rule APT_UNC4841_ESG_Barracuda_CVE_2023_2868_Forensic_Artifacts_Jun23_1 : SCRIPT { meta: description = "Detects forensic artifacts found in the exploitation of CVE-2023-2868 in Barracuda ESG devices by UNC4841" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-15" modified = "2023-06-16" score = 75 id = "50518fa1-33de-5fe5-b957-904d976fb29a" strings: $x01 = "=;ee=ba;G=s;_ech_o $abcdefg_${ee}se64" ascii $x02 = ";echo $abcdefg | base64 -d | sh" ascii $x03 = "setsid sh -c \"mkfifo /tmp/p" ascii $x04 = "sh -i &1" ascii $x05 = "if string.match(hdr:body(), \"^[%w%+/=" ascii $x06 = "setsid sh -c \"/sbin/BarracudaMailService eth0\"" $x07 = "echo \"set the bvp ok\"" $x08 = "find ${path} -type f ! -name $excludeFileNameKeyword | while read line ;" $x09 = " /mail/mstore | xargs -i cp {} /usr/share/.uc/" $x10 = "tar -T /mail/mstore/tmplist -czvf " $sa1 = "sh -c wget --no-check-certificate http" $sa2 = ".tar;chmod +x " condition: 1 of ($x*) or all of ($sa*) } rule APT_MAL_UNC4841_SEASPY_Jun23_1 { meta: description = "Detects SEASPY malware used by UNC4841 in attacks against Barracuda ESG appliances exploiting CVE-2023-2868" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-16" score = 85 hash1 = "3f26a13f023ad0dcd7f2aa4e7771bba74910ee227b4b36ff72edc5f07336f115" id = "bcff58f8-87f6-5371-8b96-5d4c0f349000" strings: $sx1 = "usage: ./BarracudaMailService . e.g.: ./BarracudaMailService eth0" ascii fullword $s1 = "fcntl.tmp.amd64." ascii $s2 = "Child process id:%d" ascii fullword $s3 = "[*]Success!" ascii fullword $s4 = "NO port code" ascii $s5 = "enter open tty shell" ascii $op1 = { 48 89 c6 f3 a6 0f 84 f7 01 00 00 bf 6c 84 5f 00 b9 05 00 00 00 48 89 c6 f3 a6 0f 84 6a 01 00 00 } $op2 = { f3 a6 0f 84 d2 00 00 00 48 89 de bf 51 5e 61 00 b9 05 00 00 00 f3 a6 74 21 48 89 de } $op3 = { 72 de 45 89 f4 e9 b8 f4 ff ff 48 8b 73 08 45 85 e4 ba 49 3d 62 00 b8 44 81 62 00 48 0f 45 d0 } condition: uint16(0) == 0x457f and filesize < 9000KB and 3 of them or 5 of them } rule APT_MAL_UNC4841_SEASPY_LUA_Jun23_1 { meta: description = "Detects SEASPY malware related LUA script" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-16" score = 90 hash1 = "56e8066bf83ff6fe0cec92aede90f6722260e0a3f169fc163ed88589bffd7451" id = "a44861d0-107e-589b-8cf1-3fbc2f5c78dc" strings: $x1 = "os.execute('rverify'..' /tmp/'..attachment:filename())" ascii fullword $x2 = "log.debug(\"--- opening archive [%s], mimetype [%s]\", tmpfile" ascii fullword $xe1 = "os.execute('rverify'..' /tmp/'..attachment:filename())" ascii base64 $xe2 = "log.debug(\"--- opening archive [%s], mimetype [%s]\", tmpfile" ascii base64 condition: filesize < 500KB and 1 of them } rule APT_HKTL_Proxy_Tool_Jun23_1 { meta: description = "Detects agent used as proxy tool in UNC4841 intrusions - possibly Alchemist C2 framework implant" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-16" score = 75 hash1 = "ca72fa64ed0a9c22d341a557c6e7c1b6a7264b0c4de0b6f717dd44bddf550bca" hash2 = "57e4b180fd559f15b59c43fb3335bd59435d4d76c4676e51a06c6b257ce67fb2" id = "0e406737-3083-53c2-a6d2-14c07794125a" strings: //$a1 = "Go build" // not available in all samples $a2 = "/src/runtime/panic.go" $s1 = "main.handleClientRequest" ascii fullword $s2 = "main.sockIP.toAddr" ascii fullword // $s3 = "main.slave" ascii fullword condition: ( uint16(0) == 0x5a4d // Windows PE or uint32be(0) == 0x7f454c46 // ELF or uint16(0) == 0xfeca or uint16(0) == 0xfacf or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca // MacOS ) and filesize < 10MB and all of them } rule SUSP_FScan_Port_Scanner_Output_Jun23 : SCRIPT { meta: description = "Detects output generated by the command line port scanner FScan" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-15" score = 70 id = "7eb4b27f-0c5b-5d7e-b759-95d7894d5822" strings: $s1 = "[*] NetInfo:" ascii $s2 = ":443 open" ascii $s3 = " [->]" condition: filesize < 800KB and all of them } rule SUSP_PY_Shell_Spawn_Jun23_1 : SCRIPT { meta: description = "Detects suspicious one-liner to spawn a shell using Python" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-06-15" score = 70 id = "15fd2c9a-c425-5d4d-9209-fd3826074d6c" strings: $x1 = "python -c import pty;pty.spawn(\"/bin/" ascii condition: 1 of them } /* Mandiant Rules */ /* Source: */ rule APT_MAL_Hunting_LUA_SEASIDE_1 { meta: description = "Hunting rule looking for strings observed in SEASIDE samples." author = "Mandiant" date = "2023-06-15" score = 70 reference = "" hash = "cd2813f0260d63ad5adf0446253c2172" id = "86eaff7b-4ca0-53cd-8886-da66a36c778f" strings: $s1 = "function on_helo()" $s2 = "local bindex,eindex = string.find(helo,'.onion')" $s3 = "helosend = 'pd'..' '..helosend" $s4 = "os.execute(helosend)" condition: filesize < 1MB and all of ($s*) } rule APT_MAL_LNX_Hunting_Linux_WHIRLPOOL_1 { meta: description = "Hunting rule looking for strings observed in WHIRLPOOL samples." author = "Mandiant" date = "2023-06-15" score = 70 reference = "" hash = "177add288b289d43236d2dba33e65956" id = "a997bd65-c502-53a0-8bb8-62daaa916f0d" strings: $s1 = "error -1 exit" fullword $s2 = "create socket error: %s(error: %d)\n" fullword $s3 = "connect error: %s(error: %d)\n" fullword $s4 = {C7 00 20 32 3E 26 66 C7 40 04 31 00} $c1 = "plain_connect" fullword $c2 = "ssl_connect" fullword $c3 = "SSLShell.c" fullword condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and filesize < 15MB and (all of ($s*) or all of ($c*)) } rule APT_MAL_LUA_Hunting_SKIPJACK_1 { meta: author = "Mandiant" date = "2023-06-15" reference = "" description = "Hunting rule looking for strings observed in SKIPJACK installation script." hash = "e4e86c273a2b67a605f5d4686783e0cc" score = 70 id = "0026375c-7f37-5ef9-bd55-5b9fc499e5d2" strings: $str1 = "hdr:name() == 'Content-ID'" base64 $str2 = "hdr:body() ~= nil" base64 $str3 = "string.match(hdr:body(),\"^[%w%+/=\\r\\n]+$\")" base64 $str4 = "openssl aes-256-cbc" base64 $str5 = "mod_content.lua" $str6 = "#!/bin/sh" condition: all of them } rule APT_MAL_LUA_Hunting_Lua_SKIPJACK_2 { meta: author = "Mandiant" date = "2023-06-15" reference = "" description = "Hunting rule looking for strings observed in SKIPJACK samples." hash = "87847445f9524671022d70f2a812728f" score = 70 id = "e1eac294-fe60-5bb2-bae4-0f7bcbe6b1db" strings: $str1 = "hdr:name() == 'Content-ID'" $str2 = "hdr:body() ~= nil" $str3 = "string.match(hdr:body(),\"^[%w%+/=\\r\\n]+$\")" $str4 = "openssl aes-256-cbc" $str5 = "| base64 -d| sh 2>" condition: all of them } rule APT_MAL_LUA_Hunting_Lua_SEASPRAY_1 { meta: author = "Mandiant" date = "2023-06-15" reference = "" description = "Hunting rule looking for strings observed in SEASPRAY samples." hash = "35cf6faf442d325961935f660e2ab5a0" score = 70 id = "8c744b85-b61e-56d0-8a9e-ae6a954e1b95" strings: $str1 = "string.find(attachment:filename(),'obt075') ~= nil" $str2 = "os.execute('cp '..tostring(tmpfile)..' /tmp/'..attachment:filename())" $str3 = "os.execute('rverify'..' /tmp/'..attachment:filename())" condition: all of them }