import "math" // only needed for debugging of module math: //import "console" /* Webshell rules by Arnim Rupp (, Version 2 Rationale behind the rules: 1. a webshell must always execute some kind of payload (in $payload*). the payload is either: -- direct php function like exec, file write, sql, ... -- indirect via eval, self defined functions, callbacks, reflection, ... 2. a webshell must always have some way to get the attackers input, e.g. for PHP in $_GET, php://input or $_SERVER (HTTP for headers). The input may be hidden in obfuscated code, so we look for either: a) payload + input b) eval-style-payloads + obfuscation c) includers (webshell is split in 2+ files) d) unique strings, if the coder doesn't even intend to hide Additional conditions will be added to reduce false positves. Check all findings for unintentional webshells aka vulnerabilities ;) The rules named "suspicious_" are commented by default. uncomment them to find more potentially malicious files at the price of more false positives. if that finds too many results to manually check, you can compare the hashes to virustotal with e.g. Some samples in the collection were UTF-16 and at least PHP and Java support it, so I use "wide ascii" for all strings. The performance impact is 1%. See also Rules tested on the following webshell repos and collections: Webshells in these repos after fdupes run: 4722 Old signature-base rules found: 1315 This rules found: 3286 False positives in 8gb of common webapps plus yara-ci: 2 */ rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Generic { meta: description = "php webshell having some kind of input and some kind of payload. restricted to small files or big ones inclusing suspicious strings" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1" author = "Arnim Rupp (" reference = "Internal Research" score = 75 date = "2021/01/14" modified = "2023-09-18" hash = "bee1b76b1455105d4bfe2f45191071cf05e83a309ae9defcf759248ca9bceddd" hash = "6bf351900a408120bee3fc6ea39905c6a35fe6efcf35d0a783ee92062e63a854" hash = "e3b4e5ec29628791f836e15500f6fdea19beaf3e8d9981c50714656c50d3b365" hash = "00813155bf7f5eb441e1619616a5f6b21ae31afc99caa000c4aafd54b46c3597" hash = "e31788042d9cdeffcb279533b5a7359b3beb1144f39bacdd3acdef6e9b4aff25" hash = "36b91575a08cf40d4782e5aebcec2894144f1e236a102edda2416bc75cbac8dd" hash = "a34154af7c0d7157285cfa498734cfb77662edadb1a10892eb7f7e2fb5e2486c" hash = "791a882af2cea0aa8b8379791b401bebc235296858266ddb7f881c8923b7ea61" hash = "9a8ab3c225076a26309230d7eac7681f85b271d2db22bf5a190adbf66faca2e6" hash = "0d3ee83adc9ebf8fb1a8c449eed5547ee5e67e9a416cce25592e80963198ae23" hash = "3d8708609562a27634df5094713154d8ca784dbe89738e63951e12184ff07ad6" hash = "70d64d987f0d9ab46514abcc868505d95dbf458387f858b0d7580e4ee8573786" hash = "259b3828694b4d256764d7d01b0f0f36ca0526d5ee75e134c6a754d2ab0d1caa" hash = "04d139b48d59fa2ef24fb9347b74fa317cb05bd8b7389aeb0a4d458c49ea7540" hash = "58d0e2ff61301fe0c176b51430850239d3278c7caf56310d202e0cdbdde9ac3f" hash = "731f36a08b0e63c63b3a2a457667dfc34aa7ff3a2aee24e60a8d16b83ad44ce2" hash = "e4ffd4ec67762fe00bb8bd9fbff78cffefdb96c16fe7551b5505d319a90fa18f" hash = "fa00ee25bfb3908808a7c6e8b2423c681d7c52de2deb30cbaea2ee09a635b7d4" hash = "98c1937b9606b1e8e0eebcb116a784c9d2d3db0039b21c45cba399e86c92c2fa" hash = "e9423ad8e51895db0e8422750c61ef4897b3be4292b36dba67d42de99e714bff" hash = "7a16311a371f03b29d5220484e7ecbe841cfaead4e73c17aa6a9c23b5d94544d" hash = "7ca5dec0515dd6f401cb5a52c313f41f5437fc43eb62ea4bcc415a14212d09e9" hash = "3de8c04bfdb24185a07f198464fcdd56bb643e1d08199a26acee51435ff0a99f" hash = "63297f8c1d4e88415bc094bc5546124c9ed8d57aca3a09e36ae18f5f054ad172" hash = "a09dcf52da767815f29f66cb7b03f3d8c102da5cf7b69567928961c389eac11f" hash = "d9ae762b011216e520ebe4b7abcac615c61318a8195601526cfa11bbc719a8f1" hash = "dd5d8a9b4bb406e0b8f868165a1714fe54ffb18e621582210f96f6e5ae850b33" id = "294ce5d5-55b2-5c79-b0f8-b66f949efbb2" strings: $wfp_tiny1 = "escapeshellarg" fullword $wfp_tiny2 = "addslashes" fullword //strings from private rule php_false_positive_tiny // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval //$gfp_tiny1 = "addslashes" fullword //$gfp_tiny2 = "escapeshellarg" fullword $gfp_tiny3 = "include \"./common.php\";" // xcache $gfp_tiny4 = "assert('FALSE');" $gfp_tiny5 = "assert(false);" $gfp_tiny6 = "assert(FALSE);" $gfp_tiny7 = "assert('array_key_exists(" $gfp_tiny8 = "echo shell_exec($aspellcommand . ' 2>&1');" $gfp_tiny9 = "throw new Exception('Could not find authentication source with id ' . $sourceId);" $gfp_tiny10= "return isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ? $_POST[ $key ] : ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ) ? $_REQUEST[ $key ] : $default );" //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe $php_short = "" wide ascii $gen_bit_sus45 = "
" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus46 = "shell_" wide ascii
        //fp: $gen_bit_sus47 = "Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus50 = "bypass" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus52 = " ^ $" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus53 = ".ssh/authorized_keys" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus55 = /\w'\.'\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus56 = /\w\"\.\"\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus57 = "dumper" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus59 = "'cmd'" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus60 = "\"execute\"" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus61 = "/bin/sh" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus62 = "Cyber" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus63 = "portscan" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus64 = "\"command\"" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus65 = "'command'" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus66 = "whoami" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus67 = "$password='" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus68 = "$password=\"" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus69 = "$cmd" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus70 = "\"?>\"." fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus71 = "Hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus72 = "hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus73 = ".htpasswd" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus74 = /\btouch\(\$[^,]{1,30},/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus75 = "uploaded" fullword wide ascii

        // very suspicious strings, one is enough
        $gen_much_sus7  = "Web Shell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus8  = "WebShell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus3  = "hidded shell"
        $gen_much_sus4  = "WScript.Shell.1" nocase
        $gen_much_sus5  = "AspExec"
        $gen_much_sus14 = "\\pcAnywhere\\" nocase
        $gen_much_sus15 = "antivirus" nocase
        $gen_much_sus16 = "McAfee" nocase
        $gen_much_sus17 = "nishang"
        $gen_much_sus18 = "\"unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus19 = "'unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus24 = "exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus25 = "Exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus26 = "TVqQAAMAAA" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus30 = "Hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus31 = "HACKED" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus32 = "hacked" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus33 = "hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus34 = "grayhat" nocase wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus35 = "Microsoft FrontPage" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus36 = "Rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus37 = "rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus38 = "/*-/*-*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus39 = "u\"+\"n\"+\"s" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus40 = "\"e\"+\"v" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus41 = "a\"+\"l\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus42 = "\"+\"(\"+\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus43 = "q\"+\"u\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus44 = "\"u\"+\"e" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus45 = "/*//*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus46 = "(\"/*/\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus47 = "eval(eval(" wide ascii
        // self remove
        $gen_much_sus48 = "unlink(__FILE__)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus49 = "Shell.Users" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus50 = "PasswordType=Regular" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus51 = "-Expire=0" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus60 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus61 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus62 = "++;$" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus63 = "++; $" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus64 = "_.=$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus70 = "-perm -04000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus71 = "-perm -02000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus72 = "grep -li password" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus73 = "-name" wide ascii
        // touch without parameters sets the time to now, not malicious and gives fp
        $gen_much_sus75 = "password crack" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus76 = "mysqlDll.dll" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus77 = "net user" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus80 = "fopen(\".htaccess\",\"w" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus81 = /strrev\(['"]/ wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus82 = "PHPShell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus821= "PHP Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus83 = "phpshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus84 = "PHPshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus87 = "deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus88 = "Deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus89 = "backdoor" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus90 = "r00t" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus91 = "xp_cmdshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus92 = "str_rot13" fullword wide ascii

        $gif = { 47 49 46 38 }

        //strings from private rule capa_php_payload_multiple
        // \([^)] to avoid matching on e.g. eval() in comments
        $cmpayload1 = /\beval[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload2 = /\bexec[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload3 = /\bshell_exec[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload4 = /\bpassthru[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload5 = /\bsystem[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload6 = /\bpopen[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload7 = /\bproc_open[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload8 = /\bpcntl_exec[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload9 = /\bassert[\t ]{0,500}\([^)0]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload10 = /\bpreg_replace[\t ]{0,500}\([^\)]{1,100}\/e/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload11 = /\bpreg_filter[\t ]{0,500}\([^\)]{1,100}\/e/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload12 = /\bmb_ereg_replace[\t ]{0,500}\([^\)]{1,100}'e'/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload20 = /\bcreate_function[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii
        $cmpayload21 = /\bReflectionFunction[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]/ nocase wide ascii

        $fp1 = "# Some examples from obfuscated malware:" ascii
        $fp2 = "{@see TFileUpload} for further details." ascii
        //any of them or
        not (
            any of ( $gfp_tiny* )
            or 1 of ($fp*)
        and (
                        $php_short in (0..100) or
                        $php_short in (filesize-1000..filesize)
                and not any of ( $no_* )
            or any of ( $php_new* )
        and (
            any of ( $inp* )
        and (
            any of ( $cpayload* ) or
        all of ( $m_cpayload_preg_filter* )
        ( ( filesize < 1000 and not any of ( $wfp_tiny* ) ) or
        ( (
        $gif at 0 or
            filesize < 4KB and
                1 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                2 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 20KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                3 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 50KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                4 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 100KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                6 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 150KB and
                3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                7 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 500KB and
                4 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                8 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ( filesize > 5KB or not any of ( $wfp_tiny* ) ) ) or
        ( filesize < 500KB and (
            4 of ( $cmpayload* )
        ) )

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Generic_Callback
        description = "php webshell having some kind of input and using a callback to execute the payload. restricted to small files or would give lots of false positives"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        date = "2021/01/14"
        modified = "2023-09-18"
        score = 60
        hash = "e98889690101b59260e871c49263314526f2093f"
        hash = "63297f8c1d4e88415bc094bc5546124c9ed8d57aca3a09e36ae18f5f054ad172"
        hash = "81388c8cc99353cdb42572bb88df7d3bd70eefc748c2fa4224b6074aa8d7e6a2"
        hash = "27d3bfabc283d851b0785199da8b1b0384afcb996fa9217687274dd56a7b5f49"
        hash = "ee256d7cc3ceb2bf3a1934d553cdd36e3fbde62a02b20a1b748a74e85d4dbd33"
        hash = "4adc6c5373c4db7b8ed1e7e6df10a3b2ce5e128818bb4162d502056677c6f54a"
        hash = "1fe4c60ea3f32819a98b1725581ac912d0f90d497e63ad81ccf258aeec59fee3"
        hash = "2967f38c26b131f00276bcc21227e54ee6a71881da1d27ec5157d83c4c9d4f51"
        hash = "1ba02fb573a06d5274e30b2b05573305294497769414e964a097acb5c352fb92"
        hash = "f4fe8e3b2c39090ca971a8e61194fdb83d76fadbbace4c5eb15e333df61ce2a4"
        hash = "badda1053e169fea055f5edceae962e500842ad15a5d31968a0a89cf28d89e91"
        hash = "0a29cf1716e67a7932e604c5d3df4b7f372561200c007f00131eef36f9a4a6a2"
        hash = "51c2c8b94c4b8cce806735bcf6e5aa3f168f0f7addce47b699b9a4e31dc71b47"
        hash = "de1ef827bcd3100a259f29730cb06f7878220a7c02cee0ebfc9090753d2237a8"
        hash = "487e8c08e85774dfd1f5e744050c08eb7d01c6877f7d03d7963187748339e8c4"

        id = "e33dba84-bbeb-5955-a81b-2d2c8637fb48"

        //strings from private rule php_false_positive
        // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval
        // a good choice is a string with good atom quality = ideally 4 unusual characters next to each other
        $gfp1  = "eval(\"return [$serialised_parameter" // elgg
        $gfp2  = "$this->assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        //strings from private rule php_false_positive_tiny
        // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval
        //$gfp_tiny1 = "addslashes" fullword
        //$gfp_tiny2 = "escapeshellarg" fullword
        $gfp_tiny3 = "include \"./common.php\";" // xcache
        $gfp_tiny4 = "assert('FALSE');"
        $gfp_tiny5 = "assert(false);"
        $gfp_tiny6 = "assert(FALSE);"
        $gfp_tiny7 = "assert('array_key_exists("
        $gfp_tiny8 = "echo shell_exec($aspellcommand . ' 2>&1');"
        $gfp_tiny9 = "throw new Exception('Could not find authentication source with id ' . $sourceId);"
        $gfp_tiny10= "return isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ? $_POST[ $key ] : ( isset( $_REQUEST[ $key ] ) ? $_REQUEST[ $key ] : $default );"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_input
        $inp1 = "php://input" wide ascii
        $inp2 = /_GET\s?\[/ wide ascii
        // for passing $_GET to a function
        $inp3 = /\(\s?\$_GET\s?\)/ wide ascii
        $inp4 = /_POST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $inp5 = /\(\s?\$_POST\s?\)/ wide ascii
        $inp6 = /_REQUEST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $inp7 = /\(\s?\$_REQUEST\s?\)/ wide ascii
        // PHP automatically adds all the request headers into the $_SERVER global array, prefixing each header name by the "HTTP_" string, so e.g. @eval($_SERVER['HTTP_CMD']) will run any code in the HTTP header CMD
        $inp15 = "_SERVER['HTTP_" wide ascii
        $inp16 = "_SERVER[\"HTTP_" wide ascii
        $inp17 = /getenv[\t ]{0,20}\([\t ]{0,20}['"]HTTP_/ wide ascii
        $inp18 = "array_values($_SERVER)" wide ascii
        $inp19 = /file_get_contents\("https?:\/\// wide ascii

        // TODO: arraywalk \n /*
        //strings from private rule capa_php_callback
        // the end is 1. ( followed by anything but a direct closing ) 2. /* for the start of an obfuscation comment
        $callback1 = /\bob_start[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback2 = /\barray_diff_uassoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback3 = /\barray_diff_ukey[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback4 = /\barray_filter[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback5 = /\barray_intersect_uassoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback6 = /\barray_intersect_ukey[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback7 = /\barray_map[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback8 = /\barray_reduce[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback9 = /\barray_udiff_assoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback10 = /\barray_udiff_uassoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback11 = /\barray_udiff[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback12 = /\barray_uintersect_assoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback13 = /\barray_uintersect_uassoc[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback14 = /\barray_uintersect[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback15 = /\barray_walk_recursive[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback16 = /\barray_walk[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback17 = /\bassert_options[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback18 = /\buasort[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback19 = /\buksort[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback20 = /\busort[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback21 = /\bpreg_replace_callback[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback22 = /\bspl_autoload_register[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback23 = /\biterator_apply[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback24 = /\bcall_user_func[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback25 = /\bcall_user_func_array[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback26 = /\bregister_shutdown_function[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback27 = /\bregister_tick_function[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback28 = /\bset_error_handler[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback29 = /\bset_exception_handler[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback30 = /\bsession_set_save_handler[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback31 = /\bsqlite_create_aggregate[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback32 = /\bsqlite_create_function[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $callback33 = /\bmb_ereg_replace_callback[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii

        $m_callback1 = /\bfilter_var[\n\t ]{0,500}(\([^)]|\/\*)/ nocase wide ascii
        $m_callback2 = "FILTER_CALLBACK" fullword wide ascii

        $cfp1 = /ob_start\(['\"]ob_gzhandler/ nocase wide ascii
        $cfp2 = "IWPML_Backend_Action_Loader" ascii wide
        $cfp3 = "" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus45 = "
" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus46 = "shell_" wide ascii
        //fp: $gen_bit_sus47 = "Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus50 = "bypass" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus52 = " ^ $" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus53 = ".ssh/authorized_keys" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus55 = /\w'\.'\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus56 = /\w\"\.\"\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus57 = "dumper" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus59 = "'cmd'" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus60 = "\"execute\"" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus61 = "/bin/sh" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus62 = "Cyber" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus63 = "portscan" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus64 = "\"command\"" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus65 = "'command'" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus66 = "whoami" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus67 = "$password='" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus68 = "$password=\"" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus69 = "$cmd" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus70 = "\"?>\"." fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus71 = "Hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus72 = "hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus73 = ".htpasswd" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus74 = /\btouch\(\$[^,]{1,30},/ wide ascii

        // very suspicious strings, one is enough
        $gen_much_sus7  = "Web Shell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus8  = "WebShell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus3  = "hidded shell"
        $gen_much_sus4  = "WScript.Shell.1" nocase
        $gen_much_sus5  = "AspExec"
        $gen_much_sus14 = "\\pcAnywhere\\" nocase
        $gen_much_sus15 = "antivirus" nocase
        $gen_much_sus16 = "McAfee" nocase
        $gen_much_sus17 = "nishang"
        $gen_much_sus18 = "\"unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus19 = "'unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus24 = "exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus25 = "Exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus26 = "TVqQAAMAAA" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus30 = "Hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus31 = "HACKED" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus32 = "hacked" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus33 = "hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus34 = "grayhat" nocase wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus35 = "Microsoft FrontPage" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus36 = "Rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus37 = "rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus38 = "/*-/*-*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus39 = "u\"+\"n\"+\"s" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus40 = "\"e\"+\"v" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus41 = "a\"+\"l\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus42 = "\"+\"(\"+\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus43 = "q\"+\"u\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus44 = "\"u\"+\"e" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus45 = "/*//*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus46 = "(\"/*/\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus47 = "eval(eval(" wide ascii
        // self remove
        $gen_much_sus48 = "unlink(__FILE__)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus49 = "Shell.Users" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus50 = "PasswordType=Regular" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus51 = "-Expire=0" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus60 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus61 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus62 = "++;$" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus63 = "++; $" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus64 = "_.=$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus70 = "-perm -04000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus71 = "-perm -02000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus72 = "grep -li password" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus73 = "-name" wide ascii
        // touch without parameters sets the time to now, not malicious and gives fp
        $gen_much_sus75 = "password crack" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus76 = "mysqlDll.dll" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus77 = "net user" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus80 = "fopen(\".htaccess\",\"w" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus81 = /strrev\(['"]/ wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus82 = "PHPShell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus821= "PHP Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus83 = "phpshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus84 = "PHPshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus87 = "deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus88 = "Deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus89 = "backdoor" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus90 = "r00t" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus91 = "xp_cmdshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus92 = "base64_decode(base64_decode(" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus93 = "eval(\"/*" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus94 = "http_response_code(404)" wide ascii

        $gif = { 47 49 46 38 }

        //any of them or
        not (
            any of ( $gfp* )
        and not (
            any of ( $gfp_tiny* )
        and (
            any of ( $inp* )
        and (
            not any of ( $cfp* ) and
                    any of ( $callback* )  or
                    all of ( $m_callback* )
            ( filesize < 1000 or (
                $gif at 0 or
                    filesize < 4KB and
                        1 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        2 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
                ) or (
                    filesize < 20KB and
                        2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        3 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
                ) or (
                    filesize < 50KB and
                        2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        4 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
                ) or (
                    filesize < 100KB and
                        2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        6 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
                ) or (
                    filesize < 150KB and
                        3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        7 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
                ) or (
                    filesize < 500KB and
                        4 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                        8 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Base64_Encoded_Payloads : FILE {
        description = "php webshell containing base64 encoded payload"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/07"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        hash = "88d0d4696c9cb2d37d16e330e236cb37cfaec4cd"
        hash = "e3b4e5ec29628791f836e15500f6fdea19beaf3e8d9981c50714656c50d3b365"
        hash = "e726cd071915534761822805724c6c6bfe0fcac604a86f09437f03f301512dc5"
        hash = "39b8871928d00c7de8d950d25bff4cb19bf9bd35942f7fee6e0f397ff42fbaee"
        hash = "8cc9802769ede56f1139abeaa0735526f781dff3b6c6334795d1d0f19161d076"
        hash = "4cda0c798908b61ae7f4146c6218d7b7de14cbcd7c839edbdeb547b5ae404cd4"
        hash = "afd9c9b0df0b2ca119914ea0008fad94de3bd93c6919f226b793464d4441bdf4"
        hash = "b2048dc30fc7681094a0306a81f4a4cc34f0b35ccce1258c20f4940300397819"
        hash = "da6af9a4a60e3a484764010fbf1a547c2c0a2791e03fc11618b8fc2605dceb04"
        hash = "222cd9b208bd24955bcf4f9976f9c14c1d25e29d361d9dcd603d57f1ea2b0aee"
        hash = "98c1937b9606b1e8e0eebcb116a784c9d2d3db0039b21c45cba399e86c92c2fa"
        hash = "6b6cd1ef7e78e37cbcca94bfb5f49f763ba2f63ed8b33bc4d7f9e5314c87f646"
        hash = "51c2c8b94c4b8cce806735bcf6e5aa3f168f0f7addce47b699b9a4e31dc71b47"
        hash = "7a16311a371f03b29d5220484e7ecbe841cfaead4e73c17aa6a9c23b5d94544d"
        hash = "e2b1dfcfaa61e92526a3a444be6c65330a8db4e692543a421e19711760f6ffe2"

        id = "4e42b47d-725b-5e1f-9408-6c6329f60506"
        $decode1 = "base64_decode" fullword nocase wide ascii
        $decode2 = "openssl_decrypt" fullword nocase wide ascii
        // exec
        $one1 = "leGVj"
        $one2 = "V4ZW"
        $one3 = "ZXhlY"
        $one4 = "UAeABlAGMA"
        $one5 = "lAHgAZQBjA"
        $one6 = "ZQB4AGUAYw"
        // shell_exec
        $two1 = "zaGVsbF9leGVj"
        $two2 = "NoZWxsX2V4ZW"
        $two3 = "c2hlbGxfZXhlY"
        $two4 = "MAaABlAGwAbABfAGUAeABlAGMA"
        $two5 = "zAGgAZQBsAGwAXwBlAHgAZQBjA"
        $two6 = "cwBoAGUAbABsAF8AZQB4AGUAYw"
        // passthru
        $three1 = "wYXNzdGhyd"
        $three2 = "Bhc3N0aHJ1"
        $three3 = "cGFzc3Rocn"
        $three4 = "AAYQBzAHMAdABoAHIAdQ"
        $three5 = "wAGEAcwBzAHQAaAByAHUA"
        $three6 = "cABhAHMAcwB0AGgAcgB1A"
        // system
        $four1 = "zeXN0ZW"
        $four2 = "N5c3Rlb"
        $four3 = "c3lzdGVt"
        $four4 = "MAeQBzAHQAZQBtA"
        $four5 = "zAHkAcwB0AGUAbQ"
        $four6 = "cwB5AHMAdABlAG0A"
        // popen
        $five1 = "wb3Blb"
        $five2 = "BvcGVu"
        $five3 = "cG9wZW"
        $five4 = "AAbwBwAGUAbg"
        $five5 = "wAG8AcABlAG4A"
        $five6 = "cABvAHAAZQBuA"
        // proc_open
        $six1 = "wcm9jX29wZW"
        $six2 = "Byb2Nfb3Blb"
        $six3 = "cHJvY19vcGVu"
        $six4 = "AAcgBvAGMAXwBvAHAAZQBuA"
        $six5 = "wAHIAbwBjAF8AbwBwAGUAbg"
        $six6 = "cAByAG8AYwBfAG8AcABlAG4A"
        // pcntl_exec
        $seven1 = "wY250bF9leGVj"
        $seven2 = "BjbnRsX2V4ZW"
        $seven3 = "cGNudGxfZXhlY"
        $seven4 = "AAYwBuAHQAbABfAGUAeABlAGMA"
        $seven5 = "wAGMAbgB0AGwAXwBlAHgAZQBjA"
        $seven6 = "cABjAG4AdABsAF8AZQB4AGUAYw"
        // eval
        $eight1 = "ldmFs"
        $eight2 = "V2YW"
        $eight3 = "ZXZhb"
        $eight4 = "UAdgBhAGwA"
        $eight5 = "lAHYAYQBsA"
        $eight6 = "ZQB2AGEAbA"
        // assert
        $nine1 = "hc3Nlcn"
        $nine2 = "Fzc2Vyd"
        $nine3 = "YXNzZXJ0"
        $nine4 = "EAcwBzAGUAcgB0A"
        $nine5 = "hAHMAcwBlAHIAdA"
        $nine6 = "YQBzAHMAZQByAHQA"

        // false positives

        // execu
        $execu1 = "leGVjd"
        $execu2 = "V4ZWN1"
        $execu3 = "ZXhlY3"

        // esystem like e.g. filesystem
        $esystem1 = "lc3lzdGVt"
        $esystem2 = "VzeXN0ZW"
        $esystem3 = "ZXN5c3Rlb"

        // opening
        $opening1 = "vcGVuaW5n"
        $opening2 = "9wZW5pbm"
        $opening3 = "b3BlbmluZ"

        // false positives
        $fp1 = { D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A E1 }
        // api.telegram
        $fp2 = "YXBpLnRlbGVncmFtLm9"
        // Log files
        $fp3 = " GET /"
        $fp4 = " POST /"

    $fpa1 = "/cn=Recipients"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"
        // Log files
        $gfp_3 = " GET /"
        $gfp_4 = " POST /"
        filesize < 300KB and not (
            any of ( $gfp* )
        and $geval

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Double_Eval_Tiny
        description = "PHP webshell which probably hides the input inside an eval()ed obfuscated string"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021-01-11"
        modified = "2023-07-05"
        hash = "f66fb918751acc7b88a17272a044b5242797976c73a6e54ac6b04b02f61e9761"
        hash = "6b2f0a3bd80019dea536ddbf92df36ab897dd295840cb15bb7b159d0ee2106ff"
        hash = "aabfd179aaf716929c8b820eefa3c1f613f8dcac"
        hash = "9780c70bd1c76425d4313ca7a9b89dda77d2c664"
        hash = "006620d2a701de73d995fc950691665c0692af11"

        id = "868db363-83d3-57e2-ac8d-c6125e9bdd64"
        $payload = /(\beval[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]|\bassert[\t ]{0,500}\([^)])/ nocase wide ascii
        $fp1 = "clone" fullword wide ascii
        $fp2 = "* @assert" ascii
        $fp3 = "*@assert" ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = " 70 and filesize < 300 and (
                        $php_short in (0..100) or
                        $php_short in (filesize-1000..filesize)
                and not any of ( $no_* )
            or any of ( $php_new* )
        and #payload >= 2 and not any of ( $fp* )

        description = "PHP webshell obfuscated"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/12"
        modified = "2024-03-11"
        hash = "eec9ac58a1e763f5ea0f7fa249f1fe752047fa60"
        hash = "181a71c99a4ae13ebd5c94bfc41f9ec534acf61cd33ef5bce5fb2a6f48b65bf4"
        hash = "76d4e67e13c21662c4b30aab701ce9cdecc8698696979e504c288f20de92aee7"
        hash = "1d0643927f04cb1133f00aa6c5fa84aaf88e5cf14d7df8291615b402e8ab6dc2"
        id = "f66e337b-8478-5cd3-b01a-81133edaa8e5"

        //strings from private rule php_false_positive
        // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval
        // a good choice is a string with good atom quality = ideally 4 unusual characters next to each other
        $gfp1  = "eval(\"return [$serialised_parameter" // elgg
        $gfp2  = "$this->assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = " 50 or
                            #o3 > 10 or
                            ( #o4+#o5+#o6+#o7+#o8+#o9 ) > 20
                ) or (
                        filesize < 200KB and
                            ( #o1+#o2 ) > 200 or
                            #o3 > 30 or
                            ( #o4+#o5+#o6+#o7+#o8+#o9 ) > 30


        and (
            any of ( $cpayload* ) or
        all of ( $m_cpayload_preg_filter* )


        description = "PHP webshell obfuscated by encoding"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        date = "2021/04/18"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        score = 70
        hash = "119fc058c9c5285498a47aa271ac9a27f6ada1bf4d854ccd4b01db993d61fc52"
        hash = "d5ca3e4505ea122019ea263d6433221030b3f64460d3ce2c7d0d63ed91162175"
        hash = "8a1e2d72c82f6a846ec066d249bfa0aaf392c65149d39b7b15ba19f9adc3b339"

        id = "134c1189-1b41-58d5-af66-beaa4795a704"
        // one without plain e, one without plain v, to avoid hitting on plain "eval("
        $enc_eval1 = /(e|\\x65|\\101)(\\x76|\\118)(a|\\x61|\\97)(l|\\x6c|\\108)(\(|\\x28|\\40)/ wide ascii nocase
        $enc_eval2 = /(\\x65|\\101)(v|\\x76|\\118)(a|\\x61|\\97)(l|\\x6c|\\108)(\(|\\x28|\\40)/ wide ascii nocase
        // one without plain a, one without plain s, to avoid hitting on plain "assert("
        $enc_assert1 = /(a|\\97|\\x61)(\\115|\\x73)(s|\\115|\\x73)(e|\\101|\\x65)(r|\\114|\\x72)(t|\\116|\\x74)(\(|\\x28|\\40)/ wide ascii nocase
        $enc_assert2 = /(\\97|\\x61)(s|\\115|\\x73)(s|\\115|\\x73)(e|\\101|\\x65)(r|\\114|\\x72)(t|\\116|\\x74)(\(|\\x28|\\40)/ wide ascii nocase

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = " 2 or #obf3 > 10 )

        description = "PHP webshell which eval()s obfuscated string"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/12"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        hash = "691305753e26884d0f930cda0fe5231c6437de94"
        hash = "7efd463aeb5bf0120dc5f963b62463211bd9e678"
        hash = "fb655ddb90892e522ae1aaaf6cd8bde27a7f49ef"
        hash = "d1863aeca1a479462648d975773f795bb33a7af2"
        hash = "4d31d94b88e2bbd255cf501e178944425d40ee97"
        hash = "e1a2af3477d62a58f9e6431f5a4a123fb897ea80"

        id = "1f5b93c9-bdeb-52c7-a99a-69869634a574"
        $payload1 = "str_replace" fullword wide ascii
        $payload2 = "function" fullword wide ascii
        $goto = "goto" fullword wide ascii
        //$hex  = "\\x"
        $chr1  = "\\61" wide ascii
        $chr2  = "\\112" wide ascii
        $chr3  = "\\120" wide ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = " 1 and
        ( #chr1 > 10 or #chr2 > 10 or #chr3 > 10 )

        description = "PHP webshell which eval()s obfuscated string"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        hash = "fbcff8ea5ce04fc91c05384e847f2c316e013207"
        hash = "6da57ad8be1c587bb5cc8a1413f07d10fb314b72"
        hash = "a698441f817a9a72908a0d93a34133469f33a7b34972af3e351bdccae0737d99"
        date = "2021/01/12"
        modified = "2023-04-05"

        id = "a298e99d-1ba8-58c8-afb9-fc988ea91e9a"
        $payload = /(\beval[\t ]{0,500}\([^)]|\bassert[\t ]{0,500}\([^)])/ nocase wide ascii
        // ;@eval(
        $one1 = "7QGV2YWwo" wide ascii
        $one2 = "tAZXZhbC" wide ascii
        $one3 = "O0BldmFsK" wide ascii
        $one4 = "sAQABlAHYAYQBsACgA" wide ascii
        $one5 = "7AEAAZQB2AGEAbAAoA" wide ascii
        $one6 = "OwBAAGUAdgBhAGwAKA" wide ascii
        // ;@assert(
        $two1 = "7QGFzc2VydC" wide ascii
        $two2 = "tAYXNzZXJ0K" wide ascii
        $two3 = "O0Bhc3NlcnQo" wide ascii
        $two4 = "sAQABhAHMAcwBlAHIAdAAoA" wide ascii
        $two5 = "7AEAAYQBzAHMAZQByAHQAKA" wide ascii
        $two6 = "OwBAAGEAcwBzAGUAcgB0ACgA" wide ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "".)?gzinflate\s?\(\s?base64_decode\s?\(/ wide ascii nocase
        $payload4 = /eval\s?\(\s?("\?>".)?gzuncompress\s?\(\s?(base64_decode|gzuncompress)/ wide ascii nocase
        $payload6 = /eval\s?\(\s?("\?>".)?gzdecode\s?\(\s?base64_decode\s?\(/ wide ascii nocase
        $payload7 = /eval\s?\(\s?base64_decode\s?\(/ wide ascii nocase
        $payload8 = /eval\s?\(\s?pack\s?\(/ wide ascii nocase

        // api.telegram
        $fp1 = "YXBpLnRlbGVncmFtLm9"

        //strings from private rule php_false_positive
        // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval
        // a good choice is a string with good atom quality = ideally 4 unusual characters next to each other
        $gfp1  = "eval(\"return [$serialised_parameter" // elgg
        $gfp2  = "$this->assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus45 = "
" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus46 = "shell_" wide ascii
        //fp: $gen_bit_sus47 = "Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus50 = "bypass" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus52 = " ^ $" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus53 = ".ssh/authorized_keys" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus55 = /\w'\.'\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus56 = /\w\"\.\"\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus57 = "dumper" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus59 = "'cmd'" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus60 = "\"execute\"" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus61 = "/bin/sh" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus62 = "Cyber" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus63 = "portscan" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus64 = "\"command\"" fullword wide ascii
        //$gen_bit_sus65 = "'command'" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus66 = "whoami" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus67 = "$password='" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus68 = "$password=\"" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus69 = "$cmd" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus70 = "\"?>\"." fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus71 = "Hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus72 = "hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus73 = ".htpasswd" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus74 = /\btouch\(\$[^,]{1,30},/ wide ascii

        // very suspicious strings, one is enough
        $gen_much_sus7  = "Web Shell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus8  = "WebShell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus3  = "hidded shell"
        $gen_much_sus4  = "WScript.Shell.1" nocase
        $gen_much_sus5  = "AspExec"
        $gen_much_sus14 = "\\pcAnywhere\\" nocase
        $gen_much_sus15 = "antivirus" nocase
        $gen_much_sus16 = "McAfee" nocase
        $gen_much_sus17 = "nishang"
        $gen_much_sus18 = "\"unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus19 = "'unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus24 = "exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus25 = "Exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus26 = "TVqQAAMAAA" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus30 = "Hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus31 = "HACKED" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus32 = "hacked" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus33 = "hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus34 = "grayhat" nocase wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus35 = "Microsoft FrontPage" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus36 = "Rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus37 = "rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus38 = "/*-/*-*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus39 = "u\"+\"n\"+\"s" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus40 = "\"e\"+\"v" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus41 = "a\"+\"l\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus42 = "\"+\"(\"+\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus43 = "q\"+\"u\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus44 = "\"u\"+\"e" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus45 = "/*//*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus46 = "(\"/*/\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus47 = "eval(eval(" wide ascii
        // self remove
        $gen_much_sus48 = "unlink(__FILE__)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus49 = "Shell.Users" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus50 = "PasswordType=Regular" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus51 = "-Expire=0" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus60 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus61 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus62 = "++;$" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus63 = "++; $" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus64 = "_.=$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus70 = "-perm -04000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus71 = "-perm -02000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus72 = "grep -li password" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus73 = "-name" wide ascii
        // touch without parameters sets the time to now, not malicious and gives fp
        $gen_much_sus75 = "password crack" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus76 = "mysqlDll.dll" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus77 = "net user" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus80 = "fopen(\".htaccess\",\"w" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus81 = /strrev\(['"]/ wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus82 = "PHPShell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus821= "PHP Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus83 = "phpshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus84 = "PHPshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus87 = "deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus88 = "Deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus89 = "backdoor" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus90 = "r00t" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus91 = "xp_cmdshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus92 = "base64_decode(base64_decode(" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus93 = "eval(\"/*" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus94 = "=$_COOKIE;" wide ascii

        $gif = { 47 49 46 38 }

        //any of them or
                        $php_short in (0..100) or
                        $php_short in (filesize-1000..filesize)
                and not any of ( $no_* )
            or any of ( $php_new* )
        ( (
            not any of ( $cfp* ) and
            any of ( $callback* )  or
            all of ( $m_callback* )
        or (
            any of ( $cpayload* ) or
        all of ( $m_cpayload_preg_filter* )
        ) and (
            any of ( $cobfs* )
        ( filesize < 1KB or
        ( filesize < 3KB and
        ( (
        $gif at 0 or
            filesize < 4KB and
                1 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                2 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 20KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                3 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 50KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                4 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 100KB and
                2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                6 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 150KB and
                3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                7 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        ) or (
            filesize < 500KB and
                4 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                8 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
        or #obf1 > 10 ) ) )

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Includer_Eval
        description = "PHP webshell which eval()s another included file"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/13"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        hash = "3a07e9188028efa32872ba5b6e5363920a6b2489"
        hash = "ab771bb715710892b9513b1d075b4e2c0931afb6"
        hash = "202dbcdc2896873631e1a0448098c820c82bcc8385a9f7579a0dc9702d76f580"
        hash = "b51a6d208ec3a44a67cce16dcc1e93cdb06fe150acf16222815333ddf52d4db8"

        id = "995fcc34-f91e-5c9c-97b1-84eed1714d40"
        $payload1 = "eval" fullword wide ascii
        $payload2 = "assert" fullword wide ascii
        $include1 = "$_FILE" wide ascii
        $include2 = "include" wide ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = " 20 and filesize < 200 and (
                        $php_short in (0..100) or
                        $php_short in (filesize-1000..filesize)
                and not any of ( $no_* )
            or any of ( $php_new* )
        and (
            any of ( $dynamic* )
        and not any of ( $pd_fp* )
        and not 1 of ($fp*)

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Dynamic_Big
        description = "PHP webshell using $a($code) for kind of eval with encoded blob to decode, e.g. b374k"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        date = "2021/02/07"
        modified = "2024-02-23"
        score = 50
        hash = "6559bfc4be43a55c6bb2bd867b4c9b929713d3f7f6de8111a3c330f87a9b302c"
        hash = "9e82c9c2fa64e26fd55aa18f74759454d89f968068d46b255bd4f41eb556112e"
        hash = "6def5296f95e191a9c7f64f7d8ac5c529d4a4347ae484775965442162345dc93"
        hash = "dadfdc4041caa37166db80838e572d091bb153815a306c8be0d66c9851b98c10"
        hash = "0a4a292f6e08479c04e5c4fdc3857eee72efa5cd39db52e4a6e405bf039928bd"
        hash = "4326d10059e97809fb1903eb96fd9152cc72c376913771f59fa674a3f110679e"
        hash = "b49d0f942a38a33d2b655b1c32ac44f19ed844c2479bad6e540f69b807dd3022"
        hash = "575edeb905b434a3b35732654eedd3afae81e7d99ca35848c509177aa9bf9eef"
        hash = "ee34d62e136a04e2eaf84b8daa12c9f2233a366af83081a38c3c973ab5e2c40f"

        id = "a5caab93-7b94-59d7-bbca-f9863e81b9e5"
        //strings from private rule capa_bin_files
        $dex   = { 64 65 ( 78 | 79 ) 0a 30 }
        $pack  = { 50 41 43 4b 00 00 00 02 00 }

        //strings from private rule capa_php_new_long
        // no " wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus45 = "
" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus46 = "shell_" wide ascii
        //fp: $gen_bit_sus47 = "Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus50 = "bypass" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus52 = " ^ $" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus53 = ".ssh/authorized_keys" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus55 = /\w'\.'\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus56 = /\w\"\.\"\w/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus57 = "dumper" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus59 = "'cmd'" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus60 = "\"execute\"" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus61 = "/bin/sh" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus62 = "Cyber" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus63 = "portscan" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus65 = "whoami" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus67 = "$password='" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus68 = "$password=\"" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus69 = "$cmd" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus70 = "\"?>\"." fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus71 = "Hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus72 = "hacking" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus73 = ".htpasswd" wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus74 = /\btouch\(\$[^,]{1,30},/ wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus99 = "$password = " wide ascii
        $gen_bit_sus100 = "();$" wide ascii

        // very suspicious strings, one is enough
        $gen_much_sus7  = "Web Shell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus8  = "WebShell" nocase
        $gen_much_sus3  = "hidded shell"
        $gen_much_sus4  = "WScript.Shell.1" nocase
        $gen_much_sus5  = "AspExec"
        $gen_much_sus14 = "\\pcAnywhere\\" nocase
        $gen_much_sus15 = "antivirus" nocase
        $gen_much_sus16 = "McAfee" nocase
        $gen_much_sus17 = "nishang"
        $gen_much_sus18 = "\"unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus19 = "'unsafe" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus24 = "exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus25 = "Exploit" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus26 = "TVqQAAMAAA" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus30 = "Hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus31 = "HACKED" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus32 = "hacked" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus33 = "hacker" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus34 = "grayhat" nocase wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus35 = "Microsoft FrontPage" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus36 = "Rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus37 = "rootkit" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus38 = "/*-/*-*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus39 = "u\"+\"n\"+\"s" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus40 = "\"e\"+\"v" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus41 = "a\"+\"l\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus42 = "\"+\"(\"+\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus43 = "q\"+\"u\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus44 = "\"u\"+\"e" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus45 = "/*//*/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus46 = "(\"/*/\"" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus47 = "eval(eval(" wide ascii
        // self remove
        $gen_much_sus48 = "unlink(__FILE__)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus49 = "Shell.Users" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus50 = "PasswordType=Regular" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus51 = "-Expire=0" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus60 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus61 = "_=$$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus62 = "++;$" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus63 = "++; $" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus64 = "_.=$_" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus70 = "-perm -04000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus71 = "-perm -02000" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus72 = "grep -li password" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus73 = "-name" wide ascii
        // touch without parameters sets the time to now, not malicious and gives fp
        $gen_much_sus75 = "password crack" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus76 = "mysqlDll.dll" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus77 = "net user" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus80 = "fopen(\".htaccess\",\"w" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus81 = /strrev\(['"]/ wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus82 = "PHPShell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus821= "PHP Shell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus83 = "phpshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus84 = "PHPshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus87 = "deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus88 = "Deface" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus89 = "backdoor" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus90 = "r00t" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus91 = "xp_cmdshell" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus92 = "DEFACE" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus93 = "Bypass" fullword wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus94 = /eval\s{2,20}\(/ nocase wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus100 = "rot13" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus101 = "ini_set('error_log'" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus102 = "base64_decode(base64_decode(" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus103 = "=$_COOKIE;" wide ascii
        // {1}.$ .. |{9}.$
        $gen_much_sus104 = { C0 A6 7B 3? 7D 2E 24 }
        $gen_much_sus105 = "$GLOBALS[\"__" wide ascii
        // those calculations don't make really sense :)
        $gen_much_sus106 = ")-0)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus107 = "-0)+" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus108 = "+0)+" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus109 = "+(0/" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus110 = "+(0+" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus111 = "extract($_REQUEST)" wide ascii
        $gen_much_sus112 = " 2 and
                    #weevely4 > 1
            ) or (
                filesize < 4000 and
                    1 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    2 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
            ) or (
                filesize < 20KB and
                    2 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    4 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
            ) or (
                filesize < 50KB and
                    3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    5 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
            ) or (
                filesize < 100KB and
                    3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    6 of ( $gen_bit_sus* )
            ) or (
                filesize < 160KB and
                    3 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    7 of ( $gen_bit_sus* ) or
                        // php files which use strings in the full ascii8 spectrum have a much hioher deviation than normal php-code
                        // e.g. 4057005718bb18b51b02d8b807265f8df821157ac47f78ace77f21b21fc77232
                        math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0) > 70
                        // uncomment and include an "and" above for debugging, also import on top of file. needs yara 4.2.0
                        //console.log("high deviation") and
                        //console.log(math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0))
                    // TODO: requires yara 4.2.0 so wait a bit until that's more common
                        // big file and just one line = minified
                        //filesize > 10KB and
                        //math.count(0x0A) < 2
            ) or (
                filesize < 500KB and
                    4 of ( $gen_much_sus* ) or
                    8 of ( $gen_bit_sus* ) or
                    #gen_much_sus104 > 4

        ) or (
            // file shouldn't be too small to have big enough data for math.entropy
            filesize > 2KB and filesize < 1MB and
                    // base64 :
                    // ignore first and last 500bytes because they usually contain code for decoding and executing
                    math.entropy(500, filesize-500) >= 5.7 and
                    // encoded text has a higher mean than text or code because it's missing the spaces and special chars with the low numbers
                    math.mean(500, filesize-500) > 80 and
                    // deviation of base64 is ~20 according to CyberChef_v9.21.0.html#recipe=Generate_Lorem_Ipsum(3,'Paragraphs')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')To_Charcode('Space',10)Standard_Deviation('Space')
                    // lets take a bit more because it might not be pure base64 also include some xor, shift, replacement, ...
                    // 89 is the mean of the base64 chars
                    math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0) < 23
                ) or (
                    // gzinflated binary sometimes used in php webshells
                    // ignore first and last 500bytes because they usually contain code for decoding and executing
                    math.entropy(500, filesize-500) >= 7.7 and
                    // encoded text has a higher mean than text or code because it's missing the spaces and special chars with the low numbers
                    math.mean(500, filesize-500) > 120 and
                    math.mean(500, filesize-500) < 136 and
                    // deviation of base64 is ~20 according to CyberChef_v9.21.0.html#recipe=Generate_Lorem_Ipsum(3,'Paragraphs')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')To_Charcode('Space',10)Standard_Deviation('Space')
                    // lets take a bit more because it might not be pure base64 also include some xor, shift, replacement, ...
                    // 89 is the mean of the base64 chars
                    math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0) > 65

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Encoded_Big
        description = "PHP webshell using some kind of eval with encoded blob to decode"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        date = "2021/02/07"
        modified = "2024-03-11"
        score = 50
        hash = "1d4b374d284c12db881ba42ee63ebce2759e0b14"
        hash = "fc0086caee0a2cd20609a05a6253e23b5e3245b8"
        hash = "b15b073801067429a93e116af1147a21b928b215"
        hash = "74c92f29cf15de34b8866db4b40748243fb938b4"
        hash = "042245ee0c54996608ff8f442c8bafb8"

        id = "c3bb7b8b-c554-5802-8955-c83722498f8b"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_new
        $new_php1 = /<\?=[\w\s@$]/ wide ascii
        $new_php2 = " 2KB and
            // base64 :
            // ignore first and last 500bytes because they usually contain code for decoding and executing
            math.entropy(500, filesize-500) >= 5.7 and
            // encoded text has a higher mean than text or code because it's missing the spaces and special chars with the low numbers
            math.mean(500, filesize-500) > 80 and
            // deviation of base64 is ~20 according to CyberChef_v9.21.0.html#recipe=Generate_Lorem_Ipsum(3,'Paragraphs')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')To_Charcode('Space',10)Standard_Deviation('Space')
            // lets take a bit more because it might not be pure base64 also include some xor, shift, replacement, ...
            // 89 is the mean of the base64 chars
            math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0) < 24
        ) or (
            // gzinflated binary sometimes used in php webshells
            // ignore first and last 500bytes because they usually contain code for decoding and executing
            math.entropy(500, filesize-500) >= 7.7 and
            // encoded text has a higher mean than text or code because it's missing the spaces and special chars with the low numbers
            math.mean(500, filesize-500) > 120 and
            math.mean(500, filesize-500) < 136 and
            // deviation of base64 is ~20 according to CyberChef_v9.21.0.html#recipe=Generate_Lorem_Ipsum(3,'Paragraphs')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')To_Charcode('Space',10)Standard_Deviation('Space')
            // lets take a bit more because it might not be pure base64 also include some xor, shift, replacement, ...
            // 89 is the mean of the base64 chars
            math.deviation(500, filesize-500, 89.0) > 65


rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Generic_Backticks
        description = "Generic PHP webshell which uses backticks directly on user input"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/07"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        hash = "339f32c883f6175233f0d1a30510caa52fdcaa37"
        hash = "8db86ad90883cd208cf86acd45e67c03f994998804441705d690cb6526614d00"
        hash = "af987b0eade03672c30c095cee0c7c00b663e4b3c6782615fb7e430e4a7d1d75"
        hash = "67339f9e70a17af16cf51686918cbe1c0604e129950129f67fe445eaff4b4b82"
        hash = "144e242a9b219c5570973ca26d03e82e9fbe7ba2773305d1713288ae3540b4ad"
        hash = "8db86ad90883cd208cf86acd45e67c03f994998804441705d690cb6526614d00"

        id = "b2f1d8d0-8668-5641-8ce9-c8dd71f51f58"
        $backtick = /`\s*\{?\$(_POST\[|_GET\[|_REQUEST\[|_SERVER\['HTTP_)/ wide ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "My PHP Shell 
        $pbs35 = /@\$_GET\s?\[\d\]\)\.@\$_\(\$_GET\s?\[\d\]\)/ wide ascii
        $pbs36 = /@\$_GET\s?\[\d\]\)\.@\$_\(\$_POST\s?\[\d\]\)/ wide ascii
        $pbs37 = /@\$_POST\s?\[\d\]\)\.@\$_\(\$_GET\s?\[\d\]\)/ wide ascii
        $pbs38 = /@\$_POST\[\d\]\)\.@\$_\(\$_POST\[\d\]\)/ wide ascii
        $pbs39 = /@\$_REQUEST\[\d\]\)\.@\$_\(\$_REQUEST\[\d\]\)/ wide ascii
        $pbs42 = "array(\"find files\", \"find / -type f -name\")" wide ascii
        $pbs43 = "$_SERVER[\"\\x48\\x54\\x54\\x50" wide ascii
        $pbs52 = "preg_replace(\"/[checksql]/e\""
        $pbs53 = "=''"
        $pbs54 = "=\"\""

        $pbs60 = /setting\["AccountType"\]\s?=\s?3/
        $pbs61 = "~+d()\"^\"!{+{}"
        $pbs62 = "use function \\eval as "
        $pbs63 = "use function \\assert as "
        $pbs64 = "eval(`/*" wide ascii
        $pbs65 = "/* Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited. File protected by copyright law and provided under license. */" wide ascii
        $pbs66 = "Tas9er" fullword wide ascii
        $pbs67 = "\"TSOP_\";" fullword wide ascii // reverse _POST
        $pbs68 = "str_rot13('nffreg')" wide ascii // rot13(assert)
        $pbs69 = "Infinity-Sh3ll<" ascii

        $front1 = "\"" nocase wide ascii

        //strings from private rule capa_php_old_safe
        $php_short = "assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        //strings from private rule capa_php_input
        $inp1 = "php://input" wide ascii
        $inp2 = /_GET\s?\[/ wide ascii
        // for passing $_GET to a function
        $inp3 = /\(\s?\$_GET\s?\)/ wide ascii
        $inp4 = /_POST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $inp5 = /\(\s?\$_POST\s?\)/ wide ascii
        $inp6 = /_REQUEST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $inp7 = /\(\s?\$_REQUEST\s?\)/ wide ascii
        // PHP automatically adds all the request headers into the $_SERVER global array, prefixing each header name by the "HTTP_" string, so e.g. @eval($_SERVER['HTTP_CMD']) will run any code in the HTTP header CMD
        $inp15 = "_SERVER['HTTP_" wide ascii
        $inp16 = "_SERVER[\"HTTP_" wide ascii
        $inp17 = /getenv[\t ]{0,20}\([\t ]{0,20}['"]HTTP_/ wide ascii
        $inp18 = "array_values($_SERVER)" wide ascii
        $inp19 = /file_get_contents\("https?:\/\// wide ascii

        filesize < 700KB and (
                        $php_short in (0..100) or
                        $php_short in (filesize-1000..filesize)
                and not any of ( $no_* )
            or any of ( $php_new* )
        and not (
            any of ( $gfp* )
        ( 1 of ( $sstring* ) and (
            any of ( $inp* )

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_In_Htaccess
        description = "Use Apache .htaccess to execute php code inside .htaccess"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/07"
        modified = "2023-07-05"
        hash = "c026d4512a32d93899d486c6f11d1e13b058a713"
        hash = "d79e9b13a32a9e9f3fa36aa1a4baf444bfd2599a"
        hash = "e1d1091fee6026829e037b2c70c228344955c263"
        hash = "c026d4512a32d93899d486c6f11d1e13b058a713"
        hash = "8c9e65cd3ef093cd9c5b418dc5116845aa6602bc92b9b5991b27344d8b3f7ef2"

        id = "0f5edff9-22b2-50c9-ae81-72698ea8e7db"
        $hta = "AddType application/x-httpd-php .htaccess" wide ascii

        filesize <100KB and $hta

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Function_Via_Get
        description = "Webshell which sends eval/assert via GET"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        score = 75
        date = "2021/01/09"
        modified = "2023-04-05"
        hash = "ce739d65c31b3c7ea94357a38f7bd0dc264da052d4fd93a1eabb257f6e3a97a6"
        hash = "d870e971511ea3e082662f8e6ec22e8a8443ca79"
        hash = "73fa97372b3bb829835270a5e20259163ecc3fdbf73ef2a99cb80709ea4572be"

        id = "5fef1063-2f9f-516e-86f6-cfd98bb05e6e"
        $sr0 = /\$_GET\s?\[.{1,30}\]\(\$_GET\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $sr1 = /\$_POST\s?\[.{1,30}\]\(\$_GET\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $sr2 = /\$_POST\s?\[.{1,30}\]\(\$_POST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $sr3 = /\$_GET\s?\[.{1,30}\]\(\$_POST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $sr4 = /\$_REQUEST\s?\[.{1,30}\]\(\$_REQUEST\s?\[/ wide ascii
        $sr5 = /\$_SERVER\s?\[HTTP_.{1,30}\]\(\$_SERVER\s?\[HTTP_/ wide ascii

        //strings from private rule php_false_positive
        // try to use only strings which would be flagged by themselves as suspicious by other rules, e.g. eval
        // a good choice is a string with good atom quality = ideally 4 unusual characters next to each other
        $gfp1  = "eval(\"return [$serialised_parameter" // elgg
        $gfp2  = "$this->assert(strpos($styles, $"
        $gfp3  = "$module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']);"
        $gfp4  = "$plugin->$_POST['action']($_POST['id']);"
        $gfp5  = "$_POST[partition_by]($_POST["
        $gfp6  = "$object = new $_REQUEST['type']($_REQUEST['id']);"
        $gfp7  = "The above example code can be easily exploited by passing in a string such as" // ... ;)
        $gfp8  = "Smarty_Internal_Debug::start_render($_template);"
        $gfp9  = "?p4yl04d=UNION%20SELECT%20'',2,3%20INTO%20OUTFILE%20'/var/www/w3bsh3ll.php"
        $gfp10 = "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?"
        $gfp11 = "(eval (getenv \"EPROLOG\")))"
        $gfp12 = "ZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9saWNlbnNlLm9wZW5jYXJ0LWFwaS5jb20vbGljZW5zZS5waHA/b3JkZXJ"

        filesize < 500KB and not (
            any of ( $gfp* )
        and any of ( $sr* )

rule WEBSHELL_PHP_Writer
        description = "PHP webshell which only writes an uploaded file to disk"
        license = "Detection Rule License 1.1"
        author = "Arnim Rupp ("
        reference = "Internal Research"
        date = "2021/04/17"
        modified = "2023-07-05"
        score = 50
        hash = "ec83d69512aa0cc85584973f5f0850932fb1949fb5fb2b7e6e5bbfb121193637"
        hash = "407c15f94a33232c64ddf45f194917fabcd2e83cf93f38ee82f9720e2635fa64"
        hash = "988b125b6727b94ce9a27ea42edc0ce282c5dfeb"
        hash = "0ce760131787803bbef216d0ee9b5eb062633537"
        hash = "20281d16838f707c86b1ff1428a293ed6aec0e97"

        id = "05bb3e0c-69b2-5176-a3eb-e6ba2d72a205"
        $sus3 = "'upload'" wide ascii
        $sus4 = "\"upload\"" wide ascii
        $sus5 = "\"Upload\"" wide ascii
        $sus6 = "gif89" wide ascii
        //$sus13= "