rule MAL_ZIP_SocGholish_Mar21_1 : zip js socgholish { meta: description = "Triggers on small zip files with typical SocGholish JS files in it" author = "Nils Kuhnert" date = "2021-03-29" hash = "4f6566c145be5046b6be6a43c64d0acae38cada5eb49b2f73135b3ac3d6ba770" hash = "54f756fbf8c20c76af7c9f538ff861690800c622d1c9db26eb3afedc50835b09" hash = "dfdbec1846b74238ba3cfb8c7580c64a0fa8b14b6ed2b0e0e951cc6a9202dd8d" id = "da35eefd-b34d-59cd-8afc-da9c78ace96e" strings: $a1 = /\.[a-z0-9]{6}\.js/ ascii $a2 = "Chrome" ascii $a3 = "Opera" ascii $b1 = "Firefox.js" ascii $b2 = "Edge.js" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and filesize < 1600 and ( 2 of ($a*) or any of ($b*) ) } /* modified rule: too many matches with 'try' */ rule EXT_MAL_JS_SocGholish_Mar21_1 : js socgholish { meta: description = "Triggers on SocGholish JS files" author = "Nils Kuhnert" date = "2021-03-29" modified = "2023-01-02" hash = "7ccbdcde5a9b30f8b2b866a5ca173063dec7bc92034e7cf10e3eebff017f3c23" hash = "f6d738baea6802cbbb3ae63b39bf65fbd641a1f0d2f0c819a8c56f677b97bed1" hash = "c7372ffaf831ad963c0a9348beeaadb5e814ceeb878a0cc7709473343d63a51c" id = "3ed7d2da-569b-5851-a821-4a3cda3e13ce" strings: /* $try = "try" ascii */ $s1 = "new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');" ascii $s2 = "['DeleteFile']" ascii $s3 = "['WScript']['ScriptFullName']" ascii $s4 = "['WScript']['Sleep'](1000)" ascii $s5 = "new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP')" ascii $s6 = "this['eval']" ascii $s7 = "String['fromCharCode']" $s8 = "2), 16)," ascii $s9 = "= 103," ascii $s10 = "'00000000'" ascii condition: //$try in (0 .. 10) and filesize > 3KB and filesize < 5KB and 8 of ($s*) } rule SocGholish_JS_22_02_2022 { meta: description = "Detects SocGholish fake update Javascript files 22.02.2022" author = "Wojciech Cieślak" date = "2022-02-22" hash = "3e14d04da9cc38f371961f6115f37c30" hash = "dffa20158dcc110366f939bd137515c3" hash = "afee3af324951b1840c789540d5c8bff" hash = "c04a1625efec27fb6bbef9c66ca8372b" hash = "d08a2350df5abbd8fd530cff8339373e" id = "68d2dbb7-0079-527a-92c7-450c3dd953b3" strings: $s1 = "encodeURIComponent(''+" ascii $s2 = "['open']('POST'," ascii $s3 = "new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');" ascii condition: filesize < 5KB and all of them }