rule SUSP_NullSoftInst_Combo_Oct20_1 { meta: description = "Detects suspicious NullSoft Installer combination with common Copyright strings" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2020-10-06" score = 65 hash1 = "686b5240e5e503528cc5ac8d764883413a260716dd290f114a60af873ee6a65f" hash2 = "93951379e57e4f159bb62fd7dd563d1ac2f3f23c80ba89f2da2e395b8a647dcf" hash3 = "a9ca1d6a981ccc8d8b144f337c259891a67eb6b85ee41b03699baacf4aae9a78" id = "380f30a6-df6b-50c6-bb2d-b8785564bbac" strings: $a1 = "NullsoftInst" ascii $b1 = "Microsoft Corporation" wide fullword $b2 = "Apache Software Foundation" ascii wide fullword $b3 = "Simon Tatham" wide fullword $fp1 = "nsisinstall" fullword ascii $fp2 = "\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\Software\\" wide $fp3 = "Apache Tomcat" wide fullword $fp4 = "Bot Framework Emulator" wide fullword $fp5 = "Firefox Helper" wide fullword $fp6 = "Paint.NET Setup" wide fullword $fp7 = "Microsoft .NET Services Installation Utility" wide fullword $fp8 = "License: MPL 2" wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 2000KB and $a1 and 1 of ($b*) and not 1 of ($fp*) }