"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = ['TaskManagerPanel', 'TaskManagerWidget'] from direct.tkwidgets.AppShell import * from Tkinter import * from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject import Pmw class TaskManagerPanel(AppShell): # Override class variables here appname = 'TaskManager Panel' frameWidth = 300 frameHeight = 400 usecommandarea = 0 usestatusarea = 0 def __init__(self, taskMgr, parent = None, **kw): INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('title', self.appname, None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) self.taskMgr = taskMgr # Call superclass initialization function AppShell.__init__(self, parent = parent) self.initialiseoptions(TaskManagerPanel) def createInterface(self): # FILE MENU # Get a handle on the file menu so commands can be inserted # before quit item self.taskMgrWidget = TaskManagerWidget( self.interior(), self.taskMgr) def onDestroy(self, event): self.taskMgrWidget.onDestroy() class TaskManagerWidget(DirectObject): """ TaskManagerWidget class: this class contains methods for creating a panel to control taskManager tasks. """ def __init__(self, parent, taskMgr): """ TaskManagerWidget class pops up a control panel to view/delete tasks managed by the taskManager. """ # Make sure TK mainloop is running from direct.showbase import TkGlobal # Record parent (used by ok cancel dialog boxes) self.parent = parent # Record taskManager self.taskMgr = taskMgr # Init current task self.currentTask = None self.__taskDict = {} # Create widgets # Create a listbox self.taskListBox = Pmw.ScrolledListBox( parent, labelpos = NW, label_text = 'Tasks:', label_font=('MSSansSerif', 10, 'bold'), listbox_takefocus = 1, items = [], selectioncommand = self.setCurrentTask) self.taskListBox.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) self._popupMenu = Menu(self.taskListBox.component('listbox'), tearoff = 0) self._popupMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove Task', command = self.removeCurrentTask) self._popupMenu.add_command( label = 'Remove Matching Tasks', command = self.removeMatchingTasks) # Controls Frame controlsFrame = Frame(parent) self.removeButton = Button(controlsFrame, text = 'Remove Task', command = self.removeCurrentTask) #self.removeButton.pack(expand = 1, fill = X, side = LEFT) self.removeButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = EW) self.removeMatchingButton = Button(controlsFrame, text = 'Remove Matching Tasks', command = self.removeMatchingTasks) #self.removeMatchingButton.pack(expand = 1, fill = X, side = LEFT) self.removeMatchingButton.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = EW) self.taskMgrVerbose = IntVar() self.taskMgrVerbose.set(0) self.update = Button( controlsFrame, text = 'Update', command = self.updateTaskListBox) #self.update.pack(expand = 1, fill = X, side = LEFT) self.update.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = EW) self.dynamicUpdate = Checkbutton( controlsFrame, text = 'Dynamic Update', variable = self.taskMgrVerbose, command = self.toggleTaskMgrVerbose) #self.dynamicUpdate.pack(expand = 1, fill = X, side = LEFT) self.dynamicUpdate.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = EW) # Pack frames controlsFrame.pack(fill = X) controlsFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) controlsFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight = 1) # Add hook to spawnTaskEvents self.accept('TaskManager-spawnTask', self.spawnTaskHook) self.accept('TaskManager-removeTask', self.removeTaskHook) # Get listbox listbox = self.taskListBox.component('listbox') # Bind updates to arrow buttons listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Up>', self.setCurrentTask) listbox.bind('<KeyRelease-Down>', self.setCurrentTask) listbox.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.popupMenu) # And grab focus (to allow keyboard navigation) listbox.focus_set() # Update listbox values self.updateTaskListBox() def popupMenu(self, event): """ listbox = self.taskListBox.component('listbox') index = listbox.nearest(event.y) listbox.selection_clear(0) listbox.activate(index) self.taskListBox.select_set(index) self.setCurrentTask() """ self._popupMenu.post(event.widget.winfo_pointerx(), event.widget.winfo_pointery()) return "break" def setCurrentTask(self, event = None): if len(self.taskListBox.curselection()) > 0: # [gjeon] to avoid crash when nothing is selected index = int(self.taskListBox.curselection()[0]) self.currentTask = self.__taskDict[index] else: self.currentTask = None def updateTaskListBox(self): # Get a list of task names taskNames = [] self.__taskDict = {} tasks = self.taskMgr.getTasks() tasks.sort(key = lambda t: t.getName()) count = 0 for task in tasks: taskNames.append(task.getName()) self.__taskDict[count] = task count += 1 if taskNames: self.taskListBox.setlist(taskNames) # And set current index (so keypresses will start with index 0) self.taskListBox.component('listbox').activate(0) # Select first item #self.taskListBox.select_set(0) # [gjeon] commented out to avoid focus problem with other lists self.setCurrentTask() def toggleTaskMgrVerbose(self): if self.taskMgrVerbose.get(): self.updateTaskListBox() def spawnTaskHook(self, task): if self.taskMgrVerbose.get(): self.updateTaskListBox() def removeTaskHook(self, task): if self.taskMgrVerbose.get(): self.updateTaskListBox() def removeCurrentTask(self): if self.currentTask: name = self.currentTask.name ok = 1 if ((name == 'dataLoop') or (name == 'resetPrevTransform') or (name == 'tkLoop') or (name == 'eventManager') or (name == 'igLoop')): from tkMessageBox import askokcancel ok = askokcancel('TaskManagerControls', 'Remove: %s?' % name, parent = self.parent, default = 'cancel') if ok: self.taskMgr.remove(self.currentTask) self.updateTaskListBox() def removeMatchingTasks(self): name = self.taskListBox.getcurselection()[0] ok = 1 if ((name == 'dataLoop') or (name == 'resetPrevTransform') or (name == 'tkLoop') or (name == 'eventManager') or (name == 'igLoop')): from tkMessageBox import askokcancel ok = askokcancel('TaskManagerControls', 'Remove tasks named: %s?' % name, parent = self.parent, default = 'cancel') if ok: self.taskMgr.remove(name) self.updateTaskListBox() def onDestroy(self): self.ignore('TaskManager-spawnTask') self.ignore('TaskManager-removeTask')