# Name: viewer.py # Package: wx.lib.pdfviewer # # Purpose: A PDF report viewer class # # Author: David Hughes dfh@forestfield.co.uk # Copyright: Forestfield Software Ltd # Licence: Same as wxPython host # History: Created 17 Jun 2009 # # 08 Oct 2011, Michael Hipp michael@redmule.com # Added prompt, printer_name, orientation options to # pdfViewer.Print(). Added option to pdfViewer.LoadFile() to # accept a file-like object as well as a path string # # Tags: phoenix-port, documented, unittest # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ This module provides the :class:`~lib.pdfviewer.viewer.pdfViewer` to view PDF files. """ import sys import os import time import types import copy import shutil from wx.lib.six import BytesIO USE_CAIRO = True FONTSCALE = 1.0 CACHE_LATE_PAGES = True LATE_THRESHOLD = 200 # Time to render (ttr), milliseconds VERBOSE = False fpypdf = 0 try: import pyPdf fpypdf = 1 except: pass try: import PyPDF2 fpypdf = 2 except: pass if not fpypdf: msg = "You either need pyPdf or pyPDF2 to use this." raise ImportError(msg) elif fpypdf == 2: from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader from PyPDF2.pdf import ContentStream, PageObject from PyPDF2.filters import ASCII85Decode, FlateDecode elif fpypdf == 1: from pyPdf import PdfFileReader from pyPdf.pdf import ContentStream, PageObject from pyPdf.filters import ASCII85Decode, FlateDecode from dcgraphics import dcGraphicsContext import wx have_cairo = False if USE_CAIRO and wx.VERSION_STRING > '': # Cairo DrawBitmap bug fixed try: import cairo from wx.lib.graphics import GraphicsContext FONTSCALE = 1.0 have_cairo = True if VERBOSE: print('Using Cairo') except ImportError: pass if not have_cairo: GraphicsContext = wx.GraphicsContext if wx.PlatformInfo[1] == 'wxMSW': # for Windows only FONTSCALE = 72.0 / 96.0 # wx.GraphicsContext fonts are too big in the ratio # of screen pixels per inch to points per inch if VERBOSE: print('Using wx.GraphicsContext') """ If reportlab is installed, use its stringWidth metric. For justifying text, where widths are cumulative, dc.GetTextExtent consistently underestimates, possibly because it returns integer rather than float. """ try: from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth have_rlwidth = True except ImportError: have_rlwidth = False #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## New PageObject method added by Forestfield Software def extractOperators(self): """ Locate and return all commands in the order they occur in the content stream. Used by pdfviewer. """ ops = [] content = self["/Contents"].getObject() if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf) for op in content.operations: ops.append(op) return ops # Inject this method into the PageObject class PageObject.extractOperators = extractOperators #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class pdfViewer(wx.ScrolledWindow): """ View PDF report files in a scrolled window. Contents are read from PDF file and rendered in a :class:`GraphicsContext`. Show visible window contents as quickly as possible then read the whole file and build the set of drawing commands for each page. This can take time for a big file or if there are complex drawings eg. ReportLab's colour shading inside charts. Originally read in a thread but navigation is limited until whole file is ready, so now done in main thread with a progress bar, which isn't modal so can still do whatever navigation is possible as the content availability increases. """ def __init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style): """ Default class constructor. :param Window `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``; :param integer `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value; :param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform; :type `pos`: tuple or :class:`Point` :param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform; :type `size`: tuple or :class:`Size` :param integer `style`: the button style (unused); """ wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style | wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) # recommended in wxWidgets docs self.buttonpanel = None # reference to panel is set by their common parent self._showLoadProgress = True self._usePrintDirect = True self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.OnScroll) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.have_file = False self.resizing = False self.numpages = None self.zoomscale = -1 # fit page to screen width self.nom_page_gap = 20 # nominal inter-page gap (points) self.scrollrate = 20 # pixels per scrollbar increment self.ClearBackground() def OnIdle(self, event): """ Redraw on resize. """ if self.resizing: self.Render() self.resizing = False event.Skip() def OnResize(self, event): """ Buffer size change due to client area resize. """ self.resizing = True self.cachedpages = {} event.Skip() def OnScroll(self,event): """ Recalculate and redraw visible area. CallAfter is *essential* for coordination. """ wx.CallAfter(self.Render, force=False) event.Skip() def OnPaint(self, event): """ Refresh visible window with bitmap contents. """ paintDC = wx.PaintDC(self) if hasattr(self, 'pdc'): paintDC.Blit(0, 0, self.winwidth, self.winheight, self.pdc, self.xshift, self.yshift) else: paintDC.Clear() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The externally callable methods are: LoadFile, Save, Print, SetZoom, and GoPage" def LoadFile(self, pdf_file): """ Read pdf file using pyPdf/pyPDF2. Assume all pages are same size, for now. :param `pdf_file`: can be either a string holding a filename path or a file-like object. """ if isinstance(pdf_file, types.StringTypes): # it must be a filename/path string, open it as a file f = file(pdf_file, 'rb') self.pdfpathname = pdf_file else: # assume it is a file-like object f = pdf_file self.pdfpathname = '' # empty default file name self.pdfdoc = PdfFileReader(f) self.numpages = self.pdfdoc.getNumPages() page1 = self.pdfdoc.getPage(0) self.pagewidth = float(page1.mediaBox.getUpperRight_x()) self.pageheight = float(page1.mediaBox.getUpperRight_y()) self.Scroll(0,0) # in case this is a re-LoadFile self.CalculateDimensions(True) # to get initial visible page range self.unimplemented = {} self.pagedrawings = {} self.formdrawings = {} self.cachedpages = {} # draw and display the minimal set of pages self.DrawFile(self.frompage, self.topage) self.have_file = True # now draw full set of pages wx.CallAfter(self.DrawFile, 0, self.numpages-1) def Save(self): """ A pdf-only Save. """ wild = "Portable document format (*.pdf)|*.pdf" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, message="Save file as ...", wildcard=wild, style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: pathname = dlg.GetPath() shutil.copy(self.pdfpathname, pathname) dlg.Destroy() def Print(self, prompt=True, printer_name=None, orientation=None): """ Print the pdf. :param boolean `prompt`: show the print dialog to the user (True/False). If False, the print dialog will not be shown and the pdf will be printed immediately. Default: True. :param string `printer_name`: the name of the printer that is to receive the printout. Default: as set by the O/S. :param `orientation`: select the orientation (:class:`wx.PORTRAIT` or :class:`wx.LANDSCAPE`) for the printout. Default: as set by the O/S. """ pdd = wx.PrintDialogData() pdd.SetMinPage(1) pdd.SetFromPage(1) pdd.SetMaxPage(self.numpages) pdd.SetToPage(self.numpages) pdata = pdd.GetPrintData() if printer_name: pdata.SetPrinterName(printer_name) if orientation: pdata.SetOrientation(orientation) printer = wx.Printer(pdd) printout = pdfPrintout('', self) if (not printer.Print(self, printout, prompt=prompt) and printer.GetLastError() == wx.PRINTER_ERROR): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Unable to perform printing', 'Printer' , wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() printout.Destroy() def SetZoom(self, zoomscale): """ Positive integer or floating zoom scale will render the file at the corresponding size where 1.0 is "actual" point size (1/72"). -1 fits page width and -2 fits page height into client area Redisplay the current page(s) at the new size :param `zoomscale`: an integer or float """ pagenow = self.frompage self.zoomscale = zoomscale self.cachedpages = {} self.CalculateDimensions(True) self.GoPage(pagenow) def GoPage(self, pagenum): """ Go to page :param integer `pagenum`: go to the provided page number if it is valid """ if pagenum > 0 and pagenum <= self.numpages: self.Scroll(0, pagenum*self.Ypagepixels/self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()[1]) else: self.Scroll(0, 0) self.Render() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This section is concerned with rendering a sub-set of drawing commands on demand" def CalculateDimensions(self, force): """ Compute the required buffer sizes to hold the viewed rectangle and the range of pages visible. Override force flag and set true if the current set of rendered pages changes. """ self.frompage = 0 self.topage = 0 self.clientdc = dc = wx.ClientDC(self) # dc for device scaling self.device_scale = dc.GetPPI()[0]/72.0 # pixels per inch / points per inch self.winwidth, self.winheight = self.GetClientSize() if self.winheight < 100: return self.Ypage = self.pageheight + self.nom_page_gap if self.zoomscale > 0.0: self.scale = self.zoomscale * self.device_scale else: if int(self.zoomscale) == -1: # fit width self.scale = self.winwidth / self.pagewidth else: # fit page self.scale = self.winheight / self.pageheight self.Xpagepixels = int(round(self.pagewidth*self.scale)) self.Ypagepixels = int(round(self.Ypage*self.scale)) # adjust inter-page gap so Ypagepixels is a whole number of scroll increments # and page numbers change precisely on a scroll click idiv = self.Ypagepixels/self.scrollrate nlo = idiv * self.scrollrate nhi = (idiv + 1) * self.scrollrate if nhi - self.Ypagepixels < self.Ypagepixels - nlo: self.Ypagepixels = nhi else: self.Ypagepixels = nlo self.page_gap = self.Ypagepixels/self.scale - self.pageheight self.maxwidth = max(self.winwidth, self.Xpagepixels) self.maxheight = max(self.winheight, self.numpages*self.Ypagepixels) self.SetVirtualSize((self.maxwidth, self.maxheight)) self.SetScrollRate(self.scrollrate,self.scrollrate) xv, yv = self.GetViewStart() dx, dy = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit() self.x0, self.y0 = (xv * dx, yv * dy) self.frompage = min(self.y0/self.Ypagepixels, self.numpages-1) self.topage = min((self.y0+self.winheight-1)/self.Ypagepixels, self.numpages-1) self.pagebufferwidth = max(self.Xpagepixels, self.winwidth) self.pagebufferheight = (self.topage - self.frompage + 1) * self.Ypagepixels # Inform buttonpanel controls of any changes if self.buttonpanel: self.buttonpanel.Update(self.frompage, self.numpages, self.scale/self.device_scale) self.page_y0 = self.frompage * self.Ypagepixels self.page_x0 = 0 self.xshift = self.x0 - self.page_x0 self.yshift = self.y0 - self.page_y0 if force: # by external request self.cur_frompage = self.frompage self.cur_topage = self.topage else: # page range unchanged? whole visible area will always be inside page buffer if self.frompage != self.cur_frompage or self.topage != self.cur_topage: force = True # due to page buffer change self.cur_frompage = self.frompage self.cur_topage = self.topage return force def Render(self, force=True): """ Recalculate dimensions as client area may have been scrolled or resized. The smallest unit of rendering that can be done is the pdf page. So render the drawing commands for the pages in the visible rectangle into a buffer big enough to hold this set of pages. For each page, use gc.Translate to render wrt the pdf origin, which is at the bottom left corner of the page. Force re-creating the page buffer only when client view moves outside it. """ if not self.have_file: return force = self.CalculateDimensions(force) if force: # Initialize the buffer bitmap. self.pagebuffer = wx.Bitmap(self.pagebufferwidth, self.pagebufferheight) self.pdc = wx.MemoryDC(self.pagebuffer) # must persist gc = GraphicsContext.Create(self.pdc) # Cairo/wx.GraphicsContext API # white background path = gc.CreatePath() path.AddRectangle(0, 0, self.pagebuffer.GetWidth(), self.pagebuffer.GetHeight()) gc.SetBrush(wx.WHITE_BRUSH) gc.FillPath(path) for pageno in range(self.frompage, self.topage+1): self.xpageoffset = 0 - self.x0 self.ypageoffset = pageno*self.Ypagepixels - self.page_y0 if pageno in self.cachedpages: self.pdc.Blit(self.xpageoffset, self.ypageoffset, self.Xpagepixels, self.Ypagepixels, self.cachedpages[pageno], 0, 0) else: t1 = time.time() gc.PushState() gc.Translate(0 - self.x0, pageno*self.Ypagepixels + self.pageheight*self.scale - self.page_y0) gc.Scale(self.scale, self.scale) self.RenderPage(gc, self.pagedrawings[pageno]) # Show inter-page gap gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(180, 180, 180))) #mid grey gc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) gc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, self.pagewidth, self.page_gap) gc.PopState() ttr = time.time()-t1 if CACHE_LATE_PAGES and ttr * 1000 > LATE_THRESHOLD: self.CachePage(pageno) # save page out of buffer #print('Page %d rendered in %.3f seconds' % (pageno+1, ttr)) gc.PushState() gc.Translate(0-self.x0, 0-self.page_y0) self.RenderPageBoundaries(gc) gc.PopState() self.Refresh(0) # Blit appropriate area of new or existing page buffer to screen #print('Cached pages:', self.cachedpages.keys()) #self.pagebuffer.SaveFile('pagemap.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) def RenderPage(self, gc, pagedrawings): """ Render the set of pagedrawings In a pdf file, bitmaps are treated as being of unit width and height and are scaled via a previous ConcatTransform containing the corresponding width and height as scale factors. wx.GraphicsContext/Cairo appear not to respond to this so scaling is removed from transform and width & height are added to the Drawbitmap call. """ drawdict = {'ConcatTransform': gc.ConcatTransform, 'PushState': gc.PushState, 'PopState': gc.PopState, 'SetFont': gc.SetFont, 'SetPen': gc.SetPen, 'SetBrush': gc.SetBrush, 'DrawText': gc.DrawText, 'DrawBitmap': gc.DrawBitmap, 'CreatePath': gc.CreatePath, 'DrawPath': gc.DrawPath } for drawcmd, args, kwargs in pagedrawings: if drawcmd == 'ConcatTransform': cm = gc.CreateMatrix(*args, **kwargs) args = (cm,) if drawcmd == 'CreatePath': gp = drawdict[drawcmd](*args, **kwargs) continue elif drawcmd == 'DrawPath': args = (gp, args[1]) if drawcmd in drawdict: drawdict[drawcmd](*args, **kwargs) else: pathdict = {'MoveToPoint': gp.MoveToPoint, 'AddLineToPoint': gp.AddLineToPoint, 'AddCurveToPoint': gp.AddCurveToPoint, 'AddRectangle': gp.AddRectangle, 'CloseSubpath': gp.CloseSubpath } if drawcmd in pathdict: pathdict[drawcmd](*args, **kwargs) def RenderPageBoundaries(self, gc): """ Show non-page areas in grey. """ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.Colour(180, 180, 180))) #mid grey gc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) gc.Scale(1.0, 1.0) extrawidth = self.winwidth - self.Xpagepixels if extrawidth > 0: gc.DrawRectangle(self.winwidth-extrawidth, 0, extrawidth, self.maxheight) extraheight = self.winheight - (self.numpages*self.Ypagepixels - self.y0) if extraheight > 0: gc.DrawRectangle(0, self.winheight-extraheight, self.maxwidth, extraheight) def CachePage(self, pageno): """ When page takes a 'long' time to render, save its contents out of self.pdc and re-use it to minimise jerky scrolling. """ cachebuffer = wx.Bitmap(self.Xpagepixels, self.Ypagepixels) cdc = wx.MemoryDC(cachebuffer) cdc.Blit(0, 0, self.Xpagepixels, self.Ypagepixels, self.pdc, self.xpageoffset, self.ypageoffset) self.cachedpages[pageno] = cdc #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "These methods interpret the PDF contents as a set of drawing commands" def Progress(self, ptype, value): """ This function is called at regular intervals during Drawfile. """ if ptype == 'start': msg = 'Reading pdf file' self.progbar = wx.ProgressDialog('Load file', msg, value, None, wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE| wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME|wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME) elif ptype == 'progress': self.progbar.Update(value) elif ptype == 'end': self.progbar.Destroy() def DrawFile(self, frompage, topage): """ Build set of drawing commands from PDF contents. Ideally these could be drawn straight into a PseudoDC and the visible section painted directly into scrolled window, but we need to be able to zoom and scale the output quickly without having to rebuild the drawing commands (slow). So roll our own command lists, one per page, into self.pagedrawings. """ t0 = time.time() numpages_generated = 0 rp = (self.ShowLoadProgress and frompage == 0 and topage == self.numpages-1) if rp: self.Progress('start', self.numpages) for self.pageno in range(frompage, topage+1): self.gstate = pdfState() # state is reset with every new page self.saved_state = [] self.page = self.pdfdoc.getPage(self.pageno) numpages_generated += 1 pdf_fonts = self.FetchFonts(self.page) self.pagedrawings[self.pageno] = self.ProcessOperators( self.page.extractOperators(), pdf_fonts) if rp: self.Progress('progress', numpages_generated) ## print('Pages %d to %d. %d pages created in %.2f seconds' % ( ## frompage, topage, numpages_generated,(time.time()-t0))) if rp: self.Progress('end', None) self.GoPage(frompage) def FetchFonts(self, currentobject): """ Return the standard fonts in current page or form. """ pdf_fonts = {} fonts = currentobject["/Resources"].getObject()['/Font'] for key in fonts: pdf_fonts[key] = fonts[key]['/BaseFont'][1:] # remove the leading '/' return pdf_fonts def ProcessOperators(self, opslist, pdf_fonts): """ Interpret each operation in opslist and return in drawlist. """ drawlist = [] path = [] for operand, operator in opslist : g = self.gstate if operator == 'cm': # new transformation matrix # some operands need inverting because directions of y axis # in pdf and graphics context are opposite a, b, c, d, e, f = map(float, operand) drawlist.append(['ConcatTransform', (a, -b, -c, d, e, -f), {}]) elif operator == 'q': # save state self.saved_state.append(copy.deepcopy(g)) drawlist.append(['PushState', (), {}]) elif operator == 'Q': # restore state self.gstate = self.saved_state.pop() drawlist.append(['PopState', (), {}]) elif operator == 'RG': # Stroke RGB rs, gs, bs = [int(v*255) for v in map(float, operand)] g.strokeRGB = wx.Colour(rs, gs, bs) elif operator == 'rg': # Fill RGB rf, gf, bf = [int(v*255) for v in map(float, operand)] g.fillRGB = wx.Colour(rf, gf, bf) elif operator == 'K': # Stroke CMYK rs, gs, bs = self.ConvertCMYK(operand) g.strokeRGB = wx.Colour(rs, gs, bs) elif operator == 'k': # Fill CMYK rf, gf, bf = self.ConvertCMYK(operand) g.fillRGB = wx.Colour(rf, gf, bf) elif operator == 'w': # Line width g.lineWidth = float(operand[0]) elif operator == 'J': # Line cap ix = float(operand[0]) g.lineCapStyle = {0: wx.CAP_BUTT, 1: wx.CAP_ROUND, 2: wx.CAP_PROJECTING}[ix] elif operator == 'j': # Line join ix = float(operand[0]) g.lineJoinStyle = {0: wx.JOIN_MITER, 1: wx.JOIN_ROUND, 2: wx.JOIN_BEVEL}[ix] elif operator == 'd': # Line dash pattern g.lineDashArray = map(int, operand[0]) g.lineDashPhase = int(operand[1]) elif operator in ('m', 'c', 'l', 're', 'v', 'y', 'h'): # path defining ops path.append([map(float, operand), operator]) elif operator in ('b', 'B', 'b*', 'B*', 'f', 'F', 'f*', 's', 'S', 'n'): # path drawing ops drawlist.extend(self.DrawPath(path, operator)) path = [] elif operator == 'BT': # begin text object g.textMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] g.textLineMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] elif operator == 'ET': # end text object continue elif operator == 'Tm': # text matrix g.textMatrix = map(float, operand) g.textLineMatrix = map(float, operand) elif operator == 'TL': # text leading g.leading = float(operand[0]) #elif operator == 'Tc': # character spacing # g.charSpacing = float(operand[0]) elif operator == 'Tw': # word spacing g.wordSpacing = float(operand[0]) elif operator == 'Ts': # super/subscript g.textRise = float(operand[0]) elif operator == 'Td': # next line via offsets g.textLineMatrix[4] += float(operand[0]) g.textLineMatrix[5] += float(operand[1]) g.textMatrix = copy.copy(g.textLineMatrix) elif operator == 'T*': # next line via leading g.textLineMatrix[4] += 0 g.textLineMatrix[5] -= g.leading if g.leading is not None else 0 g.textMatrix = copy.copy(g.textLineMatrix) elif operator == 'Tf': # text font g.font = pdf_fonts[operand[0]] g.fontSize = float(operand[1]) elif operator == 'Tj': # show text drawlist.extend(self.DrawTextString(operand[0])) elif operator == 'Do': # invoke named XObject drawlist.extend(self.InsertXObject(operand[0])) elif operator == 'INLINE IMAGE': # special pyPdf case + operand is a dict drawlist.extend(self.InlineImage(operand)) else: # report once if operator not in self.unimplemented: if VERBOSE: print('PDF operator %s is not implemented' % operator) self.unimplemented[operator] = 1 # Fix bitmap transform. Remove the scaling from any transform matrix that precedes # a DrawBitmap operation as the scaling is now done in that operation. for k in range(len(drawlist)-1): if drawlist[k][0] == 'ConcatTransform' and drawlist[k+1][0] == 'DrawBitmap': args = list(drawlist[k][1]) args[0] = 1.0 args[3] = 1.0 drawlist[k][1] = tuple(args) return drawlist def SetFont(self, pdfont, size): """ Returns :class:`Font` instance from supplied pdf font information. """ self.knownfont = True pdfont = pdfont.lower() if pdfont.count('courier'): family = wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN font = 'Courier New' elif pdfont.count('helvetica'): family = wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS font = 'Arial' elif pdfont.count('times'): family = wx.FONTFAMILY_ROMAN font = 'Times New Roman' elif pdfont.count('symbol'): family = wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT font = 'Symbol' elif pdfont.count('zapfdingbats'): family = wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT font = 'Wingdings' else: if VERBOSE: print('Unknown font %s' % pdfont) self.knownfont = False family = wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS font = 'Arial' weight = wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL if pdfont.count('bold'): weight = wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD style = wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL if pdfont.count('oblique') or pdfont.count('italic'): style = wx.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC return wx.Font(max(1,size), family, style, weight, faceName=font) def DrawTextString(self, text): """ Draw a text string. Word spacing only works for horizontal text. :param string `text`: the text to draw """ dlist = [] g = self.gstate f = self.SetFont(g.font, g.fontSize*FONTSCALE) dlist.append(['SetFont', (f, g.fillRGB), {}]) if g.wordSpacing > 0: textlist = text.split(' ') else: textlist = [text,] for item in textlist: dlist.append(self.DrawTextItem(item, f)) return dlist def DrawTextItem(self, textitem, f): """ Draw a text item. :param `textitem`: the item to draw ??? what is the type :param `f`: the font to use for text extent measuring ??? """ dc = wx.ClientDC(self) # dummy dc for text extents g = self.gstate x = g.textMatrix[4] y = g.textMatrix[5] + g.textRise if g.wordSpacing > 0: textitem += ' ' wid, ht, descend, xlead = dc.GetFullTextExtent(textitem, f) if have_rlwidth and self.knownfont: # use ReportLab stringWidth if available width = stringWidth(textitem, g.font, g.fontSize) else: width = wid/self.device_scale g.textMatrix[4] += (width + g.wordSpacing) # update current x position return ['DrawText', (textitem, x, -y-(ht-descend)/self.device_scale), {}] def DrawPath(self, path, action): """ Stroke and/or fill the defined path depending on operator. """ dlist = [] g = self.gstate acts = {'S': (1, 0, 0), 's': (1, 0, 0), 'f': (0, 1, wx.WINDING_RULE), 'F': (0, 1, wx.WINDING_RULE), 'f*': (0, 1, wx.ODDEVEN_RULE), 'B': (1, 1, wx.WINDING_RULE), 'B*': (1, 1, wx.ODDEVEN_RULE), 'b': (1, 1, wx.WINDING_RULE), 'b*': (1, 1, wx.ODDEVEN_RULE), 'n': (0, 0, 0) } stroke, fill, rule = acts[action] if action in ('s', 'b', 'b*'): path.append([[], 'h']) # close path if stroke: if g.lineDashArray: style = wx.PENSTYLE_USER_DASH else: style = wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID cpen = wx.Pen(g.strokeRGB, g.lineWidth, style) cpen.SetCap(g.lineCapStyle) cpen.SetJoin(g.lineJoinStyle) if g.lineDashArray: cpen.SetDashes(g.lineDashArray) dlist.append(['SetPen', (cpen,), {}]) else: dlist.append(['SetPen', (wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN,), {}]) if fill: dlist.append(['SetBrush', (wx.Brush(g.fillRGB),), {}]) else: dlist.append(['SetBrush', (wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH,), {}]) dlist.append(['CreatePath', (), {}]) for xylist, op in path: if op == 'm': # move (to) current point x0 = xc = xylist[0] y0 = yc = -xylist[1] dlist.append(['MoveToPoint', (x0, y0), {}]) elif op == 'l': # draw line x2 = xylist[0] y2 = -xylist[1] dlist.append(['AddLineToPoint', (x2, y2), {}]) xc = x2 yc = y2 elif op == 're': # draw rectangle (x,y at top left) x = xylist[0] y = -xylist[1] w = xylist[2] h = xylist[3] dlist.append(['AddRectangle', (x, y-h, w, h), {}]) elif op in ('c', 'v', 'y'): # draw Bezier curve args = [] if op == 'v': args.extend([xc, yc]) args.extend([xylist[0], -xylist[1], xylist[2], -xylist[3]]) if op == 'y': args.extend([xylist[2], -xylist[3]]) if op == 'c': args.extend([xylist[4], -xylist[5]]) dlist.append(['AddCurveToPoint', args, {}]) elif op == 'h': dlist.append(['CloseSubpath', (), {}]) dlist.append(['DrawPath', ('GraphicsPath', rule), {}]) return dlist def InsertXObject(self, name): """ XObject can be an image or a 'form' (an arbitrary PDF sequence). """ dlist = [] xobject = self.page["/Resources"].getObject()['/XObject'] stream = xobject[name] if stream.get('/Subtype') == '/Form': # insert contents into current page drawing if not name in self.formdrawings: # extract if not already done pdf_fonts = self.FetchFonts(stream) bbox = stream.get('/BBox') matrix = stream.get('/Matrix') form_ops = ContentStream(stream, self.pdfdoc).operations oplist = [([], 'q'), (matrix, 'cm')] # push state & apply matrix oplist.extend(form_ops) # add form contents oplist.append(([], 'Q')) # restore original state self.formdrawings[name] = self.ProcessOperators(oplist, pdf_fonts) dlist.extend(self.formdrawings[name]) elif stream.get('/Subtype') == '/Image': width = stream.get('/Width') height = stream.get('/Height') depth = stream.get('/BitsPerComponent') filters = stream.get("/Filter", ()) dlist.append(self.AddBitmap(stream._data, width, height, filters)) return dlist def InlineImage(self, operand): """ Operand contains an image. """ dlist = [] data = operand.get('data') settings = operand.get('settings') width = settings['/W'] height = settings['/H'] depth = settings['/BPC'] filters = settings['/F'] dlist.append(self.AddBitmap(data, width, height, filters)) return dlist def AddBitmap(self, data, width, height, filters): """ Add wx.Bitmap from data, processed by filters. """ if '/A85' in filters or '/ASCII85Decode' in filters: data = _AsciiBase85DecodePYTHON(data) if '/Fl' in filters or '/FlateDecode' in filters: data = FlateDecode.decode(data, None) if '/DCT' in filters or '/DCTDecode' in filters: stream = BytesIO(data) image = wx.Image(stream, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) bitmap = wx.Bitmap(image) else: bitmap = wx.BitmapFromBuffer(width, height, data) return ['DrawBitmap', (bitmap, 0, 0-height, width, height), {}] def ConvertCMYK(self, operand): """ Convert CMYK values (0 to 1.0) in operand to nearest RGB. """ c, m, y, k = operand r = round((1-c)*(1-k)*255) b = round((1-y)*(1-k)*255) g = round((1-m)*(1-k)*255) return (r, g, b) @property def ShowLoadProgress(self): """ Property to control if loading progress be shown. """ return self._showLoadProgress @ShowLoadProgress.setter def ShowLoadProgress(self, flag): """ Setter for showLoadProgress. """ self._showLoadProgress = flag @property def UsePrintDirect(self): """ Property to control to use either Cairo (via a page buffer) or dcGraphicsContext. """ return self._usePrintDirect @UsePrintDirect.setter def UsePrintDirect(self, flag): """ Setter for usePrintDirect. """ self._usePrintDirect = flag #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class pdfState: """ Instance holds the current pdf graphics and text state. It can be saved (pushed) and restored (popped) by the owning parent. """ def __init__ (self): """ Creates an instance with default values. Individual attributes are modified directly not via getters and setters. """ self.lineWidth = 1.0 self.lineCapStyle = wx.CAP_BUTT self.lineJoinStyle = wx.JOIN_MITER self.lineDashArray = [] self.lineDashPhase = 0 self.miterLimit = None self.strokeRGB = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0) self.fillRGB = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0) # used for both shapes & text self.fillMode = None self.textMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] self.textLineMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] self.charSpacing = 0 self.wordSpacing = 0 self.horizontalScaling = None self.leading = None self.font = None self.fontSize = None self.textRenderMode = None self.textRise = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class pdfPrintout(wx.Printout): """ Class encapsulating the functionality of printing out the document. The methods below over-ride those of the base class and supply document-specific information to the printing framework that calls them internally. """ def __init__(self, title, view): """ Pass in the instance of dpViewer to be printed. """ wx.Printout.__init__(self, title) self.view = view def HasPage(self, pageno): """ Report whether pageno exists. """ if pageno <= self.view.numpages: return True else: return False def GetPageInfo(self): """ Supply maximum range of pages and the range to be printed These are initial values passed to Printer dialog, where they can be amended by user. """ max = self.view.numpages return (1, max, 1, max) def OnPrintPage(self, page): """ Provide the data for page by rendering the drawing commands to the printer DC using either Cairo (via a page buffer) or dcGraphicsContext depending on the self.view.usePrintDirect property. """ if self.view.UsePrintDirect: self.PrintDirect(page) else: self.PrintViaBuffer(page) return True def PrintDirect(self, page): """ Provide the data for page by rendering the drawing commands to the printer DC using :class:`~lib.pdfviewer.dcgraphics.dcGraphicsContext`. """ pageno = page - 1 # zero based width = self.view.pagewidth height = self.view.pageheight self.FitThisSizeToPage(wx.Size(width, height)) dc = self.GetDC() gc = dcGraphicsContext.Create(dc, height, have_cairo) self.view.RenderPage(gc, self.view.pagedrawings[pageno]) def PrintViaBuffer(self, page): """ Provide the data for page by drawing it as a bitmap to the printer DC sfac needs to provide a high enough resolution bitmap for printing that reduces anti-aliasing blur but be kept small to minimise printing time . """ sfac = 6.0 pageno = page - 1 # zero based dc = self.GetDC() width = self.view.pagewidth*sfac height = self.view.pageheight*sfac self.FitThisSizeToPage(wx.Size(width, height)) # Initialize the buffer bitmap. buffer = wx.Bitmap(width, height) mdc = wx.MemoryDC(buffer) gc = GraphicsContext.Create(mdc) # white background path = gc.CreatePath() path.AddRectangle(0, 0, width, height) gc.SetBrush(wx.WHITE_BRUSH) gc.FillPath(path) gc.Translate(0, height) gc.Scale(sfac, sfac) self.view.RenderPage(gc, self.view.pagedrawings[pageno]) dc.DrawBitmap(buffer, 0, 0) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ The following has been "borrowed" from from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfutils, where it is used for testing, because the equivalent function in pyPdf fails when attempting to decode an embedded JPEG image. """ def _AsciiBase85DecodePYTHON(input): """ Decodes input using ASCII-Base85 coding. This is not used - Acrobat Reader decodes for you - but a round trip is essential for testing. """ #strip all whitespace stripped = ''.join(input.split()) #check end assert stripped[-2:] == '~>', 'Invalid terminator for Ascii Base 85 Stream' stripped = stripped[:-2] #chop off terminator #may have 'z' in it which complicates matters - expand them stripped = stripped.replace('z','!!!!!') # special rules apply if not a multiple of five bytes. whole_word_count, remainder_size = divmod(len(stripped), 5) #print('%d words, %d leftover' % (whole_word_count, remainder_size)) #assert remainder_size != 1, 'invalid Ascii 85 stream!' cut = 5 * whole_word_count body, lastbit = stripped[0:cut], stripped[cut:] out = [].append for i in xrange(whole_word_count): offset = i*5 c1 = ord(body[offset]) - 33 c2 = ord(body[offset+1]) - 33 c3 = ord(body[offset+2]) - 33 c4 = ord(body[offset+3]) - 33 c5 = ord(body[offset+4]) - 33 num = ((85**4) * c1) + ((85**3) * c2) + ((85**2) * c3) + (85*c4) + c5 temp, b4 = divmod(num,256) temp, b3 = divmod(temp,256) b1, b2 = divmod(temp, 256) assert num == 16777216 * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4, 'dodgy code!' out(chr(b1)) out(chr(b2)) out(chr(b3)) out(chr(b4)) #decode however many bytes we have as usual if remainder_size > 0: while len(lastbit) < 5: lastbit = lastbit + '!' c1 = ord(lastbit[0]) - 33 c2 = ord(lastbit[1]) - 33 c3 = ord(lastbit[2]) - 33 c4 = ord(lastbit[3]) - 33 c5 = ord(lastbit[4]) - 33 num = (((85*c1+c2)*85+c3)*85+c4)*85 + (c5 +(0,0,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF)[remainder_size]) temp, b4 = divmod(num,256) temp, b3 = divmod(temp,256) b1, b2 = divmod(temp, 256) assert num == 16777216 * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4, 'dodgy code!' #print('decoding: %d %d %d %d %d -> %d -> %d %d %d %d' % ( # c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,num,b1,b2,b3,b4)) #the last character needs 1 adding; the encoding loses #data by rounding the number to x bytes, and when #divided repeatedly we get one less if remainder_size == 2: lastword = chr(b1) elif remainder_size == 3: lastword = chr(b1) + chr(b2) elif remainder_size == 4: lastword = chr(b1) + chr(b2) + chr(b3) else: lastword = '' out(lastword) #terminator code for ascii 85 return ''.join(out.__self__)