rule LOG_EXPL_SUSP_TeamCity_CVE_2023_42793_Oct23_1 { meta: description = "Detects log entries that could indicate a successful exploitation of CVE-2023-42793 on TeamCity servers" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-10-02" score = 70 id = "81c04863-72aa-5515-889e-3ef718360cac" strings: $sa1 = "File edited: " $sa2 = "\\TeamCity\\config\\ by user with id=" $sb1 = "s.buildServer.ACTIVITIES.AUDIT - server_file_change: File " $sb2 = "\\TeamCity\\config\\ was modified by \"user with id" condition: all of ($sa*) or all of ($sb*) } rule LOG_EXPL_SUSP_TeamCity_Oct23_1 { meta: description = "Detects log entries that could indicate a successful exploitation of TeamCity servers" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-10-02" score = 70 id = "4845b40a-cf77-53ae-b2fa-d1ed861153f2" strings: $a1 = "tbrains.buildServer.ACTIVITIES" $s1 = "External process is launched by user user with id" $s2 = ". Command line: cmd.exe \"/c whoami" condition: all of them }