"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = ['Diff', 'ObjectPool'] from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import invertDictLossless, makeList, safeRepr from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import getNumberedTypedString, getNumberedTypedSortedString from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import getNumberedTypedSortedStringWithReferrersGen import types import gc class Diff: def __init__(self, lost, gained): self.lost=lost self.gained=gained def printOut(self, full=False): print 'lost %s objects, gained %s objects' % (len(self.lost), len(self.gained)) print '\n\nself.lost\n' print self.lost.typeFreqStr() print '\n\nself.gained\n' print self.gained.typeFreqStr() if full: self.gained.printObjsByType() print '\n\nGAINED-OBJECT REFERRERS\n' self.gained.printReferrers(1) class ObjectPool: """manipulate a pool of Python objects""" notify = directNotify.newCategory('ObjectPool') def __init__(self, objects): self._objs = list(objects) self._type2objs = {} self._count2types = {} self._len2obj = {} type2count = {} for obj in self._objs: typ = itype(obj) type2count.setdefault(typ, 0) type2count[typ] += 1 self._type2objs.setdefault(typ, []) self._type2objs[typ].append(obj) try: self._len2obj[len(obj)] = obj except: pass self._count2types = invertDictLossless(type2count) def _getInternalObjs(self): return (self._objs, self._type2objs, self._count2types) def destroy(self): del self._objs del self._type2objs del self._count2types def getTypes(self): return self._type2objs.keys() def getObjsOfType(self, type): return self._type2objs.get(type, []) def printObjsOfType(self, type): for obj in self._type2objs.get(type, []): print repr(obj) def diff(self, other): """print difference between this pool and 'other' pool""" thisId2obj = {} otherId2obj = {} for obj in self._objs: thisId2obj[id(obj)] = obj for obj in other._objs: otherId2obj[id(obj)] = obj thisIds = set(thisId2obj.keys()) otherIds = set(otherId2obj.keys()) lostIds = thisIds.difference(otherIds) gainedIds = otherIds.difference(thisIds) del thisIds del otherIds lostObjs = [] for i in lostIds: lostObjs.append(thisId2obj[i]) gainedObjs = [] for i in gainedIds: gainedObjs.append(otherId2obj[i]) return Diff(self.__class__(lostObjs), self.__class__(gainedObjs)) def typeFreqStr(self): s = 'Object Pool: Type Frequencies' s += '\n=============================' counts = list(set(self._count2types.keys())) counts.sort() counts.reverse() for count in counts: types = makeList(self._count2types[count]) for typ in types: s += '\n%s\t%s' % (count, typ) return s def printObjsByType(self, printReferrers=False): print 'Object Pool: Objects By Type' print '\n============================' counts = list(set(self._count2types.keys())) counts.sort() # print types with the smallest number of instances first, in case # there's a large group that waits a long time before printing #counts.reverse() for count in counts: types = makeList(self._count2types[count]) for typ in types: print 'TYPE: %s, %s objects' % (repr(typ), len(self._type2objs[typ])) if printReferrers: for line in getNumberedTypedSortedStringWithReferrersGen(self._type2objs[typ]): print line else: print getNumberedTypedSortedString(self._type2objs[typ]) def containerLenStr(self): s = 'Object Pool: Container Lengths' s += '\n==============================' lengths = list(self._len2obj.keys()) lengths.sort() lengths.reverse() for count in counts: pass def printReferrers(self, numEach=3): """referrers of the first few of each type of object""" counts = list(set(self._count2types.keys())) counts.sort() counts.reverse() for count in counts: types = makeList(self._count2types[count]) for typ in types: print '\n\nTYPE: %s' % repr(typ) for i in xrange(min(numEach,len(self._type2objs[typ]))): obj = self._type2objs[typ][i] print '\nOBJ: %s\n' % safeRepr(obj) referrers = gc.get_referrers(obj) print '%s REFERRERS:\n' % len(referrers) if len(referrers): print getNumberedTypedString(referrers, maxLen=80, numPrefix='REF') else: print '<No Referrers>' def __len__(self): return len(self._objs)