"""This is a web based inspector for the AI System. It can be accessed via
The hostname.domain would of course be the computer that the AI is running on.
The port will need to be defined when the instance is inited.
import string, time, direct, inspect, socket
from operator import itemgetter
from direct.http import WebRequest
from socket import gethostname
from direct.task.Task import Task
from sys import platform
from pirates.uberdog.AIMagicWordTrade import AIMagicWordTrade
from pirates.quest.QuestDB import QuestDict
# Need to figure out which systeminfo module to import
if platform == 'win32':
from windowsSystemInfo import SystemInformation
from linuxSystemInfo import SystemInformation
class aiWebServer(SystemInformation):
def __init__(self, air, listenPort=8080):
self.listenPort = listenPort
self.air = simbase.air
# self.taskMgr = Task.TaskManager()
if __debug__:
print "Listen port set to: %d" % self.listenPort
# Start dispatcher
self.web = WebRequest.WebRequestDispatcher()
self.localHostName = gethostname()
self.web.registerGETHandler('inspect', self.inspect)
self.web.registerGETHandler('systemInfo', self.systemInfo)
self.web.registerGETHandler('oMenu', self.oMenu)
self.web.registerGETHandler('oType', self.oType)
self.web.registerGETHandler('oInst', self.oInst)
self.web.registerGETHandler('blank', self.blank)
self.web.registerGETHandler('magicWord', self.magicWord)
self.air.setConnectionURL("http://%s:%s/" % (socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()),self.HTTPListenPort))
def magicWord(self, replyTo, **kw):
# This will process Magic Word requests
# Currently the following words are supported:
# ~aiobjectcount
# ~aitaskmgr
# ~aijobmgr
# ~assignQuest
# ~money
# First we need to figure out which magic word is being called
theMagicWord = kw['magicWord']
except KeyError:
# MagicWord issue. Malformed URL
\n\nMagic Word Error\nPlease check the URL. Transaction could not be completed. Malformed URL.\n')
# Next we execute the magic word request
if theMagicWord == 'aiobjectcount':
\n' % (theMagicWord, jobMgr))
elif theMagicWord == 'money':
# First, generate the Avatar HTML Select widget.
selectWidget = self.genAvSelect()
# Now that we've built the avatar list, we can repond with the HTML
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMoney\n\n' % selectWidget)
elif theMagicWord == 'MONEY_ADD':
av = kw['avatarId']
count = kw['amount']
av = int(av)
count = int(count)
except ValueError:
# One or both of the two args could not be converted into a int
# This being the case, the transaction mut be stopped.
# The most likely cause is the input of a non num type into
# the amount field
print 'Incorrect value entered.'
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMoney Error\nPlease check the Amount field. Transaction could not be completed.\n')
av = simbase.air.doId2do[av]
except KeyError:
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMoney Error\nPlease check the AvatarID field; the Avatar might have logged out. Transaction could not be completed.\n')
curGold = av.getInventory().getGoldInPocket()
# print "Debug: Args being passed to AIMAgicWordTrade:\t%s" % av
trade = AIMagicWordTrade(av, av.getDoId(), avatarId = av.getDoId())
if count > curGold:
trade.giveGoldInPocket(count - curGold)
trade.takeGoldInPocket(curGold - count)
# I don't think I need to issue a tradeRejected or
# tradeSucceesed call here.
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMoney Modified\nTransaction complete.\n')
elif theMagicWord == 'assignQuest':
avSelectWidget = self.genAvSelect()
questSelectWidget = self.genQuestSelect()
# Present HTML menu with options
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nAssignQuest\n\n' % (avSelectWidget, questSelectWidget))
elif theMagicWord == 'QUEST_ADD':
av = kw['avatarId']
av = int(av)
questId = kw['questId']
# print 'Avatarid = %s\nQuestID = %s' % (av, questId)
av = simbase.air.doId2do[av]
except KeyError:
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMoney Error\nPlease check the AvatarID field; the Avatar might have logged out. Transaction could not be completed.\n')
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nQuest Assigned\nThe avatar with id: %s Has been assigned Quest: %s\n' % (kw['avatarId'], questId))
# No word Matches
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nNo Word Matches\nThe Magic word provided does not exist or is not accessable via the web interface at this time.\n')
def timeStamp(self):
# Returns the local time in the following string format:
# Month-Day-Year Hour:Minute:Seconds
# Example: 09-17-2007 15:36:04
return time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
def oMenu(self, replyTo, **kw):
# Menu listing Magic words and Raw object list (all HTML links)
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nMenu Options\nMagic Words:
Raw Object List\n')
def genAvSelect(self):
# We will need to populate HTML FORM menus to make this work.
# We will need to provide a list of Avatars on the AI
# along with a field to allow an int value to be sent
# First, we need to get a dict of DistributedPlayerPirateAI's
playerPirates = []
objList = self.generateSortedIDList()
while objList:
tempObjElement = objList.pop()
if str(tempObjElement[0]).find('DistributedPlayerPirateAI') != -1:
# OK, now playerPirates should be a list of avatar ids
# We should build a HTML select widget with the new list
selectWidget = ' \n' % selectWidget
return selectWidget
def genQuestSelect(self):
# Will generate an HTML select widget, with the Key vals from the QuestDB
selectWidget = ' \n' % selectWidget
return selectWidget
def blank(self, replyTo, **kw):
# This simple generates a blank page for the middle and right
# frames;( for when the page is first accessed)
\n\nWord not found\n\n')
def oInst(self, replyTo, **kw):
# This will populate the middle frame with list of the members of
# the object selected in the left frame
#print "%s|oInst Frame Accessed, Request ID %s" % (self.timeStamp(), str(kw))
head = '\n\n\n\nmember List\n\n\n
foot = '
body = ''
doIdRequested = ''
for j, k in kw.iteritems():
doIdRequested = int(k)
#print j,k
memberList = inspect.getmembers(simbase.air.doId2do[doIdRequested])
except KeyError:
replyTo.respond('\n\n\n\nOBJ Gone\nThe object is no longer on the system\n')
while memberList:
tempMember = memberList.pop()
if (type(tempMember[1]) == str or type(tempMember[1]) == int or type(tempMember[1]) == float or type(tempMember[1]) == dict):
body = '%s
%s\n' % (body, str(tempMember))
replyTo.respond('%s%s%s' % (head,body,foot))
def oType(self, replyTo, **kw):
# This will populate the left frame with a alpha sorted list of
# objects.
# print "%s|oType Frame Accessed" % self.timeStamp()
head = '\n\n\n\nObject List\n\n\n
foot = '
objList = self.generateSortedIDList()
# Need to sort objList by second col (the doid)
objList = sorted(objList, key=itemgetter(1))
body = ''
# Pop off the Null entry
while objList:
tempObjElement = objList.pop()
# tempObjElement[0].replace('<','')
# tempObjElement[0].replace('>','')
# if str(tempObjElement[0]).find('render') == -1:
body = '%s
%s:%s\n' % (body, tempObjElement[1], tempObjElement[1], str(tempObjElement[0]).replace('<','').replace('>',''))
replyTo.respond('%s%s%s' % (head,body,foot))
def inspect(self, replyTo, **kw):
# This is the index. Basically, it will generate the frames for the
# other functions to populate: systemInfo, oType, oInst, oAttrib
# Three frames on the bottom row
# frameset = '\n