from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectGlobalUD import DistributedObjectGlobalUD # TODO: OTP should not depend on Toontown... Hrrm. from import TTWhiteList from import TTSequenceList from otp.distributed import OtpDoGlobals import time class ChatAgentUD(DistributedObjectGlobalUD): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("ChatAgentUD") def announceGenerate(self): DistributedObjectGlobalUD.announceGenerate(self) self.wantBlacklistSequence = config.GetBool('want-blacklist-sequence', True) self.wantWhitelist = config.GetBool('want-whitelist', True) if self.wantWhitelist: self.whiteList = TTWhiteList() if self.wantBlacklistSequence: self.sequenceList = TTSequenceList() self.chatMode2channel = { 1 : OtpDoGlobals.OTP_MOD_CHANNEL, 2 : OtpDoGlobals.OTP_ADMIN_CHANNEL, 3 : OtpDoGlobals.OTP_SYSADMIN_CHANNEL, } self.chatMode2prefix = { 1 : "[MOD] ", 2 : "[ADMIN] ", 3 : "[SYSADMIN] ", } self.muted = {} def muteAccount(self, account, howLong): print ['muteAccount', account, howLong] self.muted[account] = int(time.time()/60) + howLong def unmuteAccount(self, account): print ['unmuteAccount', account] if account in self.muted: del self.muted[account] # Open chat def chatMessage(self, message, chatMode): sender = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if sender == 0: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', accId=self.air.getAccountIdFromSender(), issue='Account sent chat without an avatar', message=message) return if sender in self.muted and int(time.time()/60) < self.muted[sender]: return if self.wantWhitelist: cleanMessage, modifications = self.cleanWhitelist(message) else: cleanMessage, modifications = message, [] self.air.writeServerEvent('chat-said', avId=sender, chatMode=chatMode, msg=message, cleanMsg=cleanMessage) # TODO: The above is probably a little too ugly for my taste... Maybe AIR # should be given an API for sending updates for unknown objects? if chatMode != 0: # Staff messages do not need to be cleaned. [TODO: Blacklist this?] if message.startswith('.'): # This is a thought bubble, move the point to the start. cleanMessage = '.' + self.chatMode2prefix.get(chatMode, "") + message[1:] else: cleanMessage = self.chatMode2prefix.get(chatMode, "") + message modifications = [] DistributedAvatar = self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedAvatarUD'] dg = DistributedAvatar.aiFormatUpdate('setTalk', sender, self.chatMode2channel.get(chatMode, sender), self.air.ourChannel, [0, 0, '', cleanMessage, modifications, 0]) self.air.send(dg) self.air.csm.accountDB.persistChat(sender, message, self.air.ourChannel) # Regular filtered chat def whisperMessage(self, receiverAvId, message): sender = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if sender == 0: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', accId=self.air.getAccountIdFromSender(), issue='Account sent chat without an avatar', message=message) return cleanMessage, modifications = self.cleanWhitelist(message) # Maybe a better "cleaner" way of doing this, but it works self.air.writeServerEvent('whisper-said', avId=sender, reciever=receiverAvId, msg=message, cleanMsg=cleanMessage) DistributedAvatar = self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedAvatarUD'] dg = DistributedAvatar.aiFormatUpdate('setTalkWhisper', receiverAvId, receiverAvId, self.air.ourChannel, [sender, sender, '', cleanMessage, modifications, 0]) self.air.send(dg) # True friend unfiltered chat def sfWhisperMessage(self, receiverAvId, message): sender = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() if sender == 0: self.air.writeServerEvent('suspicious', accId=self.air.getAccountIdFromSender(), issue='Account sent chat without an avatar', message=message) return cleanMessage = self.cleanBlacklist(message) self.air.writeServerEvent('sf-whisper-said', avId=sender, reciever=receiverAvId, msg=message, cleanMsg=cleanMessage) DistributedAvatar = self.air.dclassesByName['DistributedAvatarUD'] dg = DistributedAvatar.aiFormatUpdate('setTalkWhisper', receiverAvId, receiverAvId, self.air.ourChannel, [sender, sender, '', cleanMessage, [], 0]) self.air.send(dg) # Filter the chat message def cleanWhitelist(self, message): modifications = [] words = message.split(' ') offset = 0 for word in words: if word and not self.whiteList.isWord(word): modifications.append((offset, offset+len(word)-1)) offset += len(word) + 1 cleanMessage = message if self.wantBlacklistSequence: modifications += self.cleanSequences(cleanMessage) for modStart, modStop in modifications: # Traverse through modification list and replace the characters of non-whitelisted words and/or blacklisted sequences with asterisks. cleanMessage = cleanMessage[:modStart] + '*' * (modStop - modStart + 1) + cleanMessage[modStop + 1:] return (cleanMessage, modifications) # Check the black list for black-listed words def cleanBlacklist(self, message): # We don't have a black list so we just return the full message return message # Check for black-listed word sequences and scrub accordingly. def cleanSequences(self, message): modifications = [] offset = 0 words = message.split() for wordit in xrange(len(words)): word = words[wordit].lower() seqlist = self.sequenceList.getList(word) if len(seqlist) > 0: for seqit in xrange(len(seqlist)): sequence = seqlist[seqit] splitseq = sequence.split() if len(words) - (wordit + 1) >= len(splitseq): cmplist = words[wordit + 1:] del cmplist[len(splitseq):] cmplist = [word.lower() for word in cmplist] if cmp(cmplist, splitseq) == 0: modifications.append((offset, offset + len(word) + len(sequence) - 1)) offset += len(word) + 1 return modifications