import "pe" rule SUSP_LNK_Embedded_WordDoc { meta: author = "Greg Lesnewich" description = "check for LNK files with indications of the Word program or an embedded doc" date = "2023-01-02" version = "1.0" hash = "120ca851663ef0ebef585d716c9e2ba67bd4870865160fec3b853156be1159c5" DaysofYARA = "2/100" id = "9677d41a-9d29-510c-98cd-122dc0ca9606" strings: $doc_header = {D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1} $icon_loc = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office16\\WINWORD.exe" ascii wide condition: uint32be(0x0) == 0x4C000000 and filesize > 10KB and any of them } rule SUSP_LNK_SmallScreenSize { meta: author = "Greg Lesnewich" description = "check for LNKs that have a screen buffer size and WindowSize dimensions of 1x1" date = "2023-01-01" version = "1.0" DaysofYARA = "1/100" id = "6194a76b-36d6-51d1-8d53-2e11172e29d2" strings: $dimensions = {02 00 00 A0 ?? 00 ?? ?? 01 00 01 00 01} // struct ConsoleDataBlock sConsoleDataBlock // uint32 Size // uint32 Signature // enum FillAttributes // enum PopupFillAttributes // uint16 ScreenBufferSizeX // uint16 ScreenBufferSizeY // uint16 WindowSizeX // uint16 WindowSizeY condition: uint32be(0x0) == 0x4c000000 and all of them } rule MAL_Janicab_LNK { meta: author = "Greg Lesnewich" description = "detect LNK files used in Janicab infection chain" date = "2023-01-01" version = "1.0" hash = "0c7e8427ee61672568983e51bf03e0bcf6f2e9c01d2524d82677b20264b23a3f" hash = "22ede766fba7551ad0b71ef568d0e5022378eadbdff55c4a02b42e63fcb3b17c" hash = "4920e6506ca557d486e6785cb5f7e4b0f4505709ffe8c30070909b040d3c3840" hash = "880607cc2da4c3213ea687dabd7707736a879cc5f2f1d4accf79821e4d24d870" hash = "f4610b65eba977b3d13eba5da0e38788a9e796a3e9775dd2b8e37b3085c2e1af" DaysofYARA = "1/100" id = "c21844d3-eeee-530e-a69c-b7f604616f0b" strings: $j_pdf1 = "%PDF-1.5" ascii wide $j_cmd = "\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" ascii wide $j_pdf_stream = "endstream" ascii wide $j_pdb_obj = "endobj" ascii wide $dimensions = {02 00 00 A0 ?? 00 ?? ?? 01 00 01 00 01} condition: uint32be(0x0) == 0x4C000000 and $dimensions and 2 of ($j_*) } rule SUSP_ELF_Invalid_Version { meta: desc = "Identify ELF file that has mangled header info." author = "@shellcromancer" version = "0.1" score = 55 last_modified = "2023.01.01" reference = "" reference = "" hash = "05379bbf3f46e05d385bbd853d33a13e7e5d7d50" id = "5bd97fdd-0912-5f9b-877c-91fff9b98dea" condition: ( uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and uint8(0x6) > 1 // ELF Version is greater value than in spec. ) } rule MAL_ELF_TorchTriton { meta: author = "Silas Cutler" description = "Detection for backdoor (TorchTriton) distributed with a nightly build of PyTorch" date = "2023-01-02" version = "1.0" hash = "2385b29489cd9e35f92c072780f903ae2e517ed422eae67246ae50a5cc738a0e" reference = "" DaysofYARA = "2/100" id = "85e98ee7-30bf-554f-a0ac-9df263e6dfe4" strings: $error = "failed to send packet" $aes_key = "gIdk8tzrHLOM)mPY-R)QgG[;yRXYCZFU" $aes_iv = "?BVsNqL]S.Ni" // std::vector > splitIntoDomains(const string&, const string&, const string&) $func01 = "splitIntoDomains(" $func02 = "packageForTransport" $func03 = "gatherFiles" // void sendFile(const string&, const string&, int, int, const string&) $func04 = "void sendFile(" //enc Domain $domain = "&z-%`-(*" condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f and ( (all of ($aes_*)) or (all of ($func*) and $error) or ($domain and 2 of them) ) } rule MAL_GOLDBACKDOOR_LNK { meta: author = "Greg Lesnewich" date = "2023-01-02" version = "1.0" hash = "120ca851663ef0ebef585d716c9e2ba67bd4870865160fec3b853156be1159c5" reference = "" DaysofYARA = "2/100" id = "9a80f875-4843-535c-9f2b-b04da55713b1" strings: $doc_header = {D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1} $doc_icon_loc = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office16\\WINWORD.exe" ascii wide $script_apionedrivecom_hex_enc_str = "6170692e6f6e6564726976652e636f6d" wide $script_kernel32dll_hex_enc_str = "6b65726e656c33322e646c6c" wide $script_GlobalAlloc_hex_enc_str = "476c6f62616c416c6c6f63" wide $script_VirtualProtect_hex_enc_str = "5669727475616c50726f74656374" wide $script_WriteByte_hex_enc_str = "577269746542797465" wide $script_CreateThread_hex_enc_str = "437265617465546872656164" wide condition: uint32be(0x0) == 0x4C000000 and 1 of ($doc*) and 2 of ($script*) } rule MAL_EXE_LockBit_v2 { meta: author = "Silas Cutler, modified by Florian Roth" description = "Detection for LockBit version 2.x from 2011" date = "2023-01-01" modified = "2023-01-06" version = "1.0" score = 80 hash = "00260c390ffab5734208a7199df0e4229a76261c3f5b7264c4515acb8eb9c2f8" DaysofYARA = "1/100" id = "a2c27110-e63b-5f93-88a0-98c12811e8b4" strings: $s_ransom_note01 = "that is located in every encrypted folder." wide $s_ransom_note02 = "Would you like to earn millions of dollars?" wide $x_ransom_tox = "3085B89A0C515D2FB124D645906F5D3DA5CB97CEBEA975959AE4F95302A04E1D709C3C4AE9B7" wide $x_ransom_url = "http://lockbitapt6vx57t3eeqjofwgcglmutr3a35nygvokja5uuccip4ykyd.onion" wide $s_str1 = "Active:[ %d [ Completed:[ %d" wide $x_str2 = "\\LockBit_Ransomware.hta" wide ascii $s_str2 = "Ransomware.hta" wide ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and ( 1 of ($x*) or 2 of them ) or 3 of them } rule MAL_EXE_PrestigeRansomware { meta: author = "Silas Cutler, modfied by Florian Roth" description = "Detection for Prestige Ransomware" date = "2023-01-04" modified = "2023-01-06" version = "1.0" score = 80 reference = "" hash = "5fc44c7342b84f50f24758e39c8848b2f0991e8817ef5465844f5f2ff6085a57" DaysofYARA = "4/100" id = "5ac8033a-8b15-5abe-89d5-018a4fef9ab5" strings: $x_ransom_email = "" wide $x_reg_ransom_note = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\reg.exe add HKCR\\enc\\shell\\open\\command /ve /t REG_SZ /d \"C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe C:\\Users\\Public\\README\" /f" wide $ransom_message01 = "To decrypt all the data, you will need to purchase our decryption software." wide $ransom_message02 = "Contact us {}. In the letter, type your ID = {:X}." wide $ransom_message03 = "- Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss." wide $ransom_message04 = "- Do not modify or rename encrypted files. You will lose them." wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and (1 of ($x*) or 2 of them or pe.imphash() == "a32bbc5df4195de63ea06feb46cd6b55") } rule MAL_EXE_RoyalRansomware { meta: author = "Silas Cutler, modfied by Florian Roth" description = "Detection for Royal Ransomware seen Dec 2022" date = "2023-01-03" version = "1.0" hash = "a8384c9e3689eb72fa737b570dbb53b2c3d103c62d46747a96e1e1becf14dfea" DaysofYARA = "3/100" id = "f83316f7-b8c4-5907-a38e-80535215e7ef" strings: $x_ext = ".royal_" wide $x_fname = "royal_dll.dll" $s_readme = "README.TXT" wide $s_cli_flag01 = "-networkonly" wide $s_cli_flag02 = "-localonly" wide $x_ransom_msg01 = "If you are reading this, it means that your system were hit by Royal ransomware." $x_ransom_msg02 = "Try Royal today and enter the new era of data security!" $x_onion_site = "http://royal2xthig3ou5hd7zsliqagy6yygk2cdelaxtni2fyad6dpmpxedid.onion/" condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and ( 2 of ($x*) or 5 of them ) } rule MAL_PY_Dimorf { meta: author = "Silas Cutler" description = "Detection for Dimorf ransomeware" date = "2023-01-03" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "78b53433-6926-58cd-8ec0-2195af803aab" strings: $func01 = "def find_and_encrypt" $func02 = "def check_os" $comment01 = "checks if the user has permission on the file." $misc01 = "log_dimorf.log" $misc02 = ".dimorf" condition: all of them }