"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = [] """ Global definitions used by Direct Gui Classes and handy constants that can be used during widget construction """ from pandac.PandaModules import * defaultFont = None defaultFontFunc = TextNode.getDefaultFont defaultClickSound = None defaultRolloverSound = None defaultDialogGeom = None drawOrder = 100 panel = None # USEFUL GUI CONSTANTS # Constant used to indicate that an option can only be set by a call # to the constructor. INITOPT = ['initopt'] # Mouse buttons LMB = 0 MMB = 1 RMB = 2 # Widget state NORMAL = 'normal' DISABLED = 'disabled' # Frame style FLAT = PGFrameStyle.TFlat RAISED = PGFrameStyle.TBevelOut SUNKEN = PGFrameStyle.TBevelIn GROOVE = PGFrameStyle.TGroove RIDGE = PGFrameStyle.TRidge TEXTUREBORDER = PGFrameStyle.TTextureBorder FrameStyleDict = {'flat': FLAT, 'raised': RAISED, 'sunken': SUNKEN, 'groove': GROOVE, 'ridge': RIDGE, 'texture_border': TEXTUREBORDER, } # Orientation of DirectSlider and DirectScrollBar HORIZONTAL = 'horizontal' VERTICAL = 'vertical' VERTICAL_INVERTED = 'vertical_inverted' # Dialog button values DIALOG_NO = 0 DIALOG_OK = DIALOG_YES = DIALOG_RETRY = 1 DIALOG_CANCEL = -1 # User can bind commands to these gui events DESTROY = 'destroy-' PRINT = 'print-' ENTER = PGButton.getEnterPrefix() EXIT = PGButton.getExitPrefix() WITHIN = PGButton.getWithinPrefix() WITHOUT = PGButton.getWithoutPrefix() B1CLICK = PGButton.getClickPrefix() + MouseButton.one().getName() + '-' B2CLICK = PGButton.getClickPrefix() + MouseButton.two().getName() + '-' B3CLICK = PGButton.getClickPrefix() + MouseButton.three().getName() + '-' B1PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.one().getName() + '-' B2PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.two().getName() + '-' B3PRESS = PGButton.getPressPrefix() + MouseButton.three().getName() + '-' B1RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.one().getName() + '-' B2RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.two().getName() + '-' B3RELEASE = PGButton.getReleasePrefix() + MouseButton.three().getName() + '-' # For DirectEntry widgets OVERFLOW = PGEntry.getOverflowPrefix() ACCEPT = PGEntry.getAcceptPrefix() + KeyboardButton.enter().getName() + '-' ACCEPTFAILED = PGEntry.getAcceptFailedPrefix() + KeyboardButton.enter().getName() + '-' TYPE = PGEntry.getTypePrefix() ERASE = PGEntry.getErasePrefix() CURSORMOVE = PGEntry.getCursormovePrefix() # For DirectSlider and DirectScrollBar widgets ADJUST = PGSliderBar.getAdjustPrefix() # For setting the sorting order of a widget's visible components IMAGE_SORT_INDEX = 10 GEOM_SORT_INDEX = 20 TEXT_SORT_INDEX = 30 # Handy conventions for organizing top-level gui objects in loose buckets. BACKGROUND_SORT_INDEX = -100 MIDGROUND_SORT_INDEX = 0 FOREGROUND_SORT_INDEX = 100 # Symbolic constants for the indexes into an optionInfo list. _OPT_DEFAULT = 0 _OPT_VALUE = 1 _OPT_FUNCTION = 2 # DirectButton States: BUTTON_READY_STATE = PGButton.SReady # 0 BUTTON_DEPRESSED_STATE = PGButton.SDepressed # 1 BUTTON_ROLLOVER_STATE = PGButton.SRollover # 2 BUTTON_INACTIVE_STATE = PGButton.SInactive # 3 def getDefaultRolloverSound(): return defaultRolloverSound def setDefaultRolloverSound(newSound): global defaultRolloverSound defaultRolloverSound = newSound def getDefaultClickSound(): return defaultClickSound def setDefaultClickSound(newSound): global defaultClickSound defaultClickSound = newSound def getDefaultFont(): global defaultFont if defaultFont == None: defaultFont = defaultFontFunc() return defaultFont def setDefaultFont(newFont): global defaultFont defaultFont = newFont def setDefaultFontFunc(newFontFunc): global defaultFontFunc defaultFontFunc = newFontFunc def getDefaultDialogGeom(): global defaultDialogGeom if defaultDialogGeom == None: defaultDialogGeom = loader.loadModel('models/gui/dialog_box_gui', okMissing = True) return defaultDialogGeom def setDefaultDialogGeom(newDialogGeom): global defaultDialogGeom defaultDialogGeom = newDialogGeom def getDefaultDrawOrder(): return drawOrder def setDefaultDrawOrder(newDrawOrder): global drawOrder drawOrder = newDrawOrder def getDefaultPanel(): return panel def setDefaultPanel(newPanel): global panel panel = newPanel #from OnscreenText import * #from OnscreenGeom import * #from OnscreenImage import *