from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import * GlobalEntities = {1000: {'type': 'levelMgr', 'name': 'LevelMgr', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'cogLevel': 0, 'farPlaneDistance': 1500, 'modelFilename': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_Zone08a', 'wantDoors': 1}, 0: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'UberZone', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': []}, 10010: {'type': 'attribModifier', 'name': 'goonStrength', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 100021, 'attribName': 'strength', 'recursive': 1, 'typeName': 'goon', 'value': '15'}, 10015: {'type': 'collisionSolid', 'name': '', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10007, 'pos': Point3(0, 2, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'length': 3.0, 'radius': 3.0, 'showSolid': 0, 'solidType': 'tube'}, 10017: {'type': 'collisionSolid', 'name': 'copy of ', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10018, 'pos': Point3(0, 2, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'length': 3.0, 'radius': 3.0, 'showSolid': 0, 'solidType': 'tube'}, 10026: {'type': 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'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_filing_cabA.bam'}, 10045: {'type': 'model', 'name': 'copy of (2)', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10043, 'pos': Point3(3.5, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'goonHatType': 'none', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_filing_cabA.bam'}, 10060: {'type': 'model', 'name': '', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10043, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'goonHatType': 'none', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_filing_cabA.bam'}, 10062: {'type': 'model', 'name': 'copy of ', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10061, 'pos': Point3(1.75, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'goonHatType': 'none', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_11/models/lawbotHQ/LB_filing_cabA.bam'}, 10063: {'type': 'model', 'name': 'copy of (2)', 'comment': 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