/* Yara Rule Set Author: Florian Roth Date: 2015-09-16 Identifier: Iron Panda */ /* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ rule IronPanda_DNSTunClient { meta: description = "Iron Panda malware DnsTunClient - file named.exe" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://goo.gl/E4qia9" date = "2015-09-16" score = 80 hash = "a08db49e198068709b7e52f16d00a10d72b4d26562c0d82b4544f8b0fb259431" id = "dd608176-d7e7-5819-a7d4-e8b89d4a59c2" strings: $s1 = "dnstunclient -d or -domain " fullword ascii $s2 = "dnstunclient -ip " fullword ascii $s3 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /C schtasks /create /tn \"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\PLA\\System\\Microsoft Windows\" /tr " fullword ascii $s4 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /C schtasks /create /tn \"Microsoft Windows\" /tr " fullword ascii $s5 = "taskkill /im conime.exe" fullword ascii $s6 = "\\dns control\\t-DNSTunnel\\DnsTunClient\\DnsTunClient.cpp" ascii $s7 = "UDP error:can not bing the port(if there is unclosed the bind process?)" fullword ascii $s8 = "use error domain,set domain pls use -d or -domain mark(Current: %s,recv %s)" fullword ascii $s9 = "error: packet num error.the connection have condurt,pls try later" fullword ascii $s10 = "Coversation produce one error:%s,coversation fail" fullword ascii $s11 = "try to add many same pipe to select group(or mark is too easy)." fullword ascii condition: ( uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 400KB and 2 of them ) or 5 of them } rule IronPanda_Malware1 { meta: description = "Iron Panda Malware" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://goo.gl/E4qia9" date = "2015-09-16" hash = "a0cee5822ddf254c254a5a0b7372c9d2b46b088a254a1208cb32f5fe7eca848a" id = "14dc2611-4ca9-5dd2-ad00-9397a18d7be2" strings: $x1 = "activedsimp.dll" fullword wide $s1 = "get_BadLoginAddress" fullword ascii $s2 = "get_LastFailedLogin" fullword ascii $s3 = "ADS_UF_ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PASSWORD_ALLOWED" fullword ascii $s4 = "get_PasswordExpirationDate" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 300KB and all of them } rule IronPanda_Webshell_JSP { meta: description = "Iron Panda Malware JSP" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://goo.gl/E4qia9" date = "2015-09-16" hash = "3be95477e1d9f3877b4355cff3fbcdd3589bb7f6349fd4ba6451e1e9d32b7fa6" id = "38125418-7867-5073-a731-4f1d64e07588" strings: $s1 = "Bin_ExecSql(\"exec master..xp_cmdshell'bcp \\\"select safile from \" + db + \"..bin_temp\\\" queryout \\\"\" + Bin_TextBox_SaveP" ascii $s2 = "tc.Text=\"Close\";" fullword ascii $s3 = "Bin_ExecSql(\"IF OBJECT_ID('bin_temp')IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE bin_temp\");" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 330KB and 1 of them } rule IronPanda_Malware_Htran { meta: description = "Iron Panda Malware Htran" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://goo.gl/E4qia9" date = "2015-09-16" hash = "7903f94730a8508e9b272b3b56899b49736740cea5037ea7dbb4e690bcaf00e7" id = "7215f0da-9367-59b4-a78b-aeeebc4f2b69" strings: $s1 = "[-] Gethostbyname(%s) error:%s" fullword ascii $s2 = "%s -