# Gordon McMillan (as inspired and influenced by Greg Stein)

# subclasses may not need marshal or struct, but since they're
# builtin, importing is safe.
# While an Archive is really an abstraction for any "filesystem
# within a file", it is tuned for use with imputil.FuncImporter.
# This assumes it contains python code objects, indexed by the
# the internal name (ie, no '.py').
# See carchive.py for a more general archive (contains anything)
# that can be understood by a C program.

#archive_rt is a stripped down version of MEInc.Dist.archive.
#It has had all building logic removed.
#It's purpose is to bootstrap the Python installation.

import marshal
import struct

class Archive:
  """ A base class for a repository of python code objects.
      The extract method is used by imputil.ArchiveImporter
      to get code objects by name (fully qualified name), so
      an enduser "import a.b" would become
  MAGIC = 'PYL\0'
  HDRLEN = 12        # default is MAGIC followed by python's magic, int pos of toc
  TOCPOS = 8
  TRLLEN = 0        # default - no trailer
  TOCTMPLT = {}     #
  os = None
  def __init__(self, path=None, start=0):
    "Initialize an Archive. If path is omitted, it will be an empty Archive."
    self.toc = None
    self.path = path
    self.start = start
    import imp
    self.pymagic = imp.get_magic()
    if path is not None:
      self.lib = open(self.path, 'rb')

  ####### Sub-methods of __init__ - override as needed #############
  def checkmagic(self):
    """ Overridable.
        Check to see if the file object self.lib actually has a file
        we understand.
    self.lib.seek(self.start)   #default - magic is at start of file
    if self.lib.read(len(self.MAGIC)) != self.MAGIC:
      raise RuntimeError, "%s is not a valid %s archive file" \
                % (self.path, self.__class__.__name__)
    if self.lib.read(len(self.pymagic)) != self.pymagic:
      raise RuntimeError, "%s has version mismatch to dll" % (self.path)

  def loadtoc(self):
    """ Overridable.
        Default: After magic comes an int (4 byte native) giving the
        position of the TOC within self.lib.
        Default: The TOC is a marshal-able string.
    self.lib.seek(self.start + self.TOCPOS)
    (offset,) = struct.unpack('=i', self.lib.read(4))
    self.lib.seek(self.start + offset)
    self.toc = marshal.load(self.lib)

  ######## This is what is called by FuncImporter #######
  ## Since an Archive is flat, we ignore parent and modname.

  def get_code(self, parent, modname, fqname):
    print "parent: ", parent
    print "modname: ", modname
    print "fqname: ", fqname
    return self.extract(fqname) # None if not found, (ispkg, code) otherwise
    if rslt is None:
      return None
    ispkg, code = rslt
    if ispkg:
      return ispkg, code, {'__path__': []}
    return rslt

  ####### Core method - Override as needed  #########
  def extract(self, name):
    """ Get the object corresponding to name, or None.
        For use with imputil ArchiveImporter, object is a python code object.
        'name' is the name as specified in an 'import name'.
        'import a.b' will become:
        extract('a') (return None because 'a' is not a code object)
        extract('a.__init__') (return a code object)
        extract('a.b') (return a code object)
        Default implementation:
          self.toc is a dict
          self.toc[name] is pos
          self.lib has the code object marshal-ed at pos
    ispkg, pos = self.toc.get(name, (0, None))
    if pos is None:
      return None
    self.lib.seek(self.start + pos)
    return ispkg, marshal.load(self.lib)

  # Informational methods

  def contents(self):
    """Return a list of the contents
       Default implementation assumes self.toc is a dict like object.
       Not required by ArchiveImporter.
    return self.toc.keys()

  # Building

  ####### Top level method - shouldn't need overriding #######
##  def build(self, path, lTOC):
##    """Create an archive file of name 'path'.
##       lTOC is a 'logical TOC' - a list of (name, path, ...)
##       where name is the internal name, eg 'a'
##       and path is a file to get the object from, eg './a.pyc'.
##    """
##    self.path = path
##    self.lib = open(path, 'wb')
##    #reserve space for the header
##    if self.HDRLEN:
##      self.lib.write('\0'*self.HDRLEN)
##    #create an empty toc
##    if type(self.TOCTMPLT) == type({}):
##      self.toc = {}
##    else:       # assume callable
##      self.toc = self.TOCTMPLT()
##    for tocentry in lTOC:
##      self.add(tocentry)   # the guts of the archive
##    tocpos = self.lib.tell()
##    self.save_toc(tocpos)
##    if self.TRLLEN:
##      self.save_trailer(tocpos)
##    if self.HDRLEN:
##      self.update_headers(tocpos)
##    self.lib.close()
##  ####### manages keeping the internal TOC and the guts in sync #######
##  def add(self, entry):
##    """Override this to influence the mechanics of the Archive.
##       Assumes entry is a seq beginning with (nm, pth, ...) where
##       nm is the key by which we'll be asked for the object.
##       pth is the name of where we find the object. Overrides of
##       get_obj_from can make use of further elements in entry.
##    """
##    if self.os is None:
##      import os
##      self.os = os
##    nm = entry[0]
##    pth = entry[1]
##    ispkg = self.os.path.splitext(self.os.path.basename(pth))[0] == '__init__'
##    self.toc[nm] = (ispkg, self.lib.tell())
##    f = open(entry[1], 'rb')
##    f.seek(8) #skip magic and timestamp
##    self.lib.write(f.read())
##  def save_toc(self, tocpos):
##    """Default - toc is a dict
##       Gets marshaled to self.lib
##    """
##    marshal.dump(self.toc, self.lib)
##  def save_trailer(self, tocpos):
##    """Default - not used"""
##    pass
##  def update_headers(self, tocpos):
##    """Default - MAGIC + Python's magic + tocpos"""
##    self.lib.seek(self.start)
##    self.lib.write(self.MAGIC)
##    self.lib.write(self.pymagic)
##    self.lib.write(struct.pack('=i', tocpos))

# ZlibArchive - an archive with compressed entries

class ZlibArchive(Archive):
  MAGIC = 'PYZ\0'
  TOCPOS = 8
  HDRLEN = 12
  TRLLEN = 0
  LEVEL = 9

  def __init__(self, path=None, offset=0):
    Archive.__init__(self, path, offset)
    # dynamic import so not imported if not needed
    global zlib
    import zlib

  def extract(self, name):
    (ispkg, pos, lngth) = self.toc.get(name, (0, None, 0))
    if pos is None:
      return None
    self.lib.seek(self.start + pos)
    return ispkg, marshal.loads(zlib.decompress(self.lib.read(lngth)))

##  def add(self, entry):
##    if self.os is None:
##      import os
##      self.os = os
##    nm = entry[0]
##    pth = entry[1]
##    ispkg = self.os.path.splitext(self.os.path.basename(pth))[0] == '__init__'
##    f = open(pth, 'rb')
##    f.seek(8) #skip magic and timestamp
##    obj = zlib.compress(f.read(), self.LEVEL)
##    self.toc[nm] = (ispkg, self.lib.tell(), len(obj))
##    self.lib.write(obj)