from pandac.PandaModules import * from MsgTypes import * from direct.showbase import ShowBase # __builtin__.config from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import * # taskMgr from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from ConnectionRepository import ConnectionRepository from PyDatagram import PyDatagram from PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator from AstronDatabaseInterface import AstronDatabaseInterface from NetMessenger import NetMessenger import collections # Helper functions for logging output: def msgpack_length(dg, length, fix, maxfix, tag8, tag16, tag32): if length < maxfix: dg.addUint8(fix + length) elif tag8 is not None and length < 1<<8: dg.addUint8(tag8) dg.addUint8(length) elif tag16 is not None and length < 1<<16: dg.addUint8(tag16) dg.addBeUint16(length) elif tag32 is not None and length < 1<<32: dg.addUint8(tag32) dg.addBeUint32(length) else: raise ValueError('Value too big for MessagePack') def msgpack_encode(dg, element): if element == None: dg.addUint8(0xc0) elif element is False: dg.addUint8(0xc2) elif element is True: dg.addUint8(0xc3) elif isinstance(element, (int, long)): if -32 <= element < 128: dg.addInt8(element) elif 128 <= element < 256: dg.addUint8(0xcc) dg.addUint8(element) elif 256 <= element < 65536: dg.addUint8(0xcd) dg.addBeUint16(element) elif 65536 <= element < (1<<32): dg.addUint8(0xce) dg.addBeUint32(element) elif (1<<32) <= element < (1<<64): dg.addUint8(0xcf) dg.addBeUint64(element) elif -128 <= element < -32: dg.addUint8(0xd0) dg.addInt8(element) elif -32768 <= element < -128: dg.addUint8(0xd1) dg.addBeInt16(element) elif -1<<31 <= element < -32768: dg.addUint8(0xd2) dg.addBeInt32(element) elif -1<<63 <= element < -1<<31: dg.addUint8(0xd3) dg.addBeInt64(element) else: raise ValueError('int out of range for msgpack: %d' % element) elif isinstance(element, dict): msgpack_length(dg, len(element), 0x80, 0x10, None, 0xde, 0xdf) for k,v in element.items(): msgpack_encode(dg, k) msgpack_encode(dg, v) elif isinstance(element, list): msgpack_length(dg, len(element), 0x90, 0x10, None, 0xdc, 0xdd) for v in element: msgpack_encode(dg, v) elif isinstance(element, basestring): msgpack_length(dg, len(element), 0xa0, 0x20, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb) dg.appendData(element) elif isinstance(element, float): # Python does not distinguish between floats and doubles, so we send # everything as a double in MsgPack: dg.addUint8(0xcb) dg.addFloat64(element) else: raise TypeError('Encountered non-MsgPack-packable value: %r' % element) class AstronInternalRepository(ConnectionRepository): """ This class is part of Panda3D's new MMO networking framework. It interfaces with an Astron ( server in order to manipulate objects in the Astron cluster. It does not require any specific "gateway" into the Astron network. Rather, it just connects directly to any Message Director. Hence, it is an "internal" repository. This class is suitable for constructing your own AI Servers and UberDOG servers using Panda3D. Objects with a "self.air" attribute are referring to an instance of this class. """ notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("AstronInternalRepository") def __init__(self, baseChannel, serverId=None, dcFileNames = None, dcSuffix = 'AI', connectMethod = None, threadedNet = None): if connectMethod is None: connectMethod = self.CM_HTTP ConnectionRepository.__init__(self, connectMethod, config, hasOwnerView = False, threadedNet = threadedNet) self.setClientDatagram(False) self.dcSuffix = dcSuffix if hasattr(self, 'setVerbose'): if self.config.GetBool('verbose-internalrepository'): self.setVerbose(1) # The State Server we are configured to use for creating objects. #If this is None, generating objects is not possible. self.serverId = self.config.GetInt('air-stateserver', 0) or None if serverId is not None: self.serverId = serverId maxChannels = self.config.GetInt('air-channel-allocation', 1000000) self.channelAllocator = UniqueIdAllocator(baseChannel, baseChannel+maxChannels-1) self._registeredChannels = set() self.__contextCounter = 0 self.netMessenger = NetMessenger(self) self.dbInterface = AstronDatabaseInterface(self) self.__callbacks = {} self.ourChannel = self.allocateChannel() self.eventLogId = self.config.GetString('eventlog-id', 'AIR:%d' % self.ourChannel) self.eventSocket = None eventLogHost = self.config.GetString('eventlog-host', '') if eventLogHost: if ':' in eventLogHost: host, port = eventLogHost.split(':', 1) self.setEventLogHost(host, int(port)) else: self.setEventLogHost(eventLogHost) self.readDCFile(dcFileNames) def getContext(self): self.__contextCounter = (self.__contextCounter + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF return self.__contextCounter def allocateChannel(self): """ Allocate an unused channel out of this AIR's configured channel space. This is also used to allocate IDs for DistributedObjects, since those occupy a channel. """ return self.channelAllocator.allocate() def deallocateChannel(self, channel): """ Return the previously-allocated channel back to the allocation pool. """ def registerForChannel(self, channel): """ Register for messages on a specific Message Director channel. If the channel is already open by this AIR, nothing will happen. """ if channel in self._registeredChannels: return self._registeredChannels.add(channel) dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerControlHeader(CONTROL_ADD_CHANNEL) dg.addChannel(channel) self.send(dg) def unregisterForChannel(self, channel): """ Unregister a channel subscription on the Message Director. The Message Director will cease to relay messages to this AIR sent on the channel. """ if channel not in self._registeredChannels: return self._registeredChannels.remove(channel) dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerControlHeader(CONTROL_REMOVE_CHANNEL) dg.addChannel(channel) self.send(dg) def addPostRemove(self, dg): """ Register a datagram with the Message Director that gets sent out if the connection is ever lost. This is useful for registering cleanup messages: If the Panda3D process ever crashes unexpectedly, the Message Director will detect the socket close and automatically process any post-remove datagrams. """ dg2 = PyDatagram() dg2.addServerControlHeader(CONTROL_ADD_POST_REMOVE) dg2.addUint64(self.ourChannel) dg2.addString(dg.getMessage()) self.send(dg2) def clearPostRemove(self): """ Clear all datagrams registered with addPostRemove. This is useful if the Panda3D process is performing a clean exit. It may clear the "emergency clean-up" post-remove messages and perform a normal exit-time clean-up instead, depending on the specific design of the game. """ dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerControlHeader(CONTROL_CLEAR_POST_REMOVES) dg.addUint64(self.ourChannel) self.send(dg) def handleDatagram(self, di): msgType = self.getMsgType() if msgType in (STATESERVER_OBJECT_ENTER_AI_WITH_REQUIRED, STATESERVER_OBJECT_ENTER_AI_WITH_REQUIRED_OTHER): self.handleObjEntry(di, msgType == STATESERVER_OBJECT_ENTER_AI_WITH_REQUIRED_OTHER) elif msgType in (STATESERVER_OBJECT_CHANGING_AI, STATESERVER_OBJECT_DELETE_RAM): self.handleObjExit(di) elif msgType == STATESERVER_OBJECT_CHANGING_LOCATION: self.handleObjLocation(di) elif msgType in (DBSERVER_CREATE_OBJECT_RESP, DBSERVER_OBJECT_GET_ALL_RESP, DBSERVER_OBJECT_SET_FIELD_IF_EQUALS_RESP, DBSERVER_OBJECT_SET_FIELDS_IF_EQUALS_RESP): self.dbInterface.handleDatagram(msgType, di) elif msgType == DBSS_OBJECT_GET_ACTIVATED_RESP: self.handleGetActivatedResp(di) elif msgType >= 20000: # These messages belong to the NetMessenger: self.netMessenger.handle(msgType, di) else: self.notify.warning('Received message with unknown MsgType=%d' % msgType) def handleObjLocation(self, di): doId = di.getUint32() parentId = di.getUint32() zoneId = di.getUint32() do = self.doId2do.get(doId) if not do: self.notify.warning('Received location for unknown doId=%d!' % (doId)) return do.setLocation(parentId, zoneId) def handleObjEntry(self, di, other): doId = di.getUint32() parentId = di.getUint32() zoneId = di.getUint32() classId = di.getUint16() if classId not in self.dclassesByNumber: self.notify.warning('Received entry for unknown dclass=%d! (Object %d)' % (classId, doId)) return if doId in self.doId2do: return # We already know about this object; ignore the entry. dclass = self.dclassesByNumber[classId] do = dclass.getClassDef()(self) do.dclass = dclass do.doId = doId # The DO came in off the server, so we do not unregister the channel when # it dies: do.doNotDeallocateChannel = True self.addDOToTables(do, location=(parentId, zoneId)) # Now for generation: do.generate() if other: do.updateAllRequiredOtherFields(dclass, di) else: do.updateAllRequiredFields(dclass, di) def handleObjExit(self, di): doId = di.getUint32() if doId not in self.doId2do: self.notify.warning('Received AI exit for unknown object %d' % (doId)) return do = self.doId2do[doId] self.removeDOFromTables(do) do.delete() do.sendDeleteEvent() def handleGetActivatedResp(self, di): ctx = di.getUint32() doId = di.getUint32() activated = di.getUint8() if ctx not in self.__callbacks: self.notify.warning('Received unexpected DBSS_OBJECT_GET_ACTIVATED_RESP (ctx: %d)' %ctx) return try: self.__callbacks[ctx](doId, activated) finally: del self.__callbacks[ctx] def getActivated(self, doId, callback): ctx = self.getContext() self.__callbacks[ctx] = callback dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(doId, self.ourChannel, DBSS_OBJECT_GET_ACTIVATED) dg.addUint32(ctx) dg.addUint32(doId) self.send(dg) def sendUpdate(self, do, fieldName, args): """ Send a field update for the given object. You should probably use do.sendUpdate(...) instead. """ self.sendUpdateToChannel(do, do.doId, fieldName, args) def sendUpdateToChannel(self, do, channelId, fieldName, args): """ Send an object field update to a specific channel. This is useful for directing the update to a specific client or node, rather than at the State Server managing the object. You should probably use do.sendUpdateToChannel(...) instead. """ dclass = do.dclass field = dclass.getFieldByName(fieldName) dg = field.aiFormatUpdate(do.doId, channelId, self.ourChannel, args) self.send(dg) def sendActivate(self, doId, parentId, zoneId, dclass=None, fields=None): """ Activate a DBSS object, given its doId, into the specified parentId/zoneId. If both dclass and fields are specified, an ACTIVATE_WITH_DEFAULTS_OTHER will be sent instead. In other words, the specified fields will be auto-applied during the activation. """ fieldPacker = DCPacker() fieldCount = 0 if dclass and fields: for k,v in fields.items(): field = dclass.getFieldByName(k) if not field: self.notify.error('Activation request for %s object contains ' 'invalid field named %s' % (dclass.getName(), k)) fieldPacker.rawPackUint16(field.getNumber()) fieldPacker.beginPack(field) field.packArgs(fieldPacker, v) fieldPacker.endPack() fieldCount += 1 dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(doId, self.ourChannel, DBSS_OBJECT_ACTIVATE_WITH_DEFAULTS) dg.addUint32(doId) dg.addUint32(0) dg.addUint32(0) self.send(dg) # DEFAULTS_OTHER isn't implemented yet, so we chase it with a SET_FIELDS dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(doId, self.ourChannel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_SET_FIELDS) dg.addUint32(doId) dg.addUint16(fieldCount) dg.appendData(fieldPacker.getString()) self.send(dg) # Now slide it into the zone we expect to see it in (so it # generates onto us with all of the fields in place) dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(doId, self.ourChannel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_SET_LOCATION) dg.addUint32(parentId) dg.addUint32(zoneId) self.send(dg) else: dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(doId, self.ourChannel, DBSS_OBJECT_ACTIVATE_WITH_DEFAULTS) dg.addUint32(doId) dg.addUint32(parentId) dg.addUint32(zoneId) self.send(dg) def sendSetLocation(self, do, parentId, zoneId): dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(do.doId, self.ourChannel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_SET_LOCATION) dg.addUint32(parentId) dg.addUint32(zoneId) self.send(dg) def generateWithRequired(self, do, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields=[]): """ Generate an object onto the State Server, choosing an ID from the pool. You should probably use do.generateWithRequired(...) instead. """ doId = self.allocateChannel() self.generateWithRequiredAndId(do, doId, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields) def generateWithRequiredAndId(self, do, doId, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields=[]): """ Generate an object onto the State Server, specifying its ID and location. You should probably use do.generateWithRequiredAndId(...) instead. """ do.doId = doId self.addDOToTables(do, location=(parentId, zoneId)) do.sendGenerateWithRequired(self, parentId, zoneId, optionalFields) def requestDelete(self, do): """ Request the deletion of an object that already exists on the State Server. You should probably use do.requestDelete() instead. """ dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(do.doId, self.ourChannel, STATESERVER_OBJECT_DELETE_RAM) dg.addUint32(do.doId) self.send(dg) def connect(self, host, port=7199): """ Connect to a Message Director. The airConnected message is sent upon success. N.B. This overrides the base class's connect(). You cannot use the ConnectionRepository connect() parameters. """ url = URLSpec() url.setServer(host) url.setPort(port)'Now connecting to %s:%s...' % (host, port)) ConnectionRepository.connect(self, [url], successCallback=self.__connected, failureCallback=self.__connectFailed, failureArgs=[host, port]) def __connected(self):'Connected successfully.') # Listen to our channel... self.registerForChannel(self.ourChannel) # If we're configured with a State Server, register a post-remove to # clean up whatever objects we own on this server should we unexpectedly # fall over and die. if self.serverId: dg = PyDatagram() dg.addServerHeader(self.serverId, self.ourChannel, STATESERVER_DELETE_AI_OBJECTS) dg.addChannel(self.ourChannel) self.addPostRemove(dg) messenger.send('airConnected') self.handleConnected() def __connectFailed(self, code, explanation, host, port): self.notify.warning('Failed to connect! (code=%s; %r)' % (code, explanation)) # Try again... retryInterval = config.GetFloat('air-reconnect-delay', 5.0) taskMgr.doMethodLater(retryInterval, self.connect, 'Reconnect delay', extraArgs=[host, port]) def handleConnected(self): """ Subclasses should override this if they wish to handle the connection event. """ def lostConnection(self): # This should be overridden by a subclass if unexpectedly losing connection # is okay. self.notify.error('Lost connection to gameserver!') def setEventLogHost(self, host, port=7197): """ Set the target host for Event Logger messaging. This should be pointed at the UDP IP:port that hosts the cluster's running Event Logger. Providing a value of None or an empty string for 'host' will disable event logging. """ if not host: self.eventSocket = None return address = SocketAddress() if not address.setHost(host, port): self.notify.warning('Invalid Event Log host specified: %s:%s' % (host, port)) self.eventSocket = None else: self.eventSocket = SocketUDPOutgoing() self.eventSocket.InitToAddress(address) def writeServerEvent(self, logtype, *args, **kwargs): """ Write an event to the central Event Logger, if one is configured. The purpose of the Event Logger is to keep a game-wide record of all interesting in-game events that take place. Therefore, this function should be used whenever such an interesting in-game event occurs. """ if self.eventSocket is None: return # No event logger configured! log = collections.OrderedDict() log['type'] = logtype log['sender'] = self.eventLogId for i,v in enumerate(args): # +1 because the logtype was _0, so we start at _1 log['_%d' % (i+1)] = v log.update(kwargs) dg = PyDatagram() msgpack_encode(dg, log) self.eventSocket.Send(dg.getMessage())