import "pe" rule APT_DonotTeam_YTYframework : APT DonotTeam Windows { meta: author = "James E.C, ProofPoint" description = "Modular malware framework with similarities to EHDevel" hashes = "1e0c1b97925e1ed90562d2c68971e038d8506b354dd6c1d2bcc252d2a48bc31c" reference = "" reference2 = "" date = "08-03-2018" id = "6dd07019-aa5a-5966-8331-b6f6758b0652" strings: $x1 = "/football/download2/" ascii wide $x2 = "/football/download/" ascii wide $x3 = "Caption: Xp>" wide $x_c2 = "" ascii fullword $a1 = "getGoogle" ascii fullword $a2 = "/q /noretstart" wide $a3 = "IsInSandbox" ascii fullword $a4 = "syssystemnew" ascii fullword $a5 = "ytyinfo" ascii fullword $a6 = "\\ytyboth\\yty " ascii $s1 = "SELECT Name FROM Win32_Processor" wide $s2 = "SELECT Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" wide $s3 = "SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_DiskDrive" wide $s4 = "VM: Yes" wide fullword $s5 = "VM: No" wide fullword $s6 = "helpdll.dll" ascii fullword $s7 = "boothelp.exe" ascii fullword $s8 = "SbieDll.dll" wide fullword $s9 = "dbghelp.dll" wide fullword $s10 = "YesNoMaybe" ascii fullword $s11 = "saveData" ascii fullword $s12 = "saveLogs" ascii fullword condition: uint16be(0) == 0x4d5a and filesize < 500KB and ( pe.imphash() == "87775285899fa860b9963b11596a2ded" or 1 of ($x*) or 3 of ($a*) or 6 of ($s*) ) }