rule VULN_LNX_OMI_RCE_CVE_2021_386471_Sep21 { meta: description = "Detects a Linux OMI version vulnerable to CVE-2021-38647 (OMIGOD) which enables an unauthenticated RCE" author = "Christian Burkard" date = "2021-09-16" reference = "" score = 50 id = "ca49f0cc-ea33-559c-bd4f-306a01315fce" strings: $a1 = "/opt/omi/bin/omiagent" ascii fullword $s1 = "OMI-1.6.8-0 - " ascii $s2 = "OMI-1.6.6-0 - " ascii $s3 = "OMI-1.6.4-1 - " ascii $s4 = "OMI-1.6.4-0 - " ascii $s5 = "OMI-1.6.2-0 - " ascii $s6 = "OMI-1.6.1-0 - " ascii $s7 = "OMI-1.5.0-0 - " ascii $s8 = "OMI-1.4.4-0 - " ascii $s9 = "OMI-1.4.3-2 - " ascii $s10 = "OMI-1.4.3-1 - " ascii $s11 = "OMI-1.4.3-0 - " ascii $s12 = "OMI-1.4.2-5 - " ascii $s13 = "OMI-1.4.2-4 - " ascii $s14 = "OMI-1.4.2-3 - " ascii $s15 = "OMI-1.4.2-2 - " ascii $s16 = "OMI-1.4.2-1 - " ascii $s17 = "OMI-1.4.1-1 - " ascii $s18 = "OMI-1.4.1-0 - " ascii $s19 = "OMI-1.4.0-6 - " ascii // older versions are no longer supported by current openssl // and are from before 2018 condition: uint32be(0) == 0x7f454c46 and $a1 and 1 of ($s*) }