rule apt_CN_Tetris_JS_advanced_1 { meta: author = "@imp0rtp3 (modified by Florian Roth)" description = "Unique code from Jetriz, Swid & Jeniva of the Tetris framework" reference = "" date = "2020-09-06" id = "a56f69f5-3562-52ab-9686-411019c51055" strings: $a1 = "var a0_0x" $b1 = "a0_0x" ascii $cx1 = "))),function(){try{var _0x" $cx2 = "=window)||void 0x0===_0x" $cx3 = "){if(opener&&void 0x0!==opener[" //not dep on a0 $cx4 = "String['fromCharCode'](0x" $e1 = "')](__p__)" condition: $a1 at 0 or ( filesize < 1000KB and ( #b1 > 300 or #e1 > 1 or 2 of ($cx*) ) ) } rule apt_CN_Tetrisplugins_JS { meta: author = "@imp0rtp3" description = "Code and strings of plugins from the Tetris framework loaded by Swid" reference = "" date = "2020-09-06" id = "83e6fbad-55d6-5229-a17d-8929e0e658f8" strings: // Really unique strings $a3 = "(0xbb8);this['socketWatcher'](0xbb9);this[" $a4 = "a2869674571f77b5a0867c3d71db5856" $a5 = "\\x0a\\x20\\x20var\\x20data\\x20=\\x20{}\\x0a\\x20\\x20window.c\\x20=\\x200\\x0a\\x20\\x20script2\\x20=\\x20document.createElement(\\x22script\\x22)\\x0a\\x20\\x20script2.async\\x20=\\x20true\\x0a\\x20\\x20script2.src\\x20=\\x20\\x22" $a6 = "{isPluginCallback:\\x20true,\\x20data,\\x20plugin:\\x20'" $a7 = "\\x20\\x22*\\x22)\\x0a\\x20\\x20}\\x0a\\x20\\x20document.documentElement.appendChild(" // Still quite unique, but FP possible $b1 = "String(str).match(/red\">(.*?)<\\/font>/)" $b2 = "['data']);}};}},{'key':'run','value':function _0x" $b3 = "},{'plugin':this['plugin'],'save':!![],'type':_typeof(" $b4 = "Cannot\\x20call\\x20a\\x20class\\x20as\\x20a\\x20function" $b5 = "The\\x20command\\x20is\\x20sent\\x20successfully,\\x20wait\\x20for\\x20the\\x20result\\x20to\\x20return" $b6 = "getUserMedia\\x20is\\x20not\\x20implemented\\x20in\\x20this\\x20browser" $b7 = "{'autoplay':'true'},!![]);setTimeout(function(){return $('#'+" $b8 = "keyLogger($('input'));\n keyLogger($('textarea'));" $b9 = "api.loadJS(\"\".concat(api.base.baseUrl" $b10 = "\"\".concat(imgUrls[i], \"?t=\"" $b11 = "key: \"report\",\n value: function report(data) {\n return this.api.callback" $b12 = "that.api.base.debounce(" $b13 = "'className','restOfNavigator','push'" $b14 = ";};'use strict';function _typeof(" // Rare strings, but not unique $c1 = "/public/dependence/jquery" $c2 = "'http://bn6kma5cpxill4pe.onion/static/images/tor-logo1x.png'" $c3 = "' not login';" $c4 = "'ws://localhost:'" $c5 = "function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; " $c6 = "'socketWatcher'" $c7 = "['configurable']=!![];" $c8 = "')]({'status':!![],'data':_0x" $c9 = "')]={'localStorage':'localStorage'in window?window[_0x" $c10 = "Browser not supported geolocation.');" $c11 = "')]({'status':!![],'msg':'','data':_0x" $c12 = "var Plugin = /*#__PURE__*/function () {" // The TA uses the use strict in all his plugins $use_strict1 = "\"use strict\";" $use_strict2 = "'use strict';" // Some of the same strings in base64, in case the attacker change their obfuscation there $e1 = "Cannot\x20call\x20a\x20class\x20as\x20a\x20function" base64 $e2 = "The\x20command\x20is\x20sent\x20successfully,\x20wait\x20for\x20the\x20result\x20to\x20return" base64 $e3 = "getUserMedia\x20is\x20not\x20implemented\x20in\x20this\x20browser" base64 $e4 = "http://bn6kma5cpxill4pe.onion/static/images/tor-logo1x.png" base64 $e5 = "/public/dependence/jquery" base64 $e6 = "\x20\x22*\x22)\x0a\x20\x20}\x0a\x20\x20document.documentElement.appendChild(" base64 $e8 = "\x0a\x20\x20var\x20data\x20=\x20{}\x0a\x20\x20window.c\x20=\x200\x0a\x20\x20script2\x20=\x20document.createElement(\x22script\x22)\x0a\x20\x20script2.async\x20=\x20true\x0a\x20\x20script2.src\x20=\x20\x22" base64 $e9 = "{isPluginCallback:\x20true,\x20data,\x20plugin:\x20" base64 condition: filesize < 1000000 and ( any of ($a*) or 2 of ($b*) or 4 of ($c*) or 2 of ($e*) or( any of ($use_strict*) and( ( any of ($b*) and 2 of ($c*) ) or any of ($e*) ) ) ) }