""" CInterval-extensions module: contains methods to extend functionality of the CInterval class """ from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify notify = directNotify.newCategory("Interval") def setT(self, t): # Overridden from the C++ function to call privPostEvent # afterward. We do this by renaming the C++ function in # FFIRename. self._priv__cSetT(t) self.privPostEvent() def play(self, t0 = 0.0, duration = None, scale = 1.0): self.notify.error("using deprecated CInterval.play() interface") if duration: # None or 0 implies full length self.start(t0, t0 + duration, scale) else: self.start(t0, -1, scale) def stop(self): self.notify.error("using deprecated CInterval.stop() interface") self.finish() def setFinalT(self): self.notify.error("using deprecated CInterval.setFinalT() interface") self.finish() def privPostEvent(self): # Call after calling any of the priv* methods to do any required # Python finishing steps. t = self.getT() if hasattr(self, "setTHooks"): for func in self.setTHooks: func(t) def popupControls(self, tl = None): """ Popup control panel for interval. """ from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import Toplevel, Frame, Button, LEFT, X, Pmw import math from direct.tkwidgets import EntryScale if tl == None: tl = Toplevel() tl.title('Interval Controls') outerFrame = Frame(tl) def entryScaleCommand(t, s=self): s.setT(t) s.pause() self.es = es = EntryScale.EntryScale( outerFrame, text = self.getName(), min = 0, max = math.floor(self.getDuration() * 100) / 100, command = entryScaleCommand) es.set(self.getT(), fCommand = 0) es.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) bf = Frame(outerFrame) # Jump to start and end def toStart(s=self, es=es): s.clearToInitial() s.setT(0) es.set(0, fCommand = 0) def toEnd(s=self): s.setT(s.getDuration()) s.pause() jumpToStart = Button(bf, text = '<<', command = toStart) # Stop/play buttons def doPlay(s=self, es=es): s.resume(es.get()) stop = Button(bf, text = 'Stop', command = lambda s=self: s.pause()) play = Button( bf, text = 'Play', command = doPlay) jumpToEnd = Button(bf, text = '>>', command = toEnd) jumpToStart.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) play.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) stop.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) jumpToEnd.pack(side = LEFT, expand = 1, fill = X) bf.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) outerFrame.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) # Add function to update slider during setT calls def update(t, es=es): es.set(t, fCommand = 0) if not hasattr(self, "setTHooks"): self.setTHooks = [] self.setTHooks.append(update) self.setWantsTCallback(1) # Clear out function on destroy def onDestroy(e, s=self, u=update): if u in s.setTHooks: s.setTHooks.remove(u) tl.bind('<Destroy>', onDestroy)