private rule HTMLVariant : FakeM Family HTML Variant { meta: description = "Identifier for html variant of FAKEM" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-05-20" strings: // decryption loop $s1 = { 8B 55 08 B9 00 50 00 00 8D 3D ?? ?? ?? 00 8B F7 AD 33 C2 AB 83 E9 04 85 C9 75 F5 } //mov byte ptr [ebp - x] y, x: 0x10-0x1 y: 0-9,A-F $s2 = { C6 45 F? (3?|4?) } condition: $s1 and #s2 == 16 } //todo: need rules for other variants rule FakeM : Family { meta: description = "FakeM" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-07-03" condition: HTMLVariant } rule FAKEMhtml : Variant { meta: description = "Rule for just the HTML Variant" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-07-10" condition: HTMLVariant }