rule MAL_QakBot_ConfigExtraction_Feb23 { meta: author = "kevoreilly" description = "QakBot Config Extraction" cape_options = "bp0=$params+23,action0=setdump:eax::ecx,bp1=$c2list1+40,bp1=$c2list2+38,action1=dump,bp2=$conf+13,action2=dump,count=1,typestring=QakBot Config" packed = "f084d87078a1e4b0ee208539c53e4853a52b5698e98f0578d7c12948e3831a68" reference = "" date = "2023-02-17" license = "" id = "401184cf-bbd7-5afe-9589-470f54721af1" strings: $params = {8B 7D ?? 8B F1 57 89 55 ?? E8 [4] 8D 9E [2] 00 00 89 03 59 85 C0 75 08 6A FC 58 E9} $c2list1 = {59 59 8D 4D D8 89 45 E0 E8 [4] 8B 45 E0 85 C0 74 ?? 8B 90 [2] 00 00 51 8B 88 [2] 00 00 6A 00 E8} $c2list2 = {59 59 8B F8 8D 4D ?? 89 7D ?? E8 [4] 85 FF 74 52 8B 97 [2] 00 00 51 8B 8F [2] 00 00 53 E8} $conf = {5F 5E 5B C9 C3 51 6A 00 E8 [4] 59 59 85 C0 75 01 C3} condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and any of them } rule MAL_QakBotLoader_Export_Section_Feb23 { meta: author = "kevoreilly" description = "QakBot Export Selection" cape_options = "export=$export" hash = "6f99171c95a8ed5d056eeb9234dbbee123a6f95f481ad0e0a966abd2844f0e1a" reference = "" date = "2023-02-17" license = "" id = "cb86e9fb-a8d2-5285-aeda-622704399f8e" strings: $export = {55 8B EC 83 EC 50 (3A|66 3B) ?? 74} $wind = {(66 3B|3A) ?? 74 [1-14] BB 69 04 00 00 53 E8 [5-7] 74} condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and all of them } rule MAL_QakBotAntiVM_AntiVM_Bypass_Feb23 { meta: author = "kevoreilly" description = "QakBot AntiVM bypass" cape_options = "bp0=$antivm1,action0=unwind,count=1" hash = "e269497ce458b21c8427b3f6f6594a25d583490930af2d3395cb013b20d08ff7" reference = "" date = "2023-02-17" license = "" id = "7446522a-788a-512d-ad68-2fcc56169f5a" strings: $antivm1 = {55 8B EC 3A E4 0F [2] 00 00 00 6A 04 58 3A E4 0F [2] 00 00 00 C7 44 01 [5] 81 44 01 [5] 66 3B FF 74 ?? 6A 04 58 66 3B ED 0F [2] 00 00 00 C7 44 01 [5] 81 6C 01 [5] EB} condition: all of them }