2015-05-29 05:03:48 -05:00

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# AnalogClock's base classes
# E. A. Tacao <e.a.tacao |at| estadao.com.br>
# http://j.domaindlx.com/elements28/wxpython/
# 15 Fev 2006, 22:00 GMT-03:00
# Distributed under the wxWidgets license.
# Tags: phoenix-port
from time import strftime, localtime
import math
import wx
from styles import *
_targets = [HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND]
class Element:
"""Base class for face, hands and tick marks."""
def __init__(self, idx=0, pos=None, size=None, offset=0, clocksize=None,
scale=1, rotate=False, kind=""):
self.idx = idx
self.pos = pos
self.size = size
self.offset = offset
self.clocksize = clocksize
self.scale = scale
self.rotate = rotate
self.kind = kind
self.text = None
self.angfac = [6, 30][self.kind == "hours"]
def _pol2rect(self, m, t):
return m * math.cos(math.radians(t)), m * math.sin(math.radians(t))
def _rect2pol(self, x, y):
return math.hypot(x, y), math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x))
def DrawRotated(self, dc, offset=0):
def DrawStraight(self, dc, offset=0):
def Draw(self, dc, offset=0):
if self.rotate:
self.DrawRotated(dc, offset)
self.DrawStraight(dc, offset)
def RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale):
def GetSize(self):
return self.size
def GetOffset(self):
return self.offset
def GetIsRotated(self, rotate):
return self.rotate
def GetMaxSize(self, scale=1):
return self.size * scale
def GetScale(self):
return self.scale
def SetIsRotated(self, rotate):
self.rotate = rotate
def GetMaxSize(self, scale=1):
return self.size * scale
def GetPolygon(self):
return self.polygon
def SetPosition(self, pos):
self.pos = pos
def SetSize(self, size):
self.size = size
def SetOffset(self, offset):
self.offset = offset
def SetClockSize(self, clocksize):
self.clocksize = clocksize
def SetScale(self, scale):
self.scale = scale
def SetIsRotated(self, rotate):
self.rotate = rotate
def SetPolygon(self, polygon):
self.polygon = polygon
class ElementWithDyer(Element):
"""Base class for clock face and hands."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.dyer = kwargs.pop("dyer", Dyer())
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def GetFillColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetFillColour()
def GetBorderColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetBorderColour()
def GetBorderWidth(self):
return self.dyer.GetBorderWidth()
def GetShadowColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetShadowColour()
def SetFillColour(self, colour):
def SetBorderColour(self, colour):
def SetBorderWidth(self, width):
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
class Face(ElementWithDyer):
"""Holds info about the clock face."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
ElementWithDyer.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def Draw(self, dc):
dc.DrawCircle(self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.radius)
def RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale):
self.radius = min(clocksize.Get()) / 2. - self.dyer.width / 2.
self.pos = centre
class Hand(ElementWithDyer):
"""Holds info about a clock hand."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.lenfac = kwargs.pop("lenfac")
ElementWithDyer.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.SetPolygon([[-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 4]])
def Draw(self, dc, end, offset=0):
radius, centre, r = end
angle = math.degrees(r)
polygon = self.polygon[:]
vscale = radius / max([y for x, y in polygon])
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(polygon):
x *= self.scale * self.size
y *= vscale * self.lenfac
m, t = self._rect2pol(x, y)
polygon[i] = self._pol2rect(m, t - angle)
dc.DrawPolygon(polygon, centre.x + offset, centre.y + offset)
def RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale):
self.pos = centre
self.scale = scale
class TickSquare(Element):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def Draw(self, dc, offset=0):
width = height = self.size * self.scale
x = self.pos.x - width / 2.
y = self.pos.y - height / 2.
dc.DrawRectangle(x + offset, y + offset, width, height)
class TickCircle(Element):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def Draw(self, dc, offset=0):
radius = self.size * self.scale / 2.
x = self.pos.x
y = self.pos.y
dc.DrawCircle(x + offset, y + offset, radius)
class TickPoly(Element):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.SetPolygon([[0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 1], [1, 5]])
def _calcPolygon(self):
width = max([x for x, y in self.polygon])
height = max([y for x, y in self.polygon])
tscale = self.size / max(width, height) * self.scale
polygon = [(x * tscale, y * tscale) for x, y in self.polygon]
width = max([x for x, y in polygon])
height = max([y for x, y in polygon])
return polygon, width, height
def DrawStraight(self, dc, offset=0):
polygon, width, height = self._calcPolygon()
x = self.pos.x - width / 2.
y = self.pos.y - height / 2.
dc.DrawPolygon(polygon, x + offset, y + offset)
def DrawRotated(self, dc, offset=0):
polygon, width, height = self._calcPolygon()
angle = 360 - self.angfac * (self.idx + 1)
r = math.radians(angle)
for i in range(len(polygon)):
m, t = self._rect2pol(*polygon[i])
t -= angle
polygon[i] = self._pol2rect(m, t)
x = self.pos.x - math.cos(r) * width / 2. - math.sin(r) * height / 2.
y = self.pos.y - math.cos(r) * height / 2. + math.sin(r) * width / 2.
dc.DrawPolygon(polygon, x + offset, y + offset)
class TickDecimal(Element):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.text = "%s" % (self.idx + 1)
def DrawStraight(self, dc, offset=0):
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(self.text)
x = self.pos.x - width / 2.
y = self.pos.y - height / 2.
dc.DrawText(self.text, x + offset, y + offset)
def DrawRotated(self, dc, offset=0):
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(self.text)
angle = 360 - self.angfac * (self.idx + 1)
r = math.radians(angle)
x = self.pos.x - math.cos(r) * width / 2. - math.sin(r) * height / 2.
y = self.pos.y - math.cos(r) * height / 2. + math.sin(r) * width / 2.
dc.DrawRotatedText(self.text, x + offset, y + offset, angle)
class TickRoman(TickDecimal):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
TickDecimal.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.text = ["I","II","III","IV","V", \
"VI","VII","VIII","IX","X", \
"XI","XII","XIII","XIV","XV", \
"XVI","XVII","XVIII","XIX","XX", \
"LI","LII","LIII","LIV","LV", \
class TickBinary(TickDecimal):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
TickDecimal.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def d2b(n, b=""):
while n > 0:
b = str(n % 2) + b; n = n >> 1
return b.zfill(4)
self.text = d2b(self.idx + 1)
class TickHex(TickDecimal):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
TickDecimal.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.text = hex(self.idx + 1)[2:].upper()
class TickNone(Element):
"""Holds info about a tick mark."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Element.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def Draw(self, dc, offset=0):
class Dyer:
"""Stores info about colours and borders of clock Elements."""
def __init__(self, border=None, width=0, fill=None, shadow=None):
self.border (wx.Colour) border colour
self.width (int) border width
self.fill (wx.Colour) fill colour
self.shadow (wx.Colour) shadow colour
self.border = border or \
self.fill = fill or \
self.shadow = shadow or \
self.width = width
def Select(self, dc, shadow=False):
"""Selects the current settings into the dc."""
if not shadow:
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.border, self.width, wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID))
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.fill, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID))
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.shadow, self.width, wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID))
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.shadow, wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID))
def GetFillColour(self):
return self.fill
def GetBorderColour(self):
return self.border
def GetBorderWidth(self):
return self.width
def GetShadowColour(self):
return self.shadow
def SetFillColour(self, colour):
self.fill = colour
def SetBorderColour(self, colour):
self.border = colour
def SetBorderWidth(self, width):
self.width = width
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
self.shadow = colour
class HandSet:
"""Manages the set of hands."""
def __init__(self, parent, h, m, s):
self.parent = parent
self.hands = [h, m, s]
self.radius = 1
self.centre = wx.Point(1, 1)
def _draw(self, dc, shadow=False):
ends = [int(x) for x in strftime("%I %M %S", localtime()).split()]
flags = [self.parent.clockStyle & flag \
for flag in self.parent.allHandStyles]
a_hand = self.hands[0]
if shadow:
offset = self.parent.shadowOffset * a_hand.GetScale()
offset = 0
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
# Is this hand supposed to be drawn?
if flags[i]:
idx = ends[i]
# Is this the hours hand?
if i == 0:
idx = idx * 5 + ends[1] / 12 - 1
# else prevent exceptions on leap seconds
elif idx <= 0 or idx > 60:
idx = 59
# and adjust idx offset for minutes and non-leap seconds
idx = idx - 1
angle = math.radians(180 - 6 * (idx + 1))
hand.dyer.Select(dc, shadow)
hand.Draw(dc, (self.radius, self.centre, angle), offset)
def Draw(self, dc):
if self.parent.clockStyle & SHOW_SHADOWS:
self._draw(dc, True)
def RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale):
self.centre = centre
[hand.RecalcCoords(clocksize, centre, scale) for hand in self.hands]
def SetMaxRadius(self, radius):
self.radius = radius
def GetSize(self, target):
r = []
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
return tuple(r)
def GetFillColour(self, target):
r = []
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
return tuple(r)
def GetBorderColour(self, target):
r = []
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
return tuple(r)
def GetBorderWidth(self, target):
r = []
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
return tuple(r)
def GetShadowColour(self):
r = []
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
return tuple(r)
def SetSize(self, size, target):
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
def SetFillColour(self, colour, target):
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
def SetBorderColour(self, colour, target):
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
def SetBorderWidth(self, width, target):
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
if _targets[i] & target:
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
for i, hand in enumerate(self.hands):
class TickSet:
"""Manages a set of tick marks."""
def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
self.parent = parent
self.dyer = Dyer()
self.noe = {"minutes": 60, "hours": 12}[kwargs["kind"]]
self.font = wx.SystemSettings.GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
style = kwargs.pop("style")
self.kwargs = kwargs
def _draw(self, dc, shadow=False):
a_tick = self.ticks[0]
if shadow:
offset = self.parent.shadowOffset * a_tick.GetScale()
offset = 0
clockStyle = self.parent.clockStyle
for idx, tick in self.ticks.items():
draw = False
# Are we a set of hours?
if self.noe == 12:
# Should we show all hours ticks?
if clockStyle & SHOW_HOURS_TICKS:
draw = True
# Or is this tick a quarter and should we show only quarters?
elif clockStyle & SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS and not (idx + 1) % 3.:
draw = True
# Are we a set of minutes and minutes should be shown?
elif self.noe == 60 and clockStyle & SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS:
# If this tick occupies the same position of an hour/quarter
# tick, should we still draw it anyway?
if clockStyle & OVERLAP_TICKS:
draw = True
# Right, sir. I promise I won't overlap any tick.
# Ensure that this tick won't overlap an hour tick.
if clockStyle & SHOW_HOURS_TICKS:
if (idx + 1) % 5.:
draw = True
# Ensure that this tick won't overlap a quarter tick.
elif clockStyle & SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS:
if (idx + 1) % 15.:
draw = True
# We're not drawing quarters nor hours, so we can draw all
# minutes ticks.
draw = True
if draw:
tick.Draw(dc, offset)
def Draw(self, dc):
if self.parent.clockStyle & SHOW_SHADOWS:
self.dyer.Select(dc, True)
self._draw(dc, True)
def RecalcCoords(self, clocksize, centre, scale):
a_tick = self.ticks[0]
size = a_tick.GetMaxSize(scale)
maxsize = size
# Try to find a 'good' max size for text-based ticks.
if a_tick.text is not None:
dc = wx.MemoryDC()
maxsize = size
for tick in self.ticks.values():
maxsize = max(*(dc.GetTextExtent(tick.text) + (maxsize,)))
radius = self.radius = min(clocksize.Get()) / 2. - \
self.dyer.width / 2. - \
maxsize / 2. - \
a_tick.GetOffset() * scale - \
self.parent.shadowOffset * scale
# If we are a set of hours, the number of elements of this tickset is
# 12 and ticks are separated by a distance of 30 degrees;
# if we are a set of minutes, the number of elements of this tickset is
# 60 and ticks are separated by a distance of 6 degrees.
angfac = [6, 30][self.noe == 12]
for i, tick in self.ticks.items():
deg = 180 - angfac * (i + 1)
angle = math.radians(deg)
x = centre.x + radius * math.sin(angle)
y = centre.y + radius * math.cos(angle)
tick.SetPosition(wx.Point(x, y))
def GetSize(self):
return self.kwargs["size"]
def GetFillColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetFillColour()
def GetBorderColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetBorderColour()
def GetBorderWidth(self):
return self.dyer.GetBorderWidth()
def GetPolygon(self):
a_tick = self.ticks.values()[0]
return a_tick.GetPolygon()
def GetFont(self):
return self.font
def GetOffset(self):
a_tick = self.ticks[0]
return a_tick.GetOffset()
def GetShadowColour(self):
return self.dyer.GetShadowColour()
def GetIsRotated(self):
a_tick = self.ticks[0]
return a_tick.GetIsRotated()
def GetStyle(self):
return self.style
def SetSize(self, size):
self.kwargs["size"] = size
[tick.SetSize(size) for tick in self.ticks.values()]
def SetFillColour(self, colour):
def SetBorderColour(self, colour):
def SetBorderWidth(self, width):
def SetPolygon(self, polygon):
[tick.SetPolygon(polygon) for tick in self.ticks.values()]
def SetFont(self, font):
self.font = font
def SetOffset(self, offset):
self.kwargs["offset"] = offset
[tick.SetOffset(offset) for tick in self.ticks.values()]
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
def SetIsRotated(self, rotate):
self.kwargs["rotate"] = rotate
[tick.SetIsRotated(rotate) for tick in self.ticks.values()]
def SetStyle(self, style):
self.style = style
tickclass = allTickStyles[style]
self.kwargs["rotate"] = self.parent.clockStyle & ROTATE_TICKS
self.ticks = {}
for i in range(self.noe):
self.kwargs["idx"] = i
self.ticks[i] = tickclass(**self.kwargs)
class Box:
"""Gathers info about the clock face and tick sets."""
def __init__(self, parent, Face, TicksM, TicksH):
self.parent = parent
self.Face = Face
self.TicksH = TicksH
self.TicksM = TicksM
def GetNiceRadiusForHands(self, centre):
a_tick = self.TicksM.ticks[0]
scale = a_tick.GetScale()
bw = max(self.TicksH.dyer.width / 2. * scale,
self.TicksM.dyer.width / 2. * scale)
mgt = self.TicksM.ticks[59]
my = mgt.pos.y + mgt.GetMaxSize(scale) + bw
hgt = self.TicksH.ticks[11]
hy = hgt.pos.y + hgt.GetMaxSize(scale) + bw
niceradius = centre.y - max(my, hy)
return niceradius
def Draw(self, dc):
[getattr(self, attr).Draw(dc) \
for attr in ["Face", "TicksM", "TicksH"]]
def RecalcCoords(self, size, centre, scale):
[getattr(self, attr).RecalcCoords(size, centre, scale) \
for attr in ["Face", "TicksH", "TicksM"]]
def GetTickSize(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetTickFillColour(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetTickBorderColour(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetTickBorderWidth(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetTickPolygon(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetTickFont(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetIsRotated(self):
a_tickset = self.TicksH
return a_tickset.GetIsRotated()
def GetTickOffset(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def GetShadowColour(self):
a_tickset = self.TicksH
return a_tickset.GetShadowColour()
def GetTickStyle(self, target):
r = []
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
return tuple(r)
def SetTickSize(self, size, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickFillColour(self, colour, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickBorderColour(self, colour, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickBorderWidth(self, width, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickPolygon(self, polygon, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickFont(self, font, target):
fs = font.GetNativeFontInfoDesc()
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetIsRotated(self, rotate):
[getattr(self, attr).SetIsRotated(rotate) \
for attr in ["TicksH", "TicksM"]]
def SetTickOffset(self, offset, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetShadowColour(self, colour):
for attr in ["TicksH", "TicksM"]:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
def SetTickStyle(self, style, target):
for i, attr in enumerate(["TicksH", "TicksM"]):
if _targets[i] & target:
tick = getattr(self, attr)
# Relationship between styles and ticks class names.
allTickStyles = {TICKS_BINARY: TickBinary,
### eof