rule APT_HiddenCobra_enc_PK_header { meta: author = "NCCIC trusted 3rd party - Edit: Tobias Michalski" incident = "10135536" date = "2018-04-12" category = "hidden_cobra" family = "TYPEFRAME" hash0 = "3229a6cea658b1b3ca5ca9ad7b40d8d4" reference = "" description = "Hidden Cobra - Detects trojan with encrypted header" id = "5d7001b3-162c-5a97-a740-1b8e33d4aa9e" strings: $s0 = { 5f a8 80 c5 a0 87 c7 f0 9e e6 } $s1 = { 95 f1 6e 9c 3f c1 2c 88 a0 5a } $s2 = { ae 1d af 74 c0 f5 e1 02 50 10 } condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and any of them } rule APT_HiddenCobra_import_obfuscation_2 { meta: author = "NCCIC trusted 3rd party - Edit: Tobias Michalski" incident = "10135536" date = "2018-04-12" category = "hidden_cobra" family = "TYPEFRAME" hash0 = "bfb41bc0c3856aa0a81a5256b7b8da51" reference = "" description = "Hidden Cobra - Detects remote access trojan" id = "bc139580-a55b-514f-8a4e-ca1402ce3ad9" strings: $s0 = {A6 D6 02 EB 4E B2 41 EB C3 EF 1F} $s1 = {B6 DF 01 FD 48 B5 } $s2 = {B6 D5 0E F3 4E B5 } $s3 = {B7 DF 0E EE } $s4 = {B6 DF 03 FC } $s5 = {A7 D3 03 FC } condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and all of them } rule APT_NK_AR18_165A_HiddenCobra_import_deob { meta: author = "NCCIC trusted 3rd party - Edit: Tobias Michalski" incident = "10135536" date = "2018-04-12" category = "hidden_cobra" family = "TYPEFRAME" md5 = "ae769e62fef4a1709c12c9046301aa5d" md5 = "e48fe20eblf5a5887f2ac631fed9ed63" reference = "" description = "Hidden Cobra - Detects installed proxy module as a service" id = "f403d589-be35-57a7-9675-f92657c11acc" strings: $ = { 8a 01 3c 62 7c 0a 3c 79 7f 06 b2 db 2a d0 88 11 8a 41 01 41 84 c0 75 e8} $ = { 8A 08 80 F9 62 7C 0B 80 F9 79 7F 06 82 DB 2A D1 88 10 8A 48 01 40 84 C9 75 E6} condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint16(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x4550) and any of them } rule APT_NK_AR18_165A_1 { meta: description = "Detects APT malware from AR18-165A report by US CERT" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2018-06-15" hash1 = "089e49de61701004a5eff6de65476ed9c7632b6020c2c0f38bb5761bca897359" id = "45f5205d-7f69-5646-aef8-f95d139f9720" strings: $s1 = "netsh.exe advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"PortOpenning\" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=%d action=allow enable=yes" fullword wide $s2 = "netsh.exe firewall add portopening TCP %d \"PortOpenning\" enable" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 2000KB and 1 of them }