rule IronTiger_ASPXSpy : HIGHVOL { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "ASPXSpy detection. It might be used by other fraudsters" reference = "" id = "3010fcb9-0dbf-59ef-90ce-01d922a95f2d" strings: $str2 = "IIS Spy" wide ascii $str3 = "protected void DGCoW(object sender,EventArgs e)" wide ascii condition: any of ($str*) } rule IronTiger_ChangePort_Toolkit_driversinstall { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - Changeport Toolkit driverinstall" reference = "" id = "fde2728b-9a23-5f35-9727-0834a7b403da" strings: $str1 = "openmydoor" wide ascii $str2 = "Install service error" wide ascii $str3 = "start remove service" wide ascii $str4 = "NdisVersion" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_ChangePort_Toolkit_ChangePortExe { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - Toolkit ChangePort" reference = "" id = "2ba74413-5f72-560a-8567-1c4bf3357097" strings: $str1 = "Unable to alloc the adapter!" wide ascii $str2 = "Wait for master fuck" wide ascii $str3 = "xx.exe " wide ascii $str4 = "chkroot2007" wide ascii $str5 = "Door is bind on %s" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_dllshellexc2010 { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "dllshellexc2010 Exchange backdoor + remote shell" reference = "" id = "960e8e5c-65a5-5dd2-90fa-1f7d31ee8cb5" strings: $str1 = "Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Auth.dll" ascii wide $str2 = "Dllshellexc2010" wide ascii $str3 = "Users\\ljw\\Documents" wide ascii $bla1 = "please input path" wide ascii $bla2 = "auth.owa" wide ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d) and ((any of ($str*)) or (all of ($bla*))) } rule IronTiger_dnstunnel { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "This rule detects a dns tunnel tool used in Operation Iron Tiger" reference = "" id = "7f24d3dd-4301-5b12-8262-4cc5f6578a4b" strings: $str1 = "\\DnsTunClient\\" wide ascii $str2 = "\\t-DNSTunnel\\" wide ascii $str3 = "xssok.blogspot" wide ascii $str4 = "dnstunclient" wide ascii $mistake1 = "because of error, can not analysis" wide ascii $mistake2 = "can not deal witn the error" wide ascii $mistake3 = "the other retun one RST" wide ascii $mistake4 = "Coversation produce one error" wide ascii $mistake5 = "Program try to use the have deleted the buffer" wide ascii condition: (uint16(0) == 0x5a4d) and ((any of ($str*)) or (any of ($mistake*))) } rule IronTiger_EFH3_encoder { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger EFH3 Encoder" reference = "" id = "ec30782e-8fe9-5843-9db4-5a3c477b7f25" strings: $str1 = "EFH3 [HEX] [SRCFILE] [DSTFILE]" wide ascii $str2 = "123.EXE 123.EFH" wide ascii $str3 = "ENCODER: b[i]: = " wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (any of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_GetPassword_x64 { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - GetPassword x64" reference = "" modified = "2023-01-06" id = "8f55b23f-52fd-5106-9112-6cffa97269ab" strings: $str1 = "(LUID ERROR)" wide ascii $str2 = "Users\\K8team\\Desktop\\GetPassword" wide ascii $str3 = "Debug x64\\GetPassword.pdb" ascii $bla1 = "Authentication Package:" wide ascii $bla2 = "Authentication Domain:" wide ascii $bla3 = "* Password:" wide ascii $bla4 = "Primary User:" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((any of ($str*)) or (all of ($bla*))) } rule IronTiger_GTalk_Trojan { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - GTalk Trojan" reference = "" id = "3d72660b-c470-5e63-a83d-990d3c5a696c" strings: $str1 = "" wide ascii $str2 = "computer=%s&lanip=%s&uid=%s&os=%s&data=%s" wide ascii $str3 = "D13idmAdm" wide ascii $str4 = "Error: PeekNamedPipe failed with %i" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_HTTP_SOCKS_Proxy_soexe { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Toolset - HTTP SOCKS Proxy soexe" reference = "" id = "6ead3d61-c1e3-55d1-894e-ab57bcd09cde" strings: $str1 = "listen SOCKET error." wide ascii $str2 = "WSAAsyncSelect SOCKET error." wide ascii $str3 = "new SOCKETINFO error!" wide ascii $str4 = "Http/1.1 403 Forbidden" wide ascii $str5 = "Create SOCKET error." wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (3 of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_NBDDos_Gh0stvariant_dropper { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - NBDDos Gh0stvariant Dropper" reference = "" id = "3610b9e3-45f8-5a8d-8977-817160009818" strings: $str1 = "This service can't be stoped." wide ascii $str2 = "Provides support for media palyer" wide ascii $str4 = "CreaetProcess Error" wide ascii $bla1 = "Kill You" wide ascii $bla2 = "%4.2f GB" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((any of ($str*)) or (all of ($bla*))) } rule IronTiger_PlugX_DosEmulator { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro - modified by Florian Roth" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - PlugX DosEmulator" reference = "" id = "e601d91d-49e6-5fe9-b70b-fb1fb6c4f059" strings: $str1 = "Dos Emluator Ver" wide ascii $str2 = "\\PIPE\\FASTDOS" wide ascii $str3 = "FastDos.cpp" wide ascii $str4 = "fail,error code = %d." wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and 2 of ($str*) } rule IronTiger_PlugX_FastProxy { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - PlugX FastProxy" reference = "" id = "14e05823-6288-5f02-8060-add51084c446" strings: $str1 = "SAFEPROXY HTServerTimer Quit!" wide ascii $str2 = "Useage: %s pid" wide ascii $str3 = "%s PORT[%d] TO PORT[%d] SUCCESS!" wide ascii $str4 = "p0: port for listener" wide ascii $str5 = "\\users\\whg\\desktop\\plug\\" wide ascii $str6 = "[+Y] cwnd : %3d, fligth:" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (any of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_PlugX_Server { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - PlugX Server" reference = "" id = "38011a23-3ed7-5f58-a814-2551526b27f3" strings: $str1 = "\\UnitFrmManagerKeyLog.pas" wide ascii $str2 = "\\UnitFrmManagerRegister.pas" wide ascii $str3 = "Input Name..." wide ascii $str4 = "New Value#" wide ascii $str5 = "TThreadRControl.Execute SEH!!!" wide ascii $str6 = "\\UnitFrmRControl.pas" wide ascii $str7 = "OnSocket(event is error)!" wide ascii $str8 = "Make 3F Version Ok!!!" wide ascii $str9 = "PELEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE DOCAMENT" wide ascii $str10 = "Press [Ok] Continue Run, Press [Cancel] Exit" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (2 of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_ReadPWD86 { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - ReadPWD86" reference = "" id = "5db832be-4b8e-536f-8db7-a215a90284e2" strings: $str1 = "Fail To Load LSASRV" wide ascii $str2 = "Fail To Search LSASS Data" wide ascii $str3 = "User Principal" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and (all of ($str*)) } rule IronTiger_Ring_Gh0stvariant { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Malware - Ring Gh0stvariant" reference = "" id = "6858550a-4000-581c-b270-370db8ed1c57" strings: $str1 = "RING RAT Exception" wide ascii $str2 = "(can not update server recently)!" wide ascii $str4 = "CreaetProcess Error" wide ascii $bla1 = "Sucess!" wide ascii $bla2 = "user canceled!" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ((any of ($str*)) or (all of ($bla*))) } rule IronTiger_wmiexec { meta: author = "Cyber Safety Solutions, Trend Micro" description = "Iron Tiger Tool - wmi.vbs detection" reference = "" id = "a3060f50-3594-5da9-98e2-6fa0087451f5" strings: $str1 = "Temp Result File , Change it to where you like" wide ascii $str2 = "wmiexec" wide ascii $str3 = "By. Twi1ight" wide ascii $str4 = "[both mode] ,delay TIME to read result" wide ascii $str5 = "such as nc.exe or Trojan" wide ascii $str6 = "+++shell mode+++" wide ascii $str7 = "win2008 fso has no privilege to delete file" wide ascii condition: 2 of ($str*) }