rule MAL_RANSOM_LNX_macOS_LockBit_Apr23_1 { meta: description = "Detects LockBit ransomware samples for Linux and macOS" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-04-15" hash1 = "0a2bffa0a30ec609d80591eef1d0994d8b37ab1f6a6bad7260d9d435067fb48e" hash2 = "9ebcbaf3c9e2bbce6b2331238ab584f95f7ced326ca4aba2ddcc8aa8ee964f66" hash3 = "a405d034c01a357a89c9988ffe8a46a165915df18fd297469b2bcaaf97578442" hash4 = "c9cac06c9093e9026c169adc3650b018d29c8b209e3ec511bbe34cbe1638a0d8" hash5 = "dc3d08480f5e18062a0643f9c4319e5c3f55a2e7e93cd8eddd5e0c02634df7cf" hash6 = "e77124c2e9b691dbe41d83672d3636411aaebc0aff9a300111a90017420ff096" hash7 = "0be6f1e927f973df35dad6fc661048236d46879ad59f824233d757ec6e722bde" hash8 = "3e4bbd21756ae30c24ff7d6942656be024139f8180b7bddd4e5c62a9dfbd8c79" score = 85 id = "c01cb907-7d30-5487-b908-51f69ddb914c" strings: $x1 = "restore-my-files.txt" ascii fullword $s1 = "ntuser.dat.log" ascii fullword $s2 = "bootsect.bak" ascii fullword $s3 = "autorun.inf" ascii fullword $s4 = "lockbit" ascii fullword $xc1 = { 33 38 36 00 63 6D 64 00 61 6E 69 00 61 64 76 00 6D 73 69 00 6D 73 70 00 63 6F 6D 00 6E 6C 73 } /* extensions that get encrypted */ $xc2 = { 6E 74 6C 64 72 00 6E 74 75 73 65 72 2E 64 61 74 2E 6C 6F 67 00 62 6F 6F 74 73 65 63 74 2E 62 61 6B } /* file name list */ $xc3 = { 76 6D 2E 73 74 61 74 73 2E 76 6D 2E 76 5F 66 72 65 65 5F 63 6F 75 6E 74 00 61 2B 00 2F 2A } /* vm.stats + short strings */ $op1 = { 84 e5 f0 00 f0 e7 10 40 2d e9 2e 10 a0 e3 00 40 a0 e1 ?? fe ff } $op2 = { 00 90 a0 e3 40 20 58 e2 3f 80 08 e2 3f 30 c2 e3 09 20 98 e1 08 20 9d } $op3 = { 2d e9 01 70 43 e2 07 00 13 e1 01 60 a0 e1 08 d0 4d e2 02 40 } condition: ( uint32be(0) == 0x7f454c46 or uint16(0) == 0xfeca or uint16(0) == 0xfacf or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca ) and ( 1 of ($x*) or 3 of them ) or 2 of ($x*) or 5 of them } rule MAL_RANSOM_LockBit_Apr23_1 { meta: description = "Detects indicators found in LockBit ransomware" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2023-04-17" score = 75 id = "75dc8b95-16f0-5170-a7d6-fc10bb778348" strings: $xe1 = "-i '/path/to/crypt'" xor $xe2 = "http://lockbit" xor $s1 = "idelayinmin" ascii $s2 = "bVMDKmode" ascii $s3 = "bSelfRemove" ascii $s4 = "iSpotMaximum" ascii $fp1 = "