rule SUSP_ZIP_LNK_PhishAttachment_Pattern_Jun22_1 { meta: description = "Detects suspicious tiny ZIP files with phishing attachment characteristics" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "Internal Research" date = "2022-06-23" score = 65 hash1 = "4edb41f4645924d8a73e7ac3e3f39f4db73e38f356bc994ad7d03728cd799a48" hash2 = "c4fec375b44efad2d45c49f30133efbf6921ce82dbb2d1a980f69ea6383b0ab4" hash3 = "9c70eeac97374213355ea8fa019a0e99e0e57c8efc43daa3509f9f98fa71c8e4" hash4 = "ddc20266e38a974a28af321ab82eedaaf51168fbcc63ac77883d8be5200dcaf9" hash5 = "b59788ae984d9e70b4f7f5a035b10e6537063f15a010652edd170fc6a7e1ea2f" id = "3537c4ea-a51d-5100-97d7-71a24da5ff43" strings: $sl1 = ".lnk" condition: uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and filesize < 2KB and $sl1 in (filesize-256..filesize) } rule SUSP_ZIP_ISO_PhishAttachment_Pattern_Jun22_1 { meta: description = "Detects suspicious small base64 encoded ZIP files (MIME email attachments) with .iso files as content as often used in phishing attacks" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "Internal Research" date = "2022-06-23" score = 65 id = "638541a6-d2d4-513e-978c-9d1b9f5e3b71" strings: $pkzip_base64_1 = { 0A 55 45 73 44 42 } $pkzip_base64_2 = { 0A 55 45 73 44 42 } $pkzip_base64_3 = { 0A 55 45 73 48 43 } $iso_1 = "Lmlzb1BL" $iso_2 = "5pc29QS" $iso_3 = "uaXNvUE" condition: filesize < 2000KB and 1 of ($pk*) and 1 of ($iso*) } rule SUSP_Archive_Phishing_Attachment_Characteristics_Jun22_1 { meta: description = "Detects characteristics of suspicious file names or double extensions often found in phishing mail attachments" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2022-06-29" score = 65 hash1 = "caaa5c5733fca95804fffe70af82ee505a8ca2991e4cc05bc97a022e5f5b331c" hash2 = "a746d8c41609a70ce10bc69d459f9abb42957cc9626f2e83810c1af412cb8729" id = "3cb8c371-f40b-5773-84d1-3bce37da529e" strings: $sa01 = "INVOICE.exePK" ascii $sa02 = "PAYMENT.exePK" ascii $sa03 = "REQUEST.exePK" ascii $sa04 = "ORDER.exePK" ascii $sa05 = "invoice.exePK" ascii $sa06 = "payment.exePK" ascii $sa07 = "_request.exePK" ascii $sa08 = "_order.exePK" ascii $sa09 = "-request.exePK" ascii $sa10 = "-order.exePK" ascii $sa11 = " request.exePK" ascii $sa12 = " order.exePK" ascii $sa14 = ".doc.exePK" ascii $sa15 = ".docx.exePK" ascii $sa16 = ".xls.exePK" ascii $sa17 = ".xlsx.exePK" ascii $sa18 = ".pdf.exePK" ascii $sa19 = ".ppt.exePK" ascii $sa20 = ".pptx.exePK" ascii $sa21 = ".rtf.exePK" ascii $sa22 = ".txt.exePK" ascii $sb01 = "SU5WT0lDRS5leGVQS" $sb02 = "lOVk9JQ0UuZXhlUE" $sb03 = "JTlZPSUNFLmV4ZVBL" $sb04 = "UEFZTUVOVC5leGVQS" $sb05 = "BBWU1FTlQuZXhlUE" $sb06 = "QQVlNRU5ULmV4ZVBL" $sb07 = "UkVRVUVTVC5leGVQS" $sb08 = "JFUVVFU1QuZXhlUE" $sb09 = "SRVFVRVNULmV4ZVBL" $sb10 = "T1JERVIuZXhlUE" $sb11 = "9SREVSLmV4ZVBL" $sb12 = "PUkRFUi5leGVQS" $sb13 = "aW52b2ljZS5leGVQS" $sb14 = "ludm9pY2UuZXhlUE" $sb15 = "pbnZvaWNlLmV4ZVBL" $sb16 = "cGF5bWVudC5leGVQS" $sb17 = "BheW1lbnQuZXhlUE" $sb18 = "wYXltZW50LmV4ZVBL" $sb19 = "X3JlcXVlc3QuZXhlUE" $sb20 = "9yZXF1ZXN0LmV4ZVBL" $sb21 = "fcmVxdWVzdC5leGVQS" $sb22 = "X29yZGVyLmV4ZVBL" $sb23 = "9vcmRlci5leGVQS" $sb24 = "fb3JkZXIuZXhlUE" $sb25 = "LXJlcXVlc3QuZXhlUE" $sb26 = "1yZXF1ZXN0LmV4ZVBL" $sb27 = "tcmVxdWVzdC5leGVQS" $sb28 = "LW9yZGVyLmV4ZVBL" $sb29 = "1vcmRlci5leGVQS" $sb30 = "tb3JkZXIuZXhlUE" $sb31 = "IHJlcXVlc3QuZXhlUE" $sb32 = "ByZXF1ZXN0LmV4ZVBL" $sb33 = "gcmVxdWVzdC5leGVQS" $sb34 = "IG9yZGVyLmV4ZVBL" $sb35 = "BvcmRlci5leGVQS" $sb36 = "gb3JkZXIuZXhlUE" $sb37 = "LmRvYy5leGVQS" $sb38 = "5kb2MuZXhlUE" $sb39 = "uZG9jLmV4ZVBL" $sb40 = "LmRvY3guZXhlUE" $sb41 = "5kb2N4LmV4ZVBL" $sb42 = "uZG9jeC5leGVQS" $sb43 = "Lnhscy5leGVQS" $sb44 = "54bHMuZXhlUE" $sb45 = "ueGxzLmV4ZVBL" $sb46 = "Lnhsc3guZXhlUE" $sb47 = "54bHN4LmV4ZVBL" $sb48 = "ueGxzeC5leGVQS" $sb49 = "LnBkZi5leGVQS" $sb50 = "5wZGYuZXhlUE" $sb51 = "ucGRmLmV4ZVBL" $sb52 = "LnBwdC5leGVQS" $sb53 = "5wcHQuZXhlUE" $sb54 = "ucHB0LmV4ZVBL" $sb55 = "LnBwdHguZXhlUE" $sb56 = "5wcHR4LmV4ZVBL" $sb57 = "ucHB0eC5leGVQS" $sb58 = "LnJ0Zi5leGVQS" $sb59 = "5ydGYuZXhlUE" $sb60 = "ucnRmLmV4ZVBL" $sb61 = "LnR4dC5leGVQS" $sb62 = "50eHQuZXhlUE" $sb63 = "udHh0LmV4ZVBL" condition: uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and 1 of ($sa*) or 1 of ($sb*) }