from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.distributed.DistributedObjectAI import DistributedObjectAI from toontown.catalog import CatalogClothingItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogNametagItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogChatItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogEmoteItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogGardenItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogGardenStarterItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogMouldingItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogRentalItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogFurnitureItem from toontown.catalog import CatalogFlooringItem from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time """ Code example: 'codeName': { 'items': [ CatalogTypeItem.CatalogTypeItem(arguments) ] 'expirationDate': datetime(2020, 1, 30), 'month': 1, 'day': 30 } Expiration date, month and day are optional fields. """ class TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI(DistributedObjectAI): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory("TTCodeRedemptionMgrAI") codes = { 'weed': { 'items': [ CatalogClothingItem.CatalogClothingItem(1821, 0) ], 'expirationDate': datetime(2016, 3, 30) # temporary expiration until release }, 'gardening': { 'items': [ CatalogGardenStarterItem.CatalogGardenStarterItem() ] } } def announceGenerate(self): DistributedObjectAI.announceGenerate(self) def getMailboxCount(self, items): count = 0 for item in items: if item.getDeliveryTime() > 0: count += 1 return count def redeemCode(self, context, code): avId = self.air.getAvatarIdFromSender() av = self.air.doId2do.get(avId) if not av: return if code in if av.isCodeRedeemed(code): self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, 3, 2]) return codeInfo =[code] date = if ('month' in codeInfo and date.month is not codeInfo['month']) or ('day' in codeInfo and is not codeInfo['day']) or ('expirationDate' in codeInfo and codeInfo['expirationDate'] - date < timedelta(hours = 1)): self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, 2, 0]) return av.redeemCode(code) self.requestCodeRedeem(context, avId, av, codeInfo['items']) else: self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, 1, 0]) def requestCodeRedeem(self, context, avId, av, items): count = self.getMailboxCount(items) if len(av.onOrder) + count > 5 or len(av.mailboxContents) + len(av.onOrder) + count >= ToontownGlobals.MaxMailboxContents: self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, 3, 1]) return for item in items: if item in av.onOrder: continue item.deliveryDate = int(time.time() / 60) + 0.01 av.onOrder.append(item) av.b_setDeliverySchedule(av.onOrder) self.sendUpdateToAvatarId(avId, 'redeemCodeResult', [context, 0, 0])