/* Yara Rule to detect Backspace Malware mentioned in FireEye APT30 Report https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/04/apt_30_and_the_mecha.html 13.04.2015 v1.0 please report back false positives via the 'issue' section of the LOKI github page */ rule APT30_Generic_H { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "2a4c8752f3e7fde0139421b8d5713b29c720685d" hash2 = "4350e906d590dca5fcc90ed3215467524e0a4e3d" id = "1908e985-9634-51dc-8972-53afa13c26a3" strings: $s0 = "\\Temp1020.txt" ascii $s1 = "Xmd.Txe" fullword ascii $s2 = "\\Internet Exp1orer" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_2 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "0359ffbef6a752ee1a54447b26e272f4a5a35167" id = "821a2de9-48c4-58d8-acc4-1e25025ab5cf" strings: $s0 = "ForZRLnkWordDlg.EXE" fullword wide $s1 = "ForZRLnkWordDlg Microsoft " fullword wide $s9 = "ForZRLnkWordDlg 1.0 " fullword wide $s11 = "ForZRLnkWordDlg" fullword wide $s12 = " (C) 2011" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_3 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "d0320144e65c9af0052f8dee0419e8deed91b61b" id = "62e81385-26f5-545d-92ff-6604ff4d0186" strings: $s5 = "Software\\Mic" ascii $s6 = "HHOSTR" ascii $s9 = "ThEugh" fullword ascii $s10 = "Moziea/" ascii $s12 = "%s%s(X-" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_C { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "8667f635fe089c5e2c666b3fe22eaf3ff8590a69" hash2 = "0c4fcef3b583d0ffffc2b14b9297d3a4" hash3 = "37aee58655f5859e60ece6b249107b87" hash4 = "4154548e1f8e9e7eb39d48a4cd75bcd1" hash5 = "a2e0203e665976a13cdffb4416917250" hash6 = "b4ae0004094b37a40978ef06f311a75e" hash7 = "e39756bc99ee1b05e5ee92a1cdd5faf4" id = "25ec8d54-9875-5bf5-abc9-296f18f3c5e5" strings: $s0 = "MYUSER32.dll" fullword ascii $s1 = "MYADVAPI32.dll" fullword ascii $s2 = "MYWSOCK32.dll" fullword ascii $s3 = "MYMSVCRT.dll" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_4 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "75367d8b506031df5923c2d8d7f1b9f643a123cd" id = "e5c6afde-0ab5-54ed-8d18-5ad477a527d7" strings: $s0 = "GetStartupIn" ascii $s1 = "enMutex" ascii $s2 = "tpsvimi" ascii $s3 = "reateProcesy" ascii $s5 = "FreeLibr1y*S" ascii $s6 = "foAModuleHand" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_5 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "1a2dd2a0555dc746333e7c956c58f7c4cdbabd4b" id = "bdbebe44-7423-5793-8a42-4f9b70de2231" strings: $s0 = "Version 4.7.3001" fullword wide $s1 = "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2004" fullword wide $s3 = "Microsoft(R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U" wide $s7 = "msmsgs" fullword wide $s10 = "----------------g_nAV=%d,hWnd:0x%X,className:%s,Title:%s,(%d,%d,%d,%d),BOOL=%d" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_6 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "00e69b059ad6b51b76bc476a115325449d10b4c0" id = "2f19809c-09fc-51bf-9a20-6b95099a92dd" strings: $s0 = "GreateProcessA" fullword ascii $s1 = "Ternel32.dll" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_7 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "868d1f4c106a08bd2e5af4f23139f0e0cd798fba" id = "612732d9-8df5-5388-b299-2da4f8118435" strings: $s0 = "datain" fullword ascii $s3 = "C:\\Prog" ascii $s4 = "$LDDATA$" ascii $s5 = "Maybe a Encrypted Flash" fullword ascii $s6 = "Jean-loup Gailly" ascii $s8 = "deflate 1.1.3 Copyright" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_E { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "1dbb584e19499e26398fb0a7aa2a01b7" hash2 = "572c9cd4388699347c0b2edb7c6f5e25" hash3 = "8ff473bedbcc77df2c49a91167b1abeb" hash4 = "a813eba27b2166620bd75029cc1f04b0" hash5 = "b5546842e08950bc17a438d785b5a019" id = "69e76a59-3529-541d-9017-07e6d67fbda4" strings: $s0 = "Nkfvtyvn}" ascii $s6 = "----------------g_nAV=%d,hWnd:0x%X,className:%s,Title:%s,(%d,%d,%d,%d),BOOL=%d" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_8 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "9531e21652143b8b129ab8c023dc05fef2a17cc3" id = "5053c2db-32a9-58ae-9a72-eb16ef14168e" strings: $s0 = "ateProcessA" ascii $s1 = "Ternel32.dllFQ" fullword ascii $s2 = "StartupInfoAModuleHand" fullword ascii $s3 = "OpenMutex" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_B { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "0fcb4ffe2eb391421ec876286c9ddb6c" hash2 = "29395c528693b69233c1c12bef8a64b3" hash3 = "4c6b21e98ca03e0ef0910e07cef45dac" hash4 = "550459b31d8dabaad1923565b7e50242" hash5 = "65232a8d555d7c4f7bc0d7c5da08c593" hash6 = "853a20f5fc6d16202828df132c41a061" hash7 = "ed151602dea80f39173c2f7b1dd58e06" id = "df3b8896-7229-5b3b-ad2f-774b0cea167c" strings: $s2 = "Moziea/4.0" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_I { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "fe211c7a081c1dac46e3935f7c614549" hash2 = "8c9db773d387bf9b3f2b6a532e4c937c" id = "55046e1a-731a-5418-9a7a-4fe1611c77d0" strings: $s0 = "Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved." fullword wide $s1 = "(Prxy%c-%s:%u)" fullword ascii $s2 = "Google Inc." fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_9 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "442bf8690401a2087a340ce4a48151c39101652f" id = "bf24bb57-aff9-579c-b8a2-265a6d2a06d0" strings: $s0 = "\\Windo" ascii $s2 = "oHHOSTR" ascii $s3 = "Softwa]\\Mic" ascii $s4 = "Startup'T" ascii $s6 = "Ora\\%^" ascii $s7 = "\\Ohttp=r" ascii $s17 = "help32Snapshot0L" ascii $s18 = "TimUmoveH" ascii $s20 = "WideChc[lobalAl" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_10 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "eb518cda3c4f4e6938aaaee07f1f7db8ee91c901" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "Version 4.7.3001" fullword wide $s1 = "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2004" fullword wide $s2 = "Microsoft(R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U" wide $s3 = "!! Use Connect Method !!" fullword ascii $s4 = "(Prxy%c-%s:%u)" fullword ascii $s5 = "msmsgs" fullword wide $s18 = "(Prxy-No)" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_11 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "59066d5d1ee3ad918111ed6fcaf8513537ff49a6" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\ComputerName\\ComputerName" fullword ascii $s1 = "msofscan.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Win32)" fullword ascii $s3 = "Microsoft? is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation." fullword wide $s4 = "Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows Server 2003" fullword ascii $s9 = "NetEagle_Scout - " fullword ascii $s10 = "Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition" fullword ascii $s11 = "Windows 3.1(Win32s)" fullword ascii $s12 = "%s%s%s %s" fullword ascii $s13 = "Server 4.0" fullword ascii $s15 = "Windows Millennium Edition" fullword ascii $s16 = "msofscan" fullword wide $s17 = "Eagle-Norton360-OfficeScan" fullword ascii $s18 = "Workstation 4.0" fullword ascii $s19 = "2003 Microsoft Office system" fullword wide condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_12 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "b02b5720ff0f73f01eb2ba029a58b645c987c4bc" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "Richic" fullword ascii $s1 = "Accept: image/gif, */*" fullword ascii $s2 = "----------------g_nAV=%d,hWnd:0x%X,className:%s,Title:%s,(%d,%d,%d,%d),BOOL=%d" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_13 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "a359f705a833c4a4254443b87645fd579aa94bcf" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "msofscan.exe" fullword wide $s1 = "Microsoft? is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation." fullword wide $s2 = "Microsoft Office Word Plugin Scan" fullword wide $s3 = "? 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." fullword wide $s4 = "msofscan" fullword wide $s6 = "2003 Microsoft Office system" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_14 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "b0740175d20eab79a5d62cdbe0ee1a89212a8472" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "AdobeReader.exe" fullword wide $s4 = "" fullword wide $s5 = "Copyright 1984-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All ri" wide $s8 = "Adobe Reader" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_15 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "7a8576804a2bbe4e5d05d1718f90b6a4332df027" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "\\Windo" ascii $s2 = "HHOSTR" ascii $s3 = "Softwa]\\Mic" ascii $s4 = "Startup'T" fullword ascii $s17 = "help32Snapshot0L" fullword ascii $s18 = "TimUmoveH" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_16 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "066d06ac08b48d3382d46bbeda6ad411b6d6130e" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "\\Temp1020.txt" ascii $s1 = "cmcbqyjs" fullword ascii $s2 = "SPVSWh\\" fullword ascii $s4 = "PSShxw@" fullword ascii $s5 = "VWhHw@" fullword ascii $s7 = "SVWhHw@" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_A { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "9f49aa1090fa478b9857e15695be4a89f8f3e594" hash2 = "396116cfb51cee090822913942f6ccf81856c2fb" hash3 = "fef9c3b4b35c226501f7d60816bb00331a904d5b" hash4 = "7c9a13f1fdd6452fb6d62067f958bfc5fec1d24e" hash5 = "5257ba027abe3a2cf397bfcae87b13ab9c1e9019" id = "6b851d94-d3bd-5c76-8fd0-adb42b3fab73" strings: $s5 = "WPVWhhiA" fullword ascii $s6 = "VPWVhhiA" fullword ascii $s11 = "VPhhiA" fullword ascii $s12 = "uUhXiA" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_17 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "c3aa52ff1d19e8fc6704777caf7c5bd120056845" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s1 = "Nkfvtyvn}]ty}ztU" fullword ascii $s4 = "IEXPL0RE" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_18 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "355436a16d7a2eba8a284b63bb252a8bb1644751" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "w.km-nyc.com" fullword ascii $s1 = "tscv.exe" fullword ascii $s2 = "Exit/app.htm" ascii $s3 = "UBD:\\D" ascii $s4 = "LastError" ascii $s5 = "MicrosoftHaveAck" ascii $s7 = "HHOSTR" ascii $s20 = "XPL0RE." ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_G { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "1612b392d6145bfb0c43f8a48d78c75f" hash = "53f1358cbc298da96ec56e9a08851b4b" hash = "c2acc9fc9b0f050ec2103d3ba9cb11c0" hash = "f18be055fae2490221c926e2ad55ab11" id = "34269de3-4559-58a5-a621-0ad72857dc9e" strings: $s0 = "%s\\%s\\%s=%s" fullword ascii $s1 = "Copy File %s OK!" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s Space:%uM,FreeSpace:%uM" fullword ascii $s4 = "open=%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "Maybe a Encrypted Flash Disk" fullword ascii $s12 = "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_19 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/03" modified = "2023-01-06" score = 75 hash = "cfa438449715b61bffa20130df8af778ef011e15" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\wab32" fullword ascii $s1 = "%s,Volume:%s,Type:%s,TotalSize:%uMB,FreeSize:%uMB" fullword ascii $s2 = "\\TEMP\\" ascii $s3 = "\\Temporary Internet Files\\" ascii $s5 = "%s TotalSize:%u Bytes" fullword ascii $s6 = "This Disk Maybe a Encrypted Flash Disk!" fullword ascii $s7 = "User:%-32s" fullword ascii $s8 = "\\Desktop\\" ascii $s9 = "%s.%u_%u" fullword ascii $s10 = "Nick:%-32s" fullword ascii $s11 = "E-mail:%-32s" fullword ascii $s13 = "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u" fullword ascii $s14 = "Type:%-8s" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and 8 of them } rule APT30_Generic_E_v2 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "eca53a9f6251ddf438508b28d8a483f91b99a3fd" id = "40897687-fb17-568e-9907-e9588a53bbe0" strings: $s0 = "Nkfvtyvn}duf_Z}{Ys" fullword ascii $s1 = "Nkfvtyvn}*Zrswru1i" fullword ascii $s2 = "Nkfvtyvn}duf_Z}{V" fullword ascii $s3 = "Nkfvtyvn}*ZrswrumT\\b" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_20 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "b1c37632e604a5d1f430c9351f87eb9e8ea911c0" id = "91246101-246b-5da9-9e55-7f361d1f6437" strings: $s0 = "dizhi.gif" fullword ascii $s2 = "Mozilla/u" ascii $s3 = "XicrosoftHaveAck" ascii $s4 = "flyeagles" ascii $s10 = "iexplore." ascii $s13 = "WindowsGV" fullword ascii $s16 = "CatePipe" fullword ascii $s17 = "'QWERTY:/webpage3" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_21 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "d315daa61126616a79a8582145777d8a1565c615" id = "72005b40-91f7-5661-9478-8680f999b245" strings: $s0 = "Service.dll" fullword ascii $s1 = "(%s:%s %s)" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s \"%s\",%s %s" fullword ascii $s5 = "Proxy-%s:%u" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_22 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "0d17a58c24753e5f8fd5276f62c8c7394d8e1481" id = "6c1b3dd2-4383-51a2-9185-2365a4d1e784" strings: $s1 = "(\\TEMP" fullword ascii $s2 = "Windows\\Cur" fullword ascii $s3 = "LSSAS.exeJ" fullword ascii $s4 = "QC:\\WINDOWS" fullword ascii $s5 = "System Volume" fullword ascii $s8 = "PROGRAM FILE" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_F { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "09010917cd00dc8ddd21aeb066877aa2" hash2 = "4c10a1efed25b828e4785d9526507fbc" hash3 = "b7b282c9e3eca888cbdb5a856e07e8bd" hash4 = "df1799845b51300b03072c6569ab96d5" id = "cff8b921-9afc-5a52-84cb-825de33fc86e" strings: $s0 = "\\~zlzl.exe" ascii $s2 = "\\Internet Exp1orer" ascii $s3 = "NodAndKabIsExcellent" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_23 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "9865e24aadb4480bd3c182e50e0e53316546fc01" id = "9366dd34-9967-5b40-935e-4b0d8f2f5e9e" strings: $s0 = "hostid" ascii $s1 = "\\Window" ascii $s2 = "%u:%u%s" fullword ascii $s5 = "S2tware\\Mic" ascii $s6 = "la/4.0 (compa" ascii $s7 = "NameACKernel" fullword ascii $s12 = "ToWideChc[lo" fullword ascii $s14 = "help32SnapshotfL" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_24 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "572caa09f2b600daa941c60db1fc410bef8d1771" id = "aed2201d-b557-56ec-aa53-fff5b1e17dbd" strings: $s1 = "dizhi.gif" fullword ascii $s3 = "Mozilla/4.0" fullword ascii $s4 = "lyeagles" fullword ascii $s6 = "HHOSTR" ascii $s7 = "#MicrosoftHaveAck7" ascii $s8 = "iexplore." fullword ascii $s17 = "ModuleH" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_25 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "44a21c8b3147fabc668fee968b62783aa9d90351" id = "8b2f2ba2-e9cc-5b3c-8af9-4217d662bc3f" strings: $s1 = "C:\\WINDOWS" fullword ascii $s2 = "aragua" fullword ascii $s4 = "\\driver32\\7$" ascii $s8 = "System V" fullword ascii $s9 = "Compu~r" fullword ascii $s10 = "PROGRAM L" fullword ascii $s18 = "GPRTMAX" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_26 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "e26588113417bf68cb0c479638c9cd99a48e846d" id = "aa80a142-c8fc-504e-b475-e9838607bec6" strings: $s1 = "forcegue" fullword ascii $s3 = "Windows\\Cur" fullword ascii $s4 = "System Id" fullword ascii $s5 = "Software\\Mic" fullword ascii $s6 = "utiBy0ToWideCh&$a" fullword ascii $s10 = "ModuleH" fullword ascii $s15 = "PeekNamed6G" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_D { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "35dfb55f419f476a54241f46e624a1a4" hash2 = "4fffcbdd4804f6952e0daf2d67507946" hash3 = "597805832d45d522c4882f21db800ecf" hash4 = "6bd422d56e85024e67cc12207e330984" hash5 = "82e13f3031130bd9d567c46a9c71ef2b" hash6 = "b79d87ff6de654130da95c73f66c15fa" id = "9b8d8a60-a357-5cfd-8ff1-6264144ad7be" strings: $s0 = "Windows Security Service Feedback" fullword wide $s1 = "wssfmgr.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "\\rb.htm" ascii $s3 = "rb.htm" fullword ascii $s4 = "cook5" ascii $s5 = "5, 4, 2600, 0" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_27 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "959573261ca1d7e5ddcd19447475b2139ca24fe1" id = "22815745-086f-59ee-aac1-f35e49aa5835" strings: $s0 = "Mozilla/4.0" fullword ascii $s1 = "dizhi.gif" fullword ascii $s5 = "oftHaveAck+" ascii $s10 = "HlobalAl" fullword ascii $s13 = "$NtRND1$" fullword ascii $s14 = "_NStartup" ascii $s16 = "GXSYSTEM" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_28 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "e62a63307deead5c9fcca6b9a2d51fb0" hash2 = "5b590798da581c894d8a87964763aa8b" id = "1bc8c68f-ebbb-58b1-92aa-5954318096a0" strings: $s0 = "www.flyeagles.com" fullword ascii $s1 = "iexplore.exe" fullword ascii $s2 = "www.km-nyc.com" fullword ascii $s3 = "cmdLine.exe" fullword ascii $s4 = "Software\\Microsoft\\CurrentNetInf" fullword ascii $s5 = "/dizhi.gif" ascii $s6 = "/connect.gif" ascii $s7 = "USBTest.sys" fullword ascii $s8 = "/ver.htm" fullword ascii $s11 = "\\netscv.exe" ascii $s12 = "/app.htm" fullword ascii $s13 = "\\netsvc.exe" ascii $s14 = "/exe.htm" fullword ascii $s18 = "MicrosoftHaveAck" fullword ascii $s19 = "MicrosoftHaveExit" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and 7 of them } rule APT30_Sample_29 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "44492c53715d7c79895904543843a321491cb23a" id = "24334885-fcb4-5a13-82e8-c8465f97361e" strings: $s0 = "LSSAS.exe" fullword ascii $s1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\FlashDiskInf" fullword ascii $s2 = ".petite" fullword ascii $s3 = "MicrosoftFlashExit" fullword ascii $s4 = "MicrosoftFlashHaveExit" fullword ascii $s5 = "MicrosoftFlashHaveAck" fullword ascii $s6 = "\\driver32" ascii $s7 = "MicrosoftFlashZJ" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_30 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "3b684fa40b4f096e99fbf535962c7da5cf0b4528" id = "787b288a-6fb4-5483-af76-933651ec6d58" strings: $s0 = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)" fullword wide $s3 = "RnhwtxtkyLRRMf{jJ}ny" fullword ascii $s4 = "RnhwtxtkyLRRJ}ny" fullword ascii $s5 = "ZRLDownloadToFileA" fullword ascii $s9 = "5.1.2600.2180" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_31 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "8b4271167655787be1988574446125eae5043aca" id = "9333870b-7eaa-54dd-a801-7292708fb592" strings: $s0 = "\\ZJRsv.tem" ascii $s1 = "forceguest" fullword ascii $s4 = "\\$NtUninstallKB570317$" ascii $s8 = "[Can'tGetIP]" fullword ascii $s14 = "QWERTY:,`/" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_J { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash1 = "49aca228674651cba776be727bdb7e60" hash2 = "5c7a6b3d1b85fad17333e02608844703" hash3 = "649fa64127fef1305ba141dd58fb83a5" hash4 = "9982fd829c0048c8f89620691316763a" hash5 = "baff5262ae01a9217b10fcd5dad9d1d5" hash6 = "9982fd829c0048c8f89620691316763a" id = "64a5106e-d7f3-5c68-a14e-410149a1bb9e" strings: $s0 = "Launcher.EXE" fullword wide $s1 = "Symantec Security Technologies" fullword wide $s2 = "\\Symantec LiveUpdate.lnk" ascii $s3 = "Symantec Service Framework" fullword wide $s4 = "\\ccSvcHst.exe" ascii $s5 = "\\wssfmgr.exe" ascii $s6 = "Symantec Corporation" fullword wide $s7 = "\\" ascii $s8 = "\\Engine" ascii $s9 = "Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved." fullword wide $s10 = "Symantec LiveUpdate" fullword ascii $s11 = "\\Norton360" ascii $s15 = "BinRes" fullword ascii $s16 = "\\readme.lz" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Microfost { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "57169cb4b8ef7a0d7ebd7aa039d1a1efd6eb639e" id = "19231001-1da3-5be6-8275-03c9fc7c6377" strings: $s1 = "Copyright (c) 2007 Microfost All Rights Reserved" fullword wide $s2 = "Microfost" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_K { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/03" modified = "2023-01-06" score = 75 hash = "142bc01ad412799a7f9ffed994069fecbd5a2f93" id = "49629825-4233-5d74-b763-b2500536eb90" strings: $x1 = "Maybe a Encrypted Flash" fullword ascii $s0 = "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System\\wab32" fullword ascii $s1 = "\\TEMP\\" ascii $s2 = "\\Temporary Internet Files\\" ascii $s5 = "%s Size:%u Bytes" fullword ascii $s7 = "$.DATA$" fullword ascii $s10 = "? Size:%u By s" fullword ascii $s12 = "Maybe a Encrypted Flash" fullword ascii $s14 = "Name:%-32s" fullword ascii $s15 = "NickName:%-32s" fullword ascii $s19 = "Email:%-32s" fullword ascii $s21 = "C:\\Prog" ascii $s22 = "$LDDATA$" ascii $s31 = "Copy File %s OK!" fullword ascii $s32 = "%s Space:%uM,FreeSpace:%uM" fullword ascii $s34 = "open=%s" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and ( all of ($x*) and 3 of ($s*) ) } rule APT30_Sample_33 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "72c568ee2dd75406858c0294ccfcf86ad0e390e4" id = "be6afc4a-97fe-56ba-b057-e21415f9833d" strings: $s0 = "Version 4.7.3001" fullword wide $s1 = "msmsgr.exe" fullword wide $s2 = "MYUSER32.dll" fullword ascii $s3 = "MYADVAPI32.dll" fullword ascii $s4 = "CeleWare.NET1" fullword ascii $s6 = "MYMSVCRT.dll" fullword ascii $s7 = "Microsoft(R) is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the" wide $s8 = "WWW.CeleWare.NET1" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and 6 of them } rule APT30_Sample_34 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "216868edbcdd067bd2a9cce4f132d33ba9c0d818" id = "a4802e13-4151-5f17-ba91-dcf9ef6b52bb" strings: $s0 = "dizhi.gif" ascii $s1 = "eagles.vip.nse" ascii $s4 = "o%S:S0" ascii $s5 = "la/4.0" ascii $s6 = "s#!<4!2>s02==<'s1" ascii $s7 = "HlobalAl" ascii $s9 = "vcMicrosoftHaveAck7" ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_35 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "df48a7cd6c4a8f78f5847bad3776abc0458499a6" id = "8a30720b-06da-5a82-8bab-bf06121afd68" strings: $s0 = "WhBoyIEXPLORE.EXE.exe" fullword ascii $s5 = "Startup>A" fullword ascii $s18 = "olhelp32Snapshot" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Sample_1 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" hash = "8cea83299af8f5ec6c278247e649c9d91d4cf3bc" id = "e5dd6bc9-9383-5d48-92df-709996373655" strings: $s0 = "#hostid" fullword ascii $s1 = "\\Windows\\C" ascii $s5 = "TimUmove" fullword ascii $s6 = "Moziea/4.0 (c" fullword ascii $s7 = "StartupNA" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_1 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "aaa5c64200ff0818c56ebe4c88bcc1143216c536" hash1 = "cb4263cab467845dae9fae427e3bbeb31c6a14c2" hash2 = "b69b95db8a55a050d6d6c0cba13d73975b8219ca" hash3 = "5c29e21bbe8873778f9363258f5e570dddcadeb9" hash4 = "d5cb07d178963f2dea2c754d261185ecc94e09d6" hash5 = "626dcdd7357e1f8329e9137d0f9883f57ec5c163" hash6 = "843997b36ed80d3aeea3c822cb5dc446b6bfa7b9" id = "4d21f402-24da-5e38-9225-a1461e61802f" strings: $s0 = "%s\\%s.txt" fullword $s1 = "\\ldsysinfo.txt" $s4 = "(Extended Wansung)" fullword $s6 = "Computer Name:" fullword $s7 = "%s %uKB %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u" fullword $s8 = "ASSAMESE" fullword $s9 = "BELARUSIAN" fullword $s10 = "(PR China)" fullword $s14 = "(French)" fullword $s15 = "AdvancedServer" fullword $s16 = "DataCenterServer" fullword $s18 = "(Finland)" fullword $s19 = "%s %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u" fullword $s20 = "(Chile)" fullword condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_2 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample - from many files" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "aba8b9fa213e5e2f1f0404d13fecc20ea8651b57" hash1 = "7f11f5c9475240e5dd2eea7726c9229972cffc1f" hash2 = "94d3f91d1e50ecea729617729013c3d143bf2c3e" hash3 = "7e516ec04f28c76d67b8111ddfe58bbd628362cc" hash4 = "6b27bc0b0460b0a25b45d897ed4f399106c284d9" hash5 = "6df5b4b3da0964153bad22fb1f69483ae8316655" hash6 = "b68bce61dfd8763c3003480ba4066b3cb1ef126e" hash7 = "cc124682246d098740cfa7d20aede850d49b6597" hash8 = "1ef415bca310575944934fc97b0aa720943ba512" hash9 = "0559ab9356dcc869da18b2c96f48b76478c472b3" hash10 = "f15272042a4f9324ad5de884bd50f4072f4bdde3" hash11 = "1d93d5f5463cdf85e3c22c56ed1381957f4efaac" hash12 = "b6f1fb0f8a2fb92a3c60e154f24cfbca1984529f" hash13 = "9967a99a1b627ddb6899919e32a0f544ea498b48" hash14 = "95a3c812ca0ad104f045b26c483495129bcf37ca" hash15 = "bde9a72b2113d18b4fa537cc080d8d8ba1a231e8" hash16 = "ce1f53e06feab1e92f07ed544c288bf39c6fce19" hash17 = "72dae031d885dbf492c0232dd1c792ab4785a2dc" hash18 = "a2ccba46e40d0fb0dd3e1dba160ecbb5440862ec" hash19 = "c8007b59b2d495029cdf5b7b8fc8a5a1f7aa7611" hash20 = "9c6f470e2f326a055065b2501077c89f748db763" hash21 = "af3e232559ef69bdf2ee9cd96434dcec58afbe5a" hash22 = "e72e67ba32946c2702b7662c510cc1242cffe802" hash23 = "8fc0b1618b61dce5f18eba01809301cb7f021b35" hash24 = "6a8159da055dac928ba7c98ea1cdbe6dfb4a3c22" hash25 = "47463412daf0b0a410d3ccbb7ea294db5ff42311" hash26 = "e6efa0ccfddda7d7d689efeb28894c04ebc72be2" hash27 = "43a3fc9a4fee43252e9a570492e4efe33043e710" hash28 = "7406ebef11ca9f97c101b37f417901c70ab514b1" hash29 = "53ed9b22084f89b4b595938e320f20efe65e0409" id = "60d7d661-50e8-5a9b-8366-eda8ff8ad9d4" strings: $s0 = "%s\\%s\\KB985109.log" fullword $s1 = "%s\\%s\\KB989109.log" fullword $s2 = "Opera.exe" fullword wide $s3 = "%s:All online success on %u!" fullword $s4 = "%s:list online success on %u!" fullword $s5 = "%s:All online fail!" fullword $s6 = "Copyright Opera Software 1995-" wide $s7 = "%s:list online fail!" fullword $s8 = "OnlineTmp.txt" fullword $s9 = "Opera Internet Browser" fullword wide $s12 = "Opera Software" fullword wide $s15 = "Check lan have done!!!" fullword $s16 = "List End." fullword condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } /* I disabled this shit rule - F.R. rule APT30_Generic_3 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b90ac3e58ed472829e2562023e6e892d2d61ac44" hash1 = "342036ace2e9e6d504b0dec6399e4fa92de46c12" hash2 = "5cdf397dfd9eb66ff5ff636777f6982c1254a37a" strings: $s0 = "Acrobat.exe" fullword wide $s14 = "********************************" fullword $s16 = "FFFF:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@" fullword condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } */ rule APT30_Generic_4 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "bb390f99bfde234bbed59f6a0d962ba874b2396c" hash1 = "b47e20ac5889700438dc241f28f4e224070810d2" hash2 = "a9a50673ac000a313f3ddba55d63d9773b9f4143" hash3 = "ac96d7f5957aef09bd983465c497de24c6d17a92" id = "2b246ae2-ec7d-5813-913e-729e4192da59" strings: $s0 = "del NetEagle_Scout.bat" fullword $s1 = "NetEagle_Scout.bat" fullword $s2 = "\\visit.exe" $s3 = "\\System.exe" $s4 = "\\System.dat" $s5 = "\\ieupdate.exe" $s6 = "GOTO ERROR" fullword $s7 = ":ERROR" fullword $s9 = "IF EXIST " fullword $s10 = "ioiocn" fullword $s11 = "SetFileAttribute" fullword $s12 = "le_0*^il" fullword $s13 = "le_.*^il" fullword $s14 = "le_-*^il" fullword condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_5 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "cb4833220c508182c0ccd4e0d5a867d6c4e675f8" hash1 = "dfc9a87df2d585c479ab02602133934b055d156f" hash2 = "bf59d5ff7d38ec5ffb91296e002e8742baf24db5" id = "e00a670e-cd95-515f-8109-219ce5121ba4" strings: $s0 = "regsvr32 /s \"%ProgramFiles%\\Norton360\\Engine\\\\ashelper.dll\"" fullword $s1 = "name=\"ftpserver.exe\"/>" fullword $s2 = "LiveUpdate.EXE" fullword wide $s3 = "FTP Explorer" fullword $s4 = "\\ashelper.dll" $s5 = "LiveUpdate" fullword wide condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_6 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b9aafb575d3d1732cb8fdca5ea226cebf86ea3c9" hash1 = "2c5e347083b77c9ead9e75d41e2fabe096460bba" hash2 = "5d39a567b50c74c4a921b5f65713f78023099933" id = "dfd104bd-daf4-593a-b161-61f43aec048c" strings: $s0 = "GetStar" fullword $s1 = ".rdUaS" fullword $s2 = "%sOTwp/&A\\L" fullword $s3 = "a Encrt% Flash Disk" fullword $s4 = "ypeAutoRuChec" fullword $s5 = "NoDriveT" fullword condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_7 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "2415f661046fdbe3eea8cd276b6f13354019b1a6" hash1 = "e814914079af78d9f1b71000fee3c29d31d9b586" hash2 = "0263de239ccef669c47399856d481e3361408e90" id = "bba40092-267b-5231-92f1-f222c9f888ee" strings: $s1 = "Xjapor_*ata" fullword $s2 = "Xjapor_o*ata" fullword $s4 = "Ouopai" fullword condition: filesize < 100KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_8 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "b47e20ac5889700438dc241f28f4e224070810d2" hash1 = "a9a50673ac000a313f3ddba55d63d9773b9f4143" hash2 = "ac96d7f5957aef09bd983465c497de24c6d17a92" id = "a6845222-0a3e-5327-a448-36e8d54362a5" strings: $s0 = "Windows NT4.0" fullword $s1 = "Windows NT3.51" fullword $s2 = "%d;%d;%d;%ld;%ld;%ld;" fullword $s3 = "%s %d.%d Build%d %s" fullword $s4 = "MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]" fullword $s5 = "SQSRSS" fullword $s8 = "WM_COMP" fullword $s9 = "WM_MBU" fullword $s11 = "WM_GRID" fullword $s12 = "WM_RBU" fullword condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule APT30_Generic_9 { meta: description = "FireEye APT30 Report Sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://www2.fireeye.com/rs/fireye/images/rpt-apt30.pdf" date = "2015/04/13" super_rule = 1 hash0 = "00d9949832dc3533592c2ce06a403ef19deddce9" hash1 = "27a2b981d4c0bb8c3628bfe990db4619ddfdff74" hash2 = "05f66492c163ec2a24c6a87c7a43028c5f632437" hash3 = "263f094da3f64e72ef8dc3d02be4fb33de1fdb96" id = "cf259f8d-e0a9-579d-93e7-ec14d99faf81" strings: $s0 = "%s\\%s\\$NtRecDoc$" fullword $s1 = "%s(%u)%s" fullword $s2 = "http://%s%s%s" fullword $s3 = "" fullword wide $s4 = "(C)Firefox and Mozilla Developers, according to the MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL" wide condition: filesize < 250KB and uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them }