"""ProjectileInterval module: contains the ProjectileInterval class""" __all__ = ['ProjectileInterval'] from pandac.PandaModules import * from Interval import Interval from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import lerp from direct.showbase import PythonUtil class ProjectileInterval(Interval): """ProjectileInterval class: moves a nodepath through the trajectory of a projectile under the influence of gravity""" # create ProjectileInterval DirectNotify category notify = directNotify.newCategory('ProjectileInterval') # serial num for unnamed intervals projectileIntervalNum = 1 # g ~ 9.8 m/s^2 ~ 32 ft/s^2 gravity = 32. # the projectile's velocity is constant in the X and Y directions. # the projectile's motion in the Z (up) direction is parabolic # due to the constant force of gravity, which acts in the -Z direction def __init__(self, node, startPos = None, endPos = None, duration = None, startVel = None, endZ = None, wayPoint = None, timeToWayPoint = None, gravityMult = None, name = None, collNode = None): """ You may specify several different sets of input parameters. (If startPos is not provided, it will be obtained from the node's position at the time that the interval is first started. Note that in this case you must provide a duration of some kind.) # go from startPos to endPos in duration seconds startPos, endPos, duration # given a starting velocity, go for a specific time period startPos, startVel, duration # given a starting velocity, go until you hit a given Z plane startPos, startVel, endZ # pass through wayPoint at time 'timeToWayPoint'. Go until # you hit a given Z plane startPos, wayPoint, timeToWayPoint, endZ You may alter gravity by providing a multiplier in 'gravityMult'. '2.' will make gravity twice as strong, '.5' half as strong. '-1.' will reverse gravity If collNode is not None, it should be an empty CollisionNode which will be filled with an appropriate CollisionParabola when the interval starts. This CollisionParabola will be set to match the interval's parabola, and its t1, t2 values will be updated automatically as the interval plays. It will *not* be automatically removed from the node when the interval finishes. """ self.node = node self.collNode = collNode if self.collNode: if isinstance(self.collNode, NodePath): self.collNode = self.collNode.node() assert self.collNode.getNumSolids() == 0 if name == None: name = '%s-%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.projectileIntervalNum) ProjectileInterval.projectileIntervalNum += 1 """ # attempt to add info about the caller file, line, func = PythonUtil.callerInfo() if file is not None: name += '-%s:%s:%s' % (file, line, func) """ args = (startPos, endPos, duration, startVel, endZ, wayPoint, timeToWayPoint, gravityMult) self.implicitStartPos = 0 if startPos is None: if duration is None: self.notify.error('must provide either startPos or duration') self.duration = duration # we can't calc the trajectory until we know our starting # position; delay until the interval is actually started self.trajectoryArgs = args self.implicitStartPos = 1 else: self.trajectoryArgs = args self.__calcTrajectory(*args) Interval.__init__(self, name, self.duration) def __calcTrajectory(self, startPos = None, endPos = None, duration = None, startVel = None, endZ = None, wayPoint = None, timeToWayPoint = None, gravityMult = None): if startPos is None: startPos = self.node.getPos() def doIndirections(*items): result = [] for item in items: if callable(item): item = item() result.append(item) return result startPos, endPos, startVel, endZ, gravityMult, wayPoint, \ timeToWayPoint = \ doIndirections(startPos, endPos, startVel, endZ, gravityMult, wayPoint, timeToWayPoint) # we're guaranteed to know the starting position at this point self.startPos = startPos # gravity is applied in the -Z direction self.zAcc = -self.gravity if gravityMult: self.zAcc *= gravityMult def calcStartVel(startPos, endPos, duration, zAccel): # p(t) = p_0 + t*v_0 + .5*a*t^2 # v_0 = [p(t) - p_0 - .5*a*t^2] / t if (duration == 0): return Point3(0, 0, 0) else: return Point3((endPos[0] - startPos[0]) / duration, (endPos[1] - startPos[1]) / duration, (endPos[2] - startPos[2] - (.5*zAccel*duration*duration)) / duration) def calcTimeOfImpactOnPlane(startHeight, endHeight, startVel, accel): return PythonUtil.solveQuadratic(accel * .5, startVel, startHeight-endHeight) def calcTimeOfLastImpactOnPlane(startHeight, endHeight, startVel, accel): time = calcTimeOfImpactOnPlane(startHeight, endHeight, startVel, accel) if not time: return None if type(time) == type([]): # projectile hits plane once going up, once going down # assume they want the one on the way down assert self.notify.debug('projectile hits plane twice at times: %s' % time) time = max(*time) else: assert self.notify.debug('projectile hits plane once at time: %s' % time) return time # now all we need is startVel, duration, and endPos. # which set of input parameters do we have? if (None not in (endPos, duration)): assert not startVel assert not endZ assert not wayPoint assert not timeToWayPoint self.duration = duration self.endPos = endPos self.startVel = calcStartVel(self.startPos, self.endPos, self.duration, self.zAcc) elif (None not in (startVel, duration)): assert not endPos assert not endZ assert not wayPoint assert not timeToWayPoint self.duration = duration self.startVel = startVel self.endPos = None elif (None not in (startVel, endZ)): assert not endPos assert not duration assert not wayPoint assert not timeToWayPoint self.startVel = startVel time = calcTimeOfLastImpactOnPlane(self.startPos[2], endZ, self.startVel[2], self.zAcc) if time is None: self.notify.error( 'projectile never reaches plane Z=%s' % endZ) self.duration = time self.endPos = None elif (None not in (wayPoint, timeToWayPoint, endZ)): assert not endPos assert not duration assert not startVel # we pass through wayPoint at time 'timeToWayPoint', and we # stop when we reach endZ self.startVel = calcStartVel(self.startPos, wayPoint, timeToWayPoint, self.zAcc) time = calcTimeOfLastImpactOnPlane( self.startPos[2], endZ, self.startVel[2], self.zAcc) if time is None: self.notify.error( 'projectile never reaches plane Z=%s' % endZ) self.duration = time self.endPos = None else: self.notify.error('invalid set of inputs to ProjectileInterval') self.parabola = LParabola(VBase3(0, 0, 0.5 * self.zAcc), self.startVel, self.startPos) if not self.endPos: self.endPos = self.__calcPos(self.duration) # these are the parameters that we need to know: assert self.notify.debug('startPos: %s' % repr(self.startPos)) assert self.notify.debug('endPos: %s' % repr(self.endPos)) assert self.notify.debug('duration: %s' % self.duration) assert self.notify.debug('startVel: %s' % repr(self.startVel)) assert self.notify.debug('z-accel: %s' % self.zAcc) def __initialize(self): if self.implicitStartPos: self.__calcTrajectory(*self.trajectoryArgs) def testTrajectory(self): try: self.__calcTrajectory(*self.trajectoryArgs) except StandardError: assert self.notify.error('invalid projectile parameters') return False return True def privInitialize(self, t): self.__initialize() if self.collNode: self.collNode.clearSolids() csolid = CollisionParabola(self.parabola, 0, 0) self.collNode.addSolid(csolid) Interval.privInitialize(self, t) def privInstant(self): self.__initialize() Interval.privInstant(self) if self.collNode: self.collNode.clearSolids() csolid = CollisionParabola(self.parabola, 0, self.duration) self.collNode.addSolid(csolid) def __calcPos(self, t): return self.parabola.calcPoint(t) def privStep(self, t): self.node.setFluidPos(self.__calcPos(t)) Interval.privStep(self, t) if self.collNode and self.collNode.getNumSolids() > 0: csolid = self.collNode.modifySolid(0) csolid.setT1(csolid.getT2()) csolid.setT2(t) """ ################################################################## TODO: support arbitrary sets of inputs ################################################################## You must provide a few of the parameters, and the others will be computed. The input parameters in question are: duration, endZ, endPos, startVel, gravityMult Valid sets of input parameters (AA), (trivially computed/default parameters) (BB), non-trivial computed parameters (CC): AA && BB => CC # one parameter duration && (startVel, gravityMult) => endZ, endPos endZ && (startVel, gravityMult) => duration, endPos endPos && (endZ, gravityMult ) => duration, startVel # two parameters duration, endZ && (endPos, gravityMult) => startVel duration, endPos && (endZ, gravityMult ) => startVel duration, startVel && (gravityMult ) => endZ, endPos duration, gravityMult && (startVel ) => endZ, endPos endZ, startVel && (gravityMult ) => duration, endPos endZ, gravityMult && (endPos, startVel ) => duration endPos, gravityMult && (endZ ) => duration, startVel # three parameters duration, endZ, startVel && ( ) => endPos, gravityMult duration, endZ, gravityMult && (endPos) => startVel duration, endPos, gravityMult && (endZ ) => startVel duration, startVel, gravityMult && ( ) => endZ, endPos endZ, startVel, gravityMult && ( ) => duration, endPos # four parameters duration, endZ, startVel, gravityMult && () => endPos ################################################################## ################################################################## """