rule HKTL_Keyword_InjectDLL { meta: description = "Detects suspicious InjectDLL keyword found in hacktools or possibly unwanted applications" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2019-04-04" score = 60 hash1 = "2e7b4141e1872857904a0ef2d87535fd913cbdd9f964421f521b5a228a492a29" id = "422eed76-7dfa-5490-a866-d337434eaddc" strings: $s2 = "InjectDLL" fullword ascii $s4 = "Kernel32.dll" fullword ascii condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and all of them } rule HKTL_Python_sectools { meta: description = "Detects code which uses the python lib sectools" author = "Arnim Rupp" date = "2023-01-27" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1" reference = "" hash ="814ba1aa62bbb7aba886edae0f4ac5370818de15ca22a52a6ab667b4e93abf84" hash ="b3328ac397d311e6eb79f0a5b9da155c4d1987e0d67487ea681ea59d93641d9e" hash ="8cd205d5380278cff6673520439057e78fb8bf3d2b1c3c9be8463e949e5be4a1" score=50 id = "89a5e0ba-5547-53e4-84a3-d07ee779596e" strings: $import1 = "from sectools" // might bei "from import ..." or "from sectools import ..." $import2 = "import sectools" condition: any of ( $import* ) }