10000: {'type': 'entrancePoint',
         'name': '<unnamed>',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 0,
         'pos': Point3(0, 6, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': 1,
         'entranceId': 0,
         'radius': 15,
         'theta': 20},
 100000: {'type': 'model',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10004,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Point3(1, 1, 1),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_torch_lampB'},
 100001: {'type': 'model',
          'name': 'copy of <unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100002,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 180),
          'scale': Point3(1, 1, 1),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_torch_lampB'},
 100004: {'type': 'model',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100003,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Point3(1, 1, 1),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_torch_lampB'},
 100006: {'type': 'model',
          'name': 'copy of <unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100005,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 180),
          'scale': Point3(1, 1, 1),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_torch_lampB'},
 100008: {'type': 'model',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100007,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_paper_twist_stacks'},
 100010: {'type': 'model',
          'name': 'copy of <unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100009,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Point3(180, 0, 180),
          'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_paper_twist_stacks'},
 100012: {'type': 'model',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100011,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_CardBoardBox'},
 100013: {'type': 'model',
          'name': 'copy of <unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100014,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 180),
          'scale': 1,
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_CardBoardBox'},
 100016: {'type': 'model',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100015,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_couchA'},
 100017: {'type': 'model',
          'name': 'copy of <unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100018,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 180),
          'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
          'collisionsOnly': 0,
          'flattenType': 'light',
          'loadType': 'loadModelCopy',
          'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_couchA'},
 10002: {'type': 'nodepath',
         'name': 'props',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 0,
         'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': 1},
 10004: {'type': 'nodepath',
         'name': 'lamp',
         'comment': '',
         'parentEntId': 10002,
         'pos': Point3(-10.1845, 16.3439, 0),
         'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
         'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1)},
 100003: {'type': 'nodepath',
          'name': 'lamp2',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10002,
          'pos': Point3(10.3093, 14.7794, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1)},
 100007: {'type': 'nodepath',
          'name': 'paper',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10002,
          'pos': Point3(14.3907, 11.4389, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(300.379, 0, 0),
          'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1)},
 100011: {'type': 'nodepath',
          'name': 'box',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10002,
          'pos': Point3(-18.5313, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1)},
 100015: {'type': 'nodepath',
          'name': 'couch',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10002,
          'pos': Point3(14.3585, -9.43671, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(270.699, 0, 0),
          'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1)},
 100002: {'type': 'rendering',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 10004,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'blending': 'Normal',
          'colorA': 1.0,
          'colorB': 1.0,
          'colorG': 1.0,
          'colorR': 1.0,
          'fogOn': 0,
          'renderBin': 'default'},
 100005: {'type': 'rendering',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100003,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'blending': 'Normal',
          'colorA': 1.0,
          'colorB': 1.0,
          'colorG': 1.0,
          'colorR': 1.0,
          'fogOn': 0,
          'renderBin': 'default'},
 100009: {'type': 'rendering',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100007,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'blending': 'Normal',
          'colorA': 1.0,
          'colorB': 1.0,
          'colorG': 1.0,
          'colorR': 1.0,
          'fogOn': 0,
          'renderBin': 'default'},
 100014: {'type': 'rendering',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100011,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'blending': 'Normal',
          'colorA': 1.0,
          'colorB': 1.0,
          'colorG': 1.0,
          'colorR': 1.0,
          'fogOn': 0,
          'renderBin': 'default'},
 100018: {'type': 'rendering',
          'name': '<unnamed>',
          'comment': '',
          'parentEntId': 100015,
          'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0),
          'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0),
          'scale': 1,
          'blending': 'Normal',
          'colorA': 1.0,
          'colorB': 1.0,
          'colorG': 1.0,
          'colorR': 1.0,
          'fogOn': 0,
          'renderBin': 'default'}}
Scenario0 = {}
levelSpec = {'globalEntities': GlobalEntities,
 'scenarios': [Scenario0],
 'titleString': 'MemTag: LawbotOfficeEntrance_Action00 %s' % random.random()}