rule LOG_EXPL_ADSelfService_CVE_2021_40539_ADSLOG_Sep21 : LOG { meta: description = "Detects suspicious log lines produeced during the exploitation of ADSelfService vulnerability CVE-2021-40539" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2021-09-20" score = 70 id = "156317c6-e726-506d-8b07-4f74dae2807f" strings: $x1 = "Java traceback errors that include references to NullPointerException in addSmartCardConfig or getSmartCardConfig" ascii wide condition: filesize < 50MB and 1 of them } rule LOG_EXPL_ADSelfService_CVE_2021_40539_WebLog_Sep21_1 : LOG { meta: description = "Detects suspicious log lines produeced during the exploitation of ADSelfService vulnerability CVE-2021-40539" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2021-09-20" score = 60 id = "015957a6-8778-5836-af94-6e6d3838f693" strings: $x1 = "/ServletApi/../RestApi/LogonCustomization" ascii wide $x2 = "/ServletApi/../RestAPI/Connection" ascii wide condition: filesize < 50MB and 1 of them }