rule merlinAgent { meta: description = "Detects Merlin agent" filetype = "pe, elf, mach" author = "Hilko Bengen" reference = "" date = "2017-12-26" id = "92346a3f-dce4-58db-893b-b7797fa20029" strings: $x1 = "Command output:\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a%s" $x2 = "[-]Connecting to web server at %s to update agent configuration information." $x3 = "[-]%d out of %d total failed checkins" $x4 = "[!}Unknown AgentControl message type received %s" $x5 = "[-]Received Agent Kill Message" $x6 = "[-]Received Server OK, doing nothing" $x7 = "[!]There was an error with the HTTP client while performing a POST:" $x8 = "[-]Sleeping for %s at %s" $s1 = "Executing command %s %s %s" $s2 = "[+]Host Information:" $s3 = "\tHostname: %s" $s4 = "\tPlatform: %s" $s5 = "\tUser GUID: %s" condition: 1 of ($x*) or 4 of them }