rule SUSP_Base64_Encoded_Hex_Encoded_Code { meta: author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" description = "Detects hex encoded code that has been base64 encoded" date = "2019-04-29" score = 65 reference = "" id = "2cfd278f-ff45-5e23-b552-dad688ab303b" strings: $x1 = { 78 34 4e ?? ?? 63 65 44 ?? ?? 58 48 67 } $x2 = { 63 45 44 ?? ?? 58 48 67 ?? ?? ?? 78 34 4e } $fp1 = "Microsoft Azure Code Signp$" condition: 1 of ($x*) and not 1 of ($fp*) } rule SUSP_Double_Base64_Encoded_Executable { meta: description = "Detects an executable that has been encoded with base64 twice" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2019-10-29" hash1 = "1a172d92638e6fdb2858dcca7a78d4b03c424b7f14be75c2fd479f59049bc5f9" id = "6fb40ed3-1afc-5d5b-9373-4a8490177b20" strings: $ = "VFZwVEFRR" ascii wide $ = "RWcFRBUU" ascii wide $ = "UVnBUQVFF" ascii wide $ = "VFZvQUFBQ" ascii wide $ = "RWb0FBQU" ascii wide $ = "UVm9BQUFB" ascii wide $ = "VFZxQUFBR" ascii wide $ = "RWcUFBQU" ascii wide $ = "UVnFBQUFF" ascii wide $ = "VFZwUUFBS" ascii wide $ = "RWcFFBQU" ascii wide $ = "UVnBRQUFJ" ascii wide $ = "VFZxUUFBT" ascii wide $ = "RWcVFBQU" ascii wide $ = "UVnFRQUFN" ascii wide condition: 1 of them } rule SUSP_Reversed_Base64_Encoded_EXE : FILE { meta: description = "Detects an base64 encoded executable with reversed characters" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" date = "2020-04-06" reference = "Internal Research" score = 80 hash1 = "7e6d9a5d3b26fd1af7d58be68f524c4c55285b78304a65ec43073b139c9407a8" id = "3b52e59e-7c0a-560f-8123-1099c52e7e3d" strings: $s1 = "AEAAAAEQATpVT" $s2 = "AAAAAAAAAAoVT" $s3 = "AEAAAAEAAAqVT" $s4 = "AEAAAAIAAQpVT" $s5 = "AEAAAAMAAQqVT" $sh1 = "SZk9WbgM1TEBibpBib1JHIlJGI09mbuF2Yg0WYyd2byBHIzlGaU" ascii $sh2 = "LlR2btByUPREIulGIuVncgUmYgQ3bu5WYjBSbhJ3ZvJHcgMXaoR" ascii $sh3 = "uUGZv1GIT9ERg4Wag4WdyBSZiBCdv5mbhNGItFmcn9mcwBycphGV" ascii condition: filesize < 10000KB and 1 of them } rule SUSP_Script_Base64_Blocks_Jun20_1 { meta: description = "Detects suspicious file with base64 encoded payload in blocks" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "" date = "2020-06-05" score = 70 id = "cef759a5-b02a-53e7-bf27-184eee6bc3fa" strings: $sa1 = "