rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_Local_URL { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr), @QW5kcmV3 (Andrew Thompson)" description = "Detects local script usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "438d9323-cb6a-5f5d-af71-76692b93436a" strings: $file = "URL=file:///" nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $file and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_SMB_URL { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr), @QW5kcmV3 (Andrew Thompson)" description = "Detects remote SMB path for .URL persistence" reference = "" sample = "e0bef7497fcb284edb0c65b59d511830" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "e23609a1-9b18-5a56-92ee-c7f84c966865" strings: $file = /URL=file:\/\/[a-z0-9]/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $file and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } /* many FPs rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_IconRemote_HTTP { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 40 date = "27.09.2019" strings: $icon = /IconFile\s*=\s*http/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $icon and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } */ rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_IconRemote_SMBorLocal { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "This is the syntax used for NTLM hash stealing via Responder -" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "9362ce46-265c-5215-bee1-3d784d0cb928" strings: $icon = "IconFile=file://" nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $icon and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Shortcut_HotKey { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "0ce377c4-db9b-59fa-987b-a77eaf408765" strings: $hotkey = /[\x0a\x0d]HotKey=[1-9]/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $hotkey and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_BaseURLSyntax { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "cab7b573-d197-5afc-95a9-ef05a07c2b7a" strings: $baseurl1 = "BASEURL=file://" nocase $baseurl2 = "[DEFAULT]" nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: all of ($baseurl*) and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Contains_Shortcut_OtherURIhandlers { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Noisy rule for .URL shortcuts containing unique URI handlers" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 35 date = "27.09.2019" id = "1c0750d2-2177-5e2c-908b-4226ae099981" strings: $file = "URL=" $filenegate = /[\x0a\x0d](Base|)URL\s*=\s*(https?|file):\/\// nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $file and any of ($url*) and not $filenegate and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } /* rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_IconShenanigans_dotDL { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" reference = "" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" strings: $icon = /[\x0a\x0d]IconFile=[^\x0d]*\.dl\x0d/ nocase ascii wide $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($url*) and $icon and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } */ rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_IconNotFromExeOrDLLOrICO { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" reference = "" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "82d0483f-48ee-5d0c-ba7d-73d9e9455423" strings: $icon = "IconFile=" $icon_negate = /[\x0a\x0d]IconFile=[^\x0d]*\.(dll|exe|ico)\x0d/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($url*) and $icon and not $icon_negate and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_Evasion { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Non-standard .URLs and evasion" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "36df4252-2575-5efa-88ce-17e68a349306" strings: $URI = /[\x0a\x0d](IconFile|(Base|)URL)[^\x0d=]+/ nocase $filetype_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $filetype_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($filetype*) and $URI //and $URInegate and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } // the below rule hasn't been seen, but I still want to explore whether this format can be abused to launch commands in unstructured .URL space rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_LOLcommand { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" reference = "" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" modified = "2021-02-14" id = "061e7919-17f1-5774-ad7d-fc964dc9a947" strings: $file1 = /[\x0a\x0d](IconFile|(Base|)URL)\s*=[^\x0d]*(powershell|cmd|certutil|mshta|wscript|cscript|rundll32|wmic|regsvr32|msbuild)(\.exe|)[^\x0d]{2,50}\x0d/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($url*) and any of ($file*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } // NONE of the following rules have been seen itw, but they are searching for unique (possible?) .URL syntax - leaving here for transparency rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_WebDAV { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" reference = "" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "cd660b84-d7c6-52fc-9e1d-76450e5262b1" strings: $file1 = /[\x0a\x0d](IconFile|(Base|)URL)\s*=\s*\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]/ $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($url*) and any of ($file*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_ScriptURL { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "2f55f8a9-4e4b-5480-9042-da6bb66b2e06" strings: $file1 = /[\x0a\x0d](IconFile|(Base|)URL)\s*=[^\x0d]*script:/ nocase // $file2 = /IconFile=script:/ nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: any of ($url*) and any of ($file*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_WorkingDirRemote_HTTP { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "68e54f8a-11e4-59e4-8498-59d88e70e438" strings: $icon = "WorkingDirectory=http" nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $icon and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB } rule Methodology_Suspicious_Shortcut_WorkingDirRemote_SMB { meta: author = "@itsreallynick (Nick Carr)" description = "Detects possible shortcut usage for .URL persistence" reference = "" score = 50 date = "27.09.2019" id = "26e19fe3-c25c-53b0-9b41-c04803134bc2" strings: $icon = "WorkingDirectory=file://" nocase $url_clsid = "[{000214A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]" $url_explicit = "[InternetShortcut]" nocase condition: $icon and any of ($url*) and uint16(0) != 0x5A4D and uint32(0) != 0x464c457f and uint32(0) != 0xBEBAFECA and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACE and uint32(0) != 0xFEEDFACF and uint32(0) != 0xCEFAEDFE and filesize < 30KB }