rule dubseven_file_set { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for service files loading UP007" id = "5b0a9cb9-aeef-5508-8854-51ad846b22c5" strings: $file1 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\conhost.exe" $file2 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\dll2.xor" $file3 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\HOOK.DLL" $file4 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\main.dll" $file5 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\nvsvc.exe" $file6 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\SBieDll.dll" $file7 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\mon" $file8 = "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\runas.exe" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and //Just a few of these as they differ 3 of ($file*) } rule dubseven_dropper_registry_checks { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for registry keys checked for by the dropper" id = "8369cdbb-53b8-5dc5-9181-fd49747042a7" strings: $reg1 = "SOFTWARE\\360Safe\\Liveup" $reg2 = "Software\\360safe" $reg3 = "SOFTWARE\\kingsoft\\Antivirus" $reg4 = "SOFTWARE\\Avira\\Avira Destop" $reg5 = "SOFTWARE\\rising\\RAV" $reg6 = "SOFTWARE\\JiangMin" $reg7 = "SOFTWARE\\Micropoint\\Anti-Attack" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and all of ($reg*) } rule dubseven_dropper_dialog_remains { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for related dialog remnants. How rude." id = "6029ea74-26fc-57d1-aaed-be1ea2138844" strings: $dia1 = "fuckMessageBox 1.0" wide $dia2 = "Rundll 1.0" wide condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and any of them } rule maindll_mutex { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Matches on the maindll mutex" id = "7a89dae3-9e03-5803-9729-78e6e65e91d3" strings: $mutex = "h31415927tttt" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and $mutex } rule SLServer_dialog_remains { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks / modified by Florian Roth" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for related dialog remnants." id = "cf199d25-ce5e-52c2-88de-32a48dee4c6f" strings: $slserver = "SLServer" wide fullword $fp1 = "Dell Inc." wide fullword $fp2 = "ScriptLogic Corporation" wide $extra1 = "SLSERVER" wide fullword $extra2 = "\\SLServer.pdb" ascii condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and // Reduce false positives not 1 of ($fp*) and 1 of ($extra*) and $slserver } rule SLServer_mutex { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for the mutex." id = "decdefd0-fe20-5adf-9d8c-0e2b954481a0" strings: $mutex = "M&GX^DSF&DA@F" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and $mutex } rule SLServer_command_and_control { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for the C2 server." id = "e4fcda6c-1c9f-5b58-8b07-8d1a0dc4eaf6" strings: $c2 = "" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and $c2 } rule SLServer_campaign_code { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for the related campaign code." id = "672f506e-0cc1-5b09-873b-c3d206486bac" strings: $campaign = "wthkdoc0106" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and $campaign } rule SLServer_unknown_string { meta: author = "Matt Brooks, @cmatthewbrooks" date = "2016/04/18" score = 75 description = "Searches for a unique string." id = "00341604-480f-59aa-9c18-009e7b53928e" strings: $string = "test-b7fa835a39" condition: //MZ header uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and //PE signature uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and $string }