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# Name: buttonpanel.py
# Package: wx.lib.pdfviewer
# Purpose: A button panel class for pdf viewer
# Author: David Hughes dfh@forestfield.co.uk
# Copyright: Forestfield Software Ltd
# Licence: Same as wxPython host
# History: Created 26 Jun 2009
# Tags: phoenix-port, documented
This module provides the :class:`~lib.pdfviewer.buttonpanel.pdfButtonPanel`
which can be used together with the :class:`~lib.pdfviewer.viewer.pdfViewer`.
import sys, os, time
import images
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.buttonpanel as bp
class pdfButtonPanel(bp.ButtonPanel):
:class:`~lib.pdfviewer.buttonpanel.pdfButtonPanel` is derived
from wx.lib.agw.buttonpanel and provides buttons to manipulate the viewed
PDF, e.g. zoom, save, print etc.
def __init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style):
Default class constructor.
:param Window `parent`: parent window. Must not be ``None``;
:param integer `id`: window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
:param `pos`: the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:type `pos`: tuple or :class:`Point`
:param `size`: the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size,
chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
:type `size`: tuple or :class:`Size`
:param integer `style`: the button style (unused);
self.viewer = None # reference to viewer is set by their common parent
self.numpages = None
bp.ButtonPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, "",
agwStyle=bp.BP_USE_GRADIENT, alignment=bp.BP_ALIGN_LEFT)
def CreateButtons(self):
Add the buttons and other controls to the panel.
self.pagelabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Page')
self.page = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(30, -1), style=wx.TE_CENTRE|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
self.page.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnPage)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnPage, self.page)
self.maxlabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' ')
self.zoom = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
self.comboval = (('Actual size', 1.0), ('Fit width', -1), ('Fit page', -2),
('25%', 0.25), ('50%', 0.5), ('75%', 0.75), ('100%', 1.0),
('125%', 1.25), ('150%', 1.5), ('200%', 2.0), ('400%', 4.0),
('800%', 8.0), ('1000%', 10.0))
for item in self.comboval:
self.zoom.Append(item[0], item[1]) # string value and client data
self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnZoomSet, self.zoom)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnZoomSet, self.zoom)
self.zoom.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnZoomSet)
panelitems = [
('btn', images.PrintIt.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Print", self.OnPrint),
('btn', images.SaveIt.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Save", self.OnSave),
('btn', images.First.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "First page", self.OnFirst),
('btn', images.Prev.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Previous page", self.OnPrev),
('btn', images.Next.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Next page", self.OnNext),
('btn', images.Last.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Last page", self.OnLast),
('Ctrl', self.pagelabel),
('ctrl', self.page),
('ctrl', self.maxlabel),
('btn', images.ZoomOut.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Zoom out", self.OnZoomOut),
('btn', images.ZoomIn.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Zoom in", self.OnZoomIn),
('ctrl', self.zoom),
('btn', images.Width.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Fit page width", self.OnWidth),
('btn', images.Height.GetBitmap(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL, "Fit page height", self.OnHeight),
for item in panelitems:
if item[0].lower() == 'btn':
type, image, kind, popup, handler = item
btn = bp.ButtonInfo(self, wx.NewId(),image, kind=kind,
shortHelp=popup, longHelp='')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler, id=btn.GetId())
elif item[0].lower() == 'sep':
elif item[0].lower() == 'space':
elif item[0].lower() == 'ctrl':
def SetProperties(self):
Setup the buttonpanel colours, borders etc.
bpArt = self.GetBPArt()
bpArt.SetColor(bp.BP_GRADIENT_COLOUR_FROM, wx.Colour(119, 136, 153)) #light slate
bpArt.SetColor(bp.BP_GRADIENT_COLOUR_TO, wx.Colour(245, 245, 245)) # white smoke
bpArt.SetColor(bp.BP_BORDER_COLOUR, wx.Colour(119, 136, 153))
bpArt.SetColor(bp.BP_BUTTONTEXT_COLOUR, wx.Colour(0,0,0)) # not used
bp.BrightenColour(wx.Colour(60, 11, 112), 0.85))
bpArt.SetColor(bp.BP_SELECTION_BRUSH_COLOUR, wx.Colour(225, 225, 255)) # used?
def Update(self, pagenum, numpages, zoomscale):
Called from viewer to initialize and update controls.
:param integer `pagenum`: the page to show
:param integer `numpages`: the total pages
:param integer `zoomscale`: the zoom factor
In the viewer, page range is from 0 to numpages-1, in button controls it
is from 1 to numpages.
self.pageno = pagenum + 1
self.page.SetValue('%d' % self.pageno)
if numpages != self.numpages:
self.maxlabel.SetLabel('of %d' % numpages)
self.numpages = numpages
self.percentzoom = zoomscale * 100
self.zoom.SetValue('%.0f%%' % self.percentzoom)
self.zoomtext = self.zoom.GetValue() # save last good value
def OnSave(self, event):
The button handler to save the PDF file.
def OnPrint(self, event):
The button handler to print the PDF file.
def OnFirst(self, event):
The button handler to show the first page of the report.
if self.pageno > 1:
self.pageno = 1
def OnPrev(self, event):
The button handler to show the previous page of the report.
if self.pageno > 1:
self.pageno -= 1
def OnNext(self, event):
The button handler to show the next page of the report.
if self.pageno < self.numpages:
self.pageno += 1
def OnLast(self, event):
The button handler to show the last page of the report.
if self.pageno < self.numpages:
self.pageno = self.numpages
def OnPage(self, event):
The handler to go to enter page number of the report, if a
valid number is entered.
newpage = int(self.page.GetValue())
if 1 <= newpage <= self.numpages:
if newpage != self.pageno:
self.pageno = newpage
except ValueError:
if hasattr(self, 'pageno'):
self.page.SetValue('%d' % self.pageno)
def OnZoomOut(self, event):
"Decrease page magnification"
self.viewer.SetZoom(max(0.1, self.percentzoom*0.5/100.0))
def OnZoomIn(self, event):
The button handler to zoom in.
self.viewer.SetZoom(min(self.percentzoom*2/100.0, 10))
def OnZoomSet(self, event):
The zoom set handler, either a list selection of a value entered.
MINZ = 0
MAXZ = 1000
newzoom_scale = None
num = self.zoom.GetSelection()
if num >= 0: # selection from list
newzoom_scale = self.zoom.GetClientData(num)
else: # combo text
astring = self.zoom.GetValue().strip().replace('%','') # ignore percent sign
numvalue = float(astring)
if numvalue < MINZ or numvalue > MAXZ:
numvalue = None
except ValueError:
numvalue = None
if numvalue: # numeric value
newzoom_scale = numvalue/100.0
else: # valid text?
textvalue = self.zoom.GetValue()
for k in range(len(self.comboval)):
if textvalue.lower() == self.comboval[k][0].lower():
newzoom_scale = self.comboval[k][1]
if newzoom_scale:
self.viewer.SetZoom(newzoom_scale) # will send update to set zoomtext
self.zoom.SetValue(self.zoomtext) # restore last good value
def OnWidth(self, event):
The button handler to fit display to page width.
def OnHeight(self, event):
The button handler to fit display to page height.
def ChangePage(self):
Update viewer and self.page control with new page number.
self.page.SetValue('%d' % self.pageno)
self.viewer.GoPage(self.pageno - 1)