from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer from toontown.coghq.SpecImports import * GlobalEntities = {1000: {'type': 'levelMgr', 'name': 'LevelMgr', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'cogLevel': 0, 'farPlaneDistance': 1500.0, 'modelFilename': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/SelbotLegFactory', 'wantDoors': 1}, 0: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'UberZone', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': []}, 3: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'Main Entrance', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1), 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecMainEntrance, 'visibility': [114]}, 4: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'Lobby', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': Vec3(1, 1, 1), 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLobby, 'visibility': [113, 114]}, 5: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'hallwayFromLobby', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': [113, 116]}, 6: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'hallwayToBoiler/Control/Lookout', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLobbyHallway, 'visibility': [109, 116, 117, 118]}, 7: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'GearRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecGearRoom, 'visibility': [109, 110]}, 8: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'BoilerRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecBoilerRoom, 'visibility': [108, 117]}, 9: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'EastCatwalk', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecEastCatwalk, 'visibility': [23, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 53, 110, 112, 115, 124, 200, 222]}, 10: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'PaintMixer', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecPaintMixer, 'visibility': [11, 111, 112]}, 11: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'PaintMixerRewardRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecPaintMixerStorageRoom, 'visibility': [10, 111, 112]}, 12: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'WestSiloCatwalk', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecWestSiloCatwalk, 'visibility': [21, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 53, 60, 61, 108, 110, 119, 120, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 200]}, 13: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'PipeRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecPipeRoom, 'visibility': [119, 121]}, 14: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'StairsToPipeRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': [17, 18, 121, 126, 131]}, 15: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'DuctRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecDuctRoom, 'visibility': [106, 126]}, 16: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'Side Entrance', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecSideEntrance, 'visibility': [106]}, 17: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'StomperAlley', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecStomperAlley, 'visibility': [14, 121, 126, 131]}, 18: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'LavaRoomFoyer', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLavaRoomFoyer, 'visibility': [19, 20, 102, 103, 105, 131]}, 19: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'LavaRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLavaRoom, 'visibility': [17, 18, 20, 105, 131]}, 20: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'LavaRewardRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLavaStorageRoom, 'visibility': [18, 19, 105]}, 21: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'WestCatwalk', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecWestCatwalk, 'visibility': [12, 23, 26, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 53, 60, 108, 119, 120, 125, 127, 200]}, 22: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'OilRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecOilRoom, 'visibility': [107]}, 23: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'Lookout', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecLookout, 'visibility': [24, 39, 115, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125]}, 24: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'Warehouse', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecWarehouse, 'visibility': [23, 39, 115, 120, 123, 124, 125]}, 25: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'PaintMixerExterior', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': []}, 26: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'WarehouseExterior', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': '', 'visibility': []}, 27: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'OilRoomHallway', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecOilRoomHallway, 'visibility': [105, 107, 127]}, 30: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'EastSiloControlRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecEastSiloControlRoom, 'visibility': [130]}, 31: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'WestSiloControlRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecWestSiloControlRoom, 'visibility': [128]}, 32: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'CenterSiloControlRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecCenterSiloControlRoom, 'visibility': [129]}, 33: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'EastSilo', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 'scale': 1, 'description': TTLocalizer.SellbotLegFactorySpecEastSilo, 'visibility': [9, 12, 21, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 53, 60, 61, 108, 110, 112, 119, 124, 128, 129, 130, 200, 222]}, 34: {'type': 'zone', 'name': 'WestSilo', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 0, 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'flattenType': 'light', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/metal_crateB.bam'}, 10069: {'type': 'model', 'name': 'backCrate', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10065, 'pos': Point3(0, -5.81496, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': Point3(1, 1, 2), 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/metal_crateB.bam'}, 10070: {'type': 'model', 'name': 'frontCrate', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10065, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': Point3(1, 1, 1), 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/metal_crateB.bam'}, 20082: {'type': 'model', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 5, 'pos': Point3(4.50815, 11.6508, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': Point3(0.92, 0.92, 0.92), 'collisionsOnly': 0, 'flattenType': 'light', 'loadType': 'loadModelCopy', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/metal_crateB.bam'}, 20083: {'type': 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34.07, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10015: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'paint mixer platforms', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10, 'pos': Point3(0, 5.15136, -2), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10022: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'gagBarrels', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 11, 'pos': Point3(11.2328, 14.7959, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10023: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'leftCogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 13, 'pos': Point3(-42.0363, 0, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10027: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'zoneNodeCompensate', 'comment': 'I think the ZoneNode was moved.', 'parentEntId': 19, 'pos': Point3(-0.426482, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10030: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 8, 'pos': Point3(2.5, 62.5, 10), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10032: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'rightCogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 13, 'pos': Point3(46.88, 0, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10034: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 22, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Point3(180, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10036: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 15, 'pos': Point3(5.5, 0, 0), 'hpr': Point3(161, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10037: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 7, 'pos': Point3(3.1, -48.27, 0.05), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10040: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'FactoryBoss', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 24, 'pos': Point3(0, 68.4457, 9.5669), 'hpr': Point3(180, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10047: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 34, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10056: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'sounds', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10000, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 15), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10660: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': 'Paint Mixer Storage Room', 'parentEntId': 11, 'pos': Point3(0, 7.2, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(-180, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10661: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': 'East Catwalk', 'parentEntId': 9, 'pos': Point3(-64.82, 69.84, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(-90, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10662: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': 'West Catwalk', 'parentEntId': 21, 'pos': Point3(109, 250.38, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(-180, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10663: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': 'Outside Center Silo', 'parentEntId': 35, 'pos': Point3(-4, -10, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10064: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 32, 'pos': Point3(0, -5.20447, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10065: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'backSteps', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10000, 'pos': Point3(0, 56.2652, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.3, 0.73)}, 10067: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'frontSteps', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10000, 'pos': Point3(0, -44.7196, 0), 'hpr': Point3(180, 0, 0), 'scale': Point3(1.5, 1.3, 0.729057)}, 10068: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'battleCell', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 33, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20000: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'stompers', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 17, 'pos': Point3(0.75, 0, 0.5), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20018: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10014, 'pos': Point3(0, -24, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20019: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogsJoin', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10030, 'pos': Point3(16, 2, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20022: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'StomperButtonsNodepath', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 24, 'pos': Point3(-11.75, -35.8, 14.9), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20023: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 24, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20037: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'SignatureGoonNP', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 24, 'pos': Point3(-48.4442, -24.9385, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20058: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'SigRoomCogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 24, 'pos': Point3(-1.0928, -45, 14.99), 'hpr': Point3(90, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20087: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 17, 'pos': Point3(-4, -117, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20094: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 34, 'pos': Point3(-0.720506, 27.5461, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20095: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 32, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 20096: {'type': 'nodepath', 'name': 'cogs', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 33, 'pos': Point3(4.84921, 8.74482, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1}, 10017: {'type': 'paintMixer', 'name': 'fifth', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10015, 'pos': Point3(5.24, 23.52, 8), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'floorName': 'PaintMixerFloorCollision', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/PaintMixer', 'modelScale': Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'motion': 'easeInOut', 'offset': Point3(-12, -6, 0), 'period': 8.0, 'phaseShift': 0.5, 'shaftScale': 1, 'waitPercent': 0.1}, 10018: {'type': 'paintMixer', 'name': 'fourth', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10015, 'pos': Point3(-12.1, 3, 8), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'floorName': 'PaintMixerFloorCollision', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/PaintMixer', 'modelScale': Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'motion': 'easeInOut', 'offset': Point3(0, -6, 15), 'period': 8.0, 'phaseShift': 0.0, 'shaftScale': 2.5, 'waitPercent': 0.1}, 10019: {'type': 'paintMixer', 'name': 'third', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10015, 'pos': Point3(-3.85419, -7.75751, 22.5836), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'floorName': 'PaintMixerFloorCollision', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/PaintMixer', 'modelScale': Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'motion': 'easeInOut', 'offset': Point3(7, 0, 0), 'period': 8.0, 'phaseShift': 0.0, 'shaftScale': 2.5, 'waitPercent': 0.1}, 10020: {'type': 'paintMixer', 'name': 'second', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10015, 'pos': Point3(16.01, -6.47, 23), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'floorName': 'PaintMixerFloorCollision', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/PaintMixer', 'modelScale': Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'motion': 'easeInOut', 'offset': Point3(-4, -8, -15), 'period': 8.0, 'phaseShift': 0.0, 'shaftScale': 2.5, 'waitPercent': 0.1}, 10054: {'type': 'paintMixer', 'name': 'first', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 10015, 'pos': Point3(-10, -26.1, 8), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'floorName': 'PaintMixerFloorCollision', 'modelPath': 'phase_9/models/cogHQ/PaintMixer', 'modelScale': Point3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), 'motion': 'easeInOut', 'offset': Point3(15, 0, 0), 'period': 8.0, 'phaseShift': 0.0, 'shaftScale': 1, 'waitPercent': 0.1}, 20008: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 13, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 0, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20009: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 4, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 17, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20010: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 21, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 36, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20012: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 21, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 34, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20015: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 21, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 37, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20038: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 15, 'pos': Point3(0, 0, 0), 'hpr': Vec3(0, 0, 0), 'scale': 1, 'pathIndex': 38, 'pathScale': 1.0}, 20039: {'type': 'path', 'name': '<unnamed>', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 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'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60000, 'event': 30009, 'newZones': [4, 114]}, 30031: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 116', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60000, 'event': 30011, 'newZones': [6, 109, 117, 118]}, 30032: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'intoHallwayFromLobby', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60001, 'event': 30011, 'newZones': [5, 113]}, 30033: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'intoBoilerRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60001, 'event': 30012, 'newZones': [8]}, 30034: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'intoLookout', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60001, 'event': 30013, 'newZones': [23, 39]}, 30035: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'intoGearRoom', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60001, 'event': 30005, 'newZones': [7]}, 30036: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 109', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60002, 'event': 30005, 'newZones': [6, 116, 117, 118]}, 30037: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 110', 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[9, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 53, 110, 115, 200]}, 30046: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 112', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60066, 'event': 30008, 'newZones': [9, 25, 26, 41, 200]}, 30049: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 119', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60013, 'event': 30014, 'newZones': [12, 21, 23, 26, 33, 34, 35, 41, 53, 60, 108, 112, 120, 200]}, 30050: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 121', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60013, 'event': 30016, 'newZones': [14, 17, 126]}, 30051: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 121', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60014, 'event': 30016, 'newZones': [13, 119]}, 30052: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 126', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60014, 'event': 30021, 'newZones': [15, 106]}, 30055: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 105', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60019, 'event': 30001, 'newZones': [27, 127]}, 30056: {'type': 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60087: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 105', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60015, 'event': 60091, 'newZones': [27]}, 60089: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 103', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60019, 'event': 60088, 'newZones': [17]}, 60090: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 103', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60015, 'event': 60088, 'newZones': [18, 19, 105]}, 60092: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 103', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60067, 'event': 60093, 'newZones': [17]}, 60097: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60096, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 60, 61, 128, 129, 200]}, 60098: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60044, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60099: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60096, 'event': 60100, 'newZones': [31]}, 60106: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60011, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60107: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60011, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60109: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60108, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60110: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60108, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60112: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60111, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60113: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60111, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60115: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60114, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60116: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60114, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60117: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 103', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60014, 'event': 60088, 'newZones': [18]}, 60120: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60108, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': [31]}, 60122: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60121, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 60, 61, 128, 129, 130, 200]}, 60123: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60111, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': []}, 60124: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60114, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': [31]}, 60125: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60011, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': [31]}, 60127: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 128', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60126, 'event': 10002, 'newZones': [31]}, 60128: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60126, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60129: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60126, 'event': 60095, 'newZones': [30]}, 60131: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60130, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 60, 61, 128, 130, 200]}, 60136: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60044, 'event': 60094, 'newZones': [32]}, 60137: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60096, 'event': 60138, 'newZones': [32]}, 60139: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 129', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60121, 'event': 60141, 'newZones': [32]}, 60140: {'type': 'visibilityExtender', 'name': 'beyond door 130', 'comment': '', 'parentEntId': 60121, 'event': 60142, 'newZones': [30]}} Scenario0 = {} levelSpec = {'globalEntities': GlobalEntities, 'scenarios': [Scenario0]}