rule RAT_AAR { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects AAR RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "42c1af80-cff3-505f-a3cb-35b7e34575e1" strings: $a = "Hashtable" $b = "get_IsDisposed" $c = "TripleDES" $d = "testmemory.FRMMain.resources" $e = "$this.Icon" wide $f = "{11111-22222-20001-00001}" wide condition: all of them } rule RAT_Adzok { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " description = "Detects Adzok RAT" Versions = "Free," date = "01.05.2015" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "jar" id = "93807f85-ae4e-5fd2-9010-ed2cf6f57f38" strings: $a1 = "config.xmlPK" $a2 = "key.classPK" $a3 = "svd$1.classPK" $a4 = "svd$2.classPK" $a5 = "Mensaje.classPK" $a6 = "inic$ShutdownHook.class" $a7 = "Uninstall.jarPK" $a8 = "resources/icono.pngPK" condition: 7 of ($a*) } rule RAT_Ap0calypse { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " description = "Detects Ap0calypse RAT" date = "01.04.2014" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "a2993654-efa0-519b-b6f6-4d722d93adde" strings: $a = "Ap0calypse" $b = "Sifre" $c = "MsgGoster" $d = "Baslik" $e = "Dosyalars" $f = "Injecsiyon" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Arcom { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Arcom RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "a0598340-c4a5-53f0-a810-63e37ec669a5" strings: $a1 = "CVu3388fnek3W(3ij3fkp0930di" $a2 = "ZINGAWI2" $a3 = "clWebLightGoldenrodYellow" $a4 = "Ancestor for '%s' not found" wide $a5 = "Control-C hit" wide $a6 = {A3 24 25 21} condition: all of them } rule RAT_Bandook { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Bandook RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "79fb99d8-bd56-5986-9917-e119b51b8303" strings: $a = "aaaaaa1|" $b = "aaaaaa2|" $c = "aaaaaa3|" $d = "aaaaaa4|" $e = "aaaaaa5|" $f = "%s%d.exe" $g = "astalavista" $h = "givemecache" $i = "%s\\system32\\drivers\\blogs\\*" $j = "bndk13me" condition: all of them } rule RAT_BlackNix { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects BlackNix RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "d7814184-3ae4-53f1-a602-c3fbc02573c3" strings: $a1 = "SETTINGS" wide $a2 = "Mark Adler" $a3 = "Random-Number-Here" $a4 = "RemoteShell" $a5 = "SystemInfo" condition: all of them } rule RAT_BlackShades { meta: author = "Brian Wallace (@botnet_hunter)" date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects BlackShades RAT" reference = "" family = "blackshades" id = "039f9efd-034d-5088-9a2f-7a63ad170d3d" strings: $string1 = "bss_server" $string2 = "txtChat" $string3 = "UDPFlood" condition: all of them } rule RAT_BlueBanana { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects BlueBanana RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "Java" id = "f00c7e92-f34c-5666-a1d9-02ac2cf7608c" strings: $meta = "META-INF" $conf = "config.txt" $a = "a/a/a/a/f.class" $b = "a/a/a/a/l.class" $c = "a/a/a/b/q.class" $d = "a/a/a/b/v.class" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Bozok { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Bozok RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "b1d22e8c-39aa-52e7-9ca8-2b35bb82f7de" strings: $a = "getVer" nocase $b = "StartVNC" nocase $c = "SendCamList" nocase $d = "untPlugin" nocase $e = "gethostbyname" nocase condition: all of them } rule RAT_ClientMesh { meta: author = "Kevin Breen (slightly modified by Florian Roth to improve performance)" date = "01.06.2014" description = "Detects ClientMesh RAT" reference = "" family = "torct" id = "351df33e-d3a1-5fe8-be38-edb43bc5d38f" strings: $string1 = "machinedetails" $string2 = "MySettings" $string3 = "sendftppasswords" $string4 = "sendbrowserpasswords" $string5 = "arma2keyMass" $string6 = "keylogger" condition: all of them } rule RAT_CyberGate { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects CyberGate RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "387e7c89-c766-54cf-aac0-3ba03092bc25" strings: $string1 = {23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23} $string2 = {23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 FA FD F0 EF F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23} $string3 = "EditSvr" $string4 = "TLoader" $string5 = "Stroks" $string6 = "####@####" $res1 = "XX-XX-XX-XX" $res2 = "CG-CG-CG-CG" condition: all of ($string*) and any of ($res*) } rule RAT_DarkComet { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects DarkComet RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "e6fd0269-dd0c-58c0-a1a3-24c2aed916ee" strings: // Versions 2x $a1 = "#BOT#URLUpdate" $a2 = "Command successfully executed!" $a3 = "MUTEXNAME" wide $a4 = "NETDATA" wide // Versions 3x & 4x & 5x $b1 = "FastMM Borland Edition" $b2 = "%s, ClassID: %s" $b3 = "I wasn't able to open the hosts file" $b4 = "#BOT#VisitUrl" $b5 = "#KCMDDC" condition: all of ($a*) or all of ($b*) } rule RAT_DarkRAT { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects DarkRAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "8283236a-6ed1-5213-8386-a029867b9677" strings: $a = "@1906dark1996coder@" $b = "SHEmptyRecycleBinA" $c = "mciSendStringA" $d = "add_Shutdown" $e = "get_SaveMySettingsOnExit" $f = "get_SpecialDirectories" $g = "Client.My" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Greame { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Greame RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "b90d3747-407a-5552-971f-78ff78f827a6" strings: $a = {23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 E8 EE E9 F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23} $b = {23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23 FA FD F0 EF F9 23 23 23 23 40 23 23 23 23} $c = "EditSvr" $d = "TLoader" $e = "Stroks" $f = "Avenger by NhT" $g = "####@####" $h = "GREAME" condition: all of them } rule RAT_HawkEye { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.06.2015" description = "Detects HawkEye RAT" reference = "" maltype = "KeyLogger" filetype = "exe" id = "22b1d1e6-feea-5f84-9564-326ad80bbd8d" strings: $key = "HawkEyeKeylogger" wide $salt = "099u787978786" wide $string1 = "HawkEye_Keylogger" wide $string2 = "holdermail.txt" wide $string3 = "wallet.dat" wide $string4 = "Keylog Records" wide $string5 = "" wide $string6 = "\\pidloc.txt" wide $string7 = "BSPLIT" wide condition: $key and $salt and all of ($string*) } rule RAT_Imminent { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Imminent RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "deddef60-c309-54e0-a488-ce937ed7eae3" strings: $v1a = "DecodeProductKey" $v1b = "StartHTTPFlood" $v1c = "CodeKey" $v1d = "MESSAGEBOX" $v1e = "GetFilezillaPasswords" $v1f = "DataIn" $v1g = "UDPzSockets" $v1h = {52 00 54 00 5F 00 52 00 43 00 44 00 41 00 54 00 41} $v2a = "k__BackingField" $v2b = "k__BackingField" $v2c = "DownloadAndExecute" $v2d = "-CHECK & PING -n 2 & EXIT" wide $v2e = "england.png" wide $v2f = "Showed Messagebox" wide condition: all of ($v1*) or all of ($v2*) } rule RAT_Infinity { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Infinity RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "b70f9459-fa84-516f-841d-d9617856eb4d" strings: $a = "CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT" $b = "discomouse" $c = "GetDeepInfo" $d = "AES_Encrypt" $e = "StartUDPFlood" $f = "BATScripting" wide $g = "FBqINhRdpgnqATxJ.html" wide $i = "magic_key" wide condition: all of them } /* prone to FPs and obsolete rule RAT_JavaDropper { meta: author = "Kevin Breen (slightly modified by Florian Roth to improve performance)" date = "01.10.2015" description = "Detects JavaDropper RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" strings: $jar = "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" $b1 = "config.ini" $b2 = "password.ini" $c1 = "stub/stub.dll" condition: $jar and (all of ($b*) or all of ($c*)) } */ rule RAT_LostDoor { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects LostDoor RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "f86ae7a1-2182-5b2e-8f9e-9e8456f574bc" strings: $a0 = {0D 0A 2A 45 44 49 54 5F 53 45 52 56 45 52 2A 0D 0A} $a1 = "*mlt* = %" $a2 = "*ip* = %" $a3 = "*victimo* = %" $a4 = "*name* = %" $b5 = "[START]" $b6 = "[DATA]" $b7 = "We Control Your Digital World" wide ascii $b8 = "RC4Initialize" wide ascii $b9 = "RC4Decrypt" wide ascii condition: all of ($a*) or all of ($b*) } rule RAT_LuminosityLink { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects LuminosityLink RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "163fe10c-38a1-53d3-b3a5-4240229e0306" strings: $a = "SMARTLOGS" wide $b = "RUNPE" wide $c = "b.Resources" wide $d = "CLIENTINFO*" wide $e = "Invalid Webcam Driver Download URL, or Failed to Download File!" wide $f = "Proactive Anti-Malware has been manually activated!" wide $g = "REMOVEGUARD" wide $h = "C0n1f8" wide $i = "Luminosity" wide $j = "LuminosityCryptoMiner" wide $k = "MANAGER*CLIENTDETAILS*" wide condition: all of them } rule RAT_LuxNet { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects LuxNet RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "277db509-5ba0-5d1b-b17a-d5914f1f1650" strings: $a = "GetHashCode" $b = "Activator" $c = "WebClient" $d = "op_Equality" $e = "dickcursor.cur" wide $f = "{0}|{1}|{2}" wide condition: all of them } /* prone to FPs: rule RAT_NanoCore { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects NanoCore RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" strings: $a = "NanoCore" $b = "ClientPlugin" $c = "ProjectData" $d = "DESCrypto" $e = "KeepAlive" $f = "IPNETROW" $g = "LogClientMessage" $h = "|ClientHost" $i = "get_Connected" $j = "#=q" $key = {43 6f 24 cb 95 30 38 39} condition: 6 of them } */ rule RAT_NetWire { meta: author = "Kevin Breen & David Cannings" date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects NetWire RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "f0077e8c-3e6a-5a98-9171-b0d81f24d27a" strings: $exe1 = "%.2d-%.2d-%.4d" $exe2 = "%s%.2d-%.2d-%.4d" $exe3 = "[%s] - [%.2d/%.2d/%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d]" $exe4 = "wcnwClass" $exe5 = "[Ctrl+%c]" $exe6 = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions" $exe7 = "%s\\.purple\\accounts.xml" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Pandora { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Pandora RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "d31e4366-8911-5c9c-92dc-a99f5233c626" strings: $a = "Can't get the Windows version" $b = "=M=Q=U=Y=]=a=e=i=m=q=u=y=}=" $c = "JPEG error #%d" wide $d = "Cannot assign a %s to a %s" wide $g = "%s, ProgID:" $h = "clave" $i = "Shell_TrayWnd" $j = "melt.bat" $k = "\\StubPath" $l = "\\logs.dat" $m = "1027|Operation has been canceled!" $n = "466|You need to plug-in! Double click to install... |" $0 = "33|[Keylogger Not Activated!]" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Paradox { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Paradox RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "2f1e6226-799b-54eb-a4a4-6c0f1bf561b4" strings: $a = "ParadoxRAT" $b = "Form1" $c = "StartRMCam" $d = "Flooders" $e = "SlowLaris" $f = "SHITEMID" $g = "set_Remote_Chat" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Plasma { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Plasma RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "2a19c0de-0078-5487-869c-1bcabea57300" strings: $a = "Miner: Failed to Inject." wide $b = "Started GPU Mining on:" wide $c = "BK: Hard Bot Killer Ran Successfully!" wide $d = "Uploaded Keylogs Successfully!" wide $e = "No Slowloris Attack is Running!" wide $f = "An ARME Attack is Already Running on" wide $g = "Proactive Bot Killer Enabled!" wide $h = "PlasmaRAT" wide ascii $i = "AntiEverything" wide ascii condition: all of them } rule RAT_PoisonIvy { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects PoisonIvy RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "371686d3-878f-56fc-a702-ec49845f486b" strings: $stub = {04 08 00 53 74 75 62 50 61 74 68 18 04} $string1 = "CONNECT %s:%i HTTP/1.0" $string2 = "ws2_32" $string3 = "cks=u" $string4 = "thj@h" $string5 = "advpack" condition: $stub at 0x1620 and all of ($string*) or (all of them) } rule RAT_PredatorPain { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects PredatorPain RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "c6670179-871d-5a57-983b-d77354e2ede9" strings: $string1 = "holderwb.txt" wide $string3 = "There is a file attached to this email" wide $string4 = "screens\\screenshot" wide $string5 = "Disablelogger" wide $string6 = "\\pidloc.txt" wide $string7 = "clearie" wide $string8 = "clearff" wide $string9 = "emails should be sent to you shortly" wide $string10 = "jagex_cache\\regPin" wide $string11 = "open=Sys.exe" wide $ver1 = "PredatorLogger" wide $ver2 = "EncryptedCredentials" wide $ver3 = "Predator Pain" wide condition: 7 of ($string*) and any of ($ver*) } rule RAT_Punisher { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Punisher RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "1e16b3c7-9656-5570-afa2-542367aa14d8" strings: $a = "abccba" $b = {5C 00 68 00 66 00 68 00 2E 00 76 00 62 00 73} $c = {5C 00 73 00 63 00 2E 00 76 00 62 00 73} $d = "SpyTheSpy" wide ascii $e = "wireshark" wide $f = "apateDNS" wide $g = "abccbaDanabccb" condition: all of them } rule RAT_PythoRAT { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Python RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "fc98c513-1abf-5331-b351-f6182e5b19c5" strings: $a = "TKeylogger" $b = "uFileTransfer" $c = "TTDownload" $d = "SETTINGS" $e = "Unknown" wide $f = "#@#@#" $g = "PluginData" $i = "OnPluginMessage" condition: all of them } rule RAT_QRat { meta: author = "Kevin Breen @KevTheHermit" date = "01.08.2015" description = "Detects QRAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "jar" id = "2ee645a3-1e01-513c-a636-098e445adeca" strings: $a0 = "e-data" $a1 = "quaverse/crypter" $a2 = "Qrypt.class" $a3 = "Jarizer.class" $a4 = "URLConnection.class" condition: 4 of them } rule RAT_Sakula { meta: date = "2015-10-13" description = "Detects Sakula v1.0 RAT" author = "Airbus Defence and Space Cybersecurity CSIRT - Yoann Francou / NCC Group David Cannings" reference = "" id = "4be3179c-3b91-56db-bba9-9ccc42066f96" strings: $s1 = "%d_of_%d_for_%s_on_%s" $s2 = "/c ping & del /q \"%s\"" $s3 = "=%s&type=%d" $s4 = "?photoid=" $s5 = "iexplorer" $s6 = "net start \"%s\"" $s7 = "cmd.exe /c rundll32 \"%s\"" $v1_1 = "MicroPlayerUpdate.exe" $v1_2 = "CCPUpdate" $v1_3 = { 81 3E 78 03 00 00 75 57 8D 54 24 14 52 68 0C 05 41 00 68 01 00 00 80 FF 15 00 F0 40 00 85 C0 74 10 8B 44 24 14 68 2C 31 41 00 50 FF 15 10 F0 40 00 8B 4C 24 14 51 FF 15 24 F0 40 00 E8 0F 09 00 } $v1_4 = { 50 E8 CD FC FF FF 83 C4 04 68 E8 03 00 00 FF D7 56 E8 54 12 00 00 E9 AE FE FF FF E8 13 F5 FF FF } $serial01 = { 31 06 2e 48 3e 01 06 b1 8c 98 2f 00 53 18 5c 36 } $serial02 = { 01 a5 d9 59 95 19 b1 ba fc fa d0 e8 0b 6d 67 35 } $serial03 = { 47 d5 d5 37 2b cb 15 62 b4 c9 f4 c2 bd f1 35 87 } $serial04 = { 3a c1 0e 68 f1 ce 51 9e 84 dd cd 28 b1 1f a5 42 } $opcodes1 = { 89 FF 55 89 E5 83 EC 20 A1 ?? ?? ?? 00 83 F8 00 } $opcodes2 = { 31 C0 8A 04 0B 3C 00 74 09 38 D0 74 05 30 D0 88 04 0B } $opcodes3 = { 8B 45 08 8D 0C 02 8A 01 84 C0 74 08 3C ?? 74 04 34 ?? 88 01 } $opcodes4 = { 30 14 38 8D 0C 38 40 FE C2 3B C6 } $opcodes5 = { 30 14 39 8D 04 39 41 FE C2 3B CE } $fp1 = "Symantec Corporation" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and ( (3 of ($s*) and any of ($v1_*)) or (any of ($serial0*)) or (any of ($opcodes*)) ) and not 1 of ($fp*) } rule RAT_ShadowTech : FILE { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects ShadowTech RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "1fb15030-b400-5e70-b183-81e2527d5556" strings: $a = "ShadowTech" nocase $b = "DownloadContainer" $c = "MySettings" $d = "System.Configuration" $newline = "#-@NewLine@-#" wide $split = "pSIL" wide $key = "ESIL" wide condition: 4 of them } rule RAT_SmallNet { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects SmallNet RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "aec1f8fd-2806-527e-9d50-422f212864de" strings: $split1 = "!!<3SAFIA<3!!" $split2 = "!!ElMattadorDz!!" $a1 = "stub_2.Properties" $a2 = "stub.exe" wide $a3 = "get_CurrentDomain" condition: ($split1 or $split2) and (all of ($a*)) } rule RAT_SpyGate { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects SpyGate RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "ed015770-81ff-5d9c-8bd0-3c225e400724" strings: $split = "abccba" $a1 = "abccbaSpyGateRATabccba" //$a = Version 0.2.6 $a2 = "StubX.pdb" $a3 = "abccbaDanabccb" $b1 = "monikerString" nocase //$b = Version 2.0 $b2 = "virustotal1" $b3 = "get_CurrentDomain" $c1 = "shutdowncomputer" wide //$c = Version 2.9 $c2 = "shutdown -r -t 00" wide $c3 = "set cdaudio door closed" wide $c4 = "FileManagerSplit" wide $c5 = "Chating With >> [~Hacker~]" wide condition: (all of ($a*) and #split > 40) or (all of ($b*) and #split > 10) or (all of ($c*)) } rule RAT_Sub7Nation { meta: author = "Kevin Breen (slightly modified by Florian Roth to improve performance)" date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Sub7Nation RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "4f41d649-4a90-566b-bda8-0a288380aeaa" strings: $a = "EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f" $i = "HostSettings" $verSpecific1 = "sevane.tmp" $verSpecific2 = "cmd_.bat" $verSpecific3 = "a2b7c3d7e4" $verSpecific4 = "cmd.dll" condition: all of them } rule RAT_Vertex { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Vertex RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "f6f5967e-6b88-5d95-8fe1-a286ee8ce64c" strings: $string1 = "DEFPATH" $string2 = "HKNAME" $string3 = "HPORT" $string4 = "INSTALL" $string5 = "IPATH" $string6 = "MUTEX" $res1 = "PANELPATH" $res2 = "ROOTURL" condition: all of them } rule RAT_VirusRat { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects VirusRAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "ef00cec9-d09b-5010-8e7d-bb391c937f34" strings: $string0 = "virustotal" $string1 = "virusscan" $string2 = "abccba" $string3 = "pronoip" $string4 = "streamWebcam" $string5 = "DOMAIN_PASSWORD" $string6 = "Stub.Form1.resources" $string7 = "ftp://{0}@{1}" wide $string8 = "SELECT * FROM moz_logins" wide $string9 = "SELECT * FROM moz_disabledHosts" wide $string10 = "DynDNS\\Updater\\config.dyndns" wide $string11 = "|BawaneH|" wide condition: all of them } rule RAT_Xtreme { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Xtreme RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" ver = "2.9, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5" id = "02b7bb6a-5d1e-5379-b366-868680844719" strings: $a = "XTREME" wide $b = "ServerStarted" wide $c = "XtremeKeylogger" wide $d = "x.html" wide $e = "Xtreme RAT" wide condition: all of them } rule RAT_adWind { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects Adwind RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "95681c07-0e9c-5688-a8a0-899617521c7b" strings: $meta = "META-INF" $conf = "config.xml" $a = "Adwind.class" $b = "Principal.adwind" condition: all of them } rule RAT_njRat { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects njRAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "6289b9c8-eef6-5cfb-97bd-b819158d6fdd" strings: $s1 = {7C 00 27 00 7C 00 27 00 7C} // |'|'| $s2 = "netsh firewall add allowedprogram" wide $s3 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run" wide $s4 = "yyyy-MM-dd" wide $v1 = "cmd.exe /k ping 0 & del" wide $v2 = "cmd.exe /c ping & del" wide $v3 = "cmd.exe /c ping 0 -n 2 & del" wide condition: all of ($s*) and any of ($v*) } rule RAT_unrecom { meta: author = "Kevin Breen " date = "01.04.2014" description = "Detects unrecom RAT" reference = "" maltype = "Remote Access Trojan" filetype = "exe" id = "56b11c22-f43c-5192-9a0a-0ac14b0cd041" strings: $meta = "META-INF" $conf = "load/ID" $a = "load/JarMain.class" $b = "load/MANIFEST.MF" $c = "plugins/UnrecomServer.class" condition: all of them } rule MAL_JRAT_Oct18_1 { meta: description = "Detects JRAT malware" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "Internal Research" date = "2018-10-11" hash1 = "ce190c37a6fdb2632f4bc5ea0bb613b3fbe697d04e68e126b41910a6831d3411" id = "f211ef1c-8def-55f0-8817-d01ebd9c2947" strings: $x1 = "/JRat.class" ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x4b50 and filesize < 700KB and 1 of them }