"""ServerRepository module: contains the ServerRepository class"""

from pandac.PandaModules import *
from direct.distributed.MsgTypesCMU import *
from direct.task import Task
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram
from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator
import time
import types

class ServerRepository:

    """ This maintains the server-side connection with a Panda server.
    It is only for use with the Panda LAN server provided by CMU."""

    notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ServerRepository")

    class Client:
        """ This internal class keeps track of the data associated
        with each connected client. """
        def __init__(self, connection, netAddress, doIdBase):
            # The connection used to communicate with the client.
            self.connection = connection

            # The net address to the client, including IP address.
            # Used for reporting purposes only.
            self.netAddress = netAddress

            # The first doId in the range assigned to the client.
            # This also serves as a unique numeric ID for this client.
            # (It is sometimes called "avatarId" in some update
            # messages, even though the client is not required to use
            # this particular number as an avatar ID.)
            self.doIdBase = doIdBase

            # The set of zoneIds that the client explicitly has
            # interest in.  The client will receive updates for all
            # distributed objects appearing in one of these zones.
            # (The client will also receive updates for all zones in
            # which any one of the distributed obejcts that it has
            # created still exist.)
            self.explicitInterestZoneIds = set()

            # The set of interest zones sent to the client at the last
            # update.  This is the actual set of zones the client is
            # informed of.  Changing the explicitInterestZoneIds,
            # above, creating or deleting objects in different zones,
            # or moving objects between zones, might influence this
            # set.
            self.currentInterestZoneIds = set()
            # A dictionary of doId -> Object, for distributed objects
            # currently in existence that were created by the client.
            self.objectsByDoId = {}

            # A dictionary of zoneId -> set([Object]), listing the
            # distributed objects assigned to each zone, of the
            # objects created by this client.
            self.objectsByZoneId = {}

    class Object:
        """ This internal class keeps track of the data associated
        with each extent distributed object. """
        def __init__(self, doId, zoneId, dclass):
            # The object's distributed ID.
            self.doId = doId

            # The object's current zone.  Each object is associated
            # with only one zone.
            self.zoneId = zoneId

            # The object's class type.
            self.dclass = dclass

            # Note that the server does not store any other data about
            # the distributed objects; in particular, it doesn't
            # record its current fields.  That is left to the clients.

    def __init__(self, tcpPort, serverAddress = None,
                 udpPort = None, dcFileNames = None,
                 threadedNet = None):
        if threadedNet is None:
            # Default value.
            threadedNet = config.GetBool('threaded-net', False)

        # Set up networking interfaces.
        numThreads = 0
        if threadedNet:
            numThreads = 1
        self.qcm = QueuedConnectionManager()
        self.qcl = QueuedConnectionListener(self.qcm, numThreads)
        self.qcr = QueuedConnectionReader(self.qcm, numThreads)
        self.cw = ConnectionWriter(self.qcm, numThreads)

        if threadedNet:
            taskMgr.setupTaskChain('flushTask', numThreads = 1,
                                   threadPriority = TPLow, frameSync = True)

        self.tcpRendezvous = self.qcm.openTCPServerRendezvous(
            serverAddress or '', tcpPort, 10)
        taskMgr.add(self.listenerPoll, "serverListenerPollTask")
        taskMgr.add(self.readerPollUntilEmpty, "serverReaderPollTask")
        taskMgr.add(self.clientHardDisconnectTask, "clientHardDisconnect")

        # A set of clients that have recently been written to and may
        # need to be flushed.
        self.needsFlush = set()

        collectTcpInterval = ConfigVariableDouble('collect-tcp-interval').getValue()
        taskMgr.doMethodLater(collectTcpInterval, self.flushTask, 'flushTask',
                              taskChain = 'flushTask')

        # A dictionary of connection -> Client object, tracking all of
        # the clients we currently have connected.
        self.clientsByConnection = {}

        # A similar dictionary of doIdBase -> Client object, indexing
        # by the client's doIdBase number instead.
        self.clientsByDoIdBase = {}

        # A dictionary of zoneId -> set([Client]), listing the clients
        # that have an interest in each zoneId.
        self.zonesToClients = {}

        # A dictionary of zoneId -> set([Object]), listing the
        # distributed objects assigned to each zone, globally.
        self.objectsByZoneId = {}

        # The number of doId's to assign to each client.  Must remain
        # constant during server lifetime.
        self.doIdRange = base.config.GetInt('server-doid-range', 1000000)

        # An allocator object that assigns the next doIdBase to each
        # client.
        self.idAllocator = UniqueIdAllocator(0, 0xffffffff / self.doIdRange)
        self.dcFile = DCFile()
        self.dcSuffix = ''

    def flushTask(self, task):
        """ This task is run periodically to flush any connections
        that might need it.  It's only necessary in cases where
        collect-tcp is set true (if this is false, messages are sent
        immediately and do not require periodic flushing). """

        flush = self.needsFlush
        self.needsFlush = set()
        for client in flush:

        return task.again

    def setTcpHeaderSize(self, headerSize):
        """Sets the header size of TCP packets.  At the present, legal
        values for this are 0, 2, or 4; this specifies the number of
        bytes to use encode the datagram length at the start of each
        TCP datagram.  Sender and receiver must independently agree on

    def getTcpHeaderSize(self):
        """Returns the current setting of TCP header size. See
        setTcpHeaderSize(). """
        return self.qcr.getTcpHeaderSize()

    def importModule(self, dcImports, moduleName, importSymbols):
        """ Imports the indicated moduleName and all of its symbols
        into the current namespace.  This more-or-less reimplements
        the Python import command. """

        module = __import__(moduleName, globals(), locals(), importSymbols)

        if importSymbols:
            # "from moduleName import symbolName, symbolName, ..."
            # Copy just the named symbols into the dictionary.
            if importSymbols == ['*']:
                # "from moduleName import *"
                if hasattr(module, "__all__"):
                    importSymbols = module.__all__
                    importSymbols = module.__dict__.keys()

            for symbolName in importSymbols:
                if hasattr(module, symbolName):
                    dcImports[symbolName] = getattr(module, symbolName)

                    raise StandardError, 'Symbol %s not defined in module %s.' % (symbolName, moduleName)

            # "import moduleName"

            # Copy the root module name into the dictionary.

            # Follow the dotted chain down to the actual module.
            components = moduleName.split('.')
            dcImports[components[0]] = module

    def readDCFile(self, dcFileNames = None):
        Reads in the dc files listed in dcFileNames, or if
        dcFileNames is None, reads in all of the dc files listed in
        the Configrc file.
        dcFile = self.dcFile
        self.dclassesByName = {}
        self.dclassesByNumber = {}
        self.hashVal = 0

        dcImports = {}
        if dcFileNames == None:
            readResult = dcFile.readAll()
            if not readResult:
                self.notify.error("Could not read dc file.")
            searchPath = getModelPath().getValue()
            for dcFileName in dcFileNames:
                pathname = Filename(dcFileName)
                vfs.resolveFilename(pathname, searchPath)
                readResult = dcFile.read(pathname)
                if not readResult:
                    self.notify.error("Could not read dc file: %s" % (pathname))

        self.hashVal = dcFile.getHash()

        # Now import all of the modules required by the DC file.
        for n in range(dcFile.getNumImportModules()):
            moduleName = dcFile.getImportModule(n)

            # Maybe the module name is represented as "moduleName/AI".
            suffix = moduleName.split('/')
            moduleName = suffix[0]
            if self.dcSuffix and self.dcSuffix in suffix[1:]:
                moduleName += self.dcSuffix

            importSymbols = []
            for i in range(dcFile.getNumImportSymbols(n)):
                symbolName = dcFile.getImportSymbol(n, i)

                # Maybe the symbol name is represented as "symbolName/AI".
                suffix = symbolName.split('/')
                symbolName = suffix[0]
                if self.dcSuffix and self.dcSuffix in suffix[1:]:
                    symbolName += self.dcSuffix


            self.importModule(dcImports, moduleName, importSymbols)

        # Now get the class definition for the classes named in the DC
        # file.
        for i in range(dcFile.getNumClasses()):
            dclass = dcFile.getClass(i)
            number = dclass.getNumber()
            className = dclass.getName() + self.dcSuffix

            # Does the class have a definition defined in the newly
            # imported namespace?
            classDef = dcImports.get(className)

            # Also try it without the dcSuffix.
            if classDef == None:
                className = dclass.getName()
                classDef = dcImports.get(className)

            if classDef == None:
                self.notify.debug("No class definition for %s." % (className))
                if type(classDef) == types.ModuleType:
                    if not hasattr(classDef, className):
                        self.notify.error("Module %s does not define class %s." % (className, className))
                    classDef = getattr(classDef, className)

                if type(classDef) != types.ClassType and type(classDef) != types.TypeType:
                    self.notify.error("Symbol %s is not a class name." % (className))

            self.dclassesByName[className] = dclass
            if number >= 0:
                self.dclassesByNumber[number] = dclass

# listens for new clients

    def listenerPoll(self, task):
        if self.qcl.newConnectionAvailable():
            rendezvous = PointerToConnection()
            netAddress = NetAddress()
            newConnection = PointerToConnection()
            retVal = self.qcl.getNewConnection(rendezvous, netAddress,
            if not retVal:
                return task.cont

            # Crazy dereferencing
            newConnection = newConnection.p()

            #  Add clients information to dictionary
            id = self.idAllocator.allocate()
            doIdBase = id * self.doIdRange + 1

                "Got client %s from %s" % (doIdBase, netAddress))

            client = self.Client(newConnection, netAddress, doIdBase)
            self.clientsByConnection[client.connection] = client
            self.clientsByDoIdBase[client.doIdBase] = client

            # Now we can start listening to that new connection.
            self.lastConnection = newConnection
        return task.cont

    def readerPollUntilEmpty(self, task):
        """ continuously polls for new messages on the server """
        while self.readerPollOnce():
        return task.cont

    def readerPollOnce(self):
        """ checks for available messages to the server """

        availGetVal = self.qcr.dataAvailable()
        if availGetVal:
            datagram = NetDatagram()
            readRetVal = self.qcr.getData(datagram)
            if readRetVal:
                # need to send to message processing unit
        return availGetVal

    def handleDatagram(self, datagram):
        """ switching station for messages """

        client = self.clientsByConnection.get(datagram.getConnection())

        if not client:
            # This shouldn't be possible, though it appears to happen
            # sometimes?
                "Ignoring datagram from unknown connection %s" % (datagram.getConnection()))

        if self.notify.getDebug():
                "ServerRepository received datagram from %s:" % (client.doIdBase))

        dgi = DatagramIterator(datagram)

        type = dgi.getUint16()

        if type == CLIENT_DISCONNECT_CMU:
        elif type == CLIENT_SET_INTEREST_CMU:
            self.handleClientSetInterest(client, dgi)
        elif type == CLIENT_OBJECT_GENERATE_CMU:
            self.handleClientCreateObject(datagram, dgi)
        elif type == CLIENT_OBJECT_UPDATE_FIELD:
            self.handleClientObjectUpdateField(datagram, dgi)
            self.handleClientObjectUpdateField(datagram, dgi, targeted = True)
        elif type == OBJECT_DELETE_CMU:
            self.handleClientDeleteObject(datagram, dgi.getUint32())
        elif type == OBJECT_SET_ZONE_CMU:
            self.handleClientObjectSetZone(datagram, dgi)
            self.handleMessageType(type, dgi)

    def handleMessageType(self, msgType, di):
        self.notify.warning("unrecognized message type %s" % (msgType))

    def handleClientCreateObject(self, datagram, dgi):
        """ client wants to create an object, so we store appropriate
        data, and then pass message along to corresponding zones """

        connection = datagram.getConnection()
        zoneId  = dgi.getUint32()
        classId = dgi.getUint16()
        doId    = dgi.getUint32()

        client = self.clientsByConnection[connection]

        if self.getDoIdBase(doId) != client.doIdBase:
                "Ignoring attempt to create invalid doId %s from client %s" % (doId, client.doIdBase))

        dclass = self.dclassesByNumber[classId]

        object = client.objectsByDoId.get(doId)
        if object:
            # This doId is already in use; thus, this message is
            # really just an update.
            if object.dclass != dclass:
                    "Ignoring attempt to change object %s from %s to %s by client %s" % (
                    doId, object.dclass.getName(), dclass.getName(), client.doIdBase))
            self.setObjectZone(client, object, zoneId)
            if self.notify.getDebug():
                    "Creating object %s of type %s by client %s" % (
                    doId, dclass.getName(), client.doIdBase))
            object = self.Object(doId, zoneId, dclass)
            client.objectsByDoId[doId] = object
            client.objectsByZoneId.setdefault(zoneId, set()).add(object)
            self.objectsByZoneId.setdefault(zoneId, set()).add(object)


        # Rebuild the new datagram that we'll send on.  We shim in the
        # doIdBase of the owner.
        dg = PyDatagram()
        self.sendToZoneExcept(zoneId, dg, [client])

    def handleClientObjectUpdateField(self, datagram, dgi, targeted = False):
        """ Received an update request from a client. """
        connection = datagram.getConnection()
        client = self.clientsByConnection[connection]

        if targeted:
            targetId = dgi.getUint32()
        doId = dgi.getUint32()
        fieldId = dgi.getUint16()

        doIdBase = self.getDoIdBase(doId)
        owner = self.clientsByDoIdBase.get(doIdBase)
        object = owner and owner.objectsByDoId.get(doId)
        if not object:
                "Ignoring update for unknown object %s from client %s" % (
                doId, client.doIdBase))
        dcfield = object.dclass.getFieldByIndex(fieldId)
        if dcfield == None:
                "Ignoring update for field %s on object %s from client %s; no such field for class %s." % (
                fieldId, doId, client.doIdBase, object.dclass.getName()))

        if client != owner:
            # This message was not sent by the object's owner.
            if not dcfield.hasKeyword('clsend') and not dcfield.hasKeyword('p2p'):
                    "Ignoring update for %s.%s on object %s from client %s: not owner" % (
                    object.dclass.getName(), dcfield.getName(), doId, client.doIdBase))

        # We reformat the message slightly to insert the sender's
        # doIdBase.
        dg = PyDatagram()

        if targeted:
            # A targeted update: only to the indicated client.
            target = self.clientsByDoIdBase.get(targetId)
            if not target:
                    "Ignoring targeted update to %s for %s.%s on object %s from client %s: target not known" % (
                    dclass.getName(), dcfield.getName(), doId, client.doIdBase))
            self.cw.send(dg, target.connection)
        elif dcfield.hasKeyword('p2p'):
            # p2p: to object owner only
            self.cw.send(dg, owner.connection)
        elif dcfield.hasKeyword('broadcast'):
            # Broadcast: to everyone except orig sender
            self.sendToZoneExcept(object.zoneId, dg, [client])
        elif dcfield.hasKeyword('reflect'):
            # Reflect: broadcast to everyone including orig sender
            self.sendToZoneExcept(object.zoneId, dg, [])

                "Message is not broadcast or p2p")

    def getDoIdBase(self, doId):
        """ Given a doId, return the corresponding doIdBase.  This
        will be the owner of the object (clients may only create
        object doId's within their assigned range). """

        return int(doId / self.doIdRange) * self.doIdRange + 1

    def handleClientDeleteObject(self, datagram, doId):
        """ client deletes an object, let everyone who has interest in
        the object's zone know about it. """

        connection = datagram.getConnection()
        client = self.clientsByConnection[connection]
        object = client.objectsByDoId.get(doId)
        if not object:
                "Ignoring update for unknown object %s from client %s" % (
                doId, client.doIdBase))

        self.sendToZoneExcept(object.zoneId, datagram, [])
        if not self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]:
            del self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]
        if not client.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]:
            del client.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]
        del client.objectsByDoId[doId]


    def handleClientObjectSetZone(self, datagram, dgi):
        """ The client is telling us the object is changing to a new
        zone. """
        doId = dgi.getUint32()
        zoneId = dgi.getUint32()

        connection = datagram.getConnection()
        client = self.clientsByConnection[connection]
        object = client.objectsByDoId.get(doId)
        if not object:
            # Don't know this object.
            self.notify.warning("Ignoring object location for %s: unknown" % (doId))

        self.setObjectZone(client, object, zoneId)

    def setObjectZone(self, owner, object, zoneId):
        if object.zoneId == zoneId:
            # No change.

        oldZoneId = object.zoneId
        if not self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]:
            del self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]
        if not owner.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]:
            del owner.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]

        object.zoneId = zoneId
        self.objectsByZoneId.setdefault(zoneId, set()).add(object)
        owner.objectsByZoneId.setdefault(zoneId, set()).add(object)


        # Any clients that are listening to oldZoneId but not zoneId
        # should receive a disable message: this object has just gone
        # out of scope for you.
        datagram = PyDatagram()
        for client in self.zonesToClients[oldZoneId]:
            if client != owner:
                if zoneId not in client.currentInterestZoneIds:
                    self.cw.send(datagram, client.connection)

        # The client is now responsible for sending a generate for the
        # object that just switched zones, to inform the clients that
        # are listening to the new zoneId but not the old zoneId.

    def sendDoIdRange(self, client):
        """ sends the client the range of doid's that the client can
        use """

        datagram = NetDatagram()

        self.cw.send(datagram, client.connection)

    # a client disconnected from us, we need to update our data, also
    # tell other clients to remove the disconnected clients objects
    def handleClientDisconnect(self, client):
        for zoneId in client.currentInterestZoneIds:
            if len(self.zonesToClients[zoneId]) == 1:
                del self.zonesToClients[zoneId]

        for object in client.objectsByDoId.values():
            #create and send delete message
            datagram = NetDatagram()
            self.sendToZoneExcept(object.zoneId, datagram, [])
            if not self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]:
                del self.objectsByZoneId[object.zoneId]

        client.objectsByDoId = {}
        client.objectsByZoneId = {}

        del self.clientsByConnection[client.connection]
        del self.clientsByDoIdBase[client.doIdBase]

        id = client.doIdBase / self.doIdRange


    def handleClientSetInterest(self, client, dgi):
        """ The client is specifying a particular set of zones it is
        interested in. """

        zoneIds = set()
        while dgi.getRemainingSize() > 0:
            zoneId = dgi.getUint32()

        client.explicitInterestZoneIds = zoneIds
    def updateClientInterestZones(self, client):
        """ Something about the client has caused its set of interest
        zones to potentially change.  Recompute them. """
        origZoneIds = client.currentInterestZoneIds
        newZoneIds = client.explicitInterestZoneIds | set(client.objectsByZoneId.keys())
        if origZoneIds == newZoneIds:
            # No change.

        client.currentInterestZoneIds = newZoneIds
        addedZoneIds = newZoneIds - origZoneIds
        removedZoneIds = origZoneIds - newZoneIds

        for zoneId in addedZoneIds:
            self.zonesToClients.setdefault(zoneId, set()).add(client)

            # The client is opening interest in this zone. Need to get
            # all of the data from clients who may have objects in
            # this zone
            datagram = NetDatagram()
            self.sendToZoneExcept(zoneId, datagram, [client])

        datagram = PyDatagram()
        for zoneId in removedZoneIds:

            # The client is abandoning interest in this zone.  Any
            # objects in this zone should be disabled for the client.
            for object in self.objectsByZoneId.get(zoneId, []):
        self.cw.send(datagram, client.connection)


    def clientHardDisconnectTask(self, task):
        """ client did not tell us he was leaving but we lost connection to
        him, so we need to update our data and tell others """
        for client in self.clientsByConnection.values():
            if not self.qcr.isConnectionOk(client.connection):
        return task.cont

    def sendToZoneExcept(self, zoneId, datagram, exceptionList):
        """sends a message to everyone who has interest in the
        indicated zone, except for the clients on exceptionList."""
        if self.notify.getDebug():
                "ServerRepository sending to all in zone %s except %s:" % (zoneId, [c.doIdBase for c in exceptionList]))

        for client in self.zonesToClients.get(zoneId, []):
            if client not in exceptionList:
                if self.notify.getDebug():
                        "  -> %s" % (client.doIdBase))
                self.cw.send(datagram, client.connection)

    def sendToAllExcept(self, datagram, exceptionList):
        """ sends a message to all connected clients, except for
        clients on exceptionList. """
        if self.notify.getDebug():
                "ServerRepository sending to all except %s:" % ([c.doIdBase for c in exceptionList],))

        for client in self.clientsByConnection.values():
            if client not in exceptionList:
                if self.notify.getDebug():
                        "  -> %s" % (client.doIdBase))
                self.cw.send(datagram, client.connection)